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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is this realistic or bullshit?
The only thing Catholics need to do is deport themselves
Catholics are brown goblins.
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fuentes is a sephardic name though.
He and far right Christians idolize a better time for the religion, but they don’t accept the current state of Christians, there are no battle saints today and even though they once crusaded, today they just preach peace
As long as the boomers are still breathing there's not a chance this will happen.
You shouldn't need Catholicism to know that Christ Is King. There are other purged avenue of Christianity and they were purged for a reason by Catholics.
catholic immigrants did untold damage to america
My nigga!! Christ saves!
I ain't kneeling to no gay spic
Also who the fuck does Nick think he is, he's advocating for some profound religious awakening which is so unrealistic and laughable in regards to the current zeitgeist. The demiurge is 10,000 steps ahead of him
Listening to homosexuals is slightly worse than a woman.
>Ignore jews
>Kneel before my jew instead
What a nigger loving faggot
christians are too far gone, until Jesus makes his return things will keep getting worse.
its american so its full of contradictions but thats gametheoretical the only real danger for the regime I see a longshot
The biggest argument against taking Nick seriously other than acting like a faggot and hanging out with kikes and furries is that he is clearly smart enough to know that America will never be a religious nation again, unless you're talking about a Muslim invasion.
>killing old european/african/native american people is good, killing old jews is bad.
hello, based dept?
In America? Bullshit. We hate Catholics.
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>Kneel before the crucifix
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He be kneelin alright
once catholicism is christianized then this glowing cartoon may suggest as much. vaticanites have departed from the faith.
>e-celebrity garbage
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I wonder what christian man fucked Nick Fuentes so hard his slutty twink cum dripping ass now went full CHRIST IS KING radical.
So she's an arab bitch. We don't claim this pocahontas looking whore
Bullshit. There's a very short list of people who are in a position to tell the catholic church what it "must" do; and this guy isn't on it
Jows mad
how can someone read this and not interpret it as the words of an agent acting on behalf of a foreign power?
>stop bowing to Jews!
>what do you mean you won't kneel before the symbol of rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef!!1!1!
Do Conservacucks really?
this is a (1) bait thread, but I will still take the time to say this is inevitably going to crash and burn by coincidence or design, the Jesuits are just another flavor of crypto-Jewry and the Catholic right was always the worst right-wing enemy of the syncretic Third Position in every single European fascist state that would either fully derail and coopt the original ideology as in Italy where the syndicalists were sidelined, never to be enlisted again even during the Social Republic; be themselves cannibalized but survive as a noxious cancer of backbiters and saboteurs determined to lose the war just enough to cause a mutiny so that a junta of their own may be substituted in place of the hated middle class upstarts as in Germany; or simply massacred their founding leadership and eventually the bulk of the committed membership outright to protect the wretched gaggle of conversionist Jewess-fuckers in power as in Romania
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yes this person got dual loyality, the woke right

broke: muslims
woke: nick fuentes
bespoke: ben shapiro and gay nitzchan jew bodybuilder
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It's weird he says that after trying to put a devout Zionist jew in Congress.
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what is a jew?
The Church is poised to come back in a big way. Atheism offers nothing but nihilism and despair. Even non-believers are feeling increasingly drawn to the church.

It’s a nonstarter. 75% of the brown immigrants pouring into this country are Catholic.

This is pretty much exactly equivalent to like British or European nationalists saying that in order to save their countries the nationalist movement needs to become Islamic. Imagine Tommy Robinson saying that you need to revert to Islam if you want to join the EDL and save the UK from immigrants. That’s literally exactly how retarded this is.
It's Christcuck bullshit

America was build on Reformationist Values from Germany and Switerland and also European Ango values.

You see protestantism in the english lenguage steems from the Wormserbible which was called work of Jews and it was translated by Guttenberg and brought to England then to the USA with the anglos.

Catholics and US- Protestants (nothing to so with European Reformation) are brainwashed Judeo-Catholics.
Their priests are pedos and faggots, they won't do shit.
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Umm sure maybe that’s true in your goofy and insular little Twitter circle of extremely online larpers.

