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Previous: >>472876482
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet

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Total Zigger Death
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Death to all glowniggers and the faggots that reply to them. Useful idiots.
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fuck too slow
HOLY SHIT! this guy just PROVED that the US was behind Crimean beach attack!
How does US deny it now???
I can't think of a way to make this more humiliating.
>Death to all glowniggers and the faggots that reply to them
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Brian Berletic is a good lad.
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No allies?
brown kike
the Jew could be laughing?
I'm gay and I stand by Ukraine.
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>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
Missed a clip
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that's what taxes are for by the way a little rando fact is that when you pay taxes they just destroy the taxdollars you give them and print new money. so they deflate and inflate the currency based on how many people work. more peeps working the more the money is deflated.
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Have all the good Ukrainian FPV operators die?
All i'm seeing here is them wasting a dozen on a tank without doing shit to it.
Like come on bros, at least try.
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wow is that heckin based king jew who's genociding those muslims you hate so much?
thats at least 20 osint verified ruzzian tank losses + a crew of at least 100 spetnaz tankers
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oh you just know Ukraine cut the vid right after impact and used a burning tank from 2022 for every drone.
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Macron#s reign of terror comes to an end in 6 days, and no matter how the election goes, Zelensky and his jewish golems won't be getting another euro in aid. By calling for a retarded snap election, le petit Macron may have unironically saved europe.
pretty sure the first one hit the road or the tracks since it kicked so much dirt in the air
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lol @ the socks
the russians will adopt me as their own like the fremen did paul atredis and teach me how to ride the worm (load artillery gun)
it's like bluejays mobbing a hawk lol
just watch, macron will go no where
imagine thinking your "vote" matters lol, they already know the outcome of the elections
this also applies to trudeau, he aint going no where
buhanka stronk
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Can you Chuggies complete the challenge?
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Le macaroni's already been abandoned by his own deputies, and even if he stays in power, he'll be completely impotent until 2027, when he'll be voted out. Due to France's importance to the EU, they won't allow him to sulk and act as a lame duck president, so he's getting axed.
We need to know the name of that "Peking university " and what a "senior researcher" is
>Feng yujun
Yes, it said so in the screenshot but it's easy to make that sort of stuff up. If he really is a bureaucratis should be pretty easy to find his name. Spit it out or admit your a filthy kike shill
ywnbaw faggot
Stop bombing ukies' power plants.
i just dont buy it
they were able to pull the rug out from donald trumps feet and proclaim biden had won the "election"
something tells me they'll do the same in france
macron is too usefull for them, hes a yesman that doesnt ask questions
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no, billions must be bombed
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Why do they make some tracked and some on a Kamaz chasis?
Even if it was real, one random dude saying something doesn’t mean shit.
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total hohol power outtage
How do you not kys immediately after that kind of a humiliation ritual?
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they want to go socially conservative my man they have been wanting to do this for awhile in the EU. it's fairly obvious. on how everyone is talking in talk shows and tv and everywhere else, you also assume there is one group when there's like 40 groups even india has their own group of rothschilds called the Adani. their ideas constantly clash and smash into one another's plans and fail etc.
>wheeled: rapid deployment
>tracked: prolonged deployment
tracked also doesnt stuck, wheel are just for quick reaction
i could be wrong doe
You're evil people.
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Hello Alpha
They don't even need much shenanigans. Macron can form a coalition with the other party. They rejected him the first time, but after seeing the polls they know they have to.
Can I get a basic gestalt on the Belorussian border situation
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>pig state confirmed new york collapse
Tracked for soft mud and snow.
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Islam is a major religious minority in the Russian Federation, which has the largest Muslim population in Europe excluding Turkey. According to the US Department of State in 2017, Muslims in Russia numbered 14 million or roughly 10% of the total population.
get fucked, hohol
you were all laughing when the slaughter at crocus happened, i lost all sympathy for ukrainians right then, even the fucking hohol kids
What ended the turtle tank meta?

