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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Woman 'in pain' before death at slapping workshop

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
Thread theme

Give Nige 5 million votes or he will piss off to America.
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>Dick Schoof

the left are the real racists
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state of the catalog
/pol/ is just bot threads now
I’m Hindu and I say no
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National anthem

Threadly reminder that written descriptions of violent sexual imagery involving 77th agents or other members of the Stasi may violate international law.
I have nothing to say and everything to say
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You now remember national service
your mum's the national cervix
Thread sub-theme

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No. /pol/ is a rich tapestry of thought provoking and interesting threads.
/pol/ is the best website on the internets.
sup with jet black niggers and crossing roads they aren't supposed to? Saw a group of ugly nigger women trying to cross a 4 plate dual carriageway just before.

Also kek'd:

>beep boop
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Gonna do my kitchen countertops in patina effect epoxy resin
Your mum is so fat, she was on my mind all day and broke my neck.
Don't really give a fuck tbqhwy mate.
they're fucking morons. today i almost clipped on came off a roundabout there she is making this stupid scowling face like
>wen dem metal elephans gon stop
anyway i pull off for my turn, she sees me, steps in front. decides she probably won't beat metal elephant then goes back to the pavement and starts mouthing something.
>the zebra crossing is 3 metres to her left
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she was a good lass
Don't care.
Here's both your mum's
Dirty Turkish bastards vote reform to get em all out
Woah don't get angry over it
According to the last Survation MRP poll, the Labour Party would win 484 seats (+282). In 1997, when Tony Blair and his New Labour achieved a landslide victory, Labour won "only" 418 seats.

Really brill for Zezza to call an early election, and jump start the next 20 years of labour government.
Your mum is so black when i looked at her i thought i was asleep
Shift change
Who that?
Looks like a jewish Yaphet Kotto
Punch a nazi
anyone hear him say "you're gonna need a bigger boat" during the debate, that was fucking quality.
he was a good lad
that scene of him turning the gas on and off to annoy ripley is my roman empire
Punch a woman.
AA is streaming come and say hi and call him a paki, he loves that

All you sneed is feed
There is a fat african woman i see walking around the streets, she always has one hand behind her back, open palm facing out and the other holding a phone flat to the sky with a corner pushed in her ear.
Thought it was odd first time but i see her all the time day or night just roaming.
kek the fat retard is back (for 1 day only)
in their countries its normal just to cross roads anywhere. Here they try to run across motorways and shit. Its surreal but the amount of absolute jungle congo tier UBER niggers since covid has sky rocketed. My kid is due to be born in October. I need to fuck off out of here after that before Labour taxes my entire wealth away and doles it out to these utter fucking retard niggers.
>spending the night encoding and preparing the broadcast the Toryboy Manchurian candidate kill phrases to take out Reform in the Night of the Long Niges
Is that really Rishi's official account using the word supermajority or is it edited?
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Gonna paint my walls copper with the patina effect aswell. Going for the steampunk look. Gonna weld some cogs together for an ornament too
it's real
Take off your shoes and socks, you're going to explain the numbers stations right the fuck now.
Tbf millionaires can easily just be retirees heading to the Costa Del Sol, with current house prices the term is literally meaningless
I've been trying to get an entry level IT job, I've been applying for 3 months and only had a few initial interviews.
I've wondered if I should get the CCNA (networking certificate) and apply for a networking job.

any IT anons here?
Too much time living in California, that one
I always said he's an American-Indian.
Codeword: Govern From the Centre Rory Stewart The Times London Olympics Opening Ceremony Jeremy Hunt
Unironically at this point just hit them, at least a little clip
ask for wormbum, he'll help you out lad. he's in a pretty high IT position and leads a team of lads. don't think he's itt atm though
Smeg off
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Change your CV name to Viasjeet Popadom and turn up to interviews in brownface with the little dot
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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt
we need to forgive student debt
Is Graeme on?
>entry level IT
Do you have a computer science degree and 4 years experience in the industry?
Boris is giving a speech for the Tories, it was just on BBC News

