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Glownigger thread

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So are you trying to say that I am a woman? YESSSS!!! I TOLD ALL OF YOU POLCELS, I AM A WOMAN
Beardlets BTFO
I only see old men and weak chinned nerds with beards. Also I'm lazy and usually go around with a stubble
ill assume you're a chinlet
yes of course i have a beard but no i will not grow it out i prefer to be cleanshaven
i can't grow one. oh well
Every single man I see with a beard looks like a complete cuck. Don't forget the tattoos either. The only men who get tattoos are those who look like bitches. Men with unmanly facial structure should just own it instead and skip the tattoos and beard. It looks so much better. Disregarding the meme, f you have confidence you actually do become more attractive.
beards are just sex offender uniform
Left looks better though
Just keep shaving and you'll grow one.
idk why he is hiding that jawline with that ugly ass beard
I can’t grow one. Patchy.
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The only acceptable options are clean shaven or moustache paired with a sporty haircut
that's fine

I'm not a faggot who needs to prove himself to other males
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Let me tell you about memeflag, "1 post by this ID" threads
I have a chin like in pic, razors are for faggots, at least wear a mustache
He looks better without it tho
Micro penis cope
Keep being Real Men®
And I'll keep having sex with your ex's.
Also, L is kinda cute. LOL. He can join.
holy based
why do you point out the beauty of a man, because without a beard a man looks like a woman, right?
That jaw doesn't deserve a beard
I absolutely can't stand how it feels or looks when it starts getting bushier. Maybe if I lived on a mountain I would let it grow.
Beards are for bald men. 99% of bald men grow beards. It's because their head looks weird with zero hair on it, at least having a beard adds some sort of hair so they look somewhat normal again.

If you see a grown man with a baseball cap on his head and he has a large beard.... he's totally fucking bald on that shit.
So if I'm a woman then I can be a tranny?
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This is a Filipino nigger seething, they can’t even grow eyelashes let alone beards.
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Another chink, the only beards they grow looks like this.
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Chinks and spics are mad seething, kikes, sand nigs, niggers can all grow beards expect for spics and chinks.
White people are ugly they look bad regardless don’t grow a beard or anything just kill yourselves
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>Down syndrome Chink still seething
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>cherry picking
And? You can collect pic of pajeets too.

As a lad I worked in construction with an abundantly bearded, ginger gaffer who was seemingly as hirsute as the OP guy on the right. A big loud bear of a man, he wore a flat tweed cap that was seemingly part of his anatomy in that I never saw him take it off, so and I assumed he had a full head of hear what with the luxurious ginger curls poking through.