And it seems like they stopped strapping EW with generators to tanks. Was it just a fad?
Belorussia is a Ukraine's soil.
Speed meta.
Wife/GF internet profile on the back screen
>Holes whoring themselves out in Europe while white Ukrainians fight in trenches.
Evil and gay war.
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Is that a self-portrait?
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xth for horrific electronic cyberpunk irl awful murder of humans
don't pick up a gun folks just say no
the meek inherit all things
Why kill yourself when you can kill the fat jew?
>Ukrainians are responsible for Mongols and Tajiks shooting Russians.
Mentally challenged sir.
It just keeps getting worse.
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Would you die for monke even though there’s no banan?
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rightful clay + nato expansion + just surrender bro
i give no sympathy to a kike willingly letting his nation become host to yet another proxy war by the west
has new york fallen?
The kike is just gonna slowly walk away, how are you gonna catch up in those cope stilts lmao.
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ukrainian telegram channels were literally praising the attack, until they were told by the ukraine state to take their posts down to save face
i saw fucking ukies even on facebook, praising the attack and saying those people deserved it
the SBU was behind it, those churkas were paid over fucking telegram

every hohol will pay the price
every single last one of you, starting with bombing every aspect of ukrainian infrastructure to smithereens
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it's ogre
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He fought to protect the Jew, dum dum.
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French politics don't work like the rest of the world's, and they spent 20+ years stalling and gaslighting THE EVIL EXTREME RIGHT, but now they're out of time, and that meme can't be repeated again.
If they decide to keep Micron, he'll have zero power, and France won't even be able to pass a budget, which would effectively kill the EU, so he's getting dumpstered, then the CIA will probably send a bunch of beheaders to kill all the anti-globalist politicians, and if the world's still not destroyed come the end of this year, they'll start a new cycle to replace the french elite with new globalists.
Either way, the ukraine's not getting any more money, and the rest of europe will keep voting in more anti-nigger parties.
the old hag is just as much of a puppet as macaron
I think the WEF might be falling out of favour, everyone knows about it, everyone hates it, everyone hates the plastic politicians they've groomed,
We can rebuild him.
Bandera was a Ukraine's downhill. Imagine fighting for a meme dude.
>What ended the turtle tank meta?
it was an experiment apparently, someone had the idea to do it, worked a few times and then others tried to copy him, that explain the different quality in the turtle builds, especially the one capture by ukrainian which was a mess.

>And it seems like they stopped strapping EW with generators to tanks. Was it just a fad?
No, that was litterally the idea of one dude way too smart to be in that tank, nobody else managed to copy him
The Six Dollar 50 Man
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Correct, but more importantly than that, 'the west' is about to bankrupt itself, so said plastic politicians will have to fend for themselves. I knew France would be the first to fall, but I didn't think it'd happen until their 2027 election.
He got exposed with an Israeli flag and he's most definitely a Ukrainian kike. I fell for it but I know I can do better
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that guy could've had his own high tech tank if the russians let him design it it'd be quite eh sight hah.
I've read that EWs tend to get way too hot in the 40C weather so their efficiency tanks.
They should probably figure out some cooling solutions.
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I guess they were lied to, all sent into bakhmut style meat assaults
At least the state spent 6 dollars on him.
>No, that was litterally the idea of one dude way too smart to be in that tank, nobody else managed to copy him

I think the first EW abomination and the later turtle tank with jammers on the roof were from different frontlines, so probably not one guy's doing.
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everyone is emptying their prisons in this war russia ukraine both. its just a smart thing to do. because most of them are just going to be sent into the worst fights. and gotten rid of because they are problems.
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My thing is that how do we know one of these globalist organizations is done for vs theym just shrinking into the background. It’s an international organization. Just because the the public at large doesn’t like them doesn’t mean they’ll just disband.
Double kek
Good. I hope the ukraine clears out their own prisons, too, so all the criminal scum gets one last shot at glory and redemption before they die.
you just have to pump out a shitload of microwaves

It got too famous and the ukrandians put in some extra effort to hunt them down. Same shit as western tanks with the russians, but funnier and more intresting
Death to the murder/fake-war.

True war is only fought by volunteers.

The jews fear anarcho collectivism.

The only opponent is the jews

These threads are sus
Henlo again. Did jannie give a reason why the conversation got deleted earlier
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Why are ziggers like this?
We really should consider turning Ukraine into a modern colosseum where we herd our prisoners to duke it out, and the trannies can watch the drone gore or whatever.
Wow, it's already been a year.
why did you conveniently ignore my post, little brown kike?
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>Death to the murder/fake-war.
>True war is only fought by volunteers.
>The jews fear anarcho collectivism.
>The only opponent is the jews
>These threads are sus
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nope, just being faggots, could be the salty jew mass reporting
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Bought me some imported Russian orange soda.
As we hunt down the remains of Israel, the forces creating the fake-war/genocide are getting weaker.

Also regards to gatekeeping 4chan.
Death to the invaders that shouldn’t be on our internet.