Makes you think, why didn't he just stay as an MP? Then when Rishi loses this election, Boris could position himself as the saviour of the Tories and stand for the leadership again. He can't do that if he's not an MP.
glanced at the wogball
it's just shitskins screeching
turned it off
>Boris doesn't even appear on stage with Rishi
comptia will work, add on ITIL and you should get somthing
Tbf, it is bullshit that it’s charged at such a rate, way above the BoE rate
They'll make him a lord soon, like they did with Cameron.
Why won't he just vote reform with the rest of us
His friends call him Bob.
But anon, shitskins shrieking is all of life now
Trump has got no where near the same energy he did back in 2016 looking at that debate with him and biden the other night
how come (the answer is jews) there isn't a legal case for students being mis-sold student loans?
and throwing stuff onto the pitch
Haa Haa, Boris has fucking sank the tory cunts out shouting that they delivered a 'Proper brexit' and shouting about success of his kill shot. Hes done them now! He should have thrown in some shit about his lockdowns and telling Zelensky to decline entering peace talks to end Ukraine / Russia conflict. Mopheaded fucking mongo
Cameron will sort it.
Bullingdon Boys never leave a boy behind.
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its over
because he got stitched up by the privileges committee and they were going to force a by-election which he probably would have lost
no, I have unrelated degree that's 10 years old and I'm in my mid-30s.
I have the Comptia A+, I'm someone who's trying to restart a new career. One interviewer said he wanted someone who loved IT and I couldn't come up with a good reason why I hadn't got into IT much sooner.
He also said he 160 applicants for the role, so It's hard to imagine me being the best candidate out of such large numbers.
I've thought about just lying on my CV and making up a 6 temp job. I wouldn't do that because while I'm confident with my knowledge I think I would be shit at troubleshooting.
he has been battered with legal battles from stormy butthole for the last year
Mad how not a single one of them is in to little girls yet people deny the idea of an LGBTQIAP+ conspiracy.
>Johnson – who reputedly still greets former members with a cry of “Buller, Buller, Buller”
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No, they never leave a boy’s behind, bit of a difference
dont do cisco it's a paki job now. you want to earn cash money in IT, do security. Everything else is jeet territory including coding (coding is 99% jeet now). Cisco won't earn you much either, unless you get CCIE. which will cost you.
t. cisco/juniper/brocade guy who swapped to doing security
has any party mentioned this when they bang on about raising taxes on rich people? UK has second highest outflows of millionaires on the planet, just behind a country with 1 billion people lmfao. BEYOND over.
£128,200 in student debt after 6 years studying at 43 years old does look like a family visa situation rather than a struggling student, But yes 8% is insane if you're not going to earn enough to pay if off quickly, have family who can do the same or you are never intending to do so.
Add me mandy arrowsmith fb
I'll suck u off
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Why are you all so faggy
Where's the opposite version of this chart, where are they all going?
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What was the name of the secret "society" that a group of MI5 gays started and the kgb discovered and blackmailed.
Apparently they were pedos and the russians had them by the balls and working for them.
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how about becoming a Data Analyst?
it's just a mechanism to get young people under the thumb of the jew. Get them into debt right from the get-go. Repayment for new students is 40 years now - basically until you are retired.
It was called "MI5."
Yeah, i ignored his situation because lol nigger, lol meme qualification, lol old but in general the system is a piece of shit. 8% over ten years more than doubles the amount, and i did napkin maths years ago to see what you need to pay off and at around 50k with 7% it was something like you needed to earn 55k straight out of uni to pay it off within the timeframe which is delusional, 50k is in reality now peanuts but still a pain to get because Britain is a poor country. I had student finance email me when i came over here to work, lol get fucked
go on helpdesk then, they accept without qualifications, go a an agency and do some temp work in IT. You can earn £20ph moving servers where they require two people to lift them under internal H&S rules, spend the rest of the time learning Powershell
life could have been like this but it isn't at all