One day he came into the cabin really annoyed about something and took his cap off and threw it on the table and I could see the rest of his head was bald, white and shiny. All the other guys already knew about his lack of follicles, but I was so astounded I just unthinkingly exclaimed "Wow!".
He just glared at me in return so I thought better of it and fixed my attention elsewhere.
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It’s a dirty sea monkey chink
half my facial hair is invisible blond so it looks patchy as fuck unless I take the 4 months to grow it long enough for it to be noticeable but fuck that
That's because you're a limey cunt mate. Even as a Japanese guy once I started growing out my shit strips of a beard women literally threw themselves at me. Doesn't matter that you are balding either, the beard makes women crazy for some reason. Maybe someone could explain it but that's my anecdotal experience
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>You are not a man if you don't have a beard
>just be yourself bro!
>also shave your hair that grows naturally
Yeah, tattoos only look badass if you're built like a linebacker
soibois with tats give the -ick
of course you’re going to claim it’s cherry picking any white woman gets posted you’re just going to say it’s cherry picked or claim that she’s a jew
Yes that is what it is, glad your low IQ can grasp the concept
I think it may do for some to go without, if for nothing else than to advocate like you are doing desu
I mean these two chicks look 100 percent Jewish. Am I wrong? You shitskins can’t even tell the difference between kikes and whites.
If you have a beard, you are a beard. A gay fuzzy beard
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>herro rook me whyt womando and my friendo Jamal-kun too
>fuck is ryu gun do, huh? *cleans sheik toilet*
>here's how to turn /pol/ into a plebbit-lite safe space
Go fuck yourself nigger.
Beards are for weak-chinned fags. The Romans knew.
i will not stop shaving monkey
Very true. Beards are the son of a high T man. All the respected men in history usually had some facial hair
shit makes u look like monkey all spics with beards look dumb as fuck and niggers like apes and whites dirty like bums
In case anyone ITT is confused.
>can have defined jawlines
>cannot grow full beards
>can have defined jawlines
>can grow full beards
We're not playing tranny shit with you baby faces where you're trans man or whatever. Either you can grow a beard or you're a woman.
>OP, 3 pbtid
>(you), 1 pbtid
Hmm, what's this about?
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ops, this is the best part https://youtu.be/wIWbsqGVAxI?t=247
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I started to have receding hairline as soon as I was able to grow a beard.
I want everything back.
Beards are extremely out of style and gives girls the ick. Every schlubby, low-testosterone, reddits0ifag beta male started growing a scraggly beard to hide his missing chin, plus all of the annoying cringe retards who made having a beard their entire identity, and now it is just a sign of being a low value male.
Pretty much every Chad who does well with women in 2024 is clean shaven.
You're not a woman if you weren't born with a vagina.
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Every single guy in picrel thinks his "beard" makes him look good.
Just like all of the beardfags in this thread.
Yes, grow a beard please, so when we get in to street fight, I have something to grab on, and smash your head untill you are looking like Quasimodo.
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Every female I know gets mad horny and thirsty when they see a guy with a beard. Especially Slavic and Latinas. Beards are sign of masculinity. Compare this guy to beardless spic or chink and tell me whose low t.
Anyone who isn't a complete autist can immediately tell that neither of those girls are fucking either of those guys lol.
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Sure you did
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>Yes, grow a beard please, so when we get in to street fight, I have something to grab on, and smash your head untill you are looking like Quasimodo.
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More like
Some men look better with beards, some look better clean shaven. Just go with whatever look works best for you, but don't base your decision on female preferences. You'll never please every woman with your facial hair choice and you just need to accept that and not care.
What if i have a beard but i shave it? Do i become a woman?
Just as women with beards or mustaches are called man, so yes but you’ll still be a tranny, not real female.
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R8 my beard, bros
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i keep my beard at a stubble as i think it looks good but the most cringe is low t males with full beard who thinks its a sign of high t

you can judge by a mans bone structure if he has high or low T, beard is very genetic
he has masculine facial bone structure, compare him to the guy on the left in my pic that looks like a hipster soi boi even with his beard
western civs would often shave their hair becuase of lice and bugs and stuff.
dreadlocks is horrid in the jungle.
every nigga in the congo got a bald head.
bed bugs and lice and mosquitoes.
shaving beards became popilar becuase of all the pestilince outbreaks.
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Shut up tranny, I know who you are kike chink troon. Your posts are very obvious.
>Every female I know gets mad horny and thirsty when they see a guy with a beard.
You don't know any women you lying adult virgin LARPer.
>Beards are sign of masculinity.
Every retard can grow a beard, top tier men can countersignal and look even manlier and more masculine while being clean shaven.
>Compare this guy to beardless spic or chink and tell me whose low t.
Everyone who isn't garbage tier moggs and BTFOs beardless spics and chinks.
All else being equal, high value, good looking men with good jawlines and facial structure will look better without a beard hiding it.
Extremely low value men with weak chins and ugly faces can try to cope by attempting to grow a beard to conceal it, but it doesn't really matter they aren't going to get laid either way.
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And that’s your definition of soi boi? They look more masculine than the pic I showed you troon half kike chink mutt.
they almost never go bald.
envy and gloomy.
>Every retard can grow a beard
We went over this, spics and chinks cannot grow beards. Niggers barely can grow beards
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no, look at my picture

beard growth is very genetic, some low t males get full beards while some very high t males get lesser full beards.

You can see how high T a man is by his bone structure, high T will develop much more masculine boned face

it is also what everyone will judge you for in masculinity on a subconcious level

your fighting fitness


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Who cares about going bald when they look like this? And true they might not go bald but chinks have the worse receding hairlines
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well you can judge by his facial bone structure he isnt exactly a "tough" guy

but he is probably not super low T either, probably average
Fuck soi beards.