Meanwhile back in real life….

Protestanism is build on Ana-Baptism which was build on the translation of the Wormserbible, written by Jews together with Guttenberg and also translated by the same groupe.

Zwingli wrote the first European bible, the Zwingli Bible and even made a "Sharia state" out of Zurich.
>Luther ended the writing of the Luther Bible after Zwingli
>Wormserbible writen by jews spread to England bcause it got translated and used by English Kings bcause it was different then the Swiss and German Reformist takes and influences.
tommy robinson the guy who never mentions tony blaires immigration tsar barbara roche?
she said she let the muslims in for her jewish identtiy
but enough about protestants
This shitksin needs to be fucking assassinated.
I agree with all of those but one point.
I'll keep my belief in God, but fuck you if you think Go's is contained in the Jew Desert | Kike King on a stick narrative.

Fuck all that.
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stop being silly larpagan or hebrew what are you?
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Authentic spirituality isn't to be found in a religion, and not in following any supposed guru either. You can pick up bits and pieces that are wise and insightful in the right time and place from such things and people, but their utility at a collective level will always be far from perfect and certainly risking subversion. I don't know if there is a sure-fire collective solution of perfect ethics for a better culture and society but for one where strong and experienced men beholden to no ancient doctrine or foreign entity organically come together and assert their will over however much territory they can claim.
this is not a negotiation, christ denial is evil and should not be tolerated
100% truth.
>doing anything
No, they are not really Catholics. They practice voodoo hidden within Catholic symbolism.
I kneel only to the Swastika, nigga.
majority of white catholics in the US are liberal left of center types
majority of brown catholics in the US are spanish speaking immigrants
his fantasy will never happen, his only victory may be the destruction of any potential right wing movement by attacking all of his fellow RWers, but not a victory
Idc. Im sick of whatever caused my country to become white minority. Reverse that Allah or The Mighty God or Odin, or Science, idgaf. Ill be your loyal follower. Just fix it!
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i dont pay attention to this guy, nor have i cared previously about all the shills getting butt-hurt over him as they're sometimes paid to do
>or do for free
but in this one case
>if this xitter cap is to be believed
he's 100% - except for maybe the last sentence, we can be Christian but he doesn't need it to sound like that. besides you don't need a crucifix to pray to, it's unnecessary and arguably a form of idolatry - but either way his first part is right
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there is another way
religion isn't real
For not being my enemy. He has my blessing.
It's happening whether you heathens want it to or not. Convert now.
The catholics were busy mass murdering Incans and Aztecs and producing a mystery meat mixed race out of them. While they sold indulgences so priests could profit and rich men could attend brothels with a clear conscience.
so what I'm getting from this is that the Nicene church will inevitably be the Whore of Babylon and experience a false renaissance that actually leads to damnation, more or less as has always been telegraphed
Catholicism is not "a religion".
It is simply truth.
if he converts all right wingers christain he may just gain sainthood.
is nick fuentes capable of miracles?
The Protestants founded America.
The Catholics founded Mexico.

Where would you rather live?
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>just learn hundreds of thousands of pictographs meant to represent individual concepts because the chinese never evolved their writing into a much simpler alphabet

i'd rather waste my time learning hieroglyphic luwian
>global institution
yeah in Africa and Mexico and Brazil and the Phillipines and....
Christianity is for low status brown people. Atheism is a White phenomenon.
>Kneel before you jewish savior
Yet. There is no good atheist Doctor.
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We all sensed it with how she rose to power.
Christians are always Christian first, their people second. Always. Every. Single. Time. Be wary of ones in your ranks.
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Lol prot nonsense.

Why did some early manuscripts of Revelation have the mark as 666 and some 616?

Hint: Revelation wasn't written with you in mind as it's audience. Or anyone alive today. It was written in a cryptic way so that persecuted 1st century Christians would understand it's message, but the Pagan Romans wouldn't. The vast, vast majority of Revelation has already happened. The Whore of Babylon was Pagan Rome.

