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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Alright, guys, I need to get something off my chest. This is seriously getting to me, and I can't be the only one feeling this way. Let's talk about the sheer unfairness of it all.

Every day, I wake up at 5 AM, drag myself out of bed, and head to the construction site. It's grueling work. I’m lifting heavy materials, working in the blistering heat, dealing with dangerous equipment, and constantly risking injury. My body is breaking down piece by piece, and I barely make enough to survive. My hands are calloused, my back is shot, and by the time I get home, I have no energy left.

Meanwhile, there are women out there making $300K a year by showing off their bodies on the internet. It’s mind-blowing! They get to be in comfortable environments, leveraging their looks to earn insane amounts of money. And here I am, busting my ass in extreme conditions, wondering if I can afford my next meal.

What really gets me is that these women often have boyfriends who probably don’t have to work nearly as hard. I’ve never even had a girlfriend. I spend my days working myself to the bone and my nights alone, scrolling through social media, seeing people live lives I can only dream of.

We’re living in a society that values superficial qualities over hard work and physical labor. It feels like all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into my job mean nothing when someone can earn my yearly salary in a month by posting pictures.

I’m not here to hate on anyone’s hustle, but can we at least acknowledge the imbalance? There’s gotta be a way to bridge this gap, to make sure that those of us doing essential, physically demanding work aren’t left in the dust while others ride the wave of easy money. It’s time for a reality check, folks. Something’s gotta give.
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Then start looking like the women in picrel and get both sides of the deal
its basically senile boomers and browns that are dumping their cash on onlythots, none of us were ever destined to be in the direction of those flows
Time to switch trades or move to an area where it's worth it...
It’s called phone posting asshole
Only like the top 2% of women make six figures doing that
The 98% that aren’t are making pocket change
>It's Unfair Women Make $300K a Year Showing Off Their Bodies While I Slave Away in Construction
This might come as a surprise to you... but many men also pay money to see male bodies. Might want to consider switching professions. Doesn't mean you need to be gay or anything. Just film yourself putting a dildo in your ass twice a week.
Some percent make millions, but a large amount still make 5 figures.
They don’t but ok
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Welcome to judeo-capitalism
life sucks get over it. or would you rather be some ukrainian bleeding out in a muddy ditch at 18 years old?
yea can imagine how much worse society is going to get because this shit is not stopping at all
unless you are ripped you have no right to complain since you apparently lack the skill and discipline to at least sculpt your bodies like these women have
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National Socialism is the superior system
I don't make that much and I have a nice body good enough to sell, I just don't wanna sell it. But actually yeah I should, just no porn, I'll do cosplay
More interesting subject: how long until a trannie becomes the top earner on OF?
It’s whatever. Their suffering comes at a worse time.

If you’re smart you work and will eventually retire. These hoes have until they hit 35 to enjoy life. If they didn’t invest or make good financial decisions they will end up working at Walmart for the rest of their life.
I don’t even think 2% and it has lots of turnover/ competition
Most of the chicks who made money
got involved early but even they they don’t make that kind of money unless they were famous me meme whores
>can we at least acknowledge the imbalance?
Women finally figured out how to succeed in a capitalistic society; by leveraging their inherent capital
It's immoral to not Unit 731 paypigs where ever and whenever you see them.
Women should be enslaved and simps should be castrated and used for hard labor. Any society that adopted this mindset would, innately, triumph over any that did not.
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they don't even have to show their bodies anymore
have you seen the latest "female DJ" craze where they literally just show up and play their favorite songs in a linear order? and earn simpbux just for doing that?
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The amount of money women make on onlyfans is very little for 99% of the website. You're pointing at celebreties that are a very small population and you're getting mad.
Start an only fans for your mom and get half that money, retard
>300k a year
Like 0.001% of them make that. The rest barely make anything and end up just embarrassing themselves in the process.
Atleast it would be over maybe
stop whining u pussy I work in construction too fucking cunt
Brother, fine tune some of your skills and get a truck and tools. You can make a good amount of money working for yourself in these trades.
it's not unfair.
They're literally selling their soul. They go to Hell for eternity in exchange for their whoredom.
99% of whores don't make that money. Also, if you want to dance like a faggot and debase yourself, I'm sure you could get some money for it. There are some utterly disgusting people on OF making money, so why not you?

