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And by beat I mean seem believable enough to win after tons of rigging. If you’re a DNC strategist, what ticket are you putting forth?
It's going to be Big Mike
Fuck the Polis
only one with a chance of winning is newsom
half are jews, most are troons/gay.
I bet they go with Whitler from michigan or Big Mike.
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The future is bright Lambright
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The choice to replace Biden is clear.
Hillary would beat TRUMP easily this time around and get her revenge.
I definitely wouldn’t include Kamala. The dream ticket as a DNC kike is probably Whitmer/Newsom or Newsom/Obama. I don’t think you can put Obama on top of the ticket though, and two women on the same ticket is a big risk

Americans won’t vote for Bootyjudge and Kamala is too cringe. Everyone else is irrelevant
Big Mike.
Unironically any of them could over Biden
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Dont care. Im rooting for the greatest ally of Israel and that will always be /ourguy/ Trump
polls lower than Joe

hated by men and women. very annoying


good talker but he's a jew

no idea who this is

good talker but will wait until 2028

no name nigger

>Big Mike
he doesn't want the gig, he makes more doing nothing

"Hey, Donald Trump, the science is on my side. And I'd like to see how your hair would fair in a blizzard"

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Fetterbros it's time
Michelle would be a lock but doesn't seem to want the job. Kamala would do worse than senile Biden. I think everyone else has a much better shot than Biden has except Shapiro who I think would turn off too many 'progressives' being Jewish.
why do they keep using old pictures of jewsom, hes old and crusty now with a receding hairline. they are all shils who will accept jew dildo money
Obama is a joke and nobody with a brain is actually considering her.
Bootygag the fag would be a disaster bigger than Biden.
Harris somehow managed to become less popular than Biden.
Shapiro, Polis, and Beshear are literal whos.
It is too risky to run a black guy so Warnock is out.

That leaves Newsom with Whitmer as VP. If I was a democrat that is what I would choose for the ticket.
>but they are both White
Yeah, that is exactly what their party needs right now.
A White man is the vanilla and safe choice.
A woman checks their diversity box.
I like how all but three of them are only 'ascended' because they're some variety of 'oppressed' person.
>Octaroon indian subcontinent fake nigger
>Evil witch woman
>Faggot who eats cum and sucks on buttholes
>nigger woman who may be a trans man
>crazy woman
I don't know half of these people but for the love of God do NOT elect Gavin Newsom AKA American Justin Trudeau.
Polis isn't straight lmao
This is the issue. We're tuned into politics and barely know most of these people

Imagine the general public of independent voters who don't know these people and imagine how they'd fair up against Donald Trump in a debate. Trump would bring up the fact that they're trouncing out this nobody because Biden is senile and would push the idea that this person isn't ready for the job, that candidate would crumple like paper

Swing voters wouldn't pick these people. Hard dem voters vote "blue no matter who" so there's no use in asking them
It needs to be Shapiro or Polis. America should be openly ruled by jews and jewish faggots so everyone knows where things stand.
Polis is both a jew and a fag.
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It's her turn.
You are drastically overestimating the amount of people who watch debates.
>Kamala, Whitmer
lolno. They won't be to fuck and suck enough voters to get elected.

America isn't electing a faggot.

>Shapiro, Polis
Literally who?

His Patrick Bateman demeanor doesn't play outside of California, where a retarded chimp could be governor as long as he had a D next to his name.

Affirmative Action nigger with no real qualifications. Next.

She would probably have a puncher's chance against Trump because of the Obama name, but she has no interest in running.

Charisma of a doorknob. Nope.

