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>lefty meme
words words words

Blah blah blah, leftist fear mongering.
Biden never canceled any student debt like he promised and Trump never built the wall, so I'll believe it when I see it.
> /pol/ believes that early exposure to porn destroys the ability of people to have productive long-term relationships later
> are also against any attempt to stop kids from getting easy access to porn
Why are seemingly the only people on the Internet discussing this "alt-right" initiative all hardline leftists? I haven't seen a single right-wing e-celeb talking about it, or even aware that it exists.
Congrats on noticing two completely separate posters had conflicting opinions.
. Trump and Biden spouting campaign lies isn't relevant to this because it won't be 'Trump' making these changes as such.
Project 2025 is largely the work of the Heritage Foundation, a powerful conservative think tank that was instrumental in the Reagan era, and especially in the George W. Bush era.

They're going to fill up D.C with 'based conservatives' from their thinktank, to give you an idea of who they back, Mike Johnson got endorsed by Trump largely due to the Heritage Foundation recommending him as a 'good man'

All they need to do is get people to kiss Trump's ass and he'll support them. This has been a constant through his first term. So Project 2025 will 100% get their way.

I don't know, why doesn't /pol/ ever discuss the Heritage Foundation? It's a very major influence on the GOP but they never get discussed.
Leftists don't like this project 2025 thing because they consider it a 'fascist takeover', in reality it's more like the generic bad old days of the Republican Party that Trump was supposed to be the end of.
Sounds good. Could be better though. Step by step the faggots who intentionally target children (and all who support, defend, and promote them) will be killed.
Anal sex will be outlawed too.
>Needing a permission slip from the Government to browse 4chan is a good idea!
I'm sure those politicians who hung around with Ghislane Maxwell and Jeff Epstein constantly are very concerned about the moral fiber of the internet :^)
deus vult
And one more thing
You can literally look it up
It’s a confession and frankly America’s most successful hate group with the capacity to go for the slam dunk
Ideally I like anthros that can transform between full feral and human but with the ears and tail so I can play around. If it were real it would force the legalization of zoophilia, collateral damage.
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>the autistic fetish shit that I jerk off to will never be classified as porn because there's nothing sexual about it
feels good man
Now, I'm firmly against requiring a state ID to access porn, but you're wrong on this point. You don't need a driver's license to have a state ID.

It's mainly being pursued by the Republican Party itself. They're not selling it to the average voter or social media influencer.
Its a testrun for fuckig privacy even more. Else I dont care.
Are you the tile anon?
It's just more Right Christcuck MAGA ignoramuses trying to force their twisted "morality" on everyone else through government! coersion!
Its not. Its to test forced IDs on the internet.
>he doesn’t know about Google
lol you dumb niggers say the most hilarious things.
Remember my words when you cant access the internet without a goypass anymore.
>Sorryanon sthis site might contains missinformation, we cant let you read it.
>Sorry anon you need to identify before you read this dangerous content.
You are naive.
And: Who the fuck uses google?
All of that sounds fine to me. And the unwanted children can be put to work, like those kids from the original 1980s Annie movie or something.
Dude that’s awful and I know exactly what you’re talking about that’s Oliver Twist type stuff
>remember my fearmongering blah blah
You niggers have been repeating this same shit for months. You’re just too ignorant to understand that the internet ID you are afraid of already exists.
You do you stupid fuck, holy shit how ignorant are you retards?
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I have been repeating the same shit for nearly 20 years and I was right. He was right. You are just a idiot.
"... aren't there any workhouses??"... Scrooge.
This is like hearing about WEF Agenda 2030 to them
>I have been repeating things for years and I was right
Nice confirmation bias. Your ISP and cloudflare already identify you, retard. You’re about a decade too late to cry about internet identification.
I dont use google aside from work. i dont use android, I dont use their services. How do I use it?
>what are ad networks
>what is routing
you just don’t understand how centralized the internet truly is.
It'll never happen, but based.
>Your ISP and cloudflare already identify you, retard.
I know that and still they want this ID. I wonder why. You are slavecattle.
> and still they want this ID
Who is they? You sound like a schizo when you type like this.
Thats hats noscript is for isnt it?
Noscript is for JavaScript, not https routing. The s in https can also be used you track you, btw.
You havent asked that yorself yet? No wonder you sound like a utter retard.
All of these are good.
Why are they addressing symptoms and not what's causing everything?
There is no way to be anonymous if you use a computer, hardware is pozzed, software is pozzed. We know. Yet they still want this ID. I wonder why.
The network for enforcing this would, in the space of maybe a decade, become a digital ID system.
I’m asking you the question, because you are misassigning intent behind this porn ID stuff.