The breakfast club.
dunno about that one. not something i get involved in or deal with people who are. but I know that the dead end jobs in IT now are sysjannies / devops monkeys , coders , network guys.
I like it how “rich people” is anyone earning over 50k
>Richard Tice accusing the other parties of putting "trojan horse" candidates in Reform to discredit it
Isn't that basically what the government does with every right-wing, nationalist, or white-friendly group?
I wonder if Tice is slowly realising Farage is one of those.
cup full of lean
pure codeine
the fentanyl got me wondering will i ever breathe again
>Presidential immunity
Now, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although 10 and 29 June may have a say as well,
a place in the sun explains these figures
>UAE top by far
Wonder how much of this is oilbux arabs fucking off back to the Gulf now the good times are over for tax avoidance schemes and London is a shithole even they're getting robbed in.
How can you properly bet candidates if there’s a snap election? That’s why rishi called the election so early.
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>I wonder if Tice is slowly realising Farage is one of those.
Dear oh dear.
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Mad how student visa lads can vote lmao
Maybe the Indian visa vote can save rishi
>muh commonwealth
holy kek, whats the point in this utter fucking shithole if your vote is diluted by infinite visajeets and visaniggers """""studying""""" in fake diploma mills while cycling around bags of slop on deliveroo. What a fucking shithole
hey bro remember those botswanans theyre just like us theyre in the commonwealth
This is wild, can’t Irish people also vote?
>Refugees and immigrants from Commonwealth countries, mainly former territories of the British Empire such as Nigeria, India, and Malaysia, are eligible to vote in British elections

>Panjak, 27, who came to Britain in February last year, said he was excited to cast his vote after missing the election in his native India.

>"In my country, they don't allow people from other countries to vote ... I came here on a student visa, but they are giving us an opportunity, like British citizens," said Panjak who works part-time as an ambassador at his university in Manchester, northwest England

Britain needs a period of strict restructuring into a modern liberal nation state, removing all this feudal leftovers
Foreign nationals get a vote
Clinical retards get a vote
Doledossers get a vote
And they're all equal to yours
New jak just dropped
>Teh Wen Sun, a 33-year-old Malaysian student from Salford, not far from Manchester, said she did not see much difference between the two main parties, but she was keen to vote for a party that is more receptive to immigrants

>33 year old student lol
>Oyinkansola Dirisu, 31, a support worker from Manchester who came to Britain in 2022, said she was looking forward to voting for Labour, and said she wanted whoever won power to make it easier for people like her to move to Britain
What a stupid country we are.
probably just gone to the Isle of Man or something
>33 year old student lol
A leftover as they call them out in that part of the world.
>Nigel is the one sabotaging Reform
Just take a quick look at Tice's social media feeds then unironically try and say that again
Mad how pajeet, Ahmed and oluntonhulongu who came here last Tuesday have the same voting rights as you - a native
That’s gobbo’s mum and also his half-sister
Double existing student debt
You do it for me.
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sounds racist
I’m listening but why would I call him a paki? I think race matters.
Seize foreign students' assets to pay off native students' debts.
Channel Islands because fuck taxes and death duty
Numbers who came to UK in 2023 alone:
Indians 250,000
Pakistanis 83,000
Sri Lankans 21,000
Nigerians 141,000
Zimbarbweans 36,000
Ghanaians 35,000
Bangladeshis 33,000
All received full voting rights on arrival KEK
want to know whats even funnier? Refugees from commonwealth can vote too LMAO. Literal boat niggers are voting in this election with the same vote power as you
I have always wanted a pet leopard...
idk wtf you're all talking about in this thread
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I wonder what they have on Farage. He doesn't seem like the nonce type. Don't get me wrong he has the personality for it, low moral (banker), low disgust react (once dropped a fag on the floor to give an interview then picked it up and carried on smoking it), high ego (self evident), high self worth sense (clearly enjoys the sound of his own voice), he just doesn't give off wrong un vibes. They might have him on tape noncing a kid but it would be specifically for the purposes of the tape, he doesn't strike me as the type who says "cor I fancy noncing a kid this weekend, Ishmael set it up."

