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Her lengthy history of mudsharking cancels out her jew-naming unfortunately.
Ugly nigger lover.
She fucked the niggers
Hey rabbis
She’s still a niggerfucking whore, no matter how much you astroturf her
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Fuck off to eceleb board you retarded oxygen thief.
>manly tranny face
She named herself? Can’t wait til he starts showing his cock
Reverse psychology into anti racism, please rope
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Stop it
i didnt know whorses could talk
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Its extremely important for Russians to name the jew
Too bad her singing and guitar playing is terrible.
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i heard she is into anal with niggers.
Is this really true ?
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Why would they name themselves?
Did she do it while sucking her nigger bois dick? FUCK this whore.
>Roastie named the jew to get /pol/tards to donate to her onlyfans
You people are mental midges.
She already got debunked and BTFO by based Trent Horn
>Ugly roastie desperate for attention does edgy things so chuds worship her

KYS simp
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They need to repeat history. Jewtin wants to recycle history, let him.
>Amy Adams
So not the Hollywood actress then? Just some nobody e-celeb. I have no idea who this is.
She regurgitated some dumb shit but this was funny to watch at least, I rate it 6 million / 10
Why they people say kikes are Kharazian? Isn’t that just another way of saying Slavic East European.
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The problem is we need influencers that actually influence white women naming the jew, Desu.
I'd even settle for Shoe0nHead.
hey cuckold freak
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Khazarian "empire"(show me archeological evidence) are genetic roaches. Silk road merchants.
A shocking amount of white women I've met, even more liberal feministy ones, will still watch Blair White
But nobody, and not even men, like pearl...
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That’s a man and you’re a fag
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Based and redpilled! She is /ourcoalburner/.
Why wouldn’t they? LGBT troons are European/jewish invention. Noticed how white women like to raise their sons as fags but will run to Tyrone for dick. Maybe they raise their sons to be fags so no one can date them.
Exactly, just like East Europeans , genetic mutt trashes.
Okay, I looked her name up and this is a coalburner who brags about fucking niggers over white men. DROPPED
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Russia is less mutted than America or south Europeans. That's a weird thing to say.
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She'd literally rather fuck a homeless nigger than kiss a white man. She has the most Jewish soul ever.
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All the "she's a mudshark nigger cock tranny chud whore" posts are clearly all jewish bots aiming to shut it down. It's too coordinated how they all descend at once spouting the same lines, packing in all their buzzwords (CREST refers to it as "generat(ing) credible extremist sentences"); organic posting does not operate like that. Reminiscent of how they instantly swarm Fuentes threads as well, spamming their "he's a gay spic pedo cumhunter fed!" ad nauseum. Same resident shillfarm at work. They have these stock scripts they deploy for every so-called alt-right figure.
She looks like a pig, ew.
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The niggers can keep her. >>472894062
Blair white isnt going to name the jew.
ill forgive her if she publicly appologizes for fucking black guys an then gets a white husband and becomes pregnant
No dude, she's just a tramp that belongs to the streets.
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She named the jew
But her chance, she blew
When she chose to date
From the local zoo
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That's oldfag to (You).
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Fucking KEK
coincidentally shoe also fucked niggers
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Ecelebs (and really most celebs) are fake and gay. One minute you think theyre based, the next, they're guzzling jujucum.
I did not know that. Shame. :(
Based Nigel
Everyone truly based is deplatformed or silenced.
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I am cool with anyone who names the Jew
Literally anyone. Want to massacre the Jews with me? Consider your sins to be forgiven. It's time for the world to heal, /pol/. It's time for TKD
High yellow mullatoes, not anthracite black fieldhands like coaly prefers.
Who gives a fuck? She's a giant ugly woman who makes passions with people who go unironically jogging.
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And its good to have a common goal with niggers.
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why are you a retard that can't use this system to your advantage ... it's so simple!
>jews want me to like a nigger lover
Lmao nice try shlomo.
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>trashy FASD Slav mutt seething
Then why is East Europe such a shithole?
Haha, thanks for the tunes!
I've seen some stuff on jewtube that suprised me lately but odysee is usually where its at.
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Based and redpilled
Didn't she fuck niggers? Names the jew or not she goes into the trash.
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Russia is full of Muslims and Mongolians, they’re literally half Mongolians, no different than South America. Look at this Slavic kike and her mongol phenotype
she is a Jew you lying Jew
Another reason why this government sucks and everybody knows it. There are no hot girl metal bands anymore.
I hope every single jew fucking dies and all nigger fuckers die as well. I want nigger to die and the rest go to Africa. I hate the talmud and every jew that follows their stupid laws. Fuck you too for being a fucking faggot.
Lauren Simonsen is aging very well, although her career is not.
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Why is a spic mad for slavics? This doesn’t concern you
Shes a kikess and she did fuck a nigger who recently btfo some other hwyte cunt
>you’re the Jew
Lol. Ur a kike or a turbo cuck
Which is it
She looking more like loomer by day.
I've never been to Russia and neither have you. You fucking absolute jew. Thays like saying spic filled LA is exactly like all of the US. You absolute fucking jew.
Are you serious? Only Larry Loomer looks like Loomer.

Seriously, can you even find a goblin kike amongst his kin who is as ugly as he?
>the friend of my enemy is my friend!
You're not very smart.
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She’s only 29, this is aging well to you?