Two day stubble is the true sign of ruggedness.
Never said i was a tranny but ok
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Didn’t read and you will never be a female.
If you have a square jaw, your face is going to look good regardless if you have a beard.
If you're a chinlet, a beard is not going to help your looks.
Fuck off I can't remember your name but no need to whore your stupid pics again. You even got rid of your dick. Absolutely delusional.
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What the fuck are you talking about you autistic kike chink troon? Stop replying to me
Why do chinks push this hapa thing?
Is it to try make men leave their women alone?
I grew one once.
It was awful.
I've been talking to femboys but where are the ones like this??? Everyone's a libshit and as one myself I keep getting lectured by random communist trannies about how the other side wants me dead.
youre only allowed to grow a beard if you can fell a tree and fish on a boat.
if you arent a fisherman or a lumberjack you shouldnt be growing a beard.
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Who the right minds would be jealous of these shreks?
I’d noticed they can’t grow eyelashes and eyebrows let alone beards
I’m bald and bearded and I hate the beard but I get comments on it all the time because it’s multicolored ginger and I keep it because it’s pretty much the only time I receive praise in my life
Because chinks are low t cucks, and they think if they push Asian women they could score some white bitches.
Good morning Saars
Good morning sirs
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Chinks also like to claim eyelashes give you “lice” and that it’s dirty. How coincidental considering they have no eyelashes.
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compare Trump with his son

his russian mother simply has genes for beard

i highly doubt trump is low t or that his T levels were much different from his sons during his life
it’s literally their wives wtf
This just convinced me to buy some black sun flags lmao. Company is in Ukraine :3
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How is this masculine you troon?
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Ya sure about that?
How many times did you have to reuse the same chick posing with (different?) men to get this collage, Chang?
How can you possibly believe that leaders like Trump or Putin that has no beard growth whatsoever are very very low T males.

Beard growth is genetic not simply due to t levels
Full beard is usually for cucks but I agree that one should have some kind of facial hair. A moustache, goatee, sideburns etc.
Look at that bastard rothschild faggot
Alexander popularized beng clean shaven.
i cant grow a cool beard like OP but i can grow a decent stache for whatever fucking reason
also i'm a mullato but my mustache grows in red, maybe because my mom is a ginger
yeah i can thankfully grow a full beard in terms of a stubble

but there is no way i could rock one of those santa clause beards if i grew it out, its not thick enough

These tired beard threads need to lead to a ban. We've had this same topic for years, over and over. Fuck off. OP is probably a bot.
but how do I show off my chad square jawline
so you are saying there are more than two genders?
She’s british btw

You apparently dont understand how much intentional board-clogging spam threads this place gets
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A beard or even a mustache is a sign that you are a man. Even 100 years ago, everyone wore a beard

Im not a bot.This is just a reminder to all the retards what a real man should look like
wear a mustache)
Square jaw alpha male, shaved is better in his case.
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I'll just do the same thing and filter out worthless ameriguano and brishit poster
mirin jawline
looks like shit, clean up ya dirty fucking neet

three-day beard max. well groomed that is
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Hey basedboy, whatcha hidin? (a recessed chin)
probably once a week i see a petite asian with long hair so i check to see if the ass looks nice and its only when i get close that i realize its an asian man
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>pinnacle of manhood (pic rel)
Become self sufficient, be able to handle life’s bullshit, and take care of your family, that’s what it means to be a man not your chin pubes. Grow up.
kek post face twink
this is a board for political discussion, not for fashion and "you are not a real man" /b/ait

fucking shills
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>tfw can't grow one
It's pain. You can see right through it to my cheeks, literally worse than Keanu Reeves. My mustache is immaculate so I just roll with it, but I would kill you to grow a thick, full, long beard.
you probably don't look to good yourself incel.
Are you white? it's weird that you can't grow a beard
None of this shit matters if you are fat, inflamed, and are hormonally unbalanced. Nearly all the good beard pics are chads with or without the beard. All the soifags will look soi with or without the beard.

If your parents cucked your jaw development, wear a beard. But for godsake fix your fucking health first. Lose weight. Eat meat. Cut out the slop.
Why would the Rothschilds want a nation to reject central banking or put a stop to the degenerate shit that went on in the Weimar Republic?
What happens to this guy, I never knew he was on chapo and just thought it was a funny pic of someone in public. Has he returned to the show or did the stroke disable him in some way.
Pisspoor example dipshit suckdick. This man doesn't need a beard for he has nothing to hide. 10/10 chinchad
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>i love not having any tattoos
Fpbp, fucking summerfags dont know basic cointel pro

Spices in all fields
> be me
> have strong jawline
> have had a beard for years
> shave once a few years ago
> get stared at by woman when I went out to eat with friends
> friends suddenly didn't want to go out with me anymore
> highschool kids asking me when did I graduate
Nah I think I'll keep my super ginger ass beard and look homeless, I don't like the attention of being clean shaven.
>t. tormund
First post best post. You know a post is good when you force a memeflaggot OP to respond with
>t-this is a legitimate political thread!
Yeah I am half Norwegian too, my jawline is more angular then his though.
Ya haven't had a proper shower in a week. Still wearing the same pants I bathed in. Anons don't know the freedom of the outdoors.
I can't really grow a beard at 29. My father whomst I don't know didn't have shit for a beard either
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Beards are literally a coping mechanism of weak emasculated males, trying to re-capture some sense of manhood.