More likely with him it's financial and/or affairs. His missus is a munter so affairs are definitely on the table. Quick google:
>It comes after it emerged Mr Farage was sharing a house in London with French politician Laure Ferrari, who runs the Institute for Direct Democracy in Europe (IDDE).
So he's owned by the French then.
There's no way an organisation like that isn't compromised to fuck, so it just becomes a question of who owns his mistress. IDDE has no wikipedia article which is sus af, and was picked up by Steve Bannon of Trump administration fame in 2018.

It's globalists all the way down.

(I was going to post a picture of Farage's missus but it seems like she's a civilian so I won't out of respect. Pictured instead is his mistress and probable French witch, Laure.)
but the comonwelf…
i ate 14 doughnuts today and then got high
>You can vote in local elections if you are a British, Irish citizen, or if you have qualifying Commonwealth citizenship
So Indians can vote here but if we went there we wouldn't be able to vote in their elections
love cheese me
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>when they do the calculations with the numbers and make more numbers
Great job, Titi!
i dont get people who eat cheese on its own
Seems like a classy joint. Brit/pol/ meet up at this bar?
I think they also have to live here too anon. Not that this makes it any better really. But I also wonder when I see paki MPs (my MP is a paki) if whitey could become an MP in India. Doubt.
I'd rather go back to feudal. Proper feudal: decentralised kingdoms, with warrior-kings and nobles who earned their position. No globalism, no lefties, no jews.
no man i got high after
your mum ate my bellcheese on its own last night mate
Have Reform made any pledges on the student visa question?
some context

i ate 14 doughnuts to not get high but then i did anyway
He's probably a cannibal. Feasts on raw human flesh.
>there are people that are afraid of the dentist
How the fuck is that scary?
did you say that just to feel better about licking your own spunk off your desk last night, something to roleplay about?
only system that ever worked properly
There's nothing more disgusting than a fatass, worse than nigger you are.
Well yeah of course they have to live here but that's not difficult lmao we let in so many student visa and work visa people
im not even fat
more weird and awkward. Having someone get inside you.
To French aristocrats peasants aren't human.
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im too fat to vote
There are exactly 2 seats in the lower chamber of the Indian parliament which are reserved for Anglo-Indians, so that the remaining Anglo-Indian community always have some representation. It's a weird leftover of the British withdrawal
Labour 42% (–)
Conservative 19% (+1)
Reform UK 18% (-1)
Liberal Democrat 11% (-1)
Green 5% (-1)
Scottish National Party 3% (–)
Other 2% (–)
12 or 13 stone at 6"2
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you didnt even get any doughnuts but you've been up all night licking the frosting? fucking battyman
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>short men
Oh okay, sieg heil then, fellow non-fatty.
brinnies do fuckin spunkjobs and their desks and lick iit up
fuckin spunkeater
a deliveroo wog that took a £300 on way flight from the deepest recesses of pajeetistan has the same voting power as you in this election.
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Mad how many people are triggered by someone calling out paedophillia
corrrrr lad, imagine when she'll be on the world stage talking to president trump
When will rabbit say the words?
>dago was right about Reform
If that came out, that would definitely sink him. Bloke fancies himself as very old vampiric nobility.
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fucking state of him
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Thoughts about women?
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can't wait. she's so fucking hot. you just know she'd do anything.
I have 3 poll cards - one to my old address I just moved from at start of June, one to my new address and one to my parents address. Is there any centralised system that checks who voted? If not I am tempted to go vote 3 times in different wards cause of the visajeets diluting me.
who goes to prison for the straight sex?
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<<<<<<<<< That's you that is
a continuing mistake
>women love bad boys
>lock them in a big building full of bad boys
>they start shagging
wtf how could this happen???
Type of woman to fire you over zoom, then you meet her in the smoking area of a pub when she's pissed and she apologises and says she was scared
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Women can have sex with whoever they want, incel.
Just because you can't get any doesn't mean you suddenly become the moral authority on what is good and bad
how did you even come across this
Some say she eats dog food
She smokes a fag and watches emmerdale over your shoulder whilst you pump away
Nobody really believes in the blood anymore. Shame. Just make Keir call him a sweaty nonce every week at PMQs until he has a breakdown.
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>fall in love, incel
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Would you trade your English wife/girlfriend for a Ukrainian one?
>Cor arat luv a ecky fump wheres trump
>cor ur a nonce innit fakin ell i need a fag
kek .. It was just posted on hotukdeals
this is criminal
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Do it and let us know the outcome.
Women prison officers in men's prisons is such an obviously retarded idea that you'd have to have huffed litres of your own lentil farts to have been the Home Office civil servant who okayed the policy
I'd want one with better tits. What is he playing at?
don't forget the shein dress too
im not even larping. They are all different wards but in commuting distance from eachother. 100% tempted to do it. Its just some spacker that crosses your name off a list right?
tits just arent attractive bro
Nice OakFurnitureLand side table. Say what you want about Nick, he knows how to furnish his fashy gooncave
sympathy fuck?

