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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>tfw you will get to witness in your lifetime the mass exodus of Westerners to Eastern European/Balkan countries

If you're white, come home, white man.
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I am mostly Croatian but I have some Serbian and Norwegian/Swedish, where should I go?
And what happens to Canada when it’s all just Indians running things?
>some Serbian
Stay away from Austria at all cost.
The West as a whole is a lost hope. We need as many white people here as possible for the inevitable white stronghold ethnostate before niggers and shitskins start pouring here en masse (they currently only pass by here and move to Western European countries for the gibs).
No thanks. I have ancestors that were in the Virginia company. This is my home.
Last one out turn off the lights.
The US is targeted for a future nuclear war with China. See the population numbers for the US in the Deagel Report.
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> I work remotely
> It becomes unlivable where I am from because bullshit bogus make up "the economy" on paper

The road to hell is paved with your intentions, mental nigger
Out of all the Balkan countries I'd say Croatia, because all the other ones are unironically shitholes, but on the flip side it's the most progressive country and a butt load of jeets moved here in the last couple of years, although they don't really commit much crime and are just ugly to look at.
If the major cities were nuked America would become majority white again
>Move to bulgaria
>... huh, this culture seems a little backwater
>Bring in Mexican nannies and African wagies
>Vote to legalize weed and faggotry
>Move to romania because shit becomes intolerable

If we can't save our oun cultures, we don't deserve to flee.
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no, it is our region that is the target. We are the planned body bag factory of America. We are the region that takes the tactical nuke hit before both great powers decide to stop being spergs and go to the negotiating table once again. Meanwhile, the nuclear fallout would kill any and all prospects for growth of Europe, not just Eastern but Western as well, for the next entire century, which is also their grand goal. America exists to sabotage Europe. It's not about China or Russia. It's about Europe. Anti-whiteness is being created by the US government in anticipation for a future European genocide, so that people feel less sad about it (or even find it righteous and anti-colonial).

You're a long way from catching up to just how calculatedly evil America really is, along with the jews that head it.
>no, it is our region that is the target. We are the planned body bag factory of America. We are the region that takes the tactical nuke hit
No, we aren't, it's rather the opposite. See the WW3 prophecy by Alois Irlmaier as well as the aforementioned Deagel Report numbers. You DON'T want to be living in the West in the next 5 to 10 years.
Bulgaria kinda is the West though given that they're in NATO/EU and are in close proximity to Russia meaning they'll probably try and draft you lot more quickly and anally than the further Westren puppet states.
Really I don't think anywhere besides Latin America is a completely safe bet in terms of avoiding a lot of the war and famine and shit that's going to come out of it.
Wer da yt wimin at?

Aren’t you guys about to get flooded with cheap poojeet ‘workers’ too?
Gotta love those remote bullshit jobbers who contribute nothing to society whatsoever.
Why would I not stay in America and have shit loads of guns to do the same thing? A lot ofnthe women are fat and useless for sure but I can use them as Ox.
They'll only end up ruining your country too. Bulgaria for Bulgarians. Hold onto your homogeneity with your life, you can't get it back when it's gone.
These people should fix their own shit instead of coming over.
I am American born and raised. My home county is 80% niggers and my home state is minority white. Moved here a few years ago.
Life is really good here. Unbelievably good actually. Basically I live better than most multi-millionaires do in America. And I am not rich. I'm not sure you could live as well as I do here if you were in America even with 10 million dollars. Maybe you'd need 20 or 50 million. My entire community, town, area, region is 100% white
you're stuck here with the rest of us, mutt
There is already a German colony in Hungary. They moved to escape Merkel's army of niggers.
>No thanks. I have Jewish ancestors that were in the Virginia company. This is my home.

fixed it for you Rabbi
I think that most or all of Canada will be US territories within 10 years.
I could hardly tell them apart from the typical cigan and odd serb.
>not knowing basic geography

Really retarded faggot. Show hand.
Would make it easier to import even more nonwhites so you're probably right.
pakis in croatia?
Europe is finished.
fuck this gay earth
If only you killed more of them English man
I'm doing the same shit. This country's a hellhole
Until you can speak the words, that you dont want to live with brown streetshitters, you are not welcome. You are a threat and a trojan horse until then. Because you cant even admit to yourself that browns ruin everything
in your seed
you just need to spread it
People fleeing from their hellhole countries to go to nicer countries is how this country got to be a hellhole in the first place you dumb motherfucker. You're needed here.
Why does this faggot need daycare if he works remotely from home?
>should i move to a turkish shithole as a white man
based. cant wait for the mass cute nordic virgin immigration
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so you choose to flee like a coward? Are you going to lie down and die like a dog or be the man that your country needs?

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