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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Free market with zero regulations is such a great fucking idea am I right Libertarians
With whites only it unironically is
TRVE Libertarians live in mud-huts anyway
>specifically go out of my way to give contracts to lowest possible bidders with costs that don't match reality
This isn't some china/us white/nigger debate, if you're a decrepit fucking nigger kike knowingly hiring scam niggers so you too can save money, we're going to string you up and rape your dog.
It's a terrible idea obviously, and the erosion of laws restricting corporate excess are a large part of the reason we are in such a shit situation right now.
OH YES imagine private courts and cops i am wet
In a free market the guy who sold that concrete would be fired off into space by his customers to work as a slave on an asteroid mine until he has paid off his refund.
>Trying to say fucking COMMUNIST CHINA is a bastion of free market economies.
Get fucked. I'm not even a libertarian, but all of them are better than you.
your example was posted from a country where everything is run by the (communist) government
chinese society is literally one giant perpetual scam it’s insane
but that's china?
Retarded example. In a free market competition would put the company producing those cardboard boxes out of business.
>believing these blocks weren’t engineered to be a hollow facade
Inspectors are still needed with or withur regulations dingus
This is because of a broken society where you can't report problems to the leadership without severe consequences, meaning people do all they can to cheat and just get things done no matter how. This is what happens in dictatorships driven by personality cults.
Low-trust societies are made up of low-trust people. Why are you assuming the government is more competent/honest than businesses? Do you think state represenatives are magic?
>free market
What did the retarded nord-cuck mean by this?
In libertarian Atlantis, the contract would include the possible consequences for something like this.
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>In a free market competition would put the company producing those cardboard boxes out of business.
Lol, and it would go bust, suppliers would go unpaid, and the directors would just set up under a new name, rinse and repeat.
It's almost as though laws and regulations were created in the past to prevent this sort of shit from happening in the first place.
Just make your own cement blocks nigger
No refunds
>Video of a hyper regulated economy
based on your video the answer would unironically be yes
Why are you assuming the people making and enforcing the laws are any more moral than the businessmen? Is the government magic?
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Bing bong

Are you sure it isn't communism making everyone evil? Why isn't that happening in non communist countries?

You heard it here first, he thinks China is more free.

But why?
>sell hollow stones for decorative purposes
>gweilo buys because they're "cheap"
>gweilo tries to build house with them
>it collapses
lol gweilo
Have you seen a stucco house before the stucco was applied?
>in a market controlled and constantly sabotaged by masonic abbos and arabs
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I honestly can't tell what's even happening here. Some kind of cable I assume?
Whoever bought the bricks should be given capital punishment by his own people. The seller did nothing wrong.
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WTF I wanna be a gov shill faggot all of a sudden
Over regulation and government overreach is bad of course, but its exactly because of shit like this that SOME regulation is mandatory.

If you sell to the lowest bidder, you're going to get the lowest quality, and if that quality threshold is tofu dredge construction levels, that's what you're going to get.
look at the right side of the street. There's a street cleaning truck. The big brush that cleans the street caught a cable that had dropped down on the street.
The car right beside that cleaning truck gets bumped up too at the end of the video.
Sometimes, you run a bad batch; without further investigation, I would assume the manufacturer reimbursed them or sent a new batch. It happens.
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Chink hate thread...
Umm you know quality checks are a thing....right?
We can laugh now...but...
Reputation, nigger.
Without regulations and the police to protect them, if a company fucks up, the angry mob could just crucify their corrupt executives alive.
This. Also, regulations are fine WITH ACCOUNTABILITY. If regulations make shit expensive, governments don’t get to cope by propping up demand or sealing off other options, and the costs have to be directly attributable to the regulations.
The best immediate solution is to push regulations to the most feasible local level. If town A outcompetes town B, then maybe town B needs to relax their regulations a little bit or the people in town B have to be cool with paying more for their ideals.
Finally, a good post from a Canadian.
Freedom works.
If governments were doing a not even a good job just average the libertarian free market will fix it all bullshitiers wouldnt have chance to raise as a legitimate alternative.
So stop blaming the bullshit seller and start blaming the useless governments for legitimizing their bullshit product.
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IRS niggers tongue my anus
The only reason they can do this now is.because laws protect the owners. It is hard to pierce the so called “corporate veil”. In a libertarian society you would be able to seek restitution from those owners directly and that sort of crap wouldn’t happen.
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>Free market with zero regulations is such a great fucking idea am I right Libertarians
>Shows commie China
All Eurotrash are useless leftist subhumans. I really wish I could nuke all of you nordcuks. I'm happy that all of you nordcucks will kill yourselves with high taxes and regulations... you subhumans should not breed, and I'm glad all of you will die out soon.
Be a good little faggot and kill yourself for equality and climate!
Nordcucks are all leftist dogs. They can only mindlessly bark their leftist talking points.
>with zero regulations
clear contract violation. no regulation even required.
>this vid is from chyna. highly regulated communist country that literally executes people when things like that cost lives
a libertarian could argue that the building owner would sue the contractor for not properly fulfilling the contract, you can make fun of lolberts for better reasons.
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Be a good goy and slave your life away for Mr. Shlomonberg's fag-face
You get what you pay for.
This. Contractors always hire the lowest possible subcontractor over the competent contractor so they can pocket the difference
>inb4 Jews
It’s boomers. It’s always boomers.
don't worry, the hordes of mouth breathers always choose the right prodcuts
>Communist hive tries to get government money.
>This is a from a free market without regulation
That video is from a communist country with some of the strictest regulations.
Yes, but their regulators are incompetent, so it doesn't count. It's not "real regulation" unless it has the outcomes I desire.
In their ideal society the supplier would have failed to live up to the sales contract by supplying poor quality not to standard goods and get sued into the dirt.

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