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> literal stick.
>The slightly charred sticks are also the oldest-known wooden artefacts in Australia.
>The team dated one fireplace and 40-centimetre stick to around 12,000 years old, while a second fireplace and stick, which was around 20cm long, was closer to 11,000 years old.

>does anyone care what Fatima does next?
>He said Senator Payman would not be a senator "if not for the fact" Labor was next to her name.

>is Molly ded? Get the "f" key polished up and ready.
no one else awake bump?
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Good morning anon
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Good morning chuds, discord zoomer trooners, asio glow niggers and assorted weirdo faggots, here's some ancient roman shitposting for your perusal.
how did you get to italy unvaxxed?
thought you'd got to Romania
All that shit has been dropped.
>here's some ancient roman shitposting for your perusal.
old cunt with enlarged prostate confirmed.
I simply hopped on the plane, the qt at Korean immigration didn't give a fuck either, she was more interested in what hotel I was staying at. She got really angry when I said I hadn't booked one yet. Would have liked to visit Thailand but apparently they're still cucks about the whole thing.
What gave you that impression?
I was 'conversing' with a Romanian flag last night and it came across as you - similar style of writing etc.

oh well - maybe just a gyppo in the wild.
Wild gypsy my friend, im atill goijg to be in utaly until after the weekend. The lady who ran the hotel I stayed at in Rome was Romanian and suggested I visit there, haven't committed to it yet. Apparently I can rent an entire 2 bedroom apartment there for 30 Euros a night.
Fucking hell anon, waking up this early is the hardest I have worked in 12 months.

My boomer neighbour who's vaccinated sister is/was in hospital rung my phone 7 fucking times this morning.
Her sister might actually be dead and not just wanting me to drive her to the hospital lol.

The reason I am being so autistic is because last time her sister was in hospital she got me to drive her car because she did not want to drive herself that far away from home. Like 20 odd minutes. I'm not some fucking slave boy and fuck boomers.
These threads progressively get worse and worse... I never thought I would see the day x.com has better content. Yet here we are.
>has a whinge
>does nothing to better the situation
You whingers are as bad as the discord zoomer trooners who shit up the threads with posting about dilating their arseholes and offering to suck each other off at the skatepark, nothing of value is being added and your comments are an exercise in pointlessness.
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12 000 years with fire, no metal work, no potery, what a shame.

Good morning lads, I am going to hit the hay

Also tell whoever that concerns to make these little radios (Q-MAC HF-90) again and send them here.
Apparently the Irish now have a Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism. Some nigger. Does Australia need one? Pretty much everyone here needs to be re-educated ... and one day will be [scary music].

- Abo lore is all horseshit.
- She's a terrorist.
- I don't care.

Morning cunts. I spoke to a boomer yesterday. They have no clue what's going on. We are moving into a world they simply don't have the ability to understand or adapt to, and there is no point even discussing anything with them. It was quite weird actually, how little this boomer understood about our mutual enemy.
you're welcome to post your effort - I generally avoid baking. Cunts like you whinging and the need to have to filter all the fucking idiots makes it tiresome.

as has been said by the other anon (a rare time of agreement between us) - your post has added nothing to the discussion.
Are you not whinging about a whinge post sandy nipples?
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Heh hehhhh

>all vaxx shit finally gone from old mine site
Time to make a bit more quick and dirty cash then punch out off grid for-fucking-good before the next round of shenanigans begins.

Have a good one lads.

How hard is it to get into the mines if you don't know people? In passing someone told me you can just get your EWP license and get paid $50/hr just to firewatch a tradie all day.
fuck pajeets. it’s time you shit eating pajeets fucked off back to india
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The ambulance is now at my boomer neighbors house.
I guess this is why she tried to ring my phone 11 times. No refunds, kek.
You're a fucking piece of shit.
Go fuck yourself.

She's been fucked up ever since she took the vaccine and accosted me for not taking it.
There's no fucking sympathy cunt, I'll watch you all fucking die and laugh.
>Some 12,000 years ago in a secluded cave in what is now eastern Victoria, a powerful Gunaikurnai doctor or mulla-mullung cast a spell using a fireplace and a stick smeared with fat.
I love how the very first paragraph of a news piece is pure imagination.
The fact that they found an old stick with fat on the end proves that it was a wand used by a POWERFUL doctor, and certainly not some random stick used as a poker for the fire.
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Always Was Always Will Be Aboriginal Land
Burn down the churches.

Cheers to the queens.
Reparations to the millions of Deutsch Aussies
Might dilate my arsehole with that stick
Fuck the government.
Getting gang stalked again since I stopped posting here.
I should post more.
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zoomers are awake.
my glowzart filter is tingling
Based anti simper
are you not now whinging about my whinge post about you whinging in the first place?
fucken whingception cunt.

what I want to know is: when a branch falls in the forest - is it a sacred stick?
that's not a very big arsehole m8.