Another Literal Who.
It would be so much fun to walk around with a "BIG MIKE FOR PREZ" sign to troll the libshits
That's why I fear Newsom because he's the most well-known other than big Mike. And nobody wants Kamalla Harris with her annoying shrill voice and uncomfortable cackling witch laughter.
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>The choice to replace Biden is clear.
This, completely unironically.
The entire Biden regime has just been a humiliation ritual against the American people of voting so overwhelmingly for blumpf that it drowned out their election fraud.
Biden was installed as punishment for that.
Hillary will be installed now that you've had your punishment.
They will go with the lively and eccentric up and coming candidate Bo Jiden
>Biden will no longer run because of his struggle with dementia
>Anyway here's a guy with brain damage
where's Hillary?
this, he's man enough to stand up to trump
Lol, this topic is Badselfeater + 'muh Federal Reserve hack' in a blender on puree
That was the original plan from way back.
Win the elections by pandering to retards who think it is "exciting" to get to vote for the first ___ President instead of another old White man.
Barak was going to be the first black POTUS, then Hillary as the first woman, and then Mike Obama would be the first transgender.
It was going to be the big surprise move to goad the Republican candidate into saying something anti-troon, and then Mike dramatically announcing that she is a transgender.
That's why they started pushing all of the tranny stuff everywhere. They thought it was going to be the hot new trend and trannies would be popular and loved by society at large.
But then Hillary fumbled the bag, and turns out that trannies are incredibly insufferable and annoying so that whole plan went off the rails.
Goddammit I fucking knew Beshear was trying to be President with his fucking Mr.Rogers act
He would be their best choice. His weird ass is the only white/middle class, relatable candidate. He would also have a shot at bringing Pennsylvania with him.

In before Stretchen Gretchen, she's insufferable like Hillary and has no shot.
Big Mike would be the only one with any remote chance of winning and the Obamas are already running the White House behind the scenes anyhow.
Anybody else would be strictly sacrificial.
Newsom won't run this year. Don Jr is dating his ex-wife , that is a treasure trove of opposition research. He's smart enough to sit this year out
Mayor Buttplug will win
I know Michelle Obama's a recognizable name and all but she has literally no experience in anything
Trump was a business man
That's all politics
Michelle does what?
Big Mike doesn't want the Obama legacy tainted by a defeat to Trump. They're the only political family that he wasn't savaged or taken out in some form. This is why Barack didn't want Joe to run in the first place.

Orange man would savage those baboons just like he did to the Bush and Clinton families. He's the exact opposite of McCain and Romney.
>would push the idea that this person isn't ready for the job
Yes, Trump has a huge advantage in that he has already been President once. One of his biggest themes is that everyone was much better off when he was in office than they are today under Biden.
Replacing Biden with some random democrat who has zero experience as President, means that Trump would basically have the incumbent advantage but without having to shoulder any of the blame for the current conditions. That's clearly all Biden's fault, he was such a disaster they took him off the ticket.
The only real winning strategy for the Democrats would be to leave Biden on the ticket, let him get crushed by Trump, use Biden as a scapegoat and blame him for everything, then play the long game.
80% of her constituents hate her, including democrats
>t. Michigander
>California man
ya right lmao
Democrats are so radical now they will settle on a woman or Poc. Did you think Kamala was chosen for her resume?
Big Mike the chef killer! Health food for all motherfucker! Das right
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Digits of truth = noted.
He’s the man for the job.
Out of these? Beshear. He also literally works with a Republican supermajority, so he has no choice but to know how to work with the other side.

Who would actually get picked? Kamala because then they could hopefully get the trans vote and an OK number of the black vote.
Newsom isn't gay, jewish, or trans. He's a straight white make.

It's gonna be Big Mike.
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Im think big crispy for president

nope. I'm not voting because both just are bribed and blackmailed by Jews and send Billions to Jews for no reason.

But I hate Hillary. Don't hate Biden. I'll vote against Hillary.
Not knowing them is the point. If they barely exist and are barely known in their own states beyond the occasional talking head soundbyte you can easily lie to people about who and what they really are and what they've done and are going to do. It's a feature, not a bug.

if they're a politician in the US, they're all the greatest ally of Israel, and if they're not, AIPAC kills your wife.
>It is too risky to run a black guy so Warnock is out.

I looked at the pictures and I hated that guy the least. No idea who he is.
not a single one, trump is going to win
nobody is ever going to be able to pronounce his name no go
>Affirmative Action nigger with no real qualifications.

