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Capitalism rewards whores and punish hard working men
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What we need is National Socialism
Yes. Nationalism for every country.
wrong, faggot
Hard working men reward whores
Those hard working men pay these whores though. Pathetic Cucks.
>Capitalism rewards whores
Is there anything the incel won't blame on capitalism.
It's literally incels funding these whores and blaming someone else for it.
>Cant pay rent
How much is his child support and alimony bill?
the guy on the bottom gives his money willingly to the guy above
She'd be fucking a party member under communism and a nobleman under monarchy.

Putting whores in their place and having a just meritocracy has fuckall to do with economics since whores will always be valuable as long as men are attracted to women.
To fix it, simply apply beatings, works under any economic system
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Works for me.

Unironically fucking sucks for the rest of your cunts though.
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Dumb men still living like its the 50s and shocked they are poor
You need to enter the 21st century and keep up with the trends, pic rel will make you more cash than her
the entertainment industry has always paid well if you can attract an audience.
sorry jimbo but nobody gives a fuck that you've been screwing in lightbulbs for 30 years, you're not that important. entertainment is the singular most important thing keeping society functioning currently. take away the breads and circuses and people will start kill each other.

things are real bad, plumbing and electricity aren't enough anymore. we're all on the verge of killing someone and our gay little hobbies is the only thing keeping us slightly sane.
When white men stop working for their boss and start working for themselves on 10 acres of debt free land, we will start having political sway to force the government to deport 100% of nonwhite people from this country and increase the price of labor back to what supply and demand dictates. And get virgin wives too. Until then, whiteniggers get what they fucking deserve.
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Non-internationalist socialism is what we need. West muss be saved
i doubt you can even define capitalism.
You will have a leader, if not in peace, then in war. Better to be so strong you don't need a King of the Peace, but you can't get there from here. You have to go through war. All wars are led by kings.

No. One big aryan nationalism.
Hard working men reward whores, generally.
Miners make great money.
she's not getting government money
she's getting paid by guys like that miner
if you want to change anything, stop paying whores
powerful men understand that they can keep power by making the hierarchy as follows: elite at the top, whores as second class, rest of men at the bottom
the lower men will never raise to the top or disrupt the elite because the whores are there to distract all of them, and obviously disruption will never come from the whores since they're happy to consciously sacrifice purity for a false sense of becoming "higher" (as is described in the bible).
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The millionaire woman LITERALLY only has money because the sad incels workers like the "can't pay rent" guy donate all of it to her.

It's you straight men the ones who not only allow women to live privileged easy lives, but you throw money at them just for a chance of them saying your twitch username out loud.
97% of only fans simps are BROWN
Russia has the most natural onlyfans market, where sexy russian girls are paid by russian men. White paradise truly.
what % of russian women are on onlyfans, 20%?
not my fault that below chooses to give all of his money away to above for nothing in return
This but unironically.
The stop being the retard on the bottom paying for the retard on the top.
Except most simps are swarms of immigrants shitskins and indians in gibbs simping for a second of attention of a white girl. Yes theirs white simps but its nothing compared to shitskins just go into any tiktok live and observe the comments
>self employed in the trades
>working at a mine
yeah that makes bank. if you are someone who just coasts though life and you get into trades you end up being what is essentially a high payed labourer with a special certificate. If you get your own company and get to the point you are taking on contracts and hiring labourers then you can make serious bank. If those contracts are the gov or a big international company then you are set.

The economy being hard on people really means the general labourer type people, not the ones who are skilled and own things.
Mining actually pays very well (depending on where you are or if you are willing to move). Most people don't realize this.

This has been happen always...from ancient times....these days all people just can see it because internet.
If we lived in a dictatorship then the same women would be in a privileged harem
Whomp whomp
Sucks to suck
Tell that to British miners in the 1980s
No. It has nothing to do with Capitalism. This is a Specialized economy vs Generalized economy. In a specialized economy there is no cap on earnings. In generalized economy there is nothing special to commend a salary that is disproportionate, because everyone does pretty much the same job.

The Ethot actually doesn't own capital, she did not make her money from investment. She made it from getting paid for her special trade. Yes it is special, because you could not do the job she is doing.
Whores have always had more money than working men.
What the fuck? Did I step into a time machine? When did 2011 /pol/ come back? I expected the entire thread to be nothing but "NOOOOOO YOURE A LAZY COMMIE AAAAA" of course we have a few paid shills to poison the well but that's always a given
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eh the guy on the bottom half probably makes pretty good money
Hi, White American.
>Can't pay rent
Probably the type of normalfaggot middle class that's got two or three trucks, paying a mortgage, investing in some minor things, and maybe even renting a house on the side.
They complain about never having money because they fucking blow it all on normalfaggot shit to play the credit kike game.
Go away you russian dog.
Top one invested in a boob job (although a bad one) and saw a market weakness with young lonely men on twitch that needed an imaginary girlfriend.