A true chan admin bans all Israel IPs, we have standards of topics and thus standards of life
>russia sends prisoners to the front to repay their debt to society: le bad
>ukraine send pregnant ukies to die in trenches: le heckin wholesomerino warriors!!!
How is it?
AFU commander-in-chief names main problem of Ukrainian army after trip to Eastern Front
>General Syrskyy returned from a trip to the Eastern Front and said that the main problem of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the lack of motivated and trained servicemen. He noted that this is a key issue for commanders at all levels.
>Syrsky stressed that the situation in the Pokrovskiy direction (where the Dare-Devils, the Center group, are advancing) remains the most difficult. The lack of qualified and motivated fighters makes it difficult to fulfill tasks and affects the overall combat capability of the Ukrainian army.
Quick, bring out the motivational drones.
He still hasn't grown any taller. NATO is a far away dream.
It's alright the final year nurses in Ukraine are legit not going to classes anymore to not be drafted as a combat medic (mandatory registration btw).
>Actual unironic nafo posting
You aren't doing anyone any favours.
I spent a good 30 years actively riding motorcycles, on the road, courier riding in London, off road for leisure and competition,

my one concern was getting fucked up big style, breaking my back or neck, I'd really not want to go on living in that sort of state, one friend got a serious head injury and simply couldn't remember anything from before it happened,

a lot of the American vets who get mangled are pretty demotivated by it, there are going to be so many fucked up people in the Ukraine when this clownshow is over.
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I didn't saw it my bad.

You mean Putin or Neet&Yahoo?
Not bad, imported soda from Europe has a kind of unique taste to it.
It doesn’t taste like Fanta or Sunkist.
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Do not feed the Puerto Rican (you)s
his name is Jason and he's a paid shill
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>a way to make this more humiliating
Make them wave a tranny flag while showing his ex-girlfriend/daughter/fiancee with a new partner in Paris or elsewhere.
I heard TOR can fire on the move now?
he admitted it today
do not feed the chupacabra rape baby any (you)s
well Klaus Schwab has stepped down from the leadership, there are also scandals emerging about bullying and sexual harassment,

frankly, I think it was a bit of a cult and that freak Schwab was the 'Rev. Jim Jones'
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Did anything happen that would put them into turbo-retard mode?
Trying to get some Baikal
>plays dumb
sad little brown kike shill
You're right, and all these amputees will create a huge drain on whatever will be left of the ukraine. Can't wait for Israel, america, or the british jews to realize they own a bandit kingdom full of amputees, elderly women, and pedophiles.
Check if it has artificial food coloring. Fanta tastes different in europe because they color it with carrot or something, but artificial dye here. and those dyes do affect flavor. i mean hell, red velvet cake is just chocolate cake with red dye taste.
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sorta already happening the only people that are going for it especially in the beginning are the kinds of people you genuinely don't want around,
Ivan the guy who didn't pay his speeding tickets and is in jail for 6 months isn't going Mykola the guy with a minor vandalism charge whos in jail for 6 months isn't going either

and honestly those types of people shouldn't be going anyways.

It's Jachi the cannibal rapist who killed 5 women whos in jail for life who takes the shot. or Ahmed the drug baron Pedo whos in jail for 30 years whos going to try and go out.

and honestly good riddance to those kinds of people.
Kim really knows how to throw a party!
Thats Ukrainian u moron LMAO
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no fun allowed basically, anything deemed off topic is deleted and users banned. around spring we had it pretty bad with jannies
Does anyone know what happened to the T-90 and it's crew that got ambushed by the Bradley ? I refuse to give NATO and our MSM trannies any views on jewtube ? I've been gone for a month
They should really do something about the survival chances thou. Almost half of the fuckers survived bACKmutt.
You can't make the jails too cozy though. If you clear out the psychos, what will scare the mobiks from not refusing service and going to jail?
I have a webm somewhere of a golem soldier catching his girlfriend with a nigger, actually.
I mean, they both kill muslims

How is the "no yous for Jason" campaign working on /chip/?
then there are the invisible injuries, the traumatic brain injuries from being in close proximity to large high explosive detonations,
Andrei Martynov was talking about this before the SMO, when Iran fired missiles at that US base,

the concussion can render someone unfit to serve for the rest of their life, they can get the shakes, become all emotional, just plain dysfunctional, without a single external mark on them.
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I remember them purging avatars, but comfy posting hasn't been targeted before
t90 got hit and the turret spazzed out
my guess is the bradley crew got a well placed shot between the turret and the hull
crew bailed out but i heard they got captured, not sure how true it was
bradley showed it was capable of "disabling" the tank but not able to destroy it, a drone came in after the firefight and finished the tank off
Belarus status?
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yeah noone is going to weep when some scum of the planet gets thrown into a meatgrinder.

