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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Christcuck believes he has Free Will yet is not able to act freely for fear of hell and promises of heaven.
A man has as many masters as he has vices
You clearly never heard about John Calvin.
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Do ACKtheists believe in the existence of immune systems?
So you admit you’re a slave?
I mean you can if you want. I’ve done some shit I know that’s going to send me to hell. Nothing bad, just violence. Maybe I wont, the violence was right.
Still a Christcuck.
Just say sorry right before you die. Free one way pass to heaven
Who said anything about atheism?
The liberal idea of freedom as being able to impulsivally do whatever you want at whatever moment is the king of jewish lies. It justifies everything from usury to faggotry to women rights.

Freedom is a lie. A man can be free from government if he is able do impose discipline upon himself. But he cannot be free from discipline itself. You get to choose what rules you follow, no rules isn't on the table.
So you’re not American? Why don’t you leave if you hate freedom?
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>Freedom isn't real
>America isn't free
Maybe if you stopped acting like a slave you could do something.
>Christcuck believes he has Free Will
This is true. You have the full freedom of choice. Every choice is an action, and every action has consequences and repercussions. Christians believe we pay for those after death and while living. Why is this so difficult to contemplate? Theres no gotcha moments to be had unless talking to fickle people to begin with. But you already know that.
>antichrist thread
>AI slop
I'm so glad I'm a Christian. antichrist shills are such low quality faggots.
Where does your Free Will come from in reality? Thinking it comes from your soul is a belief. Free will is a belief system.
Such an original post.
Define what you think 'slave' means.
>Every choice is an action, and every action has consequences and repercussions
All bound by cause and effect
yeah your AI slop antichrist thread is soo original! The memeflag is just the icing on the cake
you go to heaven by believing on Jesus retard not by working for it
For someone who hates Christ you sure talk a lot about him.
Reality is a belief system you twat. Why try to over complicate things? Believing in anything and acting accordingly to promote that thing creates a system of belief out if it. Ok, simplified, right?
>Memeflag Jew thread
>+1 groyper point
free will doesn't mean freedom of consequences
>Reality is a belief system
So how do you determine what is real and what is just personal feelings?
You can’t have freedom without knowing where the boundaries are.

You’ll find out when you die if it’s all true or not won’t you? Would suck if you lose the wager that it’s not though. Eternity is a long time.
>slavery is freedom

>muh wager
its about what i believe, what i see to be truth, not about some pea brained gamble based on a non existent fear of punishment which you are attempting to wield coercively
The flag you fly shows youre a bigger cuck that likes to watch niggers run trains on their wife or that you're homo that likes to fuck nigger monkeys.
This poster is Canadian
>attacking Christians
>nonsense argument
>overly hostile
yep,it's a pajeet (you) farmer.
The thing about the truth is it’s true whether or not you believe in it. In this case the Truth manifested itself as a person, interestingly enough.

There’s a way you can do something, and there’s a way you Ought to do something. The way you ought to do something is what we know as morality, and it comes from God, not other people. And well, I guess we both think the other is a slave. You think I’m a slave to morality, I believe you to be a slave to your own ego and sin.

God takes it a step further as well by commanding you to do what’s right, so there will be consequences if you don’t. He, as the ultimate authority, has the right and power to do this. But what doesn’t make sense outside of inflated ego is the problem most people have with God’s law. What if no one stole, lied, murdered, or committed adultery? What would the world be like? The answer is one that is better than man could ever offer. And for the record I don’t believe it’s a wager, but that’s how a non believer would see it.

Lastly, the Bible teaches that a man’s eyes and heart can betray him. I know from experience for this to be true. Don’t trust them, trust God. Trust Christ.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
>In this case the Truth manifested itself as a person, interestingly enough
Your confusing truth with personal feelings
the laws of result and consequence do not prove jewish torah myth
if god is apparent in the laws of result in consequence, this does not prove that the jewish depiction of the creator as a penis skin demanding demon is true, nor does it prove that you will be tortured for eternity after you die for refusing to pretend a jew nailed to a plank is god

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