Conservative states have never liked the porn industry, and now they have a chance to attack them. Simple as, which is why this “state ID” is incredibly archaic in its implementation.

Mindgeek quite literally tells their users to push the states to adopt phone fingerprinting as an alternative, which is 1000% worse than forcing a redirects to a state ID portal.

Protip: the recommendation Mindgeek is giving is how Google tracks mobile users.
You are probably one of those guys that think there is nothing to a digital dollar or euro.
>I wonder why
You wonder because you don’t apply critical thought. The answer is fairly simple:

You should ask yourself why they would try to use such a faulty system to implement their goals of internet ID when better systems already exist and are used actively by pretty much every modern website: cookie identifiers and hardware ID.
>Heritage Foundation, a powerful NEO-conservative(aka globalists) think tank that was instrumental in the Reagan era, and especially in the George W. Bush era.
Incorrect. I’m someone who actually knows how internet identification works.

Can you say the same?
Sounds good
Your spacing huts the eye. Aside form that look at china and their social credit digital surveillance. This is whats awaiting you, surely not some pornblock. Look at france they already tried years ago to block specific people from the internet.
As to who: Find out or fuck off and get herded like cattle.
I’m sure it will be infiltrated by merchants, but it *sounds* based.
Pornography is inflating womens self worth and creating a generation of men beholden to women. Kill coomers
answer the question: why would their grand plan to implement internet ID utilize outdated methods instead of the tried and true methods that all modern websites use?
Please, I can only get so excited for you Americans, stop hurting me like this. I wish Canada being this based was even an option.
Because its a form of control if the cattle knows. Its also easier to herd them. Like when suing someone that uses a real name on some social media to write unwanted comments. Try that with hardware identification.
so the lgbtqa++++++++++++++++++++++++
is a fetish?
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i mada all me own porn irl and can just use me memory or imagination.. until thoughts of the problems caused creeps in, then i usually just give up.
> Because it’s a form of control if the cattle knows.
People are more familiar with the modern approach because, as I said, it’s used in all of the websites they are familiar with.
>try that with hardware identification
Modern websites use hardware identification.

I understand your suspicions, but you’re wrong about this. Conservative states in the US set up this law to make accessing porn a hassle to lower porn usage. That’s the only goal here, which is why they’re using such an outdated system that effectively gives them a list of who is identifying themselves to access internet porn.
So do you guys just forget that technical experts exist and if the internet ever became as dystopian as you guys are predicting we would just move on to a different internet and escape the government control
>inb4 that's impossible because muh ISP or blah blah blah
If you can't imagine a different way to connect to the internet then you won't be joining us.
It's already happening btw. Many people I've met have been planning for this for years.
These are zoomers who don’t remember a time before pornhub. So of course they don’t know what we will do when they wall off the internet.

Which is why they’re panicking.
I think porn is bad but this is counter productive and could lead to more restrictions on the internet. I mean people will use vpns, will they try to ban those in response?
I bet with you Im correct. I have seen it as expected with the vaxxination card in europe. They are working on a social credit system here too. Its growing and you are blind if you dont see this one of many steps already taken and that follow.
Making the cattle know its surveilled will make them conform easier and feel lonelier while they are all about perceived consensus. You are naive.
what, radio? satellite?
>I bet with you I’m correct
You’re incorrect, because I am very familiar with the thinking behind these legislative pushes. I live in one of the first states that passed them.

The intent is to attack the porn companies for easy campaign clout. That’s it.
This isn’t some grand scheme to implement internet ID, because the method their using requires websites to opt in, and Google already has developed a tried and true method that DOESN’T REQUIRE WEBSITES TO OPT IN.