the guards.
KEK the like really does look upset. This pic always brightens up my day.
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Apparently another ukrainian sector collapse happened, this time in "New York" which is just south of Toretsk
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>red velvet cake is just chocolate cake with red dye taste
Vovchansk status?
Fanta was developed as a substitute for Coca Cola in WW2 by the Germans, I think it was made from the waste pulp of processed sugar beet or something equally bizarre!
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they now do both, but it might the salty jew mass reporting so jannies have to act
>You're right, and all these amputees will create a huge drain on whatever will be left of the ukraine. Can't wait for Israel, america, or the british jews to realize they own a bandit kingdom full of amputees, elderly women, and pedophiles.
In more ways than one they helped create all the amputees. The retarded tourniquet obsession...

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new york finna boutta be new pork
what is this shitskin trying to say and what is a manor victory
me thinks he meant "major"
Thx anon
Coke tastes different as well. We use sugar, not hfcs. Close to Mexican coke.
Something, something, irrelevant village, three days to kweef.
Stop shaking.
the operator said, and I quote, he learned how to blind them from warthunder
a few well placed shots did indeed fuck it up
I read somewhere that 05% of the remaining population has been personally affected by the war. Even african shitholes don't go over 60%, and are still ruined for a generation or more.
Ukraine will be little more than an asylum inhabited by bandits and shellshocked golems.
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I'm waiting for the Russians to reach Stinky
>red velvet is just chocolate cake with red dye taste
Not really. While red velvet does have cocoa in it, it also has buttermilk and vinegar in it, giving it a different taste and texture
I think the florida cops killed someone in stpetersburg yesterday, things are heating up.
So what you're saying is "Bring firecrackers next time you're in Ukraine and enjoy the show"
it's the same after every war:

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plus just going to jail because you don't wanna be thrown into a meatgrinder is perfectly acceptable. clear out the psycho's that make everyone's life worse by their mere presence. just slap some barrier troops behind em that know what kind of people that battalion are and drone them if they try to surrender.
source: https://files.catbox.moe/bm3wsi.mp4
depends if your Mom makes it, or you buy it from Walmart or wherever.
What's really going to suck is "troops" who end up in the West after the end of this. There's no way theyre going to be productive members of any society. Expect criminal activity to go up. Joy.
I don't think I would, the victims will be in such a pitiful state I couldn't be that cruel.
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
When "clearing buildings" is misunderstood
You wish Vatnik.
Ukraine is winning this war and once they win and Russia is running away from Ukraine, Ukraine will become a full fledged modern European country. They will have a higher standard of living than all of Russia and Russian vatniks will dream of moving to Ukraine.
Thx burger anon
Not to mention that every Ukrainian knows at least one or more family members who have been killed/injured in this war. Makes you wonder just how dire things really are.
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You're on the verge of bankruptcy just like in 1968.
>Ukraine is winning
Go back, Mikola.
It's going to be wild seeing North Korean soldiers in the Ukraine at the end of the month.