I shaved mine, as soon as the modern nu-male started growing one.
He looks more like a chad without the beard
If your beard greys it will make you look old af. I am 38 and have been asked a few times if I wanted a senior discount. I still wear the beard but a lot of women just assume I am late 40s despite having no wrinkles. Shaving makes me look closer to my real age, younger even.
... why not take your pants off when you bathe
are you some kind of never-nude?
i turned 30 this year and i have a few grey hairs in the front
This lol
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beards look shit, all of them. the worst is the neckbeard. op is a literal dwarf from lord of the rings.
hobbit use beards to cover their face because not even themselves want to look at it. thats tough.
Not low T enough to get BLACKED and BROWNED
This is kinda true and sad, because I grew a beard long before the hipsters. Now I feel bad with one. On the plus side it helps me keep my weight in check because when I start getting fat I get an extra chin and hate to look at myself and focus on getting fit again.
Eat shit & die faggot. Anyone raving about 1pbtid legit has no fucking clue how the internet or dynamic IPs work.
The fuck is a "linebacker"?
Wasn't that guy from the movie Dodgeball who played the pirate? Lmao...
Nah that was Alan Tudyk. That's the crazy ginger northman from GOT that constantly wanted to fuck Brienne
This. Every faggot has a beard now. Fuck faggoty beards.
Cut your hair and shave your beard, faggot
I'll have whatever I like, and you won't tell me what to do. That is how man think.
No I just wore those before and after my shower. Sorry for the confusion. Still, I'm out living it and grungy as ever
Why would I grow out an unhygienic and itch’s and useless thing.
Clean shaven is dignified
beardlets seething. it's like a lion without it's mane.
I prefer the Roman look. Dignified and clean
You are not a man if you think appearance makes the man.

What a fag.
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>those tiny hands
>that fucking posture
>pigeon toed
>obese and balding
>too poor to afford contacts
>wearing middle school P.E uniform
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I took the Sherman pill once beards became a fashion trend I used to have a Stonewall beard but once soi faggots adopted the style I wont go longer then this.
More like the beard doesn't deserve that jaw.
Walk around like a modern prancing faggot in 500 BCE Greece and say that again. Bonus if you shave yourself like a twink
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This world is backwards and ruled by satan.

God wants men to be bald on top and to grow out beards, otherwise he wouldn't have encoded that into our genetics. But this society mocks at and laughs at baldness.

The "gigachad alpha chin 6 foot with a full head of luscious hair" crap is a satanic psyop. Real men have always existed somewhere inbetween having a little feminine characteristics but mostly masculine. The dudes with the strong jaws and hunter eyes are lopsided toward overly masculine features.

Who fits that description today? That's right, the incel "normal" white Christian men today that society collectively mocks. It's a targeted attack.
>modern prancing faggot
If you are a prancing faggot, its not the look that made you that way. Its cause your mind is totally fucked.

The look is not the cause, its the result.
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Nice cope post
>6ft is a manlet
Being a prancing faggot is part of one's appearance, that's the point
Still, just by being beardless at such a time you'd not be taken seriously by other men, because they'd see you as a boy. You'd then have to be visibly middle aged to be treated like a man if beardless
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These are the men society and women worship. They look luciferian to me. Lucifer was apparently the most beautiful angel. Being too beautiful turns you into a fag.
>Being a prancing faggot is part of one's appearance, that's the point

Yeah and if you break your shoulder, you should probably just take pain killers for the rest of your life, rather than properly fixing the underlying cause. Fucks wrong with you boy.

For a man to focus on looks is FAGGOT territory. Thats something womens and fags do. Grow up and focus on what matters you FAGGOT.
beards are for weak jawed poofs that want to comb and oil the gay things

when you overly groom and oil your beard, yes that makes it gay

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