You just don’t understand how much of the internet is designed by Google thanks to their near monopoly on internet browsers.
no porn website in their right mind would hire people to implement ID requirement shit just block off areas that requires ID's, people know how to use VPNs.

and always remember, the internet is for porn.
Ever hear that there’s not enough IP addresses to go around? How do you think ISPs deal with this issue?

Too much of the internet relies on existing design infrastructure, and this infrastructure makes it extremely difficult to actually prevent me from sending packets to wherever I please. Redesigning this would require a redesign of all of the major cloud platforms, which isn’t going to happen.
Remember my words: I wish you where correct but this is not how its going to play out. You fell for a meme here.
Ah I see. But we still have to rely on the tubes in the ground
how will any of this increase my chances at getting laid?
Can't you just toss unwanted kids off a cliff?
Notice how this retard simply can’t argue with the reality of how things are. Only the most ignorant people think this porn ban is to usher in internet ID.

Wise people understand that it’s already here with manifest v3.
Of course, but the corps need those same pipes to sell us their crap. It’s not worth it for them to dismantle the entire internet to track a few outliers when the vast majority of people willingly funnel to the same few websites that already implement identification and tracking patterns that they feed directly to their (((ad partners))).

If you visit a website they used advertisement, you’re being identified and tracked. Simple as.
Its a 1+1=2, cook the frog slowly until is dies. Remember how the fbi was hosting the biggest childporn website for a while "to catch" baddies. Yet they didnt. But on the other hand they argue internet restrictions with protecting kids. Its just the same. You can boil, I will not.
It would be impossible to ban VPNs. What you think a VPN is, it's not a real VPN.
Back in the 90s I made my own network by starting a somewhat popular website. Back then you could make the website download stuff to the users computer without permission easily.
You can still do it now but browsers are wise to it.

Anyway, I used the website to create my own network. I would funnel anything I did through someone else's computer and I could create multiple proxies.
So if I was using the internet it would be going through another person's computer which would be going through another person's computer.
Also back then the internet was slow anyway so any delay I might have got from this wasn't really a big deal.

Anyway, what I did, you can't ban that. It's harder these days for sure, but impossible to ban people's stupidity. Those VPN companies you hear about online these days, I wouldn't trust them even if they had the cure for cancer. It's a trap.
Notice how this anon can only speak in rhetoric and cannot address anything logical.

That’s the sign of brain death. Jews want you in brain death so fear of control leads you into decision paralysis, since under brain death you can not trust anyone.

Don’t be a brain dead nigger. Remember to think logically and remember the kikes aren’t superhuman.
> I wouldn't trust them even if they had the cure for cancer. It's a trap.
This. None of these VPN companies will resist the state asking for a user list.
>System tries to push digital IDs through any way they can
>Lol fuck you we don't want any of this
>Finally realize they just need to appeal to right wing virtue signaling through porn.
>Digital ID good! Me want it to prevent degeneracy! Protect children!

Any retard defending this needs to be shot.
This is nothing but to make sure your speech is entirely policed online and offline. You won't dare to speak anywhere, it'll be a total control system globally.
>Inb4 they know who your are
Not without putting in the work they don't. They can't just look and see who you are.
They'd have to also prove it's you using the network that might be shared by multiple people by conducting home searches and taking your computer to see the data.
But if we have digital IDs, then an automated system can immediately identify wrong think and freeze your bank account if need be.
We wouldn't even be having this discussion here if digital IDs were a thing.
This system is dangerous as fuck, especially when paired with a state owned digital currency.
At first I tough you where a retarded plebbitor but by now I actually think you are a glownigger. Nice how you distracted from the topic.
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They could do something where if you got caught they'd give you jail time etc. of course it would be difficult to find someone but it could create some kinda narc culture where someone could rat out someone they've fallen out with or had a disagreement. Kinda like the war on drugs.
>if you don’t agree with my logic less rhetoric you’re a glownigger
Whatever you say, retard.
Sounds good. No more shedding blood for foreigners would've been nice.
Correct. It's going to be a globalist takeover by another name, but it will be branded as something else because it has 'Trump' supposedly involved. That way the lefties will get to seethe about it and the right will be placated to believe everything is going well.
You can see how effective this marketing is given that /pol/ partly believes in it too.