>hahaha, glowzart got filtered!
>lmao. it was fucking instant too
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They just left without taking a corpse, happening over.

Now why the fuck was my phone blown up 11 times for this nothing burger? This is exactly why I am the way I am.
Abos invented the world's oldest stick
aw fuck i saw a stick like that at me primary school but i used it as a weapon until it broke.
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So fucking sick of this bullshit.

>This is exactly why I am the way I am.
what? A fucking curtain twitcher?
Among many other things.
not only invented seppo, utilised as a tool before any other culture to, umm... poke the fire.

that was a sacred stick m8 and you desecrated a sacred site by breaking it. The truth telling commission will be coming for you.
you didnt appreciate seeing the stick? also i thought labor were going to be easy on the fats, you know pali extermination and everything, but i think the big nose tribe got to whispering to labor peeps behind the scenes. quite interesting to see how fascist labor really is but of course unvaxxed people found this out since 2021.
I'm not vaccinated you fucking idiot. Fair enough if you don't want to drive people around but peeking out the window, laughing and taking pictures while some 70 something year old women is taken away in an ambulance is fucking nigger tier.
yeah i know but any stick that looks like a wizard staff can be used to cast spells and club savages in close combat. or to attack the polish kid no one liked.
>doctor, and certainly not some random stick used as a poker for the fire.
That was my first thought as well. Why aren't the powerful abo witch doctors using their magic today? They should have used their magic so there would have been no need to round up abos and put them in camps, and McGowan wouldn't have put out that humiliation video.
I never fucking said you were cunt.

fucking read >>472894196
There was no fucking urgency they were just wasting my fucking time again.

Fuck you cunt fucking I show the world a million times the empathy it has shown me.
What supplements should I be on for massive throbbing tingling erections?
The secret to strong erections is good cardiovascular health. Get jogging.
>also i thought labor were going to be easy on the fats, you know pali extermination and everything, but i think the big nose tribe got to whispering to labor peeps behind the scenes.
she crossed the floor - it's a breddy rare thing and is a FUCKING HUGE NO-NO. And then to shit on the party on insiders. She's got her term and does't give a fuck that she wouldn't be there if labor hadn't done the diversity hire.
Based on past exp. she's come off fairly lightly.
>I'll watch you all fucking die and laugh.
How's that going to work if I'm not vaccinated? you fucking idiot.
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Not you specifically you autistic cunt.
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abos did invent the butterfly penis cut, a unique style of genital mutilation:
Come my lady, come-come my lady
Feel the butterfly, sugar baby
>she thinks she's about to pop her clogs
>she's calling YOU for help specifically as it appears you know here and are fairly close on hand
>you ignore the calls.
>it's somehow her fault for not either dying or having some huge medical episode
>and she's somehow needy?
you're a cunt.

being unvaxxed doesn't make you immortal dickhead. Someone should do an ai ver of the head chopping off scene from Highlander with needles instead of swords tho.
fuck that was a kek
checked but i like the fats now for demonstrating how mindless labor is. I did think she was going to get away with it too. i dont like arabs or jews but it's pretty obvious jews are bloodthirsty dopes at this point.
Where can I buy jogging from? Is that what I ask for in the shop?
Strong no refunds giver. Why is your neighbour ringing though? I don't even know my neighbour's name, they certainly don't have my number.
Go back moral fag.

Yeah sure.
no - you're just an amoralistic fuckwit. Here's hoping someone ignores you in your time of need.
Oh the fucking wretched snickery.

So this one time she snagged me as I came home and said she ran over a brick in her car and asked me to check under her car for damage. I told her that her oil pan had been smashed in and that's when she asked me to take a photo and send it to her phone... that's when I fucked up without even realizing it.

That ship sailed when I was 60 days old you cunt, you ain't got shit on me.
I don't like jogging. I'll go hiking instead
I don't like jogging. I'll go hiking instead. Any brisbanons want to go hiking?
What ever gets your heart rate up. I live near North Brisbane fellow SE fag.
>That ship sailed when I was 60 days old you cunt,
gud, let's hope that trend continues. The way you're coming across it doesn't sound like it's very hard for people to leave you and ignore you.
And that's why I fucking have zero empathy. You just justified my attitude beyond imagination.
this is why your wife left you, by the way
>image details
so it's everyone elses fault you're a cunt?
uh huh...
dont worry all the vaxxed will surely die for their sins. god made me perfect and in his likeness and there was nothing necessary to change by injecting mutant jewce
I know where you live. Are your smoke alarms in order?
I mean if no one gives a fuck about me why should I give a fuck about them?
It's pretty simple logic.
I took them all down because I would rather die in a fire than deal with their bullshit.
maybe rope then you miserable attention starved poof
if its a slow drive to hospital its just a check. if its fast with lights then its a suddenly problem
theres nothing wrong with taking photos of ambos we all need to document the events of when the vaxxies left the earth. that said you are supposed to help your neighbour so should have answered phone and then truthfully said you cant help vaccinated heathens.
Sometimes they have a non critical patient so they just drive back to rhe hospital normally without all the lights and sirens
Usually what happens is they feel a bit off, ring the ambulance and they come and pick her up, do the usual scans for the 100th time and then I get a phone call like I am their own personal chauffeur. They own a million dollar house, they can ring a taxi.

