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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>China is increasingly treating a Chinese city full of Chinese people like other cities in China
Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
A Chinese city that belongs to us that was returned on the condition they be allowed a degree of autonomy.
no one does anymore now that it's part of China. Communism destroys everything, including what was once the financial hub of asia. Now it's just another shitty chink beehive colony.
imagine trusting chinks to stick to an agreement. ror, rmao!
Yeah, they do shit like that and then cry that people then have beef with China.
>Communism destroys everything
i don't really see this in china
everyone has a beef with chinks. remember their "warrior wolf" diplomats during the covid shit in 2022?
you should try going there to see the shithole for yourself then
Yeah, just saying, they've got it coming.
>Contract that leased HK to the UK expires
>Has to give back HK to China
>Anglojews threatens to not honor the contract
>Jiang Zemin says he will invade HK and kill all the anglojewish soldiers stationed there if they don't honor it
>Margaret Thatcher gives it up
You anglojews are so slimy. No wonder Germans called you "perfidious albion." Jewish rats, the only language you know is force.
china is the one that didn't follow the deal...because chinks are liars and scammers just like pajeets. never trust a chinese—they don't trust each other.
Hong Kong had a few thousand people living there before the Brits came. It’s one of the best cities in the world and not because of the Chink commies.
Historians will spit on your name.
Singapore was a mostly uninhabited island before the British took it over. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, HK, Singapore...asians do best with whites. When left to their own devices, they're like mainland China or Cambodia or North Korea.
Why doesn't taiwan make movies like hong kong used to?
to busy building computer chips that Hong Kong (or China) cannot is my guess
There was never a historical term for the Chinese being treacherous.

There was one of the English, it was dubbed "perfidious albion." Slimy jewish rat.
>Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
virtue signalling
>There was never a historical term for the Chinese being treacherous
it was "chinese"
>There was one of the English, it was dubbed "perfidious albion."
That was in French imbecile. The French called the English that.
The French, Germans, Spaniards and everyone called them "Perfidious Albion."

Must be a coincidence everyone was calling you guys slimy jews? Just like the 109 exiled countries?
no, it was the french silly zipperhead. and the English called liquor "Dutch courage" and homosex "Dutch love" because of all the wars they fought against them. Just like you are known and Qing slaves by the Japanese.
There's 30 different events of European countries calling anglos a bunch of slimy jews.
You guys are slimy jews and Europe has called you that for the past 400 years.
no, there's 6 million, and it has been going on for 6 million years
TIANANMEN SQUARE MASSACRE, 721 HK Stabbings, Winnie "Xi" Pooh, Organ Harvesting, Falun Dafa, Myanmar Ethnic Rebellion, Myanmar Drug Trade Run By China, Cartels Banking With China, Money Laundering Help By China, Chinese Honey Traps, Murder Season, Homeless Under Every Bridge.
以色列合众国 9/11 inside job 以色列合众国 Waco massacre 以色列合众国 American soldiers in Iraq killed to make Israel more secure 以色列合众国 Judaism 以色列合众国Lucky Larry 以色列合众国 The Great Replacement 以色列合众国 AIPAC guy assigned to every congressman 以色列合众国 Spreading homosexuality in foreign countries 以色列合众国 Anti-white racism 以色列合众国 Patriot act 以色列合众国 FARA not applied to AIPAC 以色列合众国 Thomas Massie wife assassinated 以色列合众国 Censorship of anti-Israeli voices on social media 以色列合众国 AIPAC control 以色列合众国 Trannifying American children 以色列合众国 Edward Snowden, Gary Webb, Michael Hastings, Seth Rich, Julian Assange 以色列合众国 Estrogen in water 以色列合众国 NPCs 以色列合众国 Jewish ownership 以色列合众国 Usury 以色列合众国 Civilians fired for criticism of Israel 以色列合众国 Censorship of dissident right on Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Paypal 以色列合众国 American soldiers killed in Iran (2025) to make Israel more secure
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>teehee we'll give you back the city we violently stole from you but there are conditions sweaty! Ok? So first of all you must-
lol is that the anti-us spam tactic now? LMAO, unfortunately for you, you are allowed to speak your mind about those things in the west, other than maybe kikes publicly without expecting them to lynch you because you upset the tribe.
>You are allowed to speak those things
You literally cant, it's law in the US that you get fired in government jobs if you try to boycott Israel
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it was amazing how routinely China was defeated by so few European soldiers
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lmao, dilate.
>You literally cant
I know, you're not allowed to show your geoflag. You literally can't.
>angloid golem serving global Jewish interests
Yes, many such cases! The Sassoon family thanks you for your service.
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Literal niggers in Africa put up more of a fight against the British than chinamen did lmao.
>secede territory after getting your shit slapped
>m-muh force
>v-violently stolen
Go back you chink. Might makes right.
>Under the Texas anti-BDS law, a government contractor is required to certify that it (1) does not boycott Israel and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract
You will get fired from your public job if you try boycott Israel. Your delusions of free speech are full of shit
would you get fired from your job if you took off the memeflag for even one post?
>be hegemonic power forncenturies
>fail to industrialize and modernize
>cry when bigger dogs fuck you up
One nanjing wasn't enough.
It's funny watching a jew seethe over a swastika so I'll keep it on
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> meanwhile here's a part of a list of banned literature in Chinkland!
and boss man no allow it—that too yeah?
America censors people for insulting Israel
China censors people for insulting China