You don't want to? Then shut the fuck up.
>thinks his life will start at 35
>thinks he won’t end up in a shit min wage job for the rest of his life
Lmao anon
Imagine ever ever EVER being jealous of a woman. Especially a WHORE. I would rather be a pathetic wagecel any day.
Dude honestly just figure out anyway you can to get out of the trades into a different job.

The trades are good people are usually boomers trying to scam you into destroying your body so you can build them overpriced condos that jews can rent out for way to much money. Your work legitimately doesn't mean much and frankly you'll be stuck in a dead end situation if you keep doing this.

There's a reason a lot of workers now are illegals because it's the kind of job society deems not even citizen tier you gotta be better then that man cause you can't escape how society will view that.
seriously u break ur body doing this awful shit but u still make more than most ppl so suck it up u faggot
I don't understand why people post the posterchild of the phenomena next to some guy like it's an equal comparison. Either post a random thot or post the CEO of his company.
Life isn't fair boohoo. You won't do shit.
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no talent? be a DJ
You should demand for equal wage. lol
life isn't fair retard, you're not owed shit just for existing so quit fucking complaining you crybaby
football players make 50.000.000$ a year and they just kick a ball for a bunch of drunk fans who are obese
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Simps are the problem, OPie.
>There’s gotta be a way to bridge this gap
become pimp.
if you don't believe top performing whores have managers, you are an idiot.
What's the issue? They're in demand!
I doubt this. It's most money laundering from what I can tell anyways. The women get ugly as fuck quick too.
post more bedroom cosplay bimbos
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look guyse i'm a DJ
The answer is simple: become a woman.
I bet op is a beaner only beaners complain about construction
A chess playing DJ...so damn quirky
Look bro, I basically unify philosophy and religion, east and west, science and philosophy and shieeet all through a Dyonisian play i sacrificed my life on. i have $500 in bank account. tell me what imbalance is?
What I never got was why anyone would pay money for this shit I mean unless you are a gooner, you get horny you look up one of the millions of free pics of tits etc. and get the job done in ten minutes. End of story. Why pay these e-whores just to see a set of tits?
Skill issue. Why haven't you done more with your life, anon?
shut the fuck up Pedro and build me the fence and deck u stupid contractor

>just embarrassing themselves in the process

They do it to themselves, idiot.
It’s not women paying these women, it’s men. Stop giving whores money, problem solved overnight. Better yet, just mass exodus the internet in general and the women will follow once they realize they don’t have male attention. Men could solve the social media problem overnight.
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Let me DJ for you anon
Probably because they feel like they're in a relationship with the person. These chicks hire people to sext with guys and shit. It's all about the false sense of relationship. Really tragic
True. Womens rights was a mistake. Nothing for it now though. Sucks ass.
>Just film yourself putting a dildo in your ass twice a week.
Typical yank solution
They've clearly never been in a relationship I'd pay money right now for some alone time.
it's basic capitalism. their assets, aka their nude bodies, are worth more than yours (your expertise and physical strength), so they get to leverage said assets to make money. it's fucked up yes, but it's how the system works.
I don't believe capitalism is the end all be all for this exact reason. communism doesn't work people aren't inherently benevolent, and capitalism doesn't work because they are inherently greedy.
it does suck but not much you can do about it. some streamers as well legit do nothing all day but act like morons on a camera/play vidya and make more money than doctors do.

it's all a sign of a huge decline in society
uhm, your male privilege is showing
Grass is always greener or something like that
just like women complaining about the "patriarchy" and only pointing at the top 0.00001% of men.
How was this different in the past when a laborer could work 12 hours day while a doctor could make that same money in a single hour in the OR?
Or that a lawer could have a 1 week court case that would get them more money than you might make in a whole year?
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But I can't even beat my sister :(
Read up on the Weimar republic. It can get much, much, much worse.
My room mate in college was a dude who would cam at night. He made enough to make rent and pay for food and tuition. Im sure he made more than just that, but I never asked.
The only solution would be to make prostitution of any kind and selling porn a capital crime. If all the nasty people died, balance would be restored.
Life is unfair, some people are born into wealth and privilege. What can you do?
They only do it because it works, and it only works because of weak men. Women are just as incapable of governing their actions as children. It's the adult men that deserve the blame for this.
It's not. There will always be and should be wealth disparity. The same driving factors behind OF models making a lot of money, is the factor driving doctors and tradesmen to make a lot of money. If you aren't making money, move somewhere where you skills are rare. If you don't have marketable skills, get some.
you just aren't worth as much as you think you are.
Conservative grifters have been pushing the trade meme hard since 2017, and many naïve young white men fell for it.

