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The liquid Jew should be banned. It’s literal poison. A government must protect its people.
>18 beers
How is he not dead?
That's breakfast for a norfman.
>banning things stops people from getting it!
Yeah and ban guns too while you're at it you stupid fucking ape
>drinks 18 beers
>Says nothing
>Crashes on long island
>18 beers
fucking lightweight
not my problem 1PBTID faggot
>banning things stops people from getting it!
Why not get rid of every single law then?
not sure if the video was sped up but it looked like he was going 80mph
>Some old geezer
lmao he was going to crash with or without the beer
This doesn't even make sense. Maybe if all laws were nothing except banned items or products you would have a point, but they aren't. Fucking kike
Prohibition of both alcohol and drugs help organized crime proliferate. This is undeniable historical fact, and it's still happening with a lot of drugs, though not with alcohol, thereby demonstrating how getting rid of stupid prohibition laws can alleviate a lot of problems not only in our own country but in others as well.
Our government is protecting criminals, and in some cases intentionally.
18 beers is not a lot for an alcoholic. Anyway, alcohol should not be banned, because great things can be fueled by it. Like this:
You are correct, not all laws ban items, most laws ban actions. So why would your principle not apply to banning actions, making those laws futile?
Apropos Jews, the documentary series Jinx (part 1 and 2) is interesting in that aspect, also the documentary series "The Vow".
You could ask the question which causes more harm, alcohol or the crime that results from prohibition. I think it's very possible that alcohol causes more harm than the crime. It's a pretty hard drug. But then still, there's a such thing as freedom. And prohibition has never been 100% effective anyway.
its a glow nigger that thinks getting wasted will cover his tracks
My grandpa drank 24 beers a day for years, until he broke his hip and ended up spending a year in the hospital/assisted living. He'd have just drank himself to death had that not happened.
How many semi-automatic rifles and 30 round mags do you own?
>because they're banned
The straight cold turkey ban is a terrible idea though. You want to diminish or destroy the usage of a drug, follow the cigarette/tobacco method;
>Have some big bombshell media story that makes it seem insanely dangerous
>Let politicians make very small steps over the course of many decades like banning being in the altered state in certain conditions, restricting the places you can use it or buy it, restrict how much you can buy, and put punitive taxes on purchase and sale
>While that's happening run consistent ad campaigns about how terrible the drug is
>While that's happening ban the drug from all "cool" media portrayals, only allow it to be associated with lame, pathetic or evil characters
Within a generation or two you won't need to ban the drug because nobody will want to do it.
>comparing having to receive proper training for a certain field of work to selling alcohol
You are a simpleton. Read this >>472888303 then stop posting this drivel.
>18 beers
Also must be 18 to post.
>ban booze
>blackmarket for booze runs rampant
>more deaths and misery caused than if you would have just kept it legal
the demand for things like booze, prostitution, and drugs will always exist so all you do by banning it is make blackmarket criminals rich and increase the deaths since people that use those things will find a way to get it
>I think it's very possible that alcohol causes more harm than the crime
Are you stupid? If prohibition came back you wouldn't just have the harm consuming alcohol causes, you would also have the criminal aspect on top of it. To add to the criminal aspect of it, without proper guidelines and safety measures to make sure the alcohol can be consumed, you end up with a bunch of people becoming blind or having some other side effects from drinking a bad batch.
Yeah, guess who does own them here? Criminals. Kill yourself you anti-gun nigger
>18 beers is not a lot for an alcoholic