You are a pure golem
yeah, the contract was with the people in Taiwan mate, not you great march, never fight, propaganda monkeys.
you live in the UK and still can't speak English
>Slimy jew always trying to find a loop hole
Oh perfidious albion

Forced obedience makes you into the biggest fucking golem, you are deserving of slavery, you are deserving of working in the factory 24/7, your level of intelligence can be compared that to a pig that's happy in its little pen covered with shit and filth.

You deserve to be burned alived like you do to dogs, nigger.
Finnish jews censored a ton of shit in the past decade. Your argument is retarded.
but enough about the anglos
> But but jeews.

Doesn't make your argument any more organic fucking faggot ass.
>a loop hole
50yr agreement,one country two systems. is it different when chinks just ignore agreements then?
Crazy to see some eurobolshevik kike talk about censorship.

Shut the fuck up nigger, your kind should be shot on sight.
China respected it, Hong Kong isnt under the Chinese government though it should so they can fight off british subversion easier.
Eurobolshevik kike wants to kill his opposition? How new
>ignore agreement
The agreement amounted to,
>"don't start shit and give us an excuse to put our foot down"
Read it. Thats all it was
Says the person that wants to do the same thing, your hypocrisy must be inherited from the kikes and poos in the loos you call buddhists.
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No need to insult yourself eurobolshevik kike
>blah, blah, blah, excuses, excuses, excuses
are you proud of how jewish you've become chink?
I understand what you are saying OP but Hong Kong was kind of like the last bastion of something approaching real 19th century capitalism in the world... I'm kinda unhappy the Chinks ended that.
An anglojew calling someone else jewish? How funny. You slimy rats were accused of being treacherous jews by all of europe for 400 years
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and now you are jewing yourselves so fast it's embarrassing.
Perfidious albion, this is what you were called by europe for 400 years.
It's understandable that the Chinese want to fight off english subversion in Hong Kong
why are you jewing yourselves though?
>Perfidious albion
i'm a bong mate, call me whatever names you want. we don't give a fuck, simple as.
You've already jewed yourself long ago. How much of a jew do you have to be so that all of europe comes together and calls you "perfidious albion"
It boggles the mind how jewish you guys are
You guys are talking a lot for people that are called the Niggers of Asia and everyone else hates your ass, fucking nigger.
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Only kikes care about Hong Kong because they invested so much in the city and its stock exchange.
Bolshevik kikes look more akin to niggers with their curly hair and brown skin than whites. Idk why you would insult yourself.
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Chinks do love slurping cat blender soup LMAO! So shut up nigger, you are not even mentally on the same level.
i know i'm a dirty perfidious anglo, but i asking why you, a chink are intentionally jewing yourselves in 2024?
move back to China changdong ring.
You are 30% chinese yourself, it seems like you have a lot of self hatred going on
When in the past 400 years all of Europe comes together and calls you "perfidious albion" then that seriously means you are next level jewish.
It's good that China is fighting anglojewish subversion in Hong Kong. A union is necessary between HK and China for this.
Stop identity robbing, dirty hmong mongol kike hybrid.
we got jewed a long time ago and are now paying the consequences. you have seen our mistakes but still you are jewing yourselves, why? with jews you always lose.
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>Why do people pretend to give a shit about Hong Kong?
They are still MAD about their failed little color revolution lol.
Look at these traitors, jews and anglos like them because they are useful idiots. Under the new law these traitors are back in the shadows like cockroach they are.
That's because your chink pay pig pays you to see what he tells you to see.
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>City still has it's own flag on 4chan