was he born in the US, provably so? None of that "yeah my own book says I was born in Kenya, and therefore ineligible, I'll just change the book, and cry racism"
Literally the opposite which is why they don't want to get rid of biden because even though he's turning into the cryptkeeper, he's still more likable than every single person on this list.
They are all dumpster fires.
The rest of the country hates californians, and they hate him for helping destroy it.
Shapiro for me
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In my opinion, you can rule out <see image>
newsom has a shark used car salesman conman vibe
this is what's going to happen
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Harris, Whitmer, Buttigieg, Obama, Klobuchar, and Newsom would all beat off Trump to be President.
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>Hillary would beat TRUMP easily this time around and get her revenge.
Shapiro has been governor for two years and they're already pushing this kike because PennDOT managed to make a temporary bridge over 95.
>I know Michelle Obama's a recognizable name and all but she has literally no experience in anything
Being married to a former two term president who can advise her and help her pick out her cabinet kinda covers for her lack of experience. Yes, she'd essentially be a mouthpiece for her husband to skirt around the two term limit, but an unofficial third Barack term where Michelle has final say is more preferable to the average dem voter than four more years of doddering old Joe and Kamala. This and the fact that Michelle would make history by being the first Black Female president alongside her husband being the first Black male president is why people generally agree that she has the best chance of beating Trump with the limited campaign time. Litterally just make a HOPE poster with Michelle and it'd rally all the zoomers to vote for her to make up for being too young to vote for Barack the first two times.
harris with BARACK obama as VP
people will know what they're actually voting for
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>Fetterbros it's time
The only way Fatterhead gets into the White House is as Trumps VP.
Any combination of Newsom, Whitmer, and Warnock. A Newsom (POTUS) and Whitmer (VPOTUS) would be enough to get away with "fortifying" the election.
Maybe add Michelle Obama into the mix as press secretary and I think you have a lock
MAYBE Newson is greasy enough to pull it off. The rest would be absolutely assrammed. Though I'd love to see fagety Andy try.
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>Newsom (POTUS)
>Whitmer (VPOTUS)
They would loose harder than Mondale/Ferraro. I hope the Dems try to swap these two in. I guess the first black/indian/female/retard Vice President really does need to be replaced by a fat middle aged middle American whyte woman. The niggers are SOOOO going to love to hear the story on that one.
Newsom is a trash governor from a trash state.
>low iq post
None it’s too late logistically
she's disliked more than Biden lmfao
god she's sexy as fuck but doesn't have the national politics experience to win this election cycle
lol he's a weird homo, no
no one knows who he is (he's shit)
genuinely don't know who that is
too californian
he barely beat fucking Hershel Walker lmfao, he's just le black
only real choice but she'd be retarded to jump into this shitshow if she actually has political ambition
Realistically, only Big Mike. Newsom has been recalled twice in the bluest state. But it’s all about what level of plausible deniability normies can handle before their NPC programming starts breaking.
I'm stretching with Gretchen!!
I'm tired of pretending Whitmer isn't hot
if she was on the right she'd be a top milf politician
Which is why he won’t run until 2028, he’s their pet project, not the pull in case of emergency. They’re going to take the loss this year to set him up for 2028
Most Californians hate Newsom.
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Obama will remind them of Obama and "she" has the least dirt on himself
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>she's sexy as fuck
She looks like Janet Weiss and Dr. Frank-N-Furter birthed a transsexual son back in 1971.
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if you wouldn't you're probably a homo
that being said her politics are awful
How is it that nobody is considering Jimmy Carter?
He’s got experience and is eligible for another term
>I'm tired of pretending Whitmer isn't hot
>if she was on the right she'd be a top milf politician
Off by 10 because Whitmer is a 0/10
for you
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I really don't get the angle, she's less competent politically than hilldog

I don't think it's a serious recommendation
it's based on pure name recognition entirely.
I still can't get over Buttgag is a real last name.
only whitmer since WI and MI are the two main swing states
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I get that she pays people to make attractive pictures of her appear at the top of search results. Whitmer is god awful looking IRL. I could make my self do it, but I'd feel guilty for raping my dick like that.
newsom as VP is the most logical choice but I doubt he'll want it

he's way too much of a narcissist to be a #2, same thing with Trump
could you ever see Trump as a VP lol?
still wood
None of them
Biden is their best chance
Plus he has all the money
He survived his recall
But he still got recalled which is pretty bad
which one?
I'm a Klobuchar Missile
All scumbags
I think people forget that in 2020 Biden was legitimately their best chance (pandemic vote fuckery aside).
>white, not a minority
>man, not a woman
>straight, not a gay
>elder statesmen
Go look back at the field in 2020 for the democrats lmao it was nonsensical
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>still wood
I can't fault you, I just can't understand the attraction. Cunts like Gretchen make my dick go limp just by her looking at me. It's as if all my sperm run and hide in my kidneys until she's gone.
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i thought we were starting a movement
I don't deny she's a cunt, but she's a milf.
No one who hoverhands his wife is winning the big game
he would have to lock her up
I could See Obama and Clinton become running mates. They would rig the living fuck out of the election with extreme uppityness.
all losers
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It's going to be Josh Shapiro with Jared Polis as the Vice President nominee. Although you could substitute either with JB Pritzker.