I read the story, the shaving cream, etc. and I call bullshit. The fact she tells such a blatantly bullshit story makes her even sexier to me.

So hot. I love chav sluts. Just imagine busting your load in her to the postal code lottery song right when Sir Paul's voice chimes in.

Brb britpol.
you could be like that guy who got 100 boosters. Just stick a fake mustache on, walk around the block and go back in.
sonic the hedgehog cat
Yeah you’ll be on the lists at all 3 polling offices so do it. And no they don’t cross reference (if they did you wouldn’t have received all 3 cards)
Vote at the one you most recently registered first at to be extra safe

it's over
For me it’s the article that says they need more training to understand that shagging inmates is a no no, and also that women’s brains literally break when confronted with badboys
In conclusion? Beatings and rape
Anyone got some good audio from youchoob of Angela "Gingerminge" Rayner's voice?
>She smokes a fag and watches emmerdale over your shoulder whilst you pump away
Over your shoulder? Nah this is why doggy style was invented. She smokes her fag and watches emmerdale while I try to remember the England starting lineup against USA in 2010 to keep me from nutting early while I ferociously pump away like a jackhammer
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It happened in Israel too
Mostly and they may scan your photo ID (doubt it gets crosschecked thoroughly).
snorting fuckin tramadol brb
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>scan your ID
They don’t do that. They don’t even have the equipment to do that
It’s some spotty teenage do gooder that is so naive they volunteer to be a fucking vote counter - not MI5
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>why are you such a Putin apologist
Have you got some more 50 shades of ginger like this mate?
Which party shall I vote for lads
im fuckin jimi hendrix bro
Someone's really trying hard to give Marianna something to do
You're just a silly nonce that no one takes seriously
Clearly retarded and intentional for creating this exact predicament much like the very recent incident with HMP Wandsworth with the leaked vids.
Well I hope you're wearing a rubber, it'd be a shame if he caught AIDS
by warned the law applies to you and if the faang cia algo ai is listening they might decide to get you and we will all see your mug on p1 of daily mail
but still based
Take good care of the world
sweet of you to think i could pull the biggest rockstar of all time and fuck him in the arse
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So true,,,
In my head, it's still 2012 and my back doesn't hurt yet
Electric shock collars. Every time they go all gooey eyed at a nignog they get the shock. Mind you, some of them would be in to that.
Bro thinks he's Samus Aran
that was about getting intel uk is just slags being slags
Sponge knob
I’ll give her something to do iykwim
dago in?
got your back blown out?
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Weird, I've mainly seen fat middle aged women. Fat middle aged women are far more effective at spycraft than actual MI5 agents.
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Have sex.
Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
tomorrow i am injecting heroin to manage my eating habits
I don't live in northern Ireland
I should be so lucky
I did try this but it doesn't work on my phone
how much does this mush mouth get paid?
I still had hope back then.
Eh? You're not making any sense, pal
Might vote reform to stop the pakis
don't MPs get like 90k now ?
*fall in love.
Where was that it student from earlier who can't get a job? Here you go you're welcome