The majority of the bad cabinet picks Trump made were people pre approved by this group. When people talk about how Trump had to choose from a limited pool of 'D.C people' for his cabinet this is what that actually means. For the most part.


OP's list of things isn't actually in their manifesto either. I've seen a few threads lately reverse shilling for Project 2025 by saying it's actually a bunch of 'based' things that /pol/ would like. Read their actual agenda yourself and see if you like it or not.


The biggest takeaway from it is in the short term is they're massive hawks on Iran.
You are phone posting now because you dont know what to say anymore? Nice.
They tried this with anti-piracy measures by trying to get the ISPs to fearmonger their users.
It didn’t work. The ISPs either greeded out and got shitcanned in court or were too afraid of bleeding customers to competition to implement the fines.
I have always stuck with bikini models and victorias secret stuff. Modern porn is gross. Too many unwiped butt hole close ups
Nah, unlike you I have places to be because I don’t spend all of my time accusing people who don’t agree with me of being glowniggers.

Keep grasping at straws, though. It’s pretty entertaining.
Internet porn and lockdowns have destroyed a generation. There are little to no downsides to implementing age-gating for porn to 15 year olds.
Your rhetoric is the same, samefag. I see your style of writing.
a fine start, OP
provided it adheres to orthodoxy in the American tradition of the 1st and 2nd Great Awakening.
we're due for a 3rd
Anything to stop these pornosexual NEET chuds.
They're living like kings.
Where did I say I wasn’t the same anon, you massive fucking retard?

This is what happens when you let the jews brain death you into a corner.
You changed your ID, now you backpedal. Holy shit you are a glowing looser. Kek
More projection from the retard nigger.
I saw you stopped staying on topic when I mentioned the fbi hostingt he biggest childporn site in the world. Then you changed ID 4and the topic to slurs. They arent sending their best. Glownigger faggot.
The porn thing is ridiculous.
Would be political suicide and annihilation
>Adults should raise their kids and seriously talk to them about not indulging in porn
>Also believes that extreme government oversight used to attack rights shouldn't be the answer

Not conflicting.
>I noticed [schizophrenic delusion]
I noticed that you are incapable of responding to my logical refutation of your suspicions.

Answer the question: if this were a grand scheme to implement internet ID why didn’t they go with the tried and proven method that Google developed and actively uses in all of their devices and applications?

You can’t answer this, because you’re retarded and don’t know what you’re talking about.
He's right btw. You have been avoiding his Google point from the beginning and now you're complaining about him ignoring your point.
Because alphabet may be from the state but google is perceived as a private company. They cant mandate google, faggot.
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Well I don't keep an ID so I guess I'ma have to get my porn the old fashion way. By creeping outside the window with a camcorder.... Wink wink
Another ID or are you just another faggot? I already answered by the way.
>they can’t mandate google
Google is tied to the hip with federal letter agencies. They do whatever the federal government asks of them.

What sense does it make to NOT include the internet giant that has a monopoly on internet browsers? You just don’t understand how ridiculous your beliefs are.

In fact, why didn’t they partner with ANY of the tech giants in this regard? If the end goal is internet ID you would think they’d be working very closely with the tech giants to ensure the identification scheme is respected by all of the major players.
Lol this schizo thinks everyone is the same person.
I dont give a fuck. This country is irredemably corrupt. Its hopeless. Put the pedal to the metal and burn it down
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Dad to his son: "Don't trust fags, Timmy."
"Ok, dad."
You already changed your ID once its logical to suspect you try a 2nd time.
I already did mention alphabet but still they cant make it mandatory via google, they need LEGISLATION to do so. Google cant make laws you retard.
>leftist fear mongering.
I'm convinced it's coming from the Trump campaign, so the invigorate his base, and make them think they're going to own the libs.

I mean, Trumpniggers rarely even argue that he's going to do anything for White people, they just cope about him hurting people they don't like - yet they can't explain how he will.
Back home, now you can stop pretending to be outraged.
> but still they cant make it mandatory via google
Nonsense. Google partners very closely with the federal government when it comes to information control and censorship. It’s not much more for Google to work with the government to implement internet ID.