I wonder how NATO is going to react.
Kek nigger tier b8
We are nowhere near bankruptcy, the U.S still runs the world.
>Ukraine is winning this war
lmao, where?
U actually believe that cope?
North Korea aint gonna send their soldiers to Ukraine to be slaughtered by thousands. Desperate Russians are hoping Korea is going to come and save them but Kim is smarter then that, he knows Russia lost and using his army there leaves him open to be attacked.
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I'm out here gathering wood right now. I look around and think: all the fucking animals are killing each other all the time so what the fuck is this illusion that we shouldn't do it too?
In a way I agree with you, but from a different angle. Why are we all do obsessed with peace? Everything out here is eating each other
In his nigger tier hohol fantasies
the mountains in oregon must be nice
Keep telling yourself that, sweaty. Btw, Atzlan will return to mexico.
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heh, cock
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on reddit of course, the most strategically important place
You don't anymore.
Its called being human that is why we should not do it because we have souls and are of higher intelligence.
Russians think like you "Why shouldnt we do it?" because they are non humans and just animals with no souls. Russians are a plague upon the world!
North Korea has confirmed it is sending an engineering batallion to Donetsk to aid in combat engineer infrastructure tasks and to give them experience in such conditions.
this kind of blind hubris will certainly lead us there
Who runs the world then?
Its definitely not Russia
What does the lettering on the barrel say ? TKD ?
yeah what all the replies said, they got some lucky shots and the personnel inside got away fine
also fun fact: the same bradly crew tried this again, against another T-90 crew and got blown the fuck up lol
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Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah aaaaaah ooooooooh
new york is about to get penetrated
> Who runs the world
>Doesn't know
Aren't you a special kind of fucking retard layoff the fentanyl you junkie
beast fighter
zvero boj I think, not sure how to translate it properly
Croatia and Serbia are still recovering from their retarded spat war society wise.
And that was nothing compared to this war
From children of veterans being allowed everything. Insane men occasionally killing their families and themselves and sometimes throwing grenades at things that perturbed them.
Then there's the economic impacts of it.
We might even see Korean soldiers fight Russians then. Here is how it will go down:
"Ivan! The Koreans are here! Send them in the next meatwave against the Ukrainian defense!"
"I got it Sergei, let me go tell them"
"Ivan are they going?"
"No Sergei, they are refusing because its too dangerous"
"BLYAT! Make them go!"
*opens fire*
"Ivan! The Koreans just shot our commissar!"
*Russians start shooting Koreans, Koreans start shooting Russians. Ukrainian drone flies in and blows up both Russians and Koreans"
Russian Media : "A brave assault with our North Korean allies retook 5 twigs in the Donetsk forest!"
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yeah thats it! thanks anon
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Yes. This was marks the complete termination of the Ukrainian state. It will no longer be able to exist independently in any form.
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and then everyone clapped and zelensky did fortnite nae nae dance
My nigga Feng hasn't been seen on the internet for almost 5 years so I guess Putin doesn't have to worry too much about what thinks

Remember kids, the war is won on the internet! Slava Ukraini
I run the world.
You should seek a job in hollywood I hear they are looking for more retards that can't write.
having tons of weapons laying around and unexploded bombs/mines must be fun
Don't go pissing in the woods when traveling.
one of the London teaching hospitals has an album of face pictures of people disfigured in WW1, they showed it on TV a couple of decades ago, it was horrific, apparently these people wore masks to go out in public, so as not to scare people,

I can remember as a kid going to Sunday school and there was an old couple who attended meeting and he had been gassed in WW1 and his wife had cared for him ever since,
Funny that, Croats and Serbs in their 20s that I know here can't stand each other. Which is weird as their hatred for each other is clearly taught. I've given up trying to hangout with them as a group. I just hangout with one group or the other.
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>Why are we all do obsessed with peace
Many people are obsessed with peace because thats the propaganda they were raised with. Also pacifism and obsession with peace is 90% of the time a result of childish thinking, delusion and a complete failure to understand reality.
Notice how obsession with "peace" perfectly tracks with all other western delusions (gays, trannies, feminism, fake money etc). Historically speaking people used to understand that war and violence such as execution of criminals was a part of life and often necessary.
You're way off these are dryopteris x australis, they grow here in the south and in australia for some reason. Maybe we used to be the same continent or something haha
Why do we keep lying to ourselves about our own nature? Your attitude is the modern one, I'm talking about going back to how we were for most of time, that'd truly be reconnecting with nature
>180 serpentine to bait her first shot
>naruto run at her while she's racking the bolt
>grab barrel
>sweep the legs
its spearhead
which is interesting because if russians are capable of delivering such deep penetrations is there any defensive lines at all and what is stopping them to actually commit for once and break entire frontline. supply lines?
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>Who runs the world then?
Beastkiller, its the nickname for ISU-152 because it was known for knocking out Panthers and T-I-G-E-R-S.
nigger you are about to enter death spiral at the point where you wont be able to generate enough money to repay debt and would have to get more loans to repay old loans which would lead to default when nobody would give you more loans.
F for the jewish empire project, may it cursed ruins rest in piss
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It falls to us to restore natural order. Once the judeo-demonic gay empire collapses, it's time to execute all the installed plastic golem politicians in our countries, and then we can finally rid ourselves of the parasites, the niggers, the jews, and the demons.
Cool thx anon always enjoy little historical tidbits
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thanks for clarifying that
32 or 33 Trillion and counting oy vey
because we are not animals and while our brains are animal we can transecnd them via self-discipline and hopefully alterations soon. we are capable of creating galaxy spanning empires and transcending limits of what is precieved to be godhood.
then theres niggers like you which just want to be animals
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That would be the dream but we are unlikely to be in such a situation soon. Russia will win in ukraine and the cold war will continue with the west. Until countries here implode economically there will be little chance to fix the mess, and we can't rely on an outside force like Russia to save us. Unfortunately there are too few uncucked people here to mount a proper resistance like other parts of the world did
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It's gonna be an even bigger shitshow than what happened in 1968, and they don't have anywhere near the same power now as they did then.
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>runs the world
>can't even send ships through the suez canal
uh, muttsects sisters?
for it to happen china would have to start hunting and executing jews because they will flee too leech from new superpower which is china
>'here's a video of Ukraine winning, that's why Ukraine has to kidnap fighting aged men off the street'
no one believes you, Russia will win. this is within the patterns of every war it has ever fought.
>a unprepared Russia has old fart generals who don't know anything
>they lose hard, resulting in executions, exiles or retirement (depending on the war)
>new Frontline heros and forward thinking generals fill the ranks of the officer core
>they start to win
>they push and push stopping, fumbling but not letting up the pressure, exhausting their enemy
(the entire time this is happening, Russians are dying by the millions, with 10 million to replace them)
the cope has been unreal to watch, I always hoped for a decentralized insurgency, but most likely the states didn't want neo nazi Americans and shit learning deep tactical insurgency warfare to spread on the underground. hope the sacrifice of Ukraine was worth it
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>wild seeing North Korean soldiers in the Ukraine
That's Kiev cope to bait Nato into sending troops.
Israel will be destroyed the instant america's financial situation worsens, and more countries will convert to anti-golemhood. France is just the first. It's unavoidable now.
You should flee to Switzerland, Hungary, or SEA, like other mumins with a brain. I'm very close to fucking off from my nigger country, too.
Can I get a Kharkiv update please?