nah man they think I am there own personal slave boy. I just want to be left alone.
Sick of this cuntish "service provider" Cenno forces me to see. They've not once even sent me any potential jobs or provided me with any assistance yet they loom over my head like the sword of damocles and have the most fragile egos on earth. Tried applying at a few local places and they all flat out said they're looking for teenage part timers...
>Australia is likely to become a gas importer despite being a major global exporter of the fossil fuel, with experts declaring time has run out to develop new sources of supply to avert crippling shortages.
Why reward incompetence and corruption? Cancel all parliamentary pensions, effective immediately.
Based. If she took the vax she isn’t human.
I believe you can ring 1800 805 260 and request to change provider.
I'd take the advice give quite frankly. Neck yourself and save us all the trouble of having read your shitty posts.
I don't imagine anyone would mourn you - at worst your neighbour will have to find a new helper. Based on your performance this morning she's probably already got that in her mind anyway.
Who is "us"?
You're the only reddit fag here sunshine.
i hate it when mum and dad fight
Far as I'm concerned, I am simply better than all vaxtards. I don't want them to die, but they failed the test, sorry about that. I didn't pressure them to take it, but they refused to listen, like angry teenagers. There are no refunds though, should have listened.
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I have not forgotten how these vax tards treated us. They wanted us jobless, starved and dead in the street.

With the same breath they said we need you to get vaccinated for your own safety and we hope you die if you don't take the vax.

Fuck 'em all.
They're useless cunts. I refused to keep going about a month ago and now I'm fucked. I haven't got my last too payments. Do as >>472899480
Suggests and hopefully you get a better person to deal with. They won't move you once you've been cut off for missing an appointment, I learnt that the hard way.
Two payments
how's divorced life lmao
I don't understand this bot that keeps saying I am divorced, I have never been married.

I won't reply to them directly so they don't get their 10 shekels for the engagement.
I remember bossman quoting some official statistic about vax vs unvaxxed hospitalisations. I felt embarrassed for him that he fell for that horseshit. He is otherwise a clever man, inexplicable that he was so easily fooled. But he was bossman, I couldn't say anything. He was kind of a prick desu, and he definitely shouldn't have been spruiking the vax in work, not his business. No refunds.
>the post ending in 1678
no need to hide from the truth, you pushed everyone away with your paranoia
My boss was desperate for me to come back and work for him, offered me a trip to the nice brotho.
How insulting
[x] unemployed/able people talking about the vaxx.
>be born to indian parents
>dating a blonde uni student from the country probably one of your cousins
>aus/lol collectively shitting their pants as per usual
Feels good to be indian sirs
Im a virgin
My boss fucking berated and belittled me for not taking it when he told me to because he knew he could not do shit as I have absolutely nothing to lose.

The irony is he has the immune system of a wet sponge now and is sick at least every month.

>> four seven two nine zero one nine four zero
Why do you think I have ever been married?
>Post ending in CCCL
I just know things
: )
I wish that she was calling to tell you that your house was on fire.
Let the fucker burn, I'd finally be free.
>>be shat out to indian parents
>>dating a blonde uni student from the country probably one of your cousins
he could well be. Have you come out to your parents yet or are you going to go thru with the arranged marriage just to keep that spot working in the servo?
>>aus/lol collectively shitting their pants as per usual
>Feels good to be indian sirs

breddy certain he's not going to be in the amended will after all

>I'd finally be free.
us too!
You won’t do shit bro lol kill yourself we’re replacing you
But you're wrong. I am a literal incel that has only ever fucked prostitutes and a plap hog.
by replacing do you mean
>be indian
>escape overcrowding, streetshitting, caste system and generally 3rd worldness
>emigrate to Australia
>stay in enclave and stay in culture
>try to further yourself but literally end up doing he shit jobs no one else wants to (the ones even the darkies & chinks won't do)
>stop one day and realise all you've done is bring the shittiest part of your life and culture to another place

it's ok m8 - just pull up pump 2 plz.
I work for one of the big four banks in the city, have my own office my own toilet and my own car space, sometimes I even bring my girlfriend to the office when we have functions on and we stay back in my office and fuck! I literally did the bare minimum requirement in this country but whites can’t even study without chimping out lol just accept that we’re better than you in every way
checks out as indian
has she seen your junior jeet yet
She tried anal for the first time the other night she loves it!
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I was chatting with a girl in an anonymous chat room, and it turned out to be a ai from the wando.ai website, and I was freaking out
I said no onions dickhead!

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