It started because the white working class voted for Trump, so manual labor became part of conservative identity for the first time. It used to be that labor unions were part of the Dem base and Republicans were known for being blue-blooded country club WASPs.

Now the GOP is the party of trailer trash, Hawk Tuah Girl, and destroying your body doing manual labor that's beneath the finance Jews who capture all the wealth. Consequently, blue collar work has become an open target for ridicule, and rightly so.

Collaborating in your own race's proletarianization out of a misguided sense of pride in a culture unorganically memed onto you is treason.
It's already happening at a localised level among the Jewish elite.
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>whoreish attire
>cross necklace
his asshole diameter will probably never recover from all the things he had to shove up his ass for money
Nope, you just have to move to an area where you are needed and rare. Tradesmen in LA make more money because there are less tradesmen. It's pretty obvious
I'll beat your sister
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Whatever you do, don't let yourself go to the mental space where you start thinking that women being able to live life on easy mode by having tiny, weak, effeminate bodies, is that men with strong masculine bodies can forcibly take them and impregnate them and there's nothing they can do about it. If you reach the point where you begin to think that you can make sure your genes are passed on simply by force in an unfair system set up to prevent you from doing so, you could get yourself into some trouble. Yes, ultimately you would achieve reproductive success, the ultimate win condition for any organism, but you would make a woman feel bad doing so, and that is never worth that cost. I can't stress how much men should not start asserting physical dominance over fatherless women in particular.
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the girl on the right got famous because her SISTER is good at chess, and now she sells her body online. I pray to not have daughters
>envying dumb whores
not wise, you’re better off working hard for your little money because it gives you a since of accomplishment and keeps you healthy. most of these whores OD or commit suicide because they live empty existences
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Post 1099 or it didn't happen.
imagine how it feels for me. I’m so addicted to porn that I’ve spent tens of thousands of hard earned dollars paying for onlyfans subscriptions and sending gifts to titty streamers. I work two jobs just to make ends meet and barely have any extra spending money because of my crippling addiction. meanwhile there’s one twitch streamer I’m literally in love with and I’ve shelled out thousands of dollars to her meanwhile she barely recognizes me in her chats.
but they dont. you see all the time OF whores and former porn stars "going clean" and getting a husband and kid and acting like nothing ever happened
who the fuck pays them? seriously
and the cost of living will rape you proportionally to how needed you are there
or enjoy driving for 2 hours each way from a slightly more affordable area
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every time
Studies show that it is not the work that breaks your body. The health problems of tradies is mostly related to them being dumb fucks who spend all their free time drinking, eating junkfood, smoking and not getting enough sleep. Surprise: exercise is actually good for you, if you make sure to rest properly and get the nutrition you need.
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Her sister is not even that good at chess
Anon, there's only one option left for you. If she can't be yours then no one else should have her.
It's men who allow this, it's men who give out the money. Don't blame the player, blame the game. This is a cuck-based economy. Also, only a tiny % actually get that kind of cash. The rest just get the shame associated with it.
Heil Hitler
Please be a joke...You live a sad fucking life.
hail hitler
LA was a bad example, but there are plenty of rich smaller communities on the west coast where you can easily make a shit tone of money. There are people who make thousands just assembling peoples shit and fixing little things around the house. Boomers really can't do anything for themselves.
Tradesmen can't afford to buy houses in good parts of LA. You're gonna be living with Mexicans in the hot, dusty Inland Empire while serving Jews in Santa Monica, and that's the best possible outcome.
They don't make 300k a year.
>teddit spacing
>didnt read
>not your blog
>kys you fag you like men
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>It's Unfair Women Make $300K a Year Showing Off Their Bodies While I Slave Away in Construction
so call for equality faggot like they did! start badgering your town halls with messages: Men make 1$ for every 1000$ woman makes. #WAGEGAP
If I had a cute butthole I’d show it off online for $300k
I'm with this nigga...
so youre advocating for socialism
>doctor could make that same money in a single hour in the OR?
Does the doctor show his holes to his patients or use years of experience to operate on them?
Bait thread. For every onlyfans girl that "made it" there are thousands if not more who make very little, if anything at all. It's the equivalent to thinking that everyone who streams videogames is a successful streamer.
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How do you know your butthole is not cute enough?
Most laborers (not all) have zero liability and zero stress when the day is done. Doctors/surgeons etc. may be well outside their insurance coverage on any given day in liabilities and take that stress home with them every night. Generally speaking- stress/liability = higher pay. Many laborers have hard jobs but when they check out it's over.
It technically extends to dei and feminist quota hires that not only don't do shit, they turn the work environment from work to a damn soap opera
Why? They get about 6 years of making that kind of money max. Unless they are smart with their money they get a task of living large and then end up broke with no way to or skill to do it again.
Only a small fraction of whores make that much doing it. Most don't. Blame the coomer simps who enable it just as much as the whores.
the sexual revolution/free love made this