>that's what taxes are for by the way a little rando fact is that when you pay taxes they just destroy the taxdollars you give them and print new money. so they deflate and inflate the currency based on how many people work. more peeps working the more the money is deflated.
Neah. Fiat currency used to pay taxes isn't cancelled/destroyed. Moreover, all countries in the world are doing their bet to keep their fiat currency money supply expanding geometrically perpetually. Why? Because you have to print businesses' profits. Constantly. As you go along.
well to begin with it would default and face complete collapse just like ussr did, after that it all depends on how merciful their enemies/allies will be and will country be broken by inner divisions or not. I think jews will try to privatize and buy out all shit which worth actual money and run fully dystopian neocroporate state. Would be interesting to watch.
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So maybe I should take that aviation welding job that I was offered there instead of staying here...
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UGH laughed when the Russians blessed that beautiful van
Now who's laughing.
Indeed. It actually leads to a cattle people easily controlled by government, while returning to nature is the opposite of being controlled by government, it's true freedom. All this comes to me just from being out here in these woods and observing nature man, it's insane haha
Yeah we are. We're the top of the food chain here on land. The sea is a different story. And why the hell would that be Godhood? Ever studied the gods? They weren't peaceful at all and, and they were promiscuous. Hold on fren I have to start taking this wood back
You accuse others of childishness , but still you sees the primary problem as le troon and the analysis for the problem is DA JOOS and the solution is to fantasize about whatever spastic random violence towards "the enemy"... yeah.

(I don't fundamentally disagree that hard-pacifism isn't childish btw)
there wont be any soldiers
its all made up westoid bullshit
putin refused to accept them, he said its a possibility (hinting at the counter to any nafo deployment probably) but said that current situation does not require such drastic measures
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Pepper your angus liberals…
>Ukrainian FPV operators
Can't win
Please make this a gif.
America itself doesn't have a lot of shit left that they can buy, at least not without buying from other jews. I never thought I'd live to see this day.

