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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How can a self sustaining town of less than 2000 people make a country of 55 million seethe so much?
because it is definitive irrefutable proof that one race is more capable than the other
>self sustaining town
This should be a huge part of the future but it's ignored or discredited because it triggers the sandniggers.
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Where can we put an american orania? Is such a thing even possible? Indian reservations exist, and they are based on ancestry.
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It is pretty much irrefutable proof that

1: white people can build high trust prosperous societies with minimal land and capital investment and without black laborers
2: black people cannot
3: white people aren't to blame for their problems, black people actually are low IQ and more impulsive, violent, criminal et cetera..
they would have the media constantly hammer thay you were a cult/militia/terrorists then send the feds in to kill you all

the media pressure would be so immense and universal half of the people on here even would be saying you deserved it
>Myth #5

Where are the other parts?
so besides the media, which admittedly is extremely powerful, there is nothing preventing it? it seems the civil rights act only applies to public places, so if it was owned by a private company that wasn't open to the public it would be legal
It won't surprise me if it becomes a big controversial thing in the future. Like that "white fortresses" thing
Even blacks know it. How many videos are out there of blacks wrecking something for no good reason and the caption on the video is,
>You can't have ANYTHING in the hood

Well no you can't, because your fellow neighborhood residents will take it away from you, even if it makes no sense, even if it doesn't improve anyone's life (not even their own), and even if the long-term harms are obvious. Shit will get broken, just because it can be.
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somewhere in there.
How many acres do they have?
How did it all start?
Pretty sure it’s illegal to explicitly refuse to allow other races to live somewhere in the US.
It proves niggers
They are irrelevant.
I love that the Dutch population is increasing so fast
Why aren't they moving to Australia or something? even I wouldn't sleep comfortably knowing a pack of niggers could assault the town.
Many old black South Africans will tell you that overall life was better for them during apartheid
Checked. They're sitting ducks.
According to the 2011 census, there's around 200 black people living there. I wonder what sort of people they are.
3.5 square miles and it started in 1991 just before apartheid ended when some Boers who could see the writing on the wall decided to pool their money and buy a dilapidated town in the middle of the desert with the goal of creating an ethnostate in the long run.

Looks like they didn’t expect apartheid to end as soon as it did and the place had a rocky start as most Boers didn’t believe it was viable and most still don’t, but they obviously tightened their belts and managed to build a pretty decent little town in the middle of nowhere. They have their own farms, construction companies, solar farms, cottage industries, technical college, schools and they are planning a university so they don’t have to send their children to some shithole in the cities where they will be targeted. Also no black labour which is a big deal in SA as even Whites that hate them still use them on their farms often to their own detriment.
I’m surprised they haven’t been attacked yet or even got stuck in some kind of legal battle. Somehow they have been allowed to grow without much trouble (aside from the media) so maybe they know Australia is more of a dead end as it’s not like they aren’t basically run by the same crowd as the US or UK and obviously would allow anything like Orania to exist. In the long run I can’t imagine that town not getting attacked, but it is well out of the way of most populated areas.
Thanks for the reply
I heard lord miles is making a documentary about it.

Something like this is what I dream about.
shit land with no resources
small population
their existence doesnt effect sa one bit
no seethes cause no one cares
Was the entire town for sale at once or did these people slowly buy up everything?

I wonder how they prevent people from selling out now that they've turned it into something nice.
The 2011 population census said 97% of the population was Afrikaner (Boers) and the total population was 892 then so where are you getting 200 blacks from? Is this like a burger math moment?

As for the 3% they could just be Anglos which are not considered Afrikaner.
if they wanted something meaningful they should get cape independence, that would be huge
* wouldn’t allow
Everyone has the right to live amongst white people. Except white people
you should dream bigger. for example: taking back territory for yourself and not running away hoping to be left alone for a few more years.
They basically bought all the land including the buildings of which only a few even existed back then and overtime bought some larger parcels of land surrounding the original purchase to expand. It was shit land in the middle of nowhere with basically 0 prospects so I can’t imagine it was that expensive.
i've seen a metric shitton of media seething about the place.
white people don't need "resources" like niggers, they ARE the resource.
We all need to go on strike. NEETmaxx now.
those stations arent from africa tho
Bigger chance of Zulu independence. In fact that probably will happen at some stage or another and maybe cause the other areas to bail out.
>It was shit land in the middle of nowhere with basically 0 prospects so I can’t imagine it was that expensive.
What do they eat?
>sitting ducks

Go try fuck with them and see how far you get pommie.
It’s literally on the fertile banks of the orange river you absolute mong.
I want to create a White utopia where no degeneracy is allowed
go on bitchute and look up crime free orania
it was an abandoned workers town (miners or the dam builders)
I can 100% promise it will happen and it will be much larger than a few thousand people
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It’s fertile because they took the water out of the river and put it in the soil you dumb fuck. Without literally pumping it out and watering that ground continuously it would dry up most of the year and become barren just the way it was before. Pic related is the town before it was bought.
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>white people don't need "resources" like niggers, they ARE the resource.
They irrigate the land with the orange river for which the town is named after and farm livestock and produce. I’m sure they also just import stuff.
>It was shit land in the middle of nowhere
>literally on the banks of a major river

Fuck off
>Import 99% from china
If you can’t use the land as is then yeah it’s shit land. Any land that requires you to actually water it to get any use out of it is by default worse than land that gets water from rain. And that river has a limit on just how much they can take out. It’s not a problem now, but if they become a modest city then that river will be getting siphoned pretty badly and could limit their growth.
IIRC White South Africans are often not welcomed as refugees in other parts of the West which makes it difficult to leave.

But I think someone who would go to Orania probably doesn't want to leave anyway. They're not afraid of struggle.
This thats why the Turner Diaries is a far better route for white americans to take than the NWF
>there is nothing preventing it?
The jew controlled federal government this has been tried before and they've either been sued into oblivion or the feds have been sent in
That's true, the 3% might be temporary residents: tourists etc. Some blacks have visited.

I don't know if you know this, but a lot of modern tech and even basic plastic items are manufactured in factories.
You need logistics to become anything.

George Washington ran his farm before he ran the revolution/country
White excellence
White exceptionalism
White superiority
I'm White, I'm superior than subhuman non-whites and I'm proud for it
Holy shit I understand its difficult for (((You)))r kind to grasp, kike bong nigger, but learn how irrigation works
The mountains.

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