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>Fans are rejoicing as it has been confirmed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are Black teenagers when in human form

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I'm pretty sure they were just turtles first, but if black people are turtles I guess that's fine, I don't think I can keep track of this shit anymore.
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New theme song just dropped!

>Teenage Looting Nigger Burglars
but they are turtles who were exposed to sewer radiation why would they have a human form? Do niggers love pizza more than chicken and watermelon now? crab legs?
Did they meet master Splinter while out assaulting elderly asians?
Is this what I'm supposed to be mad about today
Wow. I was about to do a driveby but this shit is inspiring. I'm quitting the gangster life.

t. nigger
Meh, it kinda fits the vibe anyway. I know they were supposed to be turtles that turned into the power puff girls using chemical X but, I mean, if they WERE to have a human form it kinda works.
Also, the memes
>teenage mutant "ninja" turtles
Having them all one race is better than making them all some weird equally distributed mix reflecting American urban demographics.
Childhood status: ruined.
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>Ayo we wuz turdles n sheeit
Jive-talking youths who hang out in the sewer wearing gang colors and getting into fights - sounds like niggers to me.
Fans are rejoicing? It came out in 1990, this means 40 year old men are rejoicing that finally the African American community is being represented by turtles that talk like surfers with Italian names that do Karate who have been converted into human form even though the whole point was that they were giant turtles in a sewer.
I don't buy it. They would use their turtle powers for crime if this was the case.
wait a minute, why are you posting an article from 2023? Is this a slide thread?

Mods, please get rid of this shit.
So... black people are turtles?
Up yours coon. Maybe OP just now found out and wants to discuss. It's news to me.
So you remember what they took from you
Mods are faggots and so are you
So TMNT is about 4 black teenagers ganging up to beat an old Asian man.
>Cowabunga! - I mean fuck yeah, nigga!
came to post this, lmao
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>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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I don't buy media from round-eyes anymore.
Things are so bad, I'm just glad they're not ugly or gay.
The only turtles movie that matters is the 1990 film, and they were all clearly white surfer dudes from California.
Splinter must be a Jew then.
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Stop being anti-semite.
Of course they are, they're Italian
Nigger jumpscare
Who's even the audience watching this shit? Manchild millennials I suppose.
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>Turtles who act like niggers are in actuality niggers
I am shocked.
its american so I don't watch
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>just make everyone black
>b...but sir, they're turtles, that doesn't make any sense
>mutant turtles
Add it to the list!
>niggers: Piccolo, Martian Manhunter, and the TMNT are ALL BLACK-CODED
They are turtle washing.
That's some speciesism against turtles!
why does seth rogan think it is ok what he does?
anime got inspired by walt disney who formalized cuteness
he drew from european features thus manga is white or rather disneyfied
Raphael being taller than anyone else in the crew is fucking offensive to me.
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My favorite honkfm tune
Kys you dumb dirty ape
This is nuts! IS. IT. CANON.?
Wow so they’re now teenage mutant ninja apes
Impossible, their favorite food isn’t fried chikn n menthols
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Tf is this? They don't have a human form. They're fuckin turtles.
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Thanks, bros
kek nice
a ton of manga is inspired by western culture/history, so it's not even that far of a reach.
Even turtles get nigger’d now anon
Peak globohomo jew clownworld
Crack pipe Hunter Biden is directing policy in the WH.
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Can't wait for them to remake TMNT III
I've never seen a black kid talk like a californian surfer dude, so at least Michelangelo should be white.
They discovered the Foot Clan is what they did! They were great Italian American ninjas and in this house the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are heros! End of story!
Dios mio..
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The original April was black, she wasn't ugly or deformed goblin though
>niggers are mutant non-humans
kek based
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>Jive-talking youths who hang out in the sewer wearing gang colors and getting into fights - sounds like niggers to me.
You made me laugh
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>The original April was black
No she wasn't, she just mad a massive fucking 80's perm because it was the 80's.
I don't know bro, I replay Turtles in Time very often and I have even videos of me beating it while drinking.
Pretty sure you can find the original videos easily too.
>posts picture of clearly eurocentric latina
>based on Kevin Eastman's latina gf at the time
nice try, memeflaggot kike
why burgers obsessed with niggers?
Piccolo is literally a shaolin monk from outerspace.
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Here, have my version.

Teenage nigger looting burglars
Teenage nigger looting burglars
Teenage nigger looting burglars
Negroes in a prison cell
Fight the power!!

They're the world's most fearsome looting team
Teenage nigger looting burglars (We're really crips!)
They're negroes in a prison cell and welfare kweens
Teenage nigger looting burglars (Hey, watch me grip!)
When the evil whitey attacks
These negro boys finna sell 'em some crack!
Teenage nigger looting burglars
Teenage nigger looting burglars

Splinter taught them to be ninja teens (add it to the list)
Teenage nigger looting burglars (He's a radical democRAT!)
Leonardo cant read, Donatello doesn't understand machines
Teenage nigger looting burglars (That's a fact, Jack!)
Raphael is a fool and on roids (Gimme a break!)
Michelangelo is a retarded groid (Party!)