You really, really should. Lots of mumins are going there for industrial jobs, so you won't be alone.
Gods are human creation. I am talking about power to reshape matter with your will assisted by brain-reading machines. Hitting 200-300 iq with stimulants/augmentations/genome and brain editing would be a good start. Would you be against becoming 4-5 times smarter? Doubt it.
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>Le based Trump
they have aircraft industry, thats all I can think of
maybe pedowood but thats qutetionable investement in my eyes because they fucked up everything they had by hiring troons which inserted current politics into every piece of media
Gona be funni when tiktok buys their aircraft carrier
>1pbtid memeflag
hes not useful to them anymore, hes narcisistic and clearly pissed off kikes. they are smearing him in the jewish press rn, saying hes toxic and such.
zion don
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>primary problem as le troon and the analysis for the problem is DA JOOS and the solution is to fantasize about whatever spastic random violence
troon is simply a surface level symptom or manifestation of deeper core problems. Like when you are ill and sweating excessively; the sweating is not the problem to target directly but just a symptom.
da jews are definitely one of the single strongest contributing groups to all the problems. It is not fantasizing about random spastic violence, but a methodical removal of problematic elements. You have a rodent infestation: you kill the rodents. Killing your enemies is the best way to defeat them, whether it is done directly or indirectly.
i never said i support trump
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I love how both /uhg/ and /chug/ are convinced that Trump is their guy lol
I've stopped watching new movies, it's just not worth the effort,
I watch stuff from the Golden Age of Hollywood, when it really was something magical.
>/chug/ is convinced Trump is their guy
We hate kike lovers here
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I took your "pull the rug" comment to imply that there's a difference between Ziondon and Old Joe.
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The allies are DOUBLING the amount of F-16s that Ukraine is getting. Russia is so fkd right now.
Asking again for again and update on chasiv yar

Wait still????


Funny desu
maybe that other anon was right>>472890521
they are going to push kosher nationalism like they did in jewkraine
Front National has been co-opted after Le Pens' father left the the party
This sort of stuff is so incredibly sad. These men lost not only the best years of their lives but their mobility forever and for what? A Jewish dictator in Kiev that skims money from the West? The American dollar? Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Northrup Grumman? Nuland cookies? No matter how deluded and brainwashed these men are or were they deserved better.
Inb4 f16s are proven to be westoid junk like abrams
Better, but I still think you are a fucking idiot and spooked as all hell with "da joo" that is not a useful categorization or useful in grandstanding anything. Also you have no actual analysis or understanding of the world that goes any deeper than the skin. A political dabbling duck, that is what you are.
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da joos is the problem
this is current us cabinet
in many countries jews also occupy positions of power
world media largelry controlled by jews
how that comes to be?
either you accept that jews are just superhumans which exell at everything or actually analyze their methods of obtaining power and that it attracts most corrupted people (power does not corrupt despite popular saying, its people who corrupt power) and start to understand that they have vile and outright evil culture which landed them being expelled from 1k+ countries through recorded history.
you dont even need to kill them, just adopt laws that jews cannot be allowed into positions of power or influence, problem solved.
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Feds are getting mad that Trump will be elected and stop funding the hohols
>we need 720+ F-16s, then it's worth the effort.
>okay, we're sending 96.
>that's a nice start.
>in 2023.
>no, wait, I meant at the end of 2023. And we're only sending 60.
>actually, we're going to send 42, but they won't arrive until may 2024.
>uhh, I mean we're sending no less than 42, and upwards of 80, but the first 10 won't arrive until june. Maybe.
last one I watched was 2nd part dune and it was the only movie I have watched this year. It was mid af.
Have seen people bitching about nulotr, but it had nigger elf on the poster, what they expected lol? reverence of lore or ability to craft good stroy from someone who inserts niggers into setting which is completely white european? lmao.
Le Pen Sr was quite objectionable because in his time things weren't so bad, he appeared oversensitive,

Le Pen jr is a bit more moerate, things are worse, she fit's the mood,

Alexander Mercouris thinks she's really rather similar to De Gaulle in here attitudes, that she's nowhere as right wing as the media like to gaslight her as.
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He's more formidable than ever.
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Mutts are horrifically kiked, but it's only because they're so easily bought,
A lot of people deserved better, but it's too late for them now. Let's hope future generations learn from this.
Wtf? He turned into a chicken?
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We could send them 720 F 16s and it wouldn't make a difference if they don't have the pork to fly them. Like the ground war the Ukraine needs men, not wunderwaffles.
Checked. I can think of only one thing which is improved by the addition of niggers - which is to say an empty (mass) grave.
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>nooo don't blame the jews
>no actual analysis or understanding of the world that goes any deeper than the skin
>offers actually nothing, only trying to push discussion away from the problems.
Shill or retard, probably both. Do everyone a favour and kill yourself
I'm not clicking that Rajesh
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They begged for them 2 months in, back when they had lots of pork, but even back then, it wasn't gonna amount to much.
I'm glad the jews pushed them to commit ritual mass suicide.
I do wonder if the Ukrainians will look back at this debacle like we do with Vietnam and question if it was all worth it. I hope they do.
>jew smiles and rubs hands
>flags are israeli
>tranny flags
>blm flags
>slogans like dead soldiers dont matter as much as trans rights
>people in auditory all blackest niggers... paired with with white hohlinas
>coffin nearby with dead hohols
>filled with goysloppa as a funreal gifts
>screen shows linda graham
>best money ever spent
You're assuming there'll be any hohols to look back on anything.
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Part of me suspects they keep delaying because they don't want to send them and want the war to end before they are actually force to
early niggers were ok because they were there to be part of a story, not a divercity quota metric
appolo was nigger in rockyy and nobody bothered with him cos he was based
Trump was the first president to provide lethal aid to Ukraine, I have zero hope he will do anything good. BUT with Biden it's just the same old same old, Trump is way more fun and I can watch trannies screech on a daily basis.. so supporting Trump is just a bonus regardless
it's from a movie, he's an alien masquerading as a hooman