Yes it is
>t. alcoholic
Impossible. He would die from water intoxication
We can deal with stuff like drunk driving, and we do. It's not a crime that anyone commits with a particular goal in mind, and there's no real possibility of conspiracy.
Drug cartels regularly commit all kinds of violent crime, even up to political assassination, to protect their business interests.
And remember, what defines a cartel is a lack of competition. Our government provides the suppression that they need to keep their operations as profitable as they are, which is why they're so high-stakes and dangerous.
If you were actually able to actually reduce the consumption of alcohol significantly, but get more crime, I think you could have a net harm reduction. Alcohol does a lot of damage. I mean even in places like Mexico, I bet alcohol kills more people than cartels do.
>prohibition works
Yes, that's the scholarly consensus. You are clearly far for a scholar.
>Although organized crime flourished under its sway, Prohibition was not responsible for its appearance, as organized crime’s post-Repeal persistence has demonstrated. Drinking habits underwent a drastic change during the Prohibition Era, and Prohibition’s flattening effect on per capita consumption continued long after Repeal, as did a substantial hard core of popular support for Prohibition’s return. Repeal itself became possible in 1933 primarily because of a radically altered economic context—the Great Depression. Nevertheless, the failure of National Prohibition continues to be cited without contradiction in debates over matters ranging from the proper scope of government action to specific issues such as control of other consciousness-altering drugs, smoking, and guns.
>muh guns
I own more and better guns and equipment than most of this board and guntrannies are still cringe as fuck.
My cousin drinks 1 crate (24 bottles) every friday.
Your principle is wrong, nigger, I don't care about the specific case.
Who cares if it does? Why would anyone prefer having powerful gangs roaming around them over some idiot drinking himself to death?
No. Water intoxication occurs when you drink water too fast. Your body can't process it quickly enough. That guy said his dad drank 24 beers a day, as in over the span of a 24-hour period. That's very possible.
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Americans drink pisswater that probably has like 2% alcohol
pic related is a beer
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What's it like being 12 years old?
You have zero argument against it, you're just doing the usual kike shit of being disingenuous.
There are plenty of laws in place to protect people that can't just be broken with ease. Anyone can make alcohol in their basement or garage. You are dumb
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Banning stuff doesn't work. We tried that. I can make alcohol without a machine.
it makes you romp and stomp
Lol he drank a case a day.l, starting at 11am. He used to pass out and just vomit beer foam all over himself while he sat in his recliner watching old westerns.
Making things illegal doesn’t stop it from being used. Just look at prohibition and all the violence it brought.

18 beers is a bit high.
Not even close even if it was pure water. Average beer can is 112 oz. 24 times that is 288 or 8.5 liters.

You can easily drink up to 20 liters a day if you drink evenly and your kidneys are healthy.
A romper is literally a woman's outfit in the civilized world. I won't ask what you're romping and stomping, Marek.
Based patriot taking out chinese spies
*12 oz, not 112. Lol
14th amendment is where things went downhill in US for you lot, lmao.
I think you underestimate the harm of alcohol on a society. Criminals may be very violent and may do damage at higher stakes, but even in the most violent places the murder rate is only a few dozen per 100k population per year. Alcohol deaths in the worst affected countries are probably about the same, but I think large scale alcohol consumption has an overall blanketing effect on the competence of the population. I unironically believe that the reason Russia is unable to take Ukraine, and Ukraine is unable to push back Russia, is because they're both countries full of drunks.
The law bans punching people in the face too, and yet we all have hands.
Depends how many people drink. All of the Eastern European countries are shitholes because of alcohol.

When we’re not drinking actual piss, right? Like when does that ever happed?
it gets me into their rompers, yes
You can't ban it.

Alcohol is essentially a legal way for people to cope with life.

The rulers know this, because in their attempts to ban it, they realized that it doesn't do shit other than encourage criminals to sell this illegally to a bunch of people who need it to essentially function.
>eastern europe is only a shithole because of alcohol
Which shithole did you flee from? This is a load of shit, it's a shithole because the people are shit, not because of alcohol
You got the results mixed with the cause. The people drink because the places are shitholes. Also the war is in a stalemate because peer to peer modern combat is slow and prone to bottlenecking in the battlefield.
alcohol is too easy to make at home without being exposed
that's why prohibitions never work
God made weed, man made beer
Do you watch romper room while drinking it? You should, you’d learn quite a bit.
hello, boomer
Zero statistics in that entire article, might as well have been an opinion piece in the newspaper. Funniest part of it all was the guy admitting prohibition was a massive failure that fucked the economy and made a lot of people unemployed.
And no one believes you own any guns, go find an image off of google or something, make it more believable you anti-gun nigger
>muh natural plant
Who made man? Anything we make your sky daddy knew was going to be made.
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wrong, alcohol was first found in fucking stone age tribes. Weed was also very old discovery, both are natural for humans to consume.
yaeh we all know how successful the prohibition was
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I drink 3 four lokos a day lol sometimes 4.
The funny thing about prohibition was when they would make those instructional packages on how to brew your own patch of beer and whatever, fuck the POs.
I think you probably overestimate harm from alcohol, and you'd definitely have to separate stuff like overdoses if you value freedom, which you mentioned.
But besides that, no matter how incompetent a population might be, I think it'd be foolish to say that the government is competent in preventing people from getting these things that they want, which you also mentioned. Supposedly we have a drug problem which is worsening every day, it was even brought up in the presidential debate, and this is in spite of our prohibitive laws. Of course, some government entities have the goal of intentionally protecting organized crime rather than unintentionally, but that arguably makes the situation even worse.
Also, (alcohol free) beer is isotonic, so it may not be as "bad" as pure water when it comes to water intoxication. The alcohol is a different problem.
None, I'm from here but I have visited plenty of those countries. The people are shit because of alcohol.