Gooning with Gretch (GG)
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Gretch is Good for Gooning
We need a president who sucks cock, eats ass, drinks cum and gets fucked in the ass.
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>but she's a milf.
Why didnt any of these people challenge Biden before the debate?
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>We need a president who sucks cock, eats ass, drinks cum and gets fucked in the ass.
Been there, done that, never again.
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>Why didnt any of these people challenge Biden before the debate?
Democrats/DNC wouldn't let them.
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Pols even lower than Biden. The failure of DEI made flesh. Hideous cackle, unrelatable, and a whore.
Mommy tyrant. Abuses the shit out of her constituents. Involved in a fake FBI sting. Violated her own Covid lockdown rules. Treats Michiganders like peasants. Also a whore by those who knew her in college.
Literal faggot. Has failed every single test he's faced as Trans Secretary. Has human trafficked a baby and God knows what he and his bottom are doing to him.
Kike gov of PN. Supervised the fraud of 2020 as PN's AG. Terrible record on crime in PA. Did I mention he's a kike.
Literal who?
Failed CA gov. Worst in the nation on multiple metrics, social and economic. He wants to Californicate America. Oppo research is too easy, just point to CA every time he opens his smug mouth.
First term GA senator lightweight. Won election is a highly contentious fraud-soaked atmosphere of GA 2020.
>Big Mike
Ultimate name recognition but without credentials. Would be Barack's third term. Deep distrust of political dynasties since 2016 Overton window shift. Would lock up the retard/nigger vote.
Awkward, gaffe prone lightweight. Hillary vibes. Minimum appeal to male voters.
Probably the best candidate. Won gov election handily in deep red state. Most polished candidate but little recognition outside TN/KY. A fucking white male!

The most cynical play would be Big Mike. She would wrap up a huge portion of the nigger/childless woman vote. Final nail in America's coffin if elected.
>Also a whore by those who knew her in college.
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>butt igieg
lol literally what a fag ass name lol (pun not intended)
>Democrats/DNC wouldn't let them.

The group that is constantly trying to save democracy
The DNC is 100% cooked.
But if you wanted to do a hail mary then the answer is probably Newsom and Shapiro.
Was almost recalled in fucking California. He can't compete and offers no electoral advantage
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>The group that is constantly trying to save
mob rule
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Based voices in the wall listener.
Beshear is the only one that would have any gravity outside of California and New York. The rest are basically unelectable in middle America.
obama and her bbc
he looks like a supervillain from the future that we need for end times
>Americans won’t vote for Bootyjudge

This. People have fag exhaustion across the board.

No. Biden is a centrist corporatist which makes him palatable to Boomers who see him as old but "a nice man" or whatever the fuck. That's why they keep him in. He can pull votes in Michigan and Ohio. A bunch of fags from California cant.
they're all smarmy scumbags.
Ironically he would actually have more broad appeal than anyone on that list.

The problem with Fetterman is his wife is literally a foreign intelligence asset. Dude is so retarded he married a honeytrap.
Gavin’s big toothy smile the last thing you see before being MAIDed
this is the funniest thing I've ever seen
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Rumor says she fucks niggers on the DL
the nigger president was the first nail
Big Mike would wreck anyone he runs against. Simply too popular.
Whitmer may have a chance, but nobody wants to vote for a woman
Newsom may have a good chance because of women voting for le handsome guy, he seems like white Obama
Beshear would probably win if he's not a retard, he looks very pleasant and, again, women vote on looks and how someone makes them feel
i dunno but i just wish i could beat off trump, you just know he has a nice thick dad cock and balls
she looks like a psychopathic crackhead so this checks out
what the heck?
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Comrade Gay Pete is really getting results.
She really loves Detroit ya know? Everytime she runs into town there’s a race riot at one of the Motel 6’s
Well if they go with the two black chicks, they're gonna need a third to make a complete set, no?
Gabbard will run as both Trump's VP and Biden's replacement.
Polis is the gay Kew governor of Colorado

Says he libertarian but passes every gun control bill that hits his desk.