1. Stop scrolling social media, and comparing yourself to needy, vain faggets.

2.Get at least 7 hours of sleep. Drink dipthidyhydrymine, idc.

3. Drink at least half a gallon of water every day.

4. Eat at least 80 - 100 grams of protein every day.

5. Grow 6 pack abs.

6. Enroll in trade school. Welding, plumbling, electrician, get certified and licensed in your city.

7. Find a job that will pay your bills, and helps you save for retirement.

8. Weed out unnecessary people in your life, bring in new people you want.

9. Find a hobby to occupy downtime. Cars, music, sports, gym, physical fitness, pussy hunting,etc.

10. Get a cheap notepad, and document your thoughts. Write them down and chart your progress.
A lot of professional traders wouldn't make it that long.
Incel post. Peak genetic females make lots of money, and peak genetic males make even more. If you were a male with genes as good as onlyfans whores you'd be making more than them.
I know a stripper who makes 250k a year. Pic related. That said, she works 40+ hours a week. 7pm-3am Tues-Sat. Shitty conditions. Her onlyfans makes her pennies in comparison.
I doubt any OF whore is making 300k easily.
My god it's because the top one alone makes more in a month than anyone in the physical labor force will see in their life. It does not matter how few are that successful, redistribution the top 10 OF's wealth could literally double every laborer's salary. This is unhinged. It is definitely a symptom of a vile disease.

Workers really should unite and form unions to fight outsourcing and importing cheap labor. I mean all at once, everything, power, water, coal, mining. All US labor should just come to a halt until women are begging us to go back and paying anything for it.
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I think there's only about 20 top OF whores making 6 digits a year
At the end of the day, this problem IS men's fault. Men are the only one's who can stop it by doing what you said. They won't and men will continue to pay whores. and the cycle will continue until we are forced to confront it..
disproportions arent attractive
she got gypsy blood anon
after 25 she's gonna be a bloated botox whore
That's why other men need to demand more money. If society has enough to waste on this shit then it can pay us more than $7.50 to keep the power on.
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old Romanian curse
Who tf is still paying $7.50?
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Only the top 1% of the top 1% of attractive and charismatic women make anything on OF. If you want to make something, be something. It's really that simple.
I wanted to be a farmer.
I'm a farmer.
It took a while. But I did it. And I'm an absolute fucking moron.
>waaahh it's all unfair
Do something about. Get political. Get civic minded. Support your fellows.
This if you live in a moderately populated area, slave for a company and try and learn every facet for several years, get gud, and go off on your own and make bank, it's only going to get better too. Boomers still dominate the trades and they're old as fuck now and soon to retire and when they do you will be in very high demand and able to charge just about whatever the fuck you want since most normies are incapable of using a screwdriver. Think 30 hour weeks while easily clearing six figures or go the boomer route and hire wageslaves to do the work for you while you sit in the air conditioned office counting your shekels and shopping for boats. The past couple decades was the era of the computer nerds, the coming decade is the era of the tradies and could be longer if the zoom zooms don't figure out the opportunity at hand.
Wow, that's really sad. You must be the first person ever to have to put up with crap on this planet. You have my pity.
That's the fault of men, specifically simps. These whores should be shunned
$7.25 is the most common hourly compensation in the US, and the majority of jobs in more than 8 states. Every male in Appalachia mining coal for example.
Pay attention

Things are touch out there for about 80 million Americans. Full time working, hard labor and public service sector on their feet all day or in the heat Americans. And we still collected taxes for Social Security that they will mostly never get, all so we can give even more shit to niggers.
Sexy mom body, she probably has zero kids though so she's a fat pig
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Lol OP thinks slavery was abolished lmao what a dunce
It is, well, just not in the prison system.
It's really evil how construction job work hours sometimes are more than office job and doesn't pay shit here since most of money will go to contractor company which only hire you as slave worker.
well maybe if you niggers stopped making coalburning whores famous this wouldnt happen. conservatives and leftists both simp over women who say things they consider based. its so fucking gay and nigger behavior

~heil hitler~
got any butthole pics?
please be quiet
It also isn’t always the same ones on top. Girls will blow up and make that million in a month or two then the hype wears off and the cash flow dries up.

