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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump forced 12 year olds to perform lesbian sex acts for him.
If you believe this shit you're retarded, cope and seethe glownigger.
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Dont care. For all of Trumps flaws wether its befriending childrapists or backstabbing his supporters on January 6th, /ourguy/ Trump has never wavered in his devotion to defend the state of Israel to the last American.
Someone place type this into a movie AI.
>it's fake

>Trump then zipped up and berated the girls on their poor performance...

uh... uh.. guys...

Here's the deal though. As many of us learned with the advent of Pizzagate, and the finders, and listening to great guys like Nick Bryant, sure, DC is run by pedophiles.

It's entirely possible that Trump is either one of the boys, the deep state boys that is... or he's a useful idiot.. a fabricated characture for these people to use as they wish.

IDK.. All I know is that Bill Clinton was dicking down 15 year old girls on the island and if they exposed Trump they'd have to expose Bill, and others.
>lesbian sex acts on him
Trump is a strong independent lesbian who wishes for her true sexuality to be explored
>love is love
Sage is sage

I don't believe this, but it's pretty good porn.
This is based, and it should have happened.

the author of the porn went out of its way to put in digs at Trump that seemed funny to them.
>billionaire does evil things to children
What a shocker
It's so retardedly bad. "HE STEUCK HER AMD SAID NO IMA DO WHAT I WANT BITCH" lmao
Hello SAAR is this daily NIIIIICE thread?
Fictional child pornography is still CSAM
I'd report to law enforcement so the author can rightfully be prosecuted for such disgusting erotica
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What happened next?
>for him
>put his suit back on
yep, its fake
Could you stop being so desperate? You know it's BS, we know it's BS, everyone knows it's BS. Just stop. It's Joever.
We're seeing new levels of TDS. Erotic fan fiction.
Trump and his lawyers are on record fully cooperating with the authorities on the Epstein matter in particular, giving them all the records and interviews they asked for (as opposed to other matters like IRS stuff for the campaign which they're not so forthright with (which is fully known to the IRS itself though, making it a moot point legally but I digress)).
I will give Trump lots of flak over various issues, but this is not one of them. Stormy Daniels? Sure maybe, a man fucks a whore, big deal.
Epstein Island? Complete smokescreen #37 hoping this time it will get people to hate him.
>are you carrying a wallet this morning?
>i am carrying my wallet.
>how much cash do you have in your wallet?
>probably none, i don't keep cash in a wallet and i don't carry very much cash. you know there's not very much reason to carry cash i guess.
Cope, glowie. He will be your next President.
Holy. Fuck. This is it boys, this mf is finally finished. I heard he even yelled, "This is MAGA country!" as he beat those girls
Is this fake, or is it from the Epstein hearings?
I can't tell and I really don't want to go googling for it.
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And then they all ate a big bowl of Cheetos together and watched the Gorilla Channel on the tv. Right, Jan?
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>you now remember the pee tape
1 post from this ID. What do you think?
But we've collectively not found anything regarding that to be true. We have photos of Bill and the King etc.

Trump and Giuliani took down the NYC mob when Giuliani was Governor.

Where it stands for me, even with my disdain of the current "muh Israel" and "black jobs" Trump (totally bullshit debate tactics to make him flustered though) he's consistently around these fuckwits that are getting found. 2016-2020 was incredible for my business and he ushered in a shit load of cash for businesses and the common man. Your job probably didn't fire you from some of those funds by the way. I gave bonuses and shit etc.

There's no other option as it is. I don't think it's bad enough for raw violence yet and this is either Q tribulations before the light, or we are all super fucked so I might as well ride the Trump economy into another country for cheap land and a no habla harem.

Personally. 32. And gonna get shit jacked and work on getting land in another country. Play the game and smile. Might land me a nice white wife here. I make some firestorm white man metal for you bros. Then I just go hang out in whatevertina and atleast I'm raw giga chad so I'll get me some unvaxxed shitskins and breed my daughters and grand daughters to even out the shit to white ratio....lol I'm just rambling there. Basically just hope for the best and expect the worst. I can buy like 8 cows for a Nintendo DS in some beautiful white(ish) countries. I'll fish and fuck bros. Idgaf.
Dare I say, based?
The Katie Johnson stuff predates that.
lol k
>"Is this fake or is this real I cant tell"
You must be 18 to post on 4chins faggot
Lol Where will it end? Lmao
did he kill them afterwards? no? k, don't care then
Still voting Trump.
It's obviously real. Just read it and you'll know. Deep inside of you there's a part of you that wants it to be real. If you let that part of yourself talk loud enough, it will be real.
>Trump and Giuliani took down the NYC mob when Giuliani was Governor.
Jewliani went after gentiles while protecting the "Russian" jewish mob, and he was heavily involved in the 9/11 cover-up, and shilling for all the jewish wars it spawned.
I'm almost 40.
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I honestly wouldn't put it past him.
Contrary to what MIGApedes claim, there's nothing that discredits Katie Johnson. On the other hand, you niggers love the fake lists of celebrities you don't like who have no ties to Epstein whatsoever.
>Ashley testified after Joe raped her asshole in the shower, she lost control of her bowels. Joe was so angry he proceeded to beat Ashley nealy unconscious. Ashley then stated as she was on the ground in the shower crying in pain and covered in her fecal material and Joe's semen, Joe told her to clean it up and her bruises were because she fell in the shower. He also said use the bathroom before next time.