Atheism is a Jewish creation. Made to destroy cohesiveness in Western societies. Every community used to have the church as it's center. They've demolished it and now take a look around at the consequences.
There is no reason to put (you) above God. You are not my Master.
Catholics are not Christians and the Catholics scum have always been a 5th column in the USA for their beloved spics.
All of the Catholic scum should be deported with their beloved spics, kikes, and niggers. Filthy WOPs and Paddy niggers were the first group of illegals the USA went too soft on. Rotten useless scum need to be deported with the rest of the human garbage
God is above All.

Catholics are the very first Christians. Writings of the early Church fathers confirm that the earliest Christians had mass and practiced nearly identically to the modern Catholics and Orthodox.

To anyone who isn't ignorant of history (ie. protestants), this is blatantly obvious.
>There is no reason to put (you) above God. You are not my Master.
Lol, one, your posterity's future should be your master. Two, what does it say about your god that his interests conflict with the wellbeing of your people and your descendents? There should be no conflict, yet there is.
Pride. Selfishness. Death.

That's all in your words. Nothing worthy to worship.

You are garbage.
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>Kneel before the crucifix.
okay Johnathan BLACK'd, suck more Jewish niggertoes and put your leaf flag back on
Please, you're people are the most prideful, arrogant and condescending people just like your brothers the Muslims and jews. It's why you act like you're literally God's gift to God and think you're better than everyone else and say so. Who are you to talk about pride? You fucking fraud.
I am better than everyone else. Yes. This is a fact. Saying otherwise will just make me a liar.
It's because he works for the government as pressure valve and containment, drawing all races together under the banner of Christian nationalism (no doubt the Spic Fuentes followers got fuzzy tummy feelings from the way I worded that) is just another way of continuing the Kalergi plan and undermining European and New World ethnic and cultural identities. Let's all be Christians my fellow go-guys!
In all Heaven and Earth. I, alone, am the chosen One of God.
are you trans? the truth is the truth
That's very humble, meek and mild. You're just like Jesus...
I hate lying. Lying is the tool of the weak. To lie is to admit that you are WEAK.
I can beat Lucifer. My name is literally Michael.
Jesus wasn't any of those things. He was a 6'5" blonde-haired blue-eyed bodybuilder. That meme told me so.
Teen don't talk shit about your people having pride you fucking retard. That makes you a hypocrite, which is all Christians are. God you have issues.
To rely on the creation as your source of power does not make you strong.
This shit is fucking cringe

Israel is fucking based defending its nation from Muslim shitskins while Muslims cope by bending their religions ass to lgbt woke trannies and mainstream media in the west so they protest a little

This Nick faggot should be thrown into Muslim land and see how he gets fucked and converted to Islam in minutes like a whore because of his weak thinking

Based chad Israel knows what up and protects it's interests while killing leftist Muslim fags and right wing weak faggots like this guy that has only fought trannies
Don't care. I can still beat you in chess. All of you.