That settles it, Hong Kong is independent. Free Hong Kong. Revolution of our times. Viruses do not exist.
because the jews wanted all of china to become like hong kong not the other way around
What do you have against mongols? You're 30% part mongol yourself kek.
Did you forget to take a look in the mirror this morning?
>Revolution of our times
its a sad revolution then, really really pathedic
False accusations, we don't look at all alike, chinks are always brown niggers we are white as fuck, you guys are brown and dumb, no wonder you lust after the BBC.
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Oh nononono who is gonna tell this underage finn about his mongolian ancestry lmao
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It could be better, yeah. It was going good after the Overwatch tournament and when those basketball guys were accidentally wrongthinking on Twitter but by the time we got to umbrellas and green lasers it was already a little silly.

Teenagers should have known to stick to media, but I'm sure they were agitated to behave like bug antifa by your team so, good job I guess. Probably gave em the laser pointers too didnt you. I hope you paid for the airport police to get glass eyes and eyepatches, you 5d chess bastards.
Why should the residents of Hong Kong trust the UK when they ran away from the Japanese?
Perfidious Albion is still butthurt about their opium den being taken away from them.
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It failed because you didnt win the majority of the people over, but how could you you dont care about the well beings of HKers, you just want to create chaos.
You failed in 89 and you never learned. CIAfags have completely lost the plot.
>how could you you dont care about the well beings of HKers, you just want to create chaos.

We prefer the term "unexpected economic opportunity" but fine, just reap the benefits of economic growth without helping contribute to the catalysts. Do whatever makes you happy. Enjoy HK. It had a purpose in the region, it offered things other cities did not, but homogeneous HK is fine too. Macau can still be Vegas and people can go there and HK will just be a city of sad people who get poorer and harbor resentment against Beijing, and that's fine.
>HK will just be a city of sad people who get poorer and harbor resentment against Beijing, and that's fine.
Just HK going back to its rightful position in the world, like it was 100 years ago before colonialism and that is fine, such is life.
But of course a colonizer like you is gonna use this to justify colonization, so predictable.
Give back all the computers and we'll give back Asia. Easy deal.
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>Easy deal
Soon you wont be in a position to negotiate. You had a good run we will see who gets the last laugh.
Or does colonization have some benefits that you want to keep while also claiming to be resetting 100 years of governance errors. Because if there's benefits you'd like to keep we can negotiate like adults, but if you want to go back 100 years we need all the computers and the people who know how to make new ones cause they're using colonizer knowledge.
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Do it pussy, you wont.
2 hours
Its pointless to call names on the internet.
Just know it will be settled in our lifetime, how exciting is that. Only shame is I can't be in your face when it happens.
Yeah I was just playing a character. It's entertainment with politics theme.

I'm a pretty big fan of all humans, and I have met many mainland Chinese and even Beijingers who I am very fond of. I think violence is abhorrent and I hope that our nations are merely pretending to fight for TV entertainment rather than truly getting aggressive to each other.

2005-2015 was the greatest period of growth the world has ever seen due to the unprecedented trust and cooperation between the China and the world. I find it very annoying that we are cutting this era of prosperity short because some on both sides are so greedy that they just couldn't let the poor be lifted up by the greatest engine the world had ever seen.

xiexie for the shitposts fellow human of dignity
Sorry, bongs and criminal bongs btfo'd. Might makes right as they say. Also they even make their own cities in their own image; let alone their own countries. Maybe kneel and suck ol uncle sam's big dick again (like usual) and we MIGHT help you again like British Oil in Iran.
one final request while I have you here President Xi, since CCP is going after bankers salaries and real estate -- can you guys make gacha and pay to win games illegal. Tencent sucks at making things and they shouldn't be subsidized by slot machines that don't pay out. Let them figure out how to make real games with a narrative. Make a Chinese game console or something. Help a gaming brother out.
I really never understood this sentiment. Bongs forced China to lease HK by beating them up, China taking it back and shitting all over your shitty contract was the only right choice
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>can't hold onto a city from invaders on the other side of the planet
>can't enforce contracts with force because your horribly outmatched
>cant even get the populationt to give a shit about your language or culture
Sounds like you deserved to lose it.

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