The fact that the porn blocker isn’t partnering with any major tech company to establish standards of identification renders your theory dead in the water. It makes zero sense for the grand play for internet ID to not leverage the most popular websites using the most modern technology.

Face the facts, anon. Your lack of understanding of how the internet works renders you incapable of arguing with me on this topic.
Yup, this is a very American thread, but more and more I believe accelerating is the only solution. Just today I was reading an article of a feminist complaint why conservatives don’t side with the TERFS, while admitting and understanding that feminism has ruined men for decades. Trans are the accelerating factor we need to solve the feminist question. Just a thought. Have a good night
>It’s not much more for Google to work with the government to implement internet ID.
As soon as they do so, people will drop it. Just like linux is winning market shares since windows became unusable. Legislation is different and this is the foot in the door to check compliance and start implementing the infrastructure.
You dont get how politics work. You are naive as I said already, like a toddler.
Unironically a good thing. Porn is neutering an entire generation on young men by desensitizing them to sex and real life relationships.
Oh no, Stacey has to stay home and rub one out instead of fucking Tyrone whenever the mood strikes. Get fucked.
Based. Let licensed professionals teach children about sex the right way.
Fucking based.
Children are retards and will tear up the books if their parent aren't around.
Again, this is absolutely a good thing. We need to pump up white birthrates. Too many white incels sitting at home fapping instead of making more white babies.
These are the values that built America up to being a superpower. I'm not a Christ cück but we desperately need to instill some trad values in this country.

TLDR; There's no reason you shouldn't be 100% behind this if you're white.
>as soon as they do, people will drop it
Like people dropped YouTube when they started censoring for covid?
Oh wait, that didn’t happen. The opposite happened, which shows exactly why they’d partner with the tech giants from the get go: an established userbase that is already bought into the platform, and as such has too much to lose by cutting ties.

Interesting how each time you try to argue your point you further reinforce mine lol.
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You probably also think pic related is exactly as its stated. Thats the level of your naivity in my opinion.

Did you read the Twitter files? Your argument makes me think you didn’t and you are completely unaware of just how many glowniggers are embedded in Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.
A lot of alternatives to youtube spawned as yourtube ramped up the censorship. The same will happen if google tries to implement something like the planned ID. People are lazy but there is a reason telegram became popular over whatsapp. Only state legislation can try to catch the cattle.
All good things
Left wingers get the rope in there yet?
So you’re denying that youtube still commands the lions share of internet users seeking video content?

Even those who left YouTube for Rumble left their YouTube accounts open for a reason, anon. YouTube’s reach is unparalleled and their userbase is of orders of magnitude larger than the closest competitor (tik tok).
Of course I didnt. Why would I care if pozz 1 or pozz 2 is bitching around?
I think you're just trying to sell real ID to right wingers, fuck off and die Tony B Liar
>all hardline leftists
They invented it as a bogeyman to scare voters into line. Probably came out of a thinktank for that purpose.
Based Austrian man. Knows what's up.

Kick literally came out of the ashes of Covid, yet another Streaming service competing with YouTube and Twitch.

Besides, Google isn't exactly a good poster boy for forcing compliance.
They have lost more "public court" battles than any other player, big or small.
They lost the Virtual Reality Battle with Google Glasses. Everybody laughed. Then forgot.
They lost the Gaming Grounds with Google Stadia. Everybody laughed. Then forgot.
They lost the Laptop market with Google Chrome Books. Everybody still laughs.

For a bag of "tech geniuses" removing the "Don't be evil" tagline to underline their machiavellian genius, Google sure loves cashing those L's. Yeah they got ads and what not, but they're still a company running strong budget deficit, not profit.

I swear if Google didn't get Big Shadow Government cheat money, they'd have folded 3 times over.

Come the next 10 years, they'll be another myopic name from the past, like Myspace and ICQ Messenger are now.
I'll just use a VPN.
I said there are alternatives and people can use them. I never said people arent cattle. But if the oppression is becoming too bad, they will find ways to work around. If its legislated the state can make this workarounds illegal. As seen in the shitty tik tok quarrel about us propaganda vs. chink propaganda.
>of course I didn’t
So that explains why you’re completely unaware of just how communications between the letter agencies and the tech giants went.