It’s a crazy cycle. They all follow the leader as well. Whoever is the top earner at a given time all the girls below them start emulating the top girl.

Simps are like a dynamic waterfall of cash and all the hoes race to get under the waterfall as it moves around the social sphere.
You sound like a fucking commie. Grow up.
You have no skills they possess, that's why they succeed and you don't. Also
You should have learned to code instead. Programmers are making $150K and mors per annum
I'm just stating the truth.
Capitalism isn't about fairness.
holy fuck those hips
she mogs her sister pretty hard
imagine if she had any tits worth mentioning
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LollipopGinger is the only OF whore I’ve paid for a subscription. She is a Goddess, an 11/10 in my book.
Everyone is hyperfixating on OnlyFans and how it's only like 2% of creators or whatnot, but here's the logical conclusion of the argument - pretty much ALL of these thots can whore themselves out (either on apps/escort sites, or on a street corner) and make a day's worth of wages off a single hour with a John.
EVERY woman, even the ugly ones, have one of the easiest high-paying jobs imaginable available to them. The amount of effort and struggle it takes a man to earn $100/hr (or more) is immense compared to some mid chick with no redeeming qualities whatsoever opening her legs.
OP you're a fucking retard. There would be at least 1 billion women beautiful enough to be your competition if you were a beautiful woman. Good luck making a living in that lottery of an industry. You only notice the popular ones, because duh they are the popular ones, what about the rest who tried and gave up because they couldn't get any money from degrading their public image
women are making this much because you niggers keep simping over them and giving them money like theyre going to see your donation out of thousands they get and marry you in reality theyre fucking niggers due to your donations you stupid faggot fucks.

~heil hitler~
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Kafirs btfo
I’m a doctor and after 10 years I barely make $300k.
That is 0.1% of women. You are as retarded as the feminist that think all men are like the 0.1% billionares. Same shitheads on both sides. Don't post again.
This. High IQ.
Resentment wont get you anywhere.
You can tell shes asian by how doughy the body is.
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they're hypnotized now
its over for them, thye're certified whores
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>Meanwhile, there are women out there making $300K a year by showing off their bodies on the internet. It’s mind-blowing! They get to be in comfortable environments, leveraging their looks to earn insane amounts of money. And here I am, busting my ass in extreme conditions, wondering if I can afford my next meal.

This is all fake jewish news, CIA actor and larpists posing as whores to make the public do what they are programmed to

Nothing more

ALL celebrities and many sex workers, are shills of zion

>Most of you still think earth is a jewish cartoon ball planet, wake up
It’s not “unfair.” But it is sleazy and unfortunate. There are not a lot of smoking hot women shameless enough to record HD, full-face videos of themselves taking dick, sucking guys off, masturbsting, pissing, showing their assholes, etc. It’s a completely Faustian bargain, and they’re ruining their lives (even if they don’t know it). On the other hand, there are MILLIONS of high school graduates willing to shovel rocks and push wheelbarrows around all day. Sorry for the boomer-cuck cliches. But it’s a textbook example of supply and demand. Your work is not comparatively valuable because there’s an oversupply of it. And the meme that every OF girl is making 6 figures a year is completely false. Most of them are just ruining their lives for macdonalds wages.
it's not unfair. you're just ugly and somewhat useful to make ... holes in the ground?
historically only higher than slaves who were too dumb to use a shovel
All the good creators moved to JFF.
>cross necklace
>hanging 12" off her neck and in the middle of their cleavage
many such cases
I'm just here to look at wimin
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>Even (((Metallica))) are shills
They promoted rebel culture in the 80s and early 90s
>Note how it is all gone now, and everyone is gay
All the top shills support jewish shill shit such as israel and ukraine
>I'm glad that I pirated every one of their albums since Black, they had it coming
Fucking shills
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>The world is a lie
flat with a dome
Femboys probably make more than that so stop being lazy and do your cardio, twink
where is it though? I've been asking this question my whole life. the spinning ball never made sense to me and neither did the endless space idea.
But are they happy? Will they make it to the kingdom of God? Will they bring their money with them when they die? Any man who accepts Jesus Christ into his heart completely is far wealthier than women who sell their bodies.
>And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
-Luke 12:15
>For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
-1 Timothy 6:10
>Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
-Hebrews 13:5
I don't really care if some chick makes a fortune from ass shots. I work at a warehouse and I just want enough that my loved ones don't have to worry. I don't blame someone who found a way to get rich off of people seeking a quick outlet for stress (even if paying for the outlet is stupid - free porn already exists but I digress), I just wonder why so many people can work their whole lives just to wonder if they did enough for their families.

they need to be drafted, lose their kids to men, be harsher punished than men and generally have zero recourse against false sccussations.