No. They're both failing at war and everything else because fundamentally they don't give a fuck about anything and are completely nihilistic. It's an attitude that is fueled by alcohol, it is very clear to see and should be easy to understand if you've ever been drunk.
"a day" is acceptable but two 4lokos back to back should get you as drunk as you need to get
3 back to back is when weird shit starts to happen
I agree, I'm not in favor of alcohol prohibition. But I think in a very controlled society, where you're actually able to reduce consumption and supress the crime, there is some point along that axis of freedom/control where it would become a net positive. Not the kind of society I would want to live in though.

Also love the bozo wings.
Why do you people always come here to share tragedy? He was reaching the heights of enlightenment. Now he's got to die hard in a state run care home.
As long as yeast and sugar exist so will alcohol. Trying to ban alcohol is like trying to ban water from freezing

lol white people love their chains
4lokos get a bad rap because retards drink them quick and it hits them all at once. I drink 3-4 over 6-8 hours. The first one I drink pretty quick to get the buzz going though.
I drank 1-6 tallboys a day for 2.5 years then I stopped
I sucks they don't have caffeine anymore
Most cheap US beer is 5%. Only two states had 3.2% laws and now its only one and only gas stations it applies to. Manufacturers will likely stop making it and almost all have or did already. Higher class US beer is 8% and up usually, sometimes up to the yeast potential around 20%.
I had a case most nights throughout my 20s.
Hi plebbit.
>the government couldn't tax people as much, it killed the economy!
So you're pro-taxation? Or are you retarded enough to claim prohibition caused the great depression?
>hurr durr ur nogunz
Guntranny cope. I've posted my shit before. Unless you're going to claim I dug through the archives until I found two identical ARs with Perst 3s almost 3 years apart. You're retarded enough to try it.
>How is he not dead?
lol lmao I remember my first post
Anytime you’re driving assume 1 out of every 10 drivers have to drive with one eye closed due to their impairment. Most drunk drivers aren’t getting into wrecks.
that shit didn't fuck up your stomach? i used to drink shit like bud ice until I think the volume of liquid i was drinking fucked up my stomach so i moved onto harder shit for the same buzz.
You could mix it with energy drinks if you really wanted to I guess. I've seen those monster energy drinks that have 6% alcohol but I've never tried em.
Prohibition literally made you the tax slave. Look it up.
Laws are not supposed to prevent something from existing. Only to prevent most of the uncivilized lower creatures from doing it by pairing it with extreme consequence so society doesn't descend into chaos.

They only work so long as the members are capable of imagining what would happen to them if they did something.
Without alcohol we wouldn't have hardbass.
>historically illiterate
Semi-automatic rifles aren’t illegal.
We're talking about the UK here. Good luck getting an AR or AK platform rifle.
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Take 6 more jabs, faggot.
I'm unvaxxed you weird groomer freak. Read another Harry Potter book.
Fucking manchild lmao.
He probably drink a fifth of liquor, as alcoholics are known to do, and they converted it to beer for normalfags to understand. Because a fifth liquor == same alcohol content as 18 beers.
Drinking makes your body more limber and easier to survive impacts
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way of the road, bubs.
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18 beers is more than doable over the course of a day, I was celebrating passing the exams just the other day and I drank a case of beer (24 standard units, 4.7% or 9.4 proof). I know a bunch of heavy hitters who can do much more than that but they usually drink vodka, because at that point beer is too tiresome to get drunk on
This. Islam is right about alcohol, and so were your ancestors.
how the fuck do you get drunk on beer.
serious question.
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the OG 4lokos had not just caffeine but also taurine, guarana plus wormwood which is the ingredient in absinth that makes you lose control
He had to drink 18 of them to get there
im quite sure i could drive safely after 18 beers. especially 18 american beers
This. Our society went to shit because the punishments for breaking laws are too lenient.
anon I drink a pint and a half of vodka every single day. I do not feel great
>tfw Polack
> tfw ywn crack open an ice cold Natty Daddy after a grueling 12 hour shift at Walmart
Eurofags take note, dog bless
you beat me to it
Artie Lang is looking rough.....
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>18 beers
kid stuff
This (((guy))) is an alcoholic psycho.
What the fuck did he think was going to happen when he started driving around that wasted?
Average piss-beer here is 5%.
Shame Mendocino went out of business because redtail ale and eye of the hawk were my jam.
Anyway, get fucked, stop repeating bullshit someone said on your TV 20 years ago.
>What the fuck did he think was going to happen
Stuff and things
My dad used to drink a 24 then tell my mom to get more.
Boomers are getting out of control
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Guys like this have organs of steel. 64 years old and still pounding drinks like that is insane. Finally caught up to him and overdid it.

