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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Just think about it...
It's beyond astonishing how much luck this guy has. Even before he ran for office, his businesses went bankrupt multiple times, defrauded charities, paid virtually no taxes, made shady business dealings. The banks or someone else always bailed him out.

Then he was elected president after running a campaign full of scandals and controversies that would have completely finished off any normal candidate, Democrat or Republican. He even was elected despite losing the popular vote, so once again he got pretty lucky with this and the Comey letter in advance. Then his presidency was even more scandal-tainted with massive levels of incompetence. And despite all of this and a once in a century pandemic, Trump came within less than 45k votes to get reelected. Then he tried to overturn his loss in a criminal fashion and even incited an insurrection on the Capitol. And still, STILL he couldn't even get convicted over this and bootlikers of his party went down to Mar-A-Lago just days after he left office to once again hawk tuah his orange cock!

After Trump lost reelection and is now a convicted felon in New York, the conviction only occured in the trial with the lesser severe charges and it hasn't hurt his campaign AT ALL. It's also unlikely he gets a severe sentence over this.

Now the Supreme Court essentially cleared the way for no more trials to occur before election day! All this after most of the trials were already on delay due to Judge Cannon and Fani Wills. It looks like he is well on track to back the presidency, which will subsequently end all trials anyway.

So he gets off the hook. Again.

He's rewarded by being president. Again.

What explains this, bros? How does he do it?
Is he supernaturally protected?
Is he God's own prank on clown world?
Is this all Trump's simulation and we are all just NPCs?
>What explains this, bros? How does he do it?
We live in a simulation and you have to consent. Even if people try to force bad times upon you with their roleplay, anyone can simply not consent. Sometimes it takes a little clean up but ultimately negative consequences require consent.
> Then his presidency was even more scandal-tainted with massive levels of incompetence.
Go back to redit tourist. You're not welcome here.
His family worked hard to stand in Israels and the Jewish communities favour for generations.
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Pic rel is his opponent.
It's almost like everything said about him is bullshit, and whenever it goes to the courts it gets exposed as such.

There are still people that think he'll ever see the inside of a jail, like they really are still waiting for that.
only npc’s are the fools who wants 5 seconds of fame and try to bring him down. It’s not luck, it’s motivation and money,
> It's beyond astonishing how much luck this guy has. Even before he ran for office, his businesses went bankrupt
Yea I got this far before I realized this is another dumb ass " Donald Trump is really an insider and it's super 4D chess goy " thread.
Fuck off.
Hes rich. That's a really long post stating the obvious that laws don't apply to the rich
The concept of "luck" is the atheist's idea of grace, mercy and charity.

>"The universe blessed us for some reason."
>"Thank the universe."
>"That's karma!"

Satan is a counterfeiter.

>"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."- Matthew 5:44-45

>"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."- James 1:17

All good comes from God.
I wish Donny D would fuck my ass
If the Republican Party wasn't full of cuckservatives, he would have accomplished so much as president, made America great again and gone down as the best president and savior of Western Civilization. He is pretty unlucky.
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Wow, if all of that were true, he'd have to be! What are the odds you're not a lying faggot shill?!
You always win when your enemies are losers.

One other thing to note,
>his businesses went bankrupt multiple times
The average success rate for businesses in the US is 33%; two out of every three businesses that open go bankrupt in the first few years. Trump had like four bankruptcies out of hundreds of businesses. It's actually silly how over-the-top his success rate is.
He won the Boomer algorithm lottery
>babby's introduction to the Trump Curse
EVERY SINGLE (((scandal))) brought against trump has been a political democrat shitjob EVERY SINGLE one of them
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Daniel 2:21 - He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding

Trump isn't lucky he is just chosen for these times
He has a time machine his uncle received from Nicola Tesla. Trump uses it to manipulate things in his favor.
He's to busy fucking US
It's almost like banks loaned him money, because they knew he'd increase it and pay them interest, thus making THEM money. You fucking retard

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