Perfect example of why (most) women can't have power. When challenged immediately approaches it as if both parties are in the wrong, when they just aren't.
How precisely would remigration work because every “plan” I’ve seen proposed makes no sense at all.
83 last I heard, but isn't she a few rungs higher than the average MP? I don't know how it works, nor do I care
she's probably on significantly more being deputy labour leader aye
Kill em
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>current vacancies
>final Lord Ashcroft poll
>19% Tory
>18% Reform
Shy reform voter chads who don’t tell pollster wankers what they think will skyrocket reform above the Tories on election day, mark my words
We all dress up like ghosts and scare them into leaving
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77th looking for new blood
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nobody said glowies were smart
If I self identify as a ghost can I haunt the doughnut?
Hello friends, what's Starmer/Labour's stance on the ukrainian war?
i'm here, I'll give it a look
ill haunt your doughnut
>brit/pol/ voting reform
We most certainly are not, shill. Go buy an ad for your grifter leader who has never won a seat.

Reminder: Reform will win 0 seats on thursday. You may screencap this, losers
According to Nige we'll take them back to france and after a few days they'll learn they're not welcome and stop trying
my dad was a toolmaker
Vladimir Putin's Illegal Invasion of Ukraine™
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>tfw never getting called scum by angela on television
Do you think some in MI6 got demoralised knowing that one of their own was put into a bag
Correct, only the Tory is wrong for being a gimp
libs dems then is it? may as well get on the paki train
i still cry at night sometimes remembering i ordered fentanyl patches from europe a couple months ago and never got them
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seethe glowie, I will be cashing in my native Briton buff and voting 3 times
I hope labour carries on the Tories good work and imports more of my people
Can't wait for the Red Wave.
>fishnets with her toes poking out
Would love to snog her ashtray mouth in 10 degrees
Thats the name of the new bumcord
I’m not talking about illegals. I’m talking about proposed plans on twitter for mass deportations of nonwhite citizens.

My spreadsheet has reform winning 450+ seats
Posted first
>>472886864 new
>>472886864 new
>>472886864 new
Actually she called him thcum.
The rule is whoever post it in the current thread
Shouldnt have colonised them then

Always makes me laugh when brits who dont understand their own history complain about immigration. You fucking started it first. Go tell the Aboriginals and Native Americans they can have their land back.

Cant get mad when you fuckers did it first
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she already got dumped
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Meanwhile Rishi and his wife are worth over £600 million, but the right-wing press don't bat an eyelid
we went home after bud.
also it's weird how everyone wants to live in the countries we set up isn't it?
>right wing
They get another 16 or 18k for each select committe they become a member of. Some nigger in newcastke areaq managed to nog herself onto about 10 different ones of them. Always the absolute dreggs & greediest trough feeders that end up on them talking shit & dragging things out with finally agreeing that 'lessons must be learned'. To the tower with the lot of them
>days of empire
>poor dirty immigrant
it's you who should learn history you dumb paki
Throw Romans until they feel awkward
Shut up josh you sad fat twat

Average "millionaire" with maybe 3Ms in rental property turning 24k proff/yr and a business earning 100k /yr dividend with £9100 PAYE will pay only 33k in tax a year.

To average things out from the high taxpayers leaving let's just double the 33 to 66 and x 9500, leaves you with tax deficit of less than 1 billy, at 0.6B. literal chump change to the budget. We gave Ukraine 6billy the other day just for fun. Remove the corruption and our country has plenty of cash to go around. It's been a deliberate choice to ruin this country and my only worry is that starmer is going to do exactly the same
i think the parents have hidden my poll card in case i go out and vote reform

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