Eventually cars will be automated and retards like this will no longer be able to drive. Most alcoholics that have lasted as long as this guy choose not to drive ever.

Any oldfags on here that used to post on the al/ck/ board before they banned us? Those were comfy times
ask a doctor for a 3 month naltrexone prescription + benzos for detox. Take the naltrexone and 1 hour later you wont think about alcohol. it shuts down whichever area of the brain is involved in alcoholic cravings
You're such a fucking pussy. I'm getting so sick of people like you.
You can't stop this behavior by pushing off on to law enforcement to ban alcohol.
Execute this man live on television. Kill a hundred drunk drivers like this and the behavior will rapidly diminish.
Cry moar shitskin
Been drinking and driving for 20 years. Zero DUIs. Haven't even hit a squirrel. Just another retarded BOOMER.
Die Achmed. Chinks run over people in Canada every day and we still let them drive. Life isn't all rainbows and sunshine buttercup maybe you should wear a helmet whenever you leave your house if you are scared of cars.
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Damn he killed a hot white girl. That's messed up, hope they give him the chair.
>Prohibition of both alcohol and drugs help organized crime proliferate.

Pretty sure it was immigration from Italy and Eastern Europe that was behind all that organized crime though.
Basically you're saying "you can't ban alcohol because the shitty immigrants will form gangs and fuck up your society". You could say the same thing about Mexican drug gangs
The idea that Prohibition "did nothing" is a lie. Alcohol consumption was 1/3 of what it was pre-Prohibition and the murder rate was going up prior to it as well. You can plausibly argue that the whole "murder went up during Prohibition" had to do with the fact that this was all happening during the Great Depression since it's not like economic uncertainty leading to higher violent crime is some kind of unknown thing.
>hot white girl
That’s a whore, Anon, learn to tell the difference.
I think we should ban anyone trying to ban alcohol. They should go straight to the Muslim shithole they belong in.
Yeah first thing women did when they got the vote was make men’s life more miserable. Anyone supporting that is a feminist faggot and belongs in a wood chipper.
>gangs of catholic Italians and Poles
>paid by jews
>running around forcing illegal alcohol
>down the throats of God-fearing protestant Anglo-Saxon Germanics
yep, that's how it went
>I think it's very possible that alcohol causes more harm than the crime.
It absolutely does. Look at how much alcohol was drank in the 1800s and early 1900s. The reason that temperance was largely led by women is because alcoholism was everywhere leading to high rates of domestic violence. Turns out that women who get punched in the face every night when Jebediah gets drunk on whiskey and flies into a rage tend to hold a poor view of alcohol. There's also plausible arguments to be made that riots in the 1800s occurred partly because of drunkenness. There were giant social problems that went with alcohol consumption.

Prohibition dropped alcohol consumption rates considerably and even after it was repealed the rates didn't even come close to where they had been pre-Prohibition until around the time of the covid lockdowns where alcohol consumption rates started skyrocketing. And look how shit things have gone in conjunction with it.

Alcohol is a societal poison that offers no positives, only negatives.
You are an addict. Seek help.
Drinking and driving should only be a crime if you crash or hit a pedestrian
he's right though
the only thing women used their voting power for
was to get abortions, no-fault divorce, and alimony
He killed a cop? Fucking based. Obviously more to the story.
>they should go to the most anti-feminist countries in the world!
>also ur a feminist!
I'm convinced that the ones screeching the loudest about "feminism" are the ones that are the most threatened physically and professionally by women.
Over 20 years ago there was one called Spark and it had caffeine.
yea ban it so i can make a mint selling hooch on the black market
Do people really get drunk on beer? Even just casually drinking like I do it takes a lot to get me drunk now.
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Death is the price of Freedom.

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