NEVER alliw femsles fo have ANY rights EVER again !!!
Boy Nikky Haley sure has some strange campaign ad's
0. Pray before and after everything you do. Give thanks to the Lord at every opportunity.
>Just film yourself putting a dildo in your ass twice a week.
It's not gay if you're doing it only for the money and you hate doing it.
never been on onlyfans but i enjoy subscribing to women on chaturbate, then unsubscribing if they do something nasty. you can see the disappointment in their face every time.
Being hot IS a talent.
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Youtube is lying to you
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"everything ends in judgement"
- those who see the need for it, and mercy
don't talk shit about Pan Piano
how spicy is pan pinaos paywalled content?
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>We’re living in a society that values superficial qualities over hard work and physical labor.
Yes, well ... end the fed?
How is getting lucky with your genes a skill?
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Troons and femboys make bank on there too you know. What's your excuse now, crybaby?
explain the 'truth' to me then. I don't believe in the ball or the flat earth floating in space but what's the alternative?
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>It's Unfair Women Make $300K a Year Showing Off Their Bodies While I Slave Away in Construction

yeah but they have vaginas though

and they're women for fucks sake

do you REALLY want to be a woman? and what if you turned into an UGLY woman? then it would have all been a huge waste
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they still practice slavery other places fren, but the concept clashes with lefties shaming white people for being slave owners, so they purposefully don't want you to know
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>flat earth isn't a disk, ok goy?

ok then what is it?

>doesn't say

jews, everyone
Of course. There is no upper limit to human suffering.
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Maybe if she got pregnant
Do you remember Ariel Rebel or Lexi Belle? They used to be all over the porn boards on here years ago. Porn stars like that had a good run where they made crazy money, but after 5-10 years, they're replaced by someone younger and hotter. Their career is over before they even get to 30.

And they have no idea how to cope with that. Google ariel rebel, she still thinks shes hot and starts shit with her "fans" for shittalking her for not being as great as she used to be. Any woman who gets worshiped her whole life for being hot has no idea how to react to not being hot any more, and they go into their 40s and 50s still acting like they're hot....but everyone finds them gross instead. They have to learn to adapt to working a shitty barista job making minimum wage or marry a rich old guy once their glamor OF days end, and guess what? They absolutely cannot deal with that.

Plus, when you grow up your whole life with unlimited male attention, you stop thinking of men as people so much as customers. These women end up incapable of forming a real relationship with anyone, especially of the other gender. Thats a huge problem in Japan with girls bar girls and the like. They think of sex or even being nice to a guy as a commodity, instead of something special to share with a partner. And even when they want to get out of it, like sasha gray trying to be a gamer, guys will only recognise them as the washed up slut they saw getting their holes filled every night.

I'm not saying you're getting a good deal, but by comparison, you at least can respect yourself at the end of the day. You have an accurate estimate of your current, and future, value. You can keep growing, learning new trades. One of my friends dads started off laying carpet for minimum wage, and now owns 3 carpet laying trucks in his 60s. By comparison, another friend dated a OF thot, who was constantly zoinked out of her mind on benzos and heroin to not have to deal with what whoring yourself out does to your mind.
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Post old Ariel Rebel pls
Fpbp, slide thread, spices
Knob jockey.
these "people" are scum
Brown out.
>$300K a year
For some, it's a lot more than that. However; most make fuck all. And those photos are on the Internet forever.
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reminds me of these two hookers
The system is broken. Back in the day, and I mean medieval times way back, prostitutes lived together in brothels and were basically poor women sucking dick to get by. There was no "bad bitch boss yass queen" sex worker, idgaf what GoT or The Witcher tells you, it's a work of fiction.