Here I’ll sum it up for you: the letter agencies COMMANDED the tech giants to hire glowniggers into leadership positions. They complied, and kept the fact secret for as long as they could manage.
It took a billionaire buying one of the tech giants at a significant loss for this information to even reach the light of day.

You’re a fool if you think the government wouldn’t work directly with Google if they wanted internet ID. And simple fact of the matter is, they have been working with Google for that very goal. It just has nothing to do with the porn ban the conservative states are pushing.
Multiple people in a house
Now we know who was searching what
Clearly its about getting kompromat on people for blackmail
Epstein for plebs
The argument is regarding intent on the government’s side, not on Google’s side. The Twitter files shows that the letter agencies have the ability to embed themselves in the tech giants and the tech giants can do nothing but comply.

So the argument that the plan for internet ID wouldn’t involve direct partnership with Google (who as I’ve said, already has this technology active in their products) is extremely flimsy.
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Why would I need to read some shitty files to know that? Its common sense. Holy shit. Look at pic related: They even do it OPENLY. No need for your shitty files.
It doesn’t matter if there are small alternatives for people to use, the point is that if the government wants maximum reach with their internet ID schemes that they will partner with a tech giant to do so.
Hardware ID.
>it’s common sense
Yet you continue to argue that glowniggers can’t mandate such things from a private entity?
Sounds too good to be true, anon.
You and the guy you're arguing with are both kinda right.
Companies like Google or Microsoft are just extensions of Big Gov in a way, just like how Wagner was for Russia.

People think companies stand on their own, but historically there is very little to back that belief up. Politics get in the way of business, yet they are everywhere, once the trained eye of the connoissoir gets a closer look.
Especially tech companies always do spying work for the country they swore fealty to.

Calling Xiaomi a bunch of Xi Jinping lovers is just as true as calling the Zuck a US Penthouse ball licking sack fondler.

Allegiance is king. Always has been. Don't shit where you eat. Don't bite the hand that feeds. And all that. But normies don't understand how that works. The laws of Power surrounding their every move are invisible to them, even when they accidentally leverage them themselves.
Yes?The LEGISLATION is the topic.
Of course they cant. They can fuck the company but they cant make the company without competition if its not via law. You glow so hard one cant be this retarded.
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heritage foundation? what's the issue?
>hardware ID
Family computer
>Chinese style dystopia is okay when WE do it
land of the free
True, but I wouldn't call that "working with".
More like "forcing them to work for us".
> Of course they cant
They mandated them to become the censorship arm of the government. Your beliefs do not make sense nor do they match reality.
It depends on the company. Lots of them are built by the state.
Force is if you’re considering the corp as a whole, but if we analyze based on the will of the leadership I doubt there was very much resistance to the glownigger infiltration push.

Remember the predicate for this infiltration was to put an end to “Russian propaganda that led to Trump winning 2016”. They all willingly believed the bullshit.
While they are something like a ID cannot be enforced via a company, it needs to be law or there is competition. If the change is to unconformable to cattle, it will change. Only law can force, companies need to encite.
A lot of the "competition" is play-acted.

The CEO of Burger King and the CEO of McDonalds share drinks at the same bar.
It’s confusing that you clearly understand who calls the shots at these companies, but still refuse to believe they wouldn’t use them for internet ID.

Which they’ve already implemented, in partnership with these very companies.
I’m ready to riot and loot and attack with petrol bombs if you wanna vote these policies I’ll make sure every conservative family I know burns from petrol bombs and shoot your men and women with the black nationalist social revolutionaries
It doesn’t need to be a law. Again, look at the Covid censorship. That was entirely done on “recommendation”, but since the tech giants are ran by ideologically captured individuals they were more than happy to comply.