No id love that. But what if intelligence will just make us better hunters haha? What if becoming the ultimate predator is our destiny? What if we could reshape matter to prey on and make use of everything?




BATTLE STATION >>472897383
it's a fucking youtube link you fucking retard!
All joking aside This won't end with the complete extermination of the Ukrainian population. They just will loose at least one entire generation of people and be left with orphaned children, old men and women, crippled physically and mentally men, and women. That is what will be left to pick up the pieces and question Kiev as to the sense of all of this death. Than hopefully shoot every last one of the rats in that city.
Shut up.
Obviously. Once Ivan and Vlad start shooting down F-16s, they'll no longer be considered invincible by normies, and that's very bad for business.
America's still hurting after all their other wunderwaffen were emasculated.
btw if you report genuine fellow /chug/gers you're basically no different from a kike
>which is completely white european
Wasn't the author of dune someone who loved jews? I heard he included some jew shit in his books as well, which means the game was rigged from the start
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>Fight evil
AIDS mongols have to be driven back to asia where they belong.
Double of nothing is still nothing anon.
its useless
besides with high tech you can create most primal virtual realities to fully unleash your animal side if its your forte
yeah, i was only implying that elections dont matter and they will choose to put whoever they want into office, regardless of election results
If any of them live, maybe.
Look like someones aiming for a discord invite
Sure, because the west is the pinnacle of righteousness right now.
What DISCORDE invite? I've3 not used social media in 5 years! I am a ghost as far as the governmente is concorned.
>slavic speak on another ad
That's not even in the US lmao, what are they even aiming with that ad
and that money will go straight to israel instead of ukraine...
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At least here I don't believe that are npcs are duped into the F16 being invincible, but rather that Russia is still a 2nd rate backwater military running our of arms, men, and vehicles that are too drunk to know who there betters are. They sell the idea that the Russian air defense is the same equipment and same poorly trained men as Iraq so any war will be done by Christmas bullshit.
Just filter shills, including the jeet
better to filter than to give (You)s to shills
I was talking about lotr. lotr lore is just european folklore, everything evil is niggers and mongols
Dune is far too nuanced for that, but its also full of redpills with women witches manipulating everything in an attempt to create superhuman which they fucking fail because they wanted to make a woman and ended up with a man and that man becomes god emperor of the universe which fucks humans up into complete stagnation because it was the only way in his vision to stop never ending war which leads to everyone plotting against him and bringing him down only then to be revealed that he forseen that too and for some reason I dont remember It actually makes sense. Dune is a philosophical work above all about power of belief systems and rulership to shape societies and warning against following precieved messiahs and strong populist personalities.
Can’t blame the Jews for your dicks being too small for your women
mutt's are just bought, end of story. You don't need a jew to explain what a rich man's money does to a government and politics. Same goes with you bongs and with us mongols, we are all bought. You don't need to say that there are some a good rich oligarch controlling the government and some bad rich Jewish oligarch controlling the government. I know why you fuckers wanna believe that, but wanting to believe something doesn't make it real and it certainly won't help anybody to understand the situation and much less change the situation and end all these symptoms that we all see and very much hate. The problem is capitalism has always been and needs to stop, but you don't wanna think that, understand that or much less do that, because all you "da joos" obsessed fuckwitts are fundamentally at your core, liberals.
shills always think about dicks, because they are gay
jews mutilated your dick when you were born you should know
russians are the fremen and i'm paul atredis
mutts law

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