Sex work, be it prostitution or "cam models" fucks up people's reward system and their ego. All of it should be outlawed.
reddit spacing
are there more of alex like this?
Highest suicide rate
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>ALL celebrities and many sex workers, are shills of zion

i would argue that the concept of prostitution is jewish in origin

they're the ones constantly pushing/perpetuating it
Damn! Ricky with the multi-track drifting.
it's supply and demand at work
her body is in demand by someone(s) out there
and yours is not

it's that simple

why am i not surprised
Thanks for sharing, I feel the same bro...
I was building solar stations all throughout the year in hardcore weather, risking my life, dealing with retarded boss 12-14 hour work days, extreme exhaustion. Then you see these bitches stacking €€€ showing their bodies all the strugle they have is some creepy guy hitting on them while they drink their green juice for brunch. Also hate hearing shit about equal pay.... guys in our firm made less then women on average, that were doing nothing basically.
Ism buzzwords don't actually explain why the system works the way it does though.

Sexual competition is what drives economic inequality because in order to get sex you need to be more attractive than other men. Other needs don't work like this. You don't need to eat more food than other men to survive, you just need a fixed amount. The fact that sexual success is based on comparison rather than on absolutes is why sexual liberalism necessitates inequality. This is why we have the illusion of a paradox where the more automated the economy becomes, the more our lives are dominated by work. Only a tiny fraction of humanity's collective effort is necessary to grow food etc. Most of the work that men engage in is with the goal of making ourselves more attractive than other men. We start out equally attractive. I work to make myself more attractive than you, you work to regain the lost ground. Now we are equally attractive again. We have just worked our asses off in order to go nowhere, but the first one of us to stop becomes an incel, so we never stop working. In a fully automated economy without sexual taboos the only thing left to do is compete for sex, so everyone needs to work non-stop to stave off inceldom. Resource scarcity is what forces us to stop competing for sex and start cooperating to survive. Societies in times of scarcity create sexual taboos to prevent sexual competition getting out of hand and derailing cooperation, and when sexual competition is regulated the amount of work people need to do decreases drastically, hence why people in these less industrialized societies had more free time. These people needed to work for food, but the amount of work it takes to grow and distribute food is much less than the amount it work it takes to be more attractive than 4 billion other men. Even if you aren't chasing sex, the resources you need have been accumulated by the men who are, and thus you still need to work for them in order to feed yourself.
Not many do. It’s just bullshit to make you advertise on behalf of jews.
>not fair
Oh wait, i glanced at the OP, didn’t read. It looks jewish or w/e.
She can bash my bishop anytime
average onlyfans girl makes $200/month
That's about $6 per day.

There are very few successful cam-whores who make 6 or 7 figure salaries.

Just like how most actors are failed actors who work in coffee shops, while a tiny percent of actors are celebrities who make millions.
We're way worse than Weimar now what are you talking about about
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what's wrong with her face?
also the breasts and hips look fake
enjoy those square hips bro, she's sure to explode later on
Most women don’t make shit off it retard. Go to college and become an engineer. Also most collages are mostly women
And in a different non-kiked world she could've possibly been your virgin girlfriend or wife. Instead your pathetic coombrain pays for her to fuck niggers. Kys asap and tag her in the livestream

Tax them, problem solved.
Only Alex Jones would sub their OF
having a long brown horse face is not attractive
>about $6 per day.
imagine destroying any future pride or honour you or anyone else will ever feel about you, for 6 bucks a day.
if it makes you feel better there's also a lot of fat or ugly women slaving away cleaning hotel rooms, making airplane food trays, doing phone support, or being secretaries for dead end companies, etc.
Lol I bet the average male bisexual OF star makes sooo much more money than women.

Terry Davis wouldn’t approve of either
cam whores are all involved in CCP money laundering operations.
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You can show your body too, you'll just have to do it for faggots.

You'll have to compromise.
>it's unfair women make more money selling their bodies than I make selling my body
Welcome to the marketplace of ideas. No refunds.
Heil o/
Maybe you should just become a woman. Ever consider that? I mean, it's 2024 ffs. 90% of men have already transitioned. Faggot.
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Don’t only like the top 5% make millions. Also atleast you still have your self respect and aren’t just some whore selling there body.
Most OF thots make less than $100 a month tho. Women are unironically getting scammed hard.
yeah life's a bitch and then you die
that's why we get high
cuz u never know when u gonna go
yeah life's a bitch and then you die
and then you diiiiiiiie
Money for nothing
Dicks for free
yo wassup mah nigga eric dubay
fuck nasa
I'm starting to believe this. I'm seeing a lot of chinks livestreaming on TikTok with only single digit viewers, and they claim streaming is their full time job.
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this "post" belongs on r*ddit