There doesn’t need to be any force of legislation to make internet ID happen. It already exists, after all.
While this is correct if alternatives are not illegal some grumpy nerd will make its own alternative if it becomes too bad. Like there are one trillion alternatives to pozzed tor. People started to use tor, if it will become too bad, they will change. The state will always be behind if such alternatives arent outlawed. And even then it will just fewer people that mange to access it.
They’re both pretty much owned by the same council of equity holders. Thats another big secret about the US economy: publicly traded companies are pretty much all controlled by the same people.
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I remember and still people used telegram or other means to exchange their opinion.
> some grumpy nerd will make its own alternative
Musk is already trying that. Guess how they are undermining him?

The advertisers, who are also central to the current identification system. The advertisers receive all of the fingerprint data collected by the websites. They are free to piece it all together to track and identify all users.
if the conservatives dont do it the muslims you love so much eventually will. you like your inconvieniences self imposed huh?
Musk is trying. Kys thats DARPA you utter retard. KYS
Direct, personal communication doesn’t have the viral reach that social media does. It’s not a viable alternative since it cannot be used to mass propagate information.

You really need to pay more attention to the internet advertisers, as they already have implemented the system you fear.
It’s funny, too, because all websites are incentivized to help in their identification scheme in order to pay their own bandwidth bills.
So you think the advertisers aren’t attacking Musk?

You're brain dead, anon. You think all events are orchestrated specifically for your demise, and as such are doomed into decision paralysis since you have no basis of trust to validate information you see.
My thoughts are
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I wonder where the line will be drawn there libby.
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Enough time wasted with a glownigger. Fuck you, kys and have fun in your dystopia.
I accept your concession.
If you don’t pay more attention to internet advertisers after this, you’re one useless ass nigger.
God I wish this was real
Monster dildos and vibrators to be banned? Large mechanical "fucking machines" to be banned?

The "more Christianity" that I'm looking for is giving money to Christians. Taking money away from the Jews. Jews are, max, 3%. Any time the Jews are over 3% of a group, that group is guilty of a racism.

Harvard Law School is extremely racist. The Federal Government is extremely racist. 1 out of ever 30 cabinet level positions can be Jews. No more. If there is more, that's a racism.

Christians are the big and mighty group in the US, still, despite the efforts of the Jews. The Christians are diverse. Some like porn more than others. But they all like More Money. Robin Hood this - take from the Jews, give to the Christians and don't piss off the Christian men who like Porn.
I want people like you murdered. What a complete faggot you are.
>generic bad old days of the Republican Party

those greedy selfish right wingers don't want to pay the Jew Doctors to chop dicks off.
Why is any of that bad? Porn is jewish poison and the less degenerate evil children are exposed to, the better.
Sounds based to me.

When the alternative is the tranny shit, I welcome the backlash.

Jews won't allow destabilization of their porn empire.
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Anon, the state already has your ID. They’re the ones who issued it to you. Is it that you’re ashamed of your porn viewing and don’t want anyone to know? If that’s the case the. You know you shouldn’t be viewing it.

people need to start filling hard drives with porn NOW!

In the Democrat version there will be a lot of baby killing, child sex slaves, etc. The law will be written to specifically exclude Jews from any punishment whatsoever, because that's what the AIPAC guy said was necessary or else he'd release the blackmail videos.
>the kikes aren’t superhuman.

and don't forget the vampires require silver bullets.
>Based in theory but won't be in practice
>Based (Not the unwanted children part)
>Very Based
>Not based
>Not based
>Maybe based

All in all not very based, but I'd support the 3rd one most that one is actually legitimate.
Yeah who decides what weird freak fetish is porn or not?
>Natgeo needs a porn access card
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more like "heres the plan we want you to run with (it involves more jew worship)"

thanks, but no thanks
>learn to drive before you fap
kek what???
is this some kind of leftist fear projection to other leftists because they don't drive, can't afford cars, or are just so afraid they won't drive

i know leftist millennials who are like this, afraid to drive and absolutely wont drive on highways
>Trump never built the wall

Why do you kikes repeat this ad nauseam when there is very clearly a brand new border wall built under the trump admin that you can go and visit
>These lifelong politicians who supported the PATRIOT act, the Iraq war 1 and 2 and endless money to Israel are actually based and redpilled guise
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Theose bastards will never take my manga
tales from the basement

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