Bottom one does medicore work and flips out if he has to work 5 mins into his lunch break.
Americans are so fucking gay
>If I don't get my binky I might hurt you >:(
fuck off faggot you won't do shit, now watch 30 minutes of youtube ads you cuck
>white women swindles browns out of their money.
so what's the problem?
She was way hotter when she was in cosplay scene at 15
Fellow Amouranth talent scout. She was hot early on with her softcore tease stuff. The cramming a plastic cock in her twat stuff lately is just gross
Why do people ever pay for porn. Free porn, AI and imagination exists. I can’t imagine anyone being thirsty enough to pay an e-thot over just masturbating or fucking a hooker.
Her misty cosplay from years ago still makes me diamonds

Why does their race matter?
They are still pathetic straight men.
>Capitalism rewards whores and punish hard working men
by whores you mean those filling a market demand and by hard working man you mean those not doing so or doing so at a lesser extent for various and sundry reasons.
Yea but like what do millionare woman spend their money on?
>what do suddenly rich teenagers spend their money?
Answer is the same: stupid shit.
Get in the business of relieving rich people of their money. Sell stupid shit.
Because they shouldn't have access to the western sphere at all. They should be stuck in whatever hole they crawled out of
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Pic related doesn't spend her money. Her fucking husband is her manager/pimp. Imagine directly subsidizing some dudes lifestyle. Truly the ultimate cuck
Men should go on strike, worldwide, YESTERDAY ALREADY !!
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>Legs closed, wallets closed
How many times do I need to say it?
bottom probably contributes to the top as well, cycle of (((life)))
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I personally know guys like that. They usually have a paid off home because property is a lot cheaper where Brent lives, a shitbox truck and spend most of their money on alcohol. If they cut back on the alcohol, cigarettes and energy drinks and did the absolute minimum of investing with their discretionary income they would solidly be middle class, but they do "cheap" things like going fishing and buying $150s worth of booze, smokes and snacks for 3 nights or spend $30 a night drinking and eating in some bar each night except Sunday.

People Brent could easily save $200-$400 a month if they just stopped fucking drinking away their paychecks.
Right, faggot
The only thing worse than SIMPs are cucks.
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Based and Brotherland pilled.
300k isn't that much for a YEARS WORK though it's what most wagies should be getting
I guess you've never looked up the largest demographic supporters of OF whores

Married men ages 35-44
So does any other system, your point OP?
Don't forget stock market gamblers.
those men are the reason the whores make money
just let people enjoy things, Messi appreciator
At this point I'm convinced the only ones who pay are boomers and tech fags with overpaying jobs trying to find a woman with money. Or normies really are too retarded. Even now I have never paid for an internet subscription service beyond a vpn and the access itself. Pirating is so braindead simple these days people deserve to lose their money monthly to their subscription.
the "hard working man" is the one paying her, commie faggot
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No, it's mostly jeet scammers spending other people's money to see bobs and vagene.
No, it's mostly working-class simps
Consumerism and simp culture do that, not capitalism
Yeah fuck working past break time and fuck overtime as well. If everyone was busting ass instead of chitchatting we could all go home early but no, faggots like to turn work into a social activity.
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Fuck the State
>capatollizm sux so les vote in de toolz who will maek us all slaves too de capiulists
Retard whites shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>it's -
Shut the fuck up brain damaged racist it's CAPITALISM'S fault. Fucking moron.
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Democracy it is.
We need permanent revolution.
>a clueless mutt still thinks Adolf Hitler shot himself
For White men only, then agreed.
Wont happen. You're literally sporting a flag of a failed nation outlived by fast food joints. Toss the manifesto in the trash and join the real world Aiden.
Dude on the bottom makes more than a lawyer in LA.
Indians definitely play a part, but those shitbathers don't have the financial pull to keep all of this going, even with scamming. Everyday blue collar white guys are most definitely subscribing to these whores, all while they chug it down with their favorite monster energy drink(tm).
Harsh reality of capitalism is that money flows to “value” as in what is valued by others, not necessarily what is valuable or productive in a true sense. See zoom call jobs or e whores

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