source: same as OP's
Everyone clapped!
Oh boy yet another thing that DEFINITELY HAPPENED.
Interesting. That writer died of a heart attack in 2015 too. So again, I'm working on how to become el risitas or something. I've earnestly tried to keep the faith but sometimes you were just born in Babylon huh bros?
Actually possible though.
I wouldn't be surprised, Biden is low IQ and reacts with emotion. Hell even in his dementia state he got triggered by Trump.
I agree. I heard Tr*mp even incinerated a puppy in front of the girls to harvest their tears. The story in OP definitely happened. Decades of watching porn have shown me that the events described in OP are completely believable.
It was a real case brought against Trump back in 2016 and it was dropped. I just wanted to see if /pol/ remembered it. Libshits on twatter are going apeshit right now over it. kek

>Trump and his lawyers are on record fully cooperating with the authorities on the Epstein matter in particular,
Then why does he say he'll release the JFK and alium files but NOT the Epstein files because those will "impact people"?
>sexual orgasm
that's a very rare type of orgasm
Nothing discredited it. That story was run as part of the Daily Mail's settlement with Trump over the Webster Tarpley (Jonestein's buddy) article claiming millennia was an escort.

Everything's "fake news", unless you like it, then, you'll take it as gospel.

The only thing that isn't believable is that she says Trump called Epstein a "jew bastard".

If you remember, back in 2016 Trump endorsed Robert Morrow's Clinton book, that Roger Stone slapped his name on as a "co-author". Morrow is now totally convinced Katie Johnson is legit.
your retarded if you think that. As many people that hate him surely something would have came out by now and the worst they have on him is "le grab pussy" tape.

oh right. That is in fact a good point on Trump. I also remind people of the fact that in multiple of the epstein/Trump photos, Trump is with Melania.

The Roy Cohn links seem sus. And the pageants also put up a red flag. Maria Farmer also said Trump did it.

Good points. And based, I would like to leave too. I don't think things will get better here desu. I hear the phillipines peso is a good ratio to USD.
That argument only works if Trump is the one crusader against the deep state. It doesn't work in reality.

Trump is NEVER attacked in the media in any way that reflects poorly on jews and Isreal. We heard so much about the fake Russia collusion, but never a peep about Israel - which there's actual proof of.

Maria Farmer is legit, and was the first person to go the FBI about Epstein. She's appeared in all the big documentaries about him and has been interviewed by all the major outlets. She told all of them what she witness with Trump, and none is them ran it.

Bitchute is a broken, boomer-infested shithole, so that might not play.
What part of sealed don't you understand triplenigger
Also it's Epstein, they fucking Mercedes the guy in a maximum security prison without a single witness or video of it and anyone who's touched his case has gone quiet or been offed. They're all knee.deep his ilhis island just like they won't touch covid to take him down because they go down too

Im voting Trump now!
No president will get elected without sucking Jew dick still doesn't mean he's a pedo. Especially when people with more power than him have been exposed. Anybody could potentially be a pedo of course. I just wouldn't put my money on Trump being one based on everything I know or have seen with him.
Hell yeah. Not even for the sex tourism. Just for a decent breakfast environment without the fear of niggers, liberal white women, and Jews. I can't express my disdain for the current climate and I have little I can love.

I can only fight for what I love. I can only love what I respect. -Adolf Hitler
lmao dude you underestimate how many people HATE the guy. You really think if someone had proof of him doing that they would save it until now?? the pussy tape was literally all they had left to try and get Hillary elected.
They're going down though. Liberals have become, quite literally and unironically, the party of gay tranny nigger jannies.

He's either the biggest con in history or the dude to save us all.

Again I don't care. Voting Trump. Looking at the sons of foreign women for genetic potentials.
Nobody's exposes in ways that hurt kikes.