Full score.
So which is it? The kikeservative movement or the American Right? Nick can't even bring his fellow christcucks "to heel" and he somehow thinks he's going to convert people who don't worship his dead rabbi? Through what means? Spamming people on social media with "Christ is King"? Nick doesn't even talk about whites anymore. I can't believe I ever defended this retarded faggot.
Make the temple of god
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99.99% of Christcucks today worship jews and think jews are the chosen people, but yeah a brown homosexual midget is totally going to reverse that.
Yep, get called out on being a fraud and realize I'm right so spiral into "hurr durr I was just shitposting lol. " scurry along now you wannabe jew rat.
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Kneel before the BBC
He’s a catholic aka rabbi junior. Ignore this shill
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>Israel is fucking based
sir this is pol not a synagogue
its absolutely true, the right is worthless if not Christian. but papists arent Christian or right wing
>2 more millennia
It's a fact that I can beat 100% of humanity in a chess match. I am literally the only being in the entirety of existence that is capable of solving chess.
>advocating for some profound religious awakening which is so unrealistic and laughable in regards to the current zeitgeist
in terms of his lifestyle choices also. the first duty of a revolutionary is to live the revolution and he lives a lazy catboy lifestyle
How do you build an anti-semitic movement on the Catholic Church and the Pope, both of which are completely in their control?
I wish you well, but it seems unlikely
>The Whore of Babylon was Pagan Rome.
Lmao. The Whore of Babylon is the United States of America. It's the only nation that has truly forced every nation on the planet to engage in sodomy and globohomo degeneracy.
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That make me the chosen of God.
Catholics are degenerate and so are modern protestants. Its because of works based salvation. This makes it so people think that they can trick God by hiding their degeneracy.
bro sits like a faggot.
Converting to Catholism? Faggot pretenders, you're born catholic and baptized at birth, I can't accept these imitators, this is not a world of ignorance stamped out by enlightmentment, these are degenerate vessels of poison seeking to corrupt the purity of God's light.
Let the water that rains down up their head burn away their flesh like the vampires they are.
so true
I was raised Catholic and the church is pretty liberal on most things. Super conservative on gays and abortion but liberal as fuck on everything else. I don't know what church Fuentes was raised in. Probably some weird Mexican church, if he's even a real Catholic at all. He strikes me as a Christian Nationalist who just likes the Catholic aesthetic.
Last time I checked your nation was getting raped by what you called "inferior Russian horde" while you were incapable of even defending your nation from "advanced Russian logistics and estrategies"

You have lost two consecutive world wars and got absolutely raped twice by allied powers while claiming you were superior to everyone else, you are in no position to say anyone else is inferior lmao

Now you have your nation with highest count of mosque per towns and your news station always talking either about trannie German woke cucks getting or German women brutally raped and then killed by Islamic Muslim yards

Compared to Germany at least Israel is based enough to defend its nation and protect the interest of white Jewish people all while they are in the middle of the fucking Muslim world and and still thriving like chad Israel does

All the while you can only pray that Muslim Habibi doesn't rape your German girlfriend too much on the street so you can have some type of ancestry that's not Islamic you absolute cucks lmao
America is an Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation. Nick is neither.
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>America was an Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation.
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you got a memeflag, use reddit spacing and defend israel
Even if everyone was Orthodox Catholic, God still wouldn’t exist. Christianity is the attempt at convincing you God is a woman without being honest about it. Love never saved anyone, and forgiveness is not a product of the cross. Fuentes works for the Synagogue of Shrek.
Fuck your Jewish god
Bullshit. We will only unite on race, likely when it's too late, thanks to cristcucks.
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come home White man
Look at the official positions of the church. The institution has been subverted for too long to turn anything around. Also spic fuentes is fake and gay.
He says while worshipping occult symbolism made up by some feminist bitch with a faulty understanding of paganism
Polytheism is even dumber. Deism or bust
Praise God, Praise Jesus
Gas the kikes & fuck the whore of Rome
No more circumcision.
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The first 3 are based the last 3 are cringe
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you got no scripture, you got no cathedral your drink horse semen and perform sodomy on shroom in the woods, we are not the same
Your Pope washes stinky nigger feet.
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America needs to be Romanized
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simpoid defending feminism
Both are fake and gay, Deists do it better.
>simpoid defending feminism
...what? Defending feminism? Buddy I don't just advocate for the removal of women's rights to vote but also their right to own property.
>spic fuentes
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are you not a larpagan?
No. It's not a binary. There's good in the Pagans and there's good in the Christians. My hope is that we can forge a new explicitly white racial religion to replace Christianity.
>Kneel before the crucifix

i'm generally on his side, but will kill anyone telling me to kneel to a religion. this doesn't go like you think it goes.
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come back when you have done it (while not being homogay and feminist) as long as that is not the case fuck off
>come back when you have done it
I wish I could anon, but my heart belongs to science not sorcery. Faith is not something I'm really capable of.
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>Faith is not something I'm really capable of
then stop countersignalling faggot, I say that as an atheist
get over your ego

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