He's also a billionaire that got rich from a greet card website allegedly
Unlikeable, dimwit
Will be trashed relentlessly about lockdowns in Meatchicken
Who is voting for this? Retarded white women? Blacks hate fags.
No name recognition
Just point at California and laugh.
"Christian" pastor that somehow supports abortion and is a socialist retard. Lol no
No political will to run
No name recognition
No name recognition outside of KY

Keep trying, I'm sure you'll find someone.
There’s nothing I want more for America than for your first gay president to be named President Booty-Gay
Todd Howard for President
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In Big Mike’s case it would be male AIDS.
Biden is the most voted for president in american history. Where did all his voters go if they're looking to replace him? Surely all his voters will vote for him again right?
Also Peter means penis

Does being the president's wife qualify you for being president now?
The Federal Reserve was the first nail. We were already doomed well before 0bama.
Now? Have you been in a coma for a decade?
if and when this happens the replacement is going to be an unvetted unknown, a la obama 2008. if it does go down, it won't happen until august.
>this is the funniest thing I've ever seen
Rumor has it the niggers she fucks are secretly on the DL themselves, if you catch my drift...
Democrats have been propping up literally vegtables with Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein, Fetterman, and Ginsburg. Michael Obama would be a big step up.
Are you suggesting she knows Big Mike intemently?
The British can appoint Farage to beat Trump.
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>In Big Mike’s case it would be male AIDS.
shes just old retard, do you ever go outside?
Big Mike is the only one who actually beats Trump according to polls, so if they replace Joe it's gonna be him
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They are all vile cunts, holy shit 5his country has gone to hell. The public school indoctrination worked like a charm.
to be fair that's because "don't know" is more than the favorable/unfavorable for the others lol, if they were to enter a race people would form an opinion pretty quickly
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fuck all those ghouls.

i will only vote for pic rel as my president
The only one up there that can get enough leftist sheeple out to vote is Moochelle, and that nigger don't work for a living.

They should beg Tulsi Gabbard to come back, but it won't happen.
except for the demonic rat face, it seems ok
Why does Barack look like a man? W/e should be good enough for zoomers
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Hunter Biden 2024
time for the cool kids to take over.
You are discrediting the "any sane adult" camp, who actually vote exclusively democrat and are going to vote for biden no matter what they tell you. The biggest unkept secret in American politics is that swing voters are retards who exclusively care about gay/minority social issues.
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The only reason to include Kamala is to not lose fundraising. Or else they start over. And at that point some of the smart money may just decide that siding with Trump is more in their interests.
The thing is. Does Mike really want to trade in the globe trotting celebrity life to go back to the shitshow in DC. No fucking way. The Obama's are on easy street snd have a legacy most presidents would kill for. Why risk any of that.
they're niggers, that's why
Tulsi Gabbard could beat him fair and square and she's not on the list
she left the demokkkrap party
>need 10 options because they all are trash
wew dems on suicide watch
It's oyveyr.
Harvey Weinstein.
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Dumb unlikable bitch
WHITEwoman so probably not
Tried him already and they realized people don’t like fags
Don’t know anything about him
I don’t even know how he got elected, most Californians hate him
Probably their choice. They keep meme’ing how beloved Big Mike is. They can probably ring the election easier with her. I just don’t know if they want it anymore.
Unlikeable cunt and lost in 2020
Don’t know

I have a feeling they know there’s a shift, they’re going to try and present a more “moderate” Democratic Party. They need bodies, and no one wants to join the military.
Literally any of them. This is the plan. Replace decrepit corpse Biden with literally anyone and then rig the election again and the same idiots will buy the ruse.
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Jill is already running the government. She just wants four more years.
Buttigimp. Eater of poop.
Dan Quail.
Adrenolech the Abominable 4th Viscount of the Abyss of Damnation, eater of souls.
Sticky Dicky Snickson. Eater of babies.
Nelson Mandelas wife who tortures teenagers.
Raise a zombie.
Bro its all a show
Trump was the only president in history to federalize the national guard - He did this right before j6
- remember when DC was locked down?
- capitol w barbed wire facing inward?
- politicians being escorted by multiple unknown officers?
- hunters plea deal
- Alamo speech
- nuclear football
- never actually conceded
- never has “biden” officially flown on AF1 with the call sign AF1 - it is ALWAYS changed when “biden” flies
- AF1 only “officially” flown maybe six times in the last 4 years
> you are watching a movie

What is a continuity of government operation?
What is devolution?
Why is almost every single public appearance of “biden” seems almost as if it is scripted to show his incompetence and incontinence?