The only alternative argument you could make is that Maria Farmer is lying, so they won't cover what she says, but everything they say about him is true - but of course, that's retarded.
Grabbing by the pussy doesn't implicate jews or Israel.
Because the Epstein files include a huge list of people that he was either blackmailing or hoped to blackmail and the authorities aren't gonna know which are which if they don't have the blackmail material, presumably it's held somewhere outside of the Epstein estate (Mossad) and that would be logical. So they'd be publicizing names of a lot of innocent people.
kikes and pedos go hand in hand but are not always correlated. All cultures in history have had their fair share of pedos. All I'm saying is it's a stretch based on the statements of literal who's.
but forcing 12 year olds to do sex acts does? let's assume it's true, if it's implicating the kikes then why are they helping him get off charges?
She's not a "literal who". Everybody agrees she's credible, except Dershowitz, who called her an "antisemite".
You're not really a friend of israel unless you've corrupted a minor or ten.
When he's doing it with Epstein it does. Katie Johnson was a girl trafficked by him.
Kek. Forgot about this.
>Katie Johnson
Made up person with literally 0 evidence of ever existing
This is bullshit. It was one lawyer that recanted what he said.
Not surprised
No it’s actually not
We combed through his entire past multiple times over the last 10 years

Go the fuck back
When I was 4 I used to go to my neighbour's place and there was a girl there my age and we were really good friends and one day were watching Disney movies with her and her parents.
And in front of them she just comes up and kisses me. And I kind of liked it so I wasn't put off by it but looking back at it now it was weird that her parents were there to witness it.
drumpf didler confirmed
how are conservicucks going recover from this???
>didn't have the "gorilla channel"
he meant BET
If you’ve downloaded the image on your pc and read it then you committed a sexual felony since possession of child porn is illegal. You know you should report yourself to pay your debt to the society
fake and gay
No it doesn’t
It came out without even a real criminal charge after he won the 2016 election

Hearsay he said she said it was real in my mind tier TDS delusion
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No one cares. Hideous Meidas faggots should stop spamming their spank bank material here. No one cares about Trump raping anyone. No one has ever cared or ever will.
No you didn't. You read MIGA fan fiction.

Trump has been tool of the jewish establishment for his entire public life, mentored by Roy Cohn, bailed out by Rothschild Inc., etc.
There’s plenty that discredits Katie Johnson

I’ll start with the fact she doesn’t actually exist

Prove me wrong: you can’t.
>Unnatural lesbian sex
Sounds homophobic also keyed if true
Fake and an act of desperation, Biden is going to lose and Trump is going to roast you circus freaks with plenty of rage.
Everything discredits it
The story discredits itself
It’s utterly ridiculous
Cool story bro, but I already all my family on the Trump Train. Nothing can stop what is coming.
So the Jan 6 thing gotcha didn't get him, and now this?
Smells like bullshit to me. However this nigger >>472879838 gets it, and I don't care.
You’re mad
Go back
Whoa there buddy. You better not be making assumptions about their gender before they tell us their pronouns
>unnatural lesbian sex act
I stopped reading
Still voting Trump.
>/pol/ was wrong
You revealed yourself right here
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>after achieving orgasm he pushed both minors away and angrily berated them for their poor performance
Not voting for Trump, but not because some jackass kike lies about him.
I wasnt voting Trump
now I will after having read that
thanks OP
Sounds like hentai
Was any proof of this event having transpired ever presented?

Oh gosh, why even ask lmao, we all know the answer.
No, reddit invaders were wrong.
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Joe Biden took showers with his daughter and caused her to beat her own vagina to drown out the noise of Joe fucking Jill so brutally she couldn't hide from the traumatizing tonality of there torturous trysts. I'll give Trump a pass on this one.
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>If you believe this shit you're retarded, cope and seethe glownigger.
you mean the fake case when he was running for prez the first time where the girl admitted she made up the whole thing because she was being paid to do so?
Entire court transcript is here anon.
>unnatural lesbian sex act
homophobe detected
Guess which camp you fall into?
>gets MS Word
>writes incriminating document
>Screenshots it
>uploads it to /pol/

Is this honestly the best way to spend the time before your shift at McDonalds?
>girl admitted she made up the whole thing because she was being paid to do so?
That's a lie.

I'm not the /r/The_Donald refugee.
trump doesn't carry a wallet

you mean the fake case when he was running for prez the first time where the girl admitted she made up the whole thing because she was being paid to do so?
Wasn't true when the first heeb posted it, still isn't.

She stands by the story, as do he lawyers, and the authors of the original Daily Mail article.
Katie Johnson - the name that appeared on like 4 random indictments in 2 different states around the time of Trumps first election.
Hes so owned by jews i believe this is why
wtf I'm ridin' with Biden now
Bye-bye ;)

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