It's money laundering you doofus. The have big drug dealer boyfriends or are in with the Cartels
You could die in war, that is man’s true vocation
I guarantee you the underground miner is making 6 figures and only work 6 months out of the year.
>t. Underground drill operator
Collecting payments off of structures that should've long since collapsed, preventing such distortions.
-Be mad at men for giving them attention
- Women are a reflection of mem. Fix men and women are fixed automatically
-Most aren't making shit money being whores
-Hardly a fraction of 1% are whores
-You a making something useful that will last while whores wither and wilt that no one finds useful
-Go away
the thing about that chart, it includes all the ugly people. if you make that chart just for attractive people, it would probably be 30% are making over 100k. knew a girl and her sister did it, hide their face and all that, just posed together, occasionally got fucked on camera, still hide face. $7k/month after a year. all they did was post 10 second clips posing together every couple days. a fuck maybe once a month. they DM'd a lot of guys. easy fucking shit
they were hot but basic hot, like proud to show to your parents hot. any girl who's skinny and puts in effort is breaking $100k/year
You could steal a bunch of photos and make fake of and social media accounts. Then profit off of your subscribers. Personally, I take steroids and lexapro. Energy for days and things are always happy.
The few women who make that much could make 300k a month sucking dick. Maybe improve your head technique.
Please make this happen, it would be so fucking funny to see thots seething over a tranny.
twitch and youtube too. its pretty dark. investment groups are all over ecelebs laundering their money into campaign funds. when an eceleb donates to a campaign, they are involved in some shit.
>It's Unfair Women Make $300K a Year Showing Off Their Bodies While I Slave Away in Construction
> wahhh I sell my body for less than they do
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>r/inceltears bait
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>100% agree anon

I’m a trash compactor driver making $21 an hour and my rent is about $1000 a month while living next to feral people who can’t even comprehend what it means to “coexist”.

Yet I see women who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing next to nothing while I slave away in 90 degree weather to add something to society as a whole just to keep this machine we call a “city” functioning properly. Now I’m seeing that “huawk tu” chick literally becoming famous for doing nothing, literally nothing of value to anybody except becoming a meme. Now she has a manager, is on Podcasts, making $50,000 a month on merchandise for her degenerate behavior.

It really isn’t fair. Us men who actually help keep society functioning get next to nothing while these degenerates barely have to worry about paying rent and where they’re next meal is going to come from. I hate this shit Anon, I hate it enough to just live in the woods and completely disconnect, but the ironic part is that it costs money to do that, money I’ll probably never see in my lifetime to just live a comfortable life, not rich, just comfortable.

For some reason, people are rewarded for acting like literal fucking retards (Catch me outside girl) where now they get to live life on easy mode for doing nothing of value to anybody.

I feel you Anon, ALOT of men completely understand you. You’re not alone brother.
>It really isn’t fair.
oh nononono hahahahaha
If you’re really about dropping out of society we can start a gang pull up to this address I’ll meet you and we can start claiming up the city

3006–3098 Avon St
Newport Beach, CA 92663
United States
They should give stimulus money to men for being single, $1k a month.

That’ll end overpopulation.
If that's what you wanted, you should've said you were a girl when you were a kid, got on hormone blockers in your teens, and got on the E pill as soon as you could to make sure you would grow up to be passable chick that could ewhore on onlyfans for effortless money. You didn't take charge of your life and take steps towards your chosen career path. You have no one but yourself to blame for your inability to make money like they do.
Lol. Shave your feet. Take pics/vids. Retire. Dumbass.
Have you simply considered that women's bodies are worth more than your manual labor?

It's not fair, but it's true.
>Something’s gotta give.

You can't control if the rich make too much money. Some people are exceedingly strong attractive and charismatic by birth and money will flow to them easily. That's nothing to do with you. The best you can do is work on simple plans to improve your own life. You can't lead a revolution but you can improve your skills bit by bit to get more pay. Join a union, stop drinking, use the money to invest in tools and equipment for your future business venture where you're the boss selling and installing window fixtures or something. You don't need to think bigger but smaller. Identify the dumbest most annoying problem in your industry and come up with a way to solve it. That's the best you can do. If you forget about who's making more money than you and execute your own plan to the best of your ability, you'll have made it. Or kill yourself then you'll never think about whores again.
grow up faggot.

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