Teenage nigger looting burglars
Teenage nigger looting burglars
Teenage nigger looting burglars
Negroes in a prison cell
Fight the power!!
/pol/tards can make sites like this but no one has made a Whites only /pol/ yet?
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Just make her look like this. You can argue about the race later. Everything beautiful is dying from the world.
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checked and keked
good shit, bongfren
I still like my version better :p
>human form
huh? I remember they were pets or some shit that touched radio active shit.
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>ID ruh roh shaggy
I do declare that is a mighty fine ID you have there son
That's an 80s perm. And that is the only remotely black looking thing about her
Holy digitz
I miss the 80s :(
Top kek
irrevocably based.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boom!_Studios kikes
Get the ability to disguise yourself as human.
Choose to be black.
I can smell everyone in this picture, individually. From left to right, baloney and floral scented shampoo, old person, stale sweat, old person, dollar store lotion and skunk weed, cope and warm leather.
Bullshit, they were White surfer guys if anything. KAWABUNGA BRO, they fucking skateboard. They are skinny White kids with long hair and baseball caps smoking weed and skateboarding.
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Man, I'm doing research for this thread. And the energy, aesthetics in these comics is really something!
and these were like a second rate comics! wtf happened, did something in the water sap the creativity out of people?!
So we can get black people to stop committing crimes if we turn them into turtles?
Time to whip out that perverse german science.
They're talking about a panel in a comic nobody's going to buy like it's 40's Russia and Stalin just showed up.
The turtles were surfers... and Italian (pizza) and amphibians. You ever seen a nigger on a surf board? In the water?
It's a hologram the Power Rangers made for them so they could go out in public or whatever. They could have made it look like anything.
Who else playing with with rats in a sewer?
i'm an adult now i only watch catoon porn.
This means Splinter was a shapiro?
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It's real. It's canon, bros.
The turtles are officially niggers.
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Go nigger turtles!! Lead by Splinter!
>In a new comic
I don't read those, sorry
Who do you think voiced them in the last movie as a result of this new canon? You really think this won't change things for any future turtle projects?
a black person has never said cowabunga in history
Um hello
Ubisoft taught us samurai were black
The Bay turtles were already established black did you not see those lips? Niggas looked like Chamillionaire.
Next you're going to try and say Michael Jackson was black you revisionist piece of shit
From TMNT to tmNt
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I haven't a genuine lol like this in months
Could be worse. They could also make Casey black and then not colourswap April.
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They might as well since April is black now.
Once they go black you can't have em back.
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Today's kids will grow up with four black turtles and their strong black female sidekick, and also she has a magical bat now because who is Casey Jones? idk. Casey Nogganaworkhereanymore anyway. Fuck white people, amirite?
When will this madness end, bros? When 85% of faces and voices we see and hear are black? 90%
I am not even mad at black people. I won't let jews have their desired reaction. I am mad that good art is not being made anymore and that people don't appreciate good art anymore.

Cause let's face it even if there was no raceswap. A TMNT comic in 2024? comme on give me something new!!!

But who cares anyway, the world is dead, beauty is dead, we live in hell.
4 chances and not a single non-nigger? Also where is the female? The faggot or trans? Bigots.
Here's your gay trans woman fifth ninja turtle, bro
You really thought they didn't have that by now?
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TMNT peaked with Turtles in Time anyway
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I'm 43. I grew up with the Ninja Turtles. Let me be the first to say, WE DONT FUCKING CARE!!! You can never take from us what we had. NEVER!. I don't care if the Ninja Turtles turn into faggots and suck Splinters dick. WE DONT CARE!!!
You should switch to Japanese comics, they are better. The newer ones are gay though but there's a wealth of content.
you can still do it Le'turdre'
Pretty sure April was Mongols
nah they definitely would have raped April
Needs a bit more diversity.
Built for BTC
You just know
Not my proudest nut of the day
Highly disappointed that didn’t take me to a real porno site
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It's literally in the name. Check the list faggit.
Blacks tend to identify with green characters for some reason. They think Piccolo is black, too.
this proves my schizo theory that pepe the frog is a black man, wake up people you have been psyoped
Why do they have a human form of they were always turtles?
Kowabunga it is
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no, it doesn't. they sounded like surfer dudes, like spicoli from fast times at ridgemont high, they were into skateboarding and x-games type shit, not nigger rappers.
Nigger culture is all theft anymore. They can't make their own, so they have to steal it.
Is that all it is? Freakin' camouflage?
Makes sense but it was a lot funnier when they were just wearing trench coats.
There are Japanese TMNT comics?
Apparently the Japanese dub of the original 1987 animated series was rather popular in Japan. I've been trying to find it but it was never given a commercial release. Shame.
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Remember, they took Knuckles too.
Gotta be the hair.
I bet they think Predator is a nigger as well.
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As if every frogposter isn't black
Knuckles is Jewish now, haven't you heard?

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