Why did the Military distinguish Commander in Chief and President?

Does “biden” actually have any authority over the US military?

Why didnt “biden” rescind Trump’s EO federalizing the National Guard and call them back to their respective states?

Why are the National Guard STILL operating globally under Trump’s original EO?

Why cannot “biden” rescind their federalization?
Beshear is my governor and he’s being groomed to be a presidential candidate. This is just his first term as governor and I think they will give it some time before he runs.
Anon is wise
She was pedo bait. “A lolly” as the pedophiles who OP garbage here often say. They won’t want her in she’s got too much baggage. She IS too much baggage.
Nah it’s going to have to be a graveyard summoning, they need a nice fresh undead lich. Preferably one who spreads plagues of rats and bleeds constantly from hollow eyesockets to distract Trumpy boy during the next D-bait.
Be honest anon. He's literally the ONLY semi decent Democrat the party has left.
which is hilarious cuz another 4 years of CA plummetting into absolute chaos will kill his chances much better than they are now. Gapin Newsom can beat Trump in 2024 with the rigging, he can't beat a younger Republican people haven't been poisoned against for a decade in 2028.
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Damn. This is the best the demoncratic party has to work with?
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Where is Jim Webb and his pol approved wifu?
yet retains a democrat at heart.
a republican controlled house and senate would temper her worst impulses regarding gun control and she'd actually make for a good president under those circumstances
remember when Newsom debated DeSantis? wtf was that all about? and now their rivalry is completely quiet.
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America is a joke.

Everyone in picrel is a kike.

This is all deliberate, literally handing over the reins to a more genocidal Jewlover than the last retard, because their handlers command it so.

Anyone who doubts this is a kike who sucks cocks.
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every time
Im going to count on all the allies I have at the inner city voting precincts where all the counting gets done to do what they are best at, and not sweat who the actual candidate is.
USA is 100% owned by bankers, and so is the UK. everything we're seeing is theater. war is also fake and part of depop/racemixing. when semi-masculine men join the military, guess what happens to the women who would've fucked them? they turn to niggers/arabs/mexicans.
He's pretty based, I get strong JFK vibes from him. I read pic related a while ago and really liked it. Didn't know his wife was Vietnamese though. Nice.
trump can clown on any woman except maybe obama because she's black and can go EXCUSE MEEE
the men are all hopeless except newsom. so it has to be newsom or obama
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>shes just old retard, do you ever go outside?
enough to know an attractive face vs a dysgenic cunt
unironically yes, notice how killary is not on there, kek
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>Newsom isn't gay, jewish, or trans. He's a straight white make.
Nigga, do you know who the president is?
obviously its going to be shapiro
Buttigieg, Polis, Newsom, Warnock, Obama and Beshear could all best Trump... In a fight.
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We thought trump was a Christian man. He’s not, he’s Freemason who take oaths to the Hebrew faith . That’s why he’s so two faced and sells Christian bibles for profit
>announces that he's saving a webm of a homosexual negro dancing.
well we learned something new about you memeflag
The only answer is Jill Biden
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Pete Buttigieg is a guy you can really get behind
Ive gotten behind him a few times and let me tell you that is a good man.
Any of them would win because they will just fraud again and no one will do anything about it.
is it allowed for former 2 times president to run as VP? that could also be their ticket out of this mess if its possible, assuming they could somehow convince him its a good idea to do so
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I collect videos of your mother. for scientific research purposes
Damn they're doing Biden worse than they did Trump. At least regarding replacement in an upcoming election and complete assblasting in the news.

>Of course everyone already saw what the news was omitting until just last Thursday.
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Newsome and big Mike could easily wreck trump. buttigig maybe?? just cause he'd get every woman vote for being gay. none of the others would.
Why doesn't vp Harris whitmer Obama and klobuchar run together to show these men how independent women can be world leaders too?

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