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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The secret to jews spreading faggotry has been discovered! Its for their antichrist to have a safe space.
All this jewish shit in Daniel is about Antiochus you retarded transjew christfag
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so obvious its trump at this point or they want us to think so
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OP is a fag as ever
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if that was true then why would Jesus reference the abomination of desolation as a future event when it would have happened centuries before Jesus' time if your preterist view was correct
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>he will change the calendar

Who changed BC and AD to BCE and CE
Trump didnt rise from obscurity
>why would Jesus reference the abomination of desolation as a future event
He didnt
Some twat tripping balls on Patmos and writing muh apocalypse is not jesus
It is assumed he will be asexual or homosexual but what if he just hates this generation of women?
No shit. What did you think the abomination of desolation was? The mark of the beast that desecrated the human body, the temple of God. It has nothing to do with some Jew LARPing as the Anti-Christ in a rebuilt third temple. It was Trump's operation warp speed.
are you embarrassed that your messiah is a gay demon?
Stupid fags, it means he will not give a fuck about the opinions of women, nothing to do with homosexuality.
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>"The Jewish mystical set of beliefs known as cabalah teaches that the corruption of the androgyne gods and of androgynous Adam into distinctly male and female forms was a terrible calamity that needs to be rectified through a process the Cabalists call "Tikkun Olam", which expression means that Jewish people must "repair the world". They believe that this process of repairing the damage began about six thousand years ago when Adam was created, then divided into Adam and Eve, and needs to be completed now, or terrible things will happen. Fixing humans by making them androgynous will also repair the gods and return them to their androgynous form, because what happens on Earth affects what happens in Heaven. The Androgyny Agenda is a religious agenda. It is a cabalistic agenda."
>Christopher Bjerknes "Beware the World to Come"
Chapter 1 " The Andrognyn Agenda".
Checked and this. Rising from obscurity means he will be relatively unknown to the general public when he steps into the spotlight.
But which gods are they trying to repair? I want their names.
But trump is a fag so it's not a bad guess
Joe Biden.
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This. Obama was the one who rose from obscurity. Biden is his false prophet, the mouth of the beast.
>Obama was the one who rose from obscurity.
He is the most valid candidate. Did trump come along afterwards and put and end to Jewish sacrifices for ~4 years? Perhaps that's what pizza gate was. I wonder though if it wouldn't be someone who genuinely rose from obscurity and not necessarily someone given a greenlit path as a character. It's hard to know with people's backgrounds potentially being fake. He could have genuinely risen from obscurity then been given a greenlit path afterwards with his new identity.
I can't wait for Trump to get shot in the head, and then survive the assassination attempt so that you can finally realize he is the beast. He's already going to win the presidency after being Head of State once, now being re-instated as the Head of State. The good thing about Trump being the Anti-Christ is it will be so obvious.
>I can't wait for Trump to get shot in the head, and then survive
Or they could replace him with a clone! "Appear" to survive a fatal wound to the head...
There are two Trumps, the real one and the body double. Obviously the double will take the shot.
Oh no, red tie trump? Qanon predicted this.
>a narcissistic atheist fag
could be anyone, even OP
There's more than just being an atheist fag. That could be basically anyone today. Any jew qualifies automatically.
It's true and confirmed by rhe Koran. We're in the age of the Antichrist. It's Israel.
#22 means he will also be a jew
Do you have an origin link for op picrel?
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This shit is so fucking gay
>muh kings
>muh roman empire
What a worthless, antiquated piece of shit. Oh, tell me more about how presidents and prime ministers are the modern day "kings". Tell me about how America is the new Babylon. I'm sure it all makes sense in your schizoid mind.
All I'm seeing here though is a supposedly all-knowing god who apparently only knew of the middle east during a specific time period. There is no trace of divinity in these writings.
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>Trump has no penis.
And yet, he banged a porn start. so weird...
It's the restored Roman empire. The vatican > The new world > the new world order.
How the fuck is the Vatican the restored Roman Empire?
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Have you seen D.C.? Really its america, "the new world", where the NWO comes from.
That's because these aren't the actual writings themselves but someone's understanding/translation of them.

You're reading some anon's thought cannon, not the bible itself. However, you sound like a faggot so you likely you wouldnt get much out of reading the bible either. You likely misunderstand passages and think your misunderstanding proves you right.
Why does Yahweh create gay angels? Don’t these angels have the spirit of the lord in them? Wouldn’t this mean there is truth in the Jewish claim of God being masculine and feminine (ein sof)

If people are made in the image of God then why are there gay humans and angels?
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Nope but its an assembly of quotes that are believed to represent the antichrist. Ranging from a beast of revelation to the lawless man or man of perdition, i think.
Ya I’m familiar with the passages and subject of study. I appreciate the non-dogmatic tone of interpretation, hence my request.
The simple answer to this is the Fallen angels do things out of spite/rebellion like a spoiled brat rebelling against their parents. The gay stuff is exactly that.
Oddly enough the humans who become their gay followers are also the type who likely rebelled against their own earthly parents as well as rebel against God himself.

What you're really asking is why did God create beings capable of rebelling against him. The simple answer to that would be its lonely if everyone is an automaton forced to love you, its more rewarding if they choose to know you/love you of their own free will.
>INB4 but we don't have a choice because God will punish the wicked
Doesn't the unruly child require discipline? Moreover he is moved to discipline the wicked to protect what remnant of decency exists. Because the wicked will never leave the good people of the world alone, they will always try to corrupt, convert, mislead, or enslave them as we can witness in human history playing out.
I don't know the source but you could search the title verbatim on a search engine.
>The 27 characteristics of the antichrist
>if people are made in the image of God why are there murderers, rapists, and pedophiles?
Made in the image of refers in part to us having free will like God who chooses to be good. Your decision to be a faggot isn't God's fault. Shut the fuck up, disgusting piece of shit.
It's Obama.
>Rose from obscurity
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>Rule the earth as a fag
so the call signs for this little faggot coming back have been documented
when any of these signs start coming to fruition people will go "well duh the antichrist is here"
if the antichrist is as manipulative and deceptive as he is described, his arrival won't be marked by any of these signs you retards
>his arrival won't be marked by any of these signs you retards
That's possible but it says he will be worshipped by many. Many could be thousands of elites but realistically, why avoid the spotlight if there's no one to really stop it? It's a very evil world.
You would think so, yet people are surprisingly foolish. Even now the wicked work tirelessly to replace the real Christ with the imposter, and they are having great success.

In fact many of the people who think its going to be so obvious for them to be spot the anti christ will be the first to worship him as Christ's 2nd coming. For example: the entire rapture doctrine exists to con people into this fate and yet people are gobbling it up.
But even the Pope is preparing the Catholic church to accept the anti Christ.
The best way to be prepared to is study and know Christ, so an imposter will not fool you. You cant achieve this by going to church, you must become a student of the bible on your own, and help those willing to listen to reason(not many), good luck brother.
Going to church isn't necessary but it is good for communities and fulfilling to many. You have to watch out for so many false shepherds in churches still...
>he deleted it
LOL LMAO what a faggot
Who the fuck is Daniel and what does he have to do with the lofe and teachings of Jesus?
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He was sounding pretty good up until the fag part.
This is just some drunken ancient kikes writing a comic book character development fanfic bud.
>confirmed by rhe Koran.
Adam Kadmon is the one
Some of them also believe they can literally become him via some end of evangelion bs

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