She's got some great tunes
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By bad, she looks more like Dylan.
I guess this means Putin will never produce documents providing proof that the USSR colluded with zionists in manufacturing death camps and creating the holocaust narrative
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Just a nose job and they will look like twins.
Yes. She looks fantastic. Great body. Gorgeous hair. Nice teeth. Flawless skin.

Don't worry, I'm immune to her rhetoric.
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Is this the basic bitch old hag that spits on dicks, or...?
Which one os this one again?
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Good on her, everyone needs to know. Not many do,
Chabad is forcing the promised messiah.
>kikess coal burner
>no! They’re boys and farms
Based pic
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Here is a Jew, you can’t even tell if it’s a kike or mutt East European.
>woman who's audience is 98% men
This one is the Andrew Tate apologist one. It's the one you never see standing up, full body--unless you frequent this place. And then you see a goofy looking negro that she seems to be in a sexual relationship with.
Like you wouldn't let that yellow one clean your toilet.
>The Economist Rothschild magazine is a publication that is closely tied to the Rothschild family, a prominent banking and financial dynasty. The Rothschild family has a long history of involvement with The Economist, dating back to the 19th century.
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Would you pay for her second nose job?
Holy shit, she’s 29? She’s aging in Jew years.
Go back and kill yourself YouTube addict
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YT isn't the only medium
Why is The Economist calling Trump a nigger? All I get from that image is 'phrenology demonstrates X'.

Putin, on the other hand, looks a lot whiter than his half-Mongolian orifice, in actual point of fact, is.
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I think its a reference to this. Zion Don is acting out his role.
I'm sorry. I thinks he's attractive. She will goblinize someday, but for now she is one meatsuit I would render a meathole. Personally. Like Dirty Harry and Steven 'Frenchie' French. Triple input, no mercy.

All things change in their due time. I am rooted enough in my faith to remain patient. But I do have some commentary in this interim.
She looked already 30 at 21, the plastic surgeries didn’t help.
>kike projection strikes again
Schlomo always out to cause division because she named the Jew.
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I honestly can't tell if this is Dylan Mulvaney or lauren Southern
Time to tap the sign again
post hand, shitskin
>to cause division
There is no unity between Whites and niggers.
she'll "settle" when she's 40 and baby will have an extra chromosome

welcome to /pol/ newfriend
Yes he is. And I'm so goddamned bored by now with ideological redundancies and the fluidity of lens-making per media cycle that I'm inclined to insist that, beyond jewish control, there is Pharaonic Swissyland, per Sean Hross. I'm going to double down in sheer disinterest at what I'm seeing on /pol/ and maniacally insist that Switzerland is who is fucking us ALL up the ass as the unnamed dictators of rabbinic, pharisaic jewry on a global scale. Tax collectors for Pharaoh.
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There should be
"Not everyone knows"

You cuckservative faggot literally everyone since October last year normies, influencers, people in power nearly everyone have been calling for extermination of Jews and Israel and even opening fucking instagram or Facebook you see with thousand s of likes faggots saying "da jows rul da work hur hur" like some type of mystic ancient reality instead of the truth been that shitskins want to rape all Israel women and Jews being based protect themselves by blowing the shitty Muslim world to pieces and faggot Muslim commies can only cope by brainwashing tranny lgbt lefty girls and mainstream news to say jews are le bad guys and muslims are le good guys

Shit has changed you mutt trannie, hating Jews is no longer cool or funny you fucking faggot
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I’ve noticed kikes usually go for chinks and nigger females, they can’t get better than that.
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>BBC loving kikette denounces her own
Don't care, Chaim. Cope and sneethe over it.
One weird bug, m80.
The handful of based Blacks are the exception that proves the rule
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Government approved limited hang out controlled opposition informant just like Nick Fuentes. She's literally engaged to a black person.
That's unfortunate for your eyesight. Lauren Southern is definitely female. Dylan is definitely NOT.
Based knower.
it is kinda fedly innit
So it’s not just a way to draw attention away from East European snow niggers?
>newfag doesn’t know cuntoids retain male dna for life from every cum shot which then mixes with the cuck jizz who ends up impregnating some whore

Her kid will have nigger dna in him
Us Groypers love our based non-whites.
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Maybe Jews are territorial with their niggers
Why are Jews have tranny fetish? That’s a chink tranny
Thank the ineffable that you exist.
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>and she sucked black dicks
is it auto biography thread or what was the point of making this?
Thank the trousers!
Only now I checked the OP to see the evidence. The evidence is her acoustic guitar song where she definitely does NOT name the jews/jew. I remember a time when /pol/ had some compelling lure for posters to bring them into a thread and more or less stop fucking around.

I should post threads. I don't. I find focusing a challenge and don't ever seem to find something that is so damning that I could animate others with it.

But this means the datastream is shit, and that I'm too lazy to work beyond it, not that this entire fraud perpetrated against us by some very capable, industrious people doesn't need dismantling from its core outward. I just means I'm a failure. Most of us are, on our own.
You've got to admit it. And then you will think through it, realizing what you can do. What you can do that they cannot by virtue of the way they do their work. So you do that work to fuck with them, specifically. With any luck, it takes off from there. Fuck these people. Are they even people? Who quadruples down on certain death?
shes so disgusting
like she always looks sickly
Lotta seething kikes ITT
what is it about jew women that make me want to impregnate them, is this some kind of genetic evolution?
every time i see a hot girl online i look her up and shes a kike, like fuck me, are there no non-kike whores online?
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stay mad faggot
fuck kikes
Le based coal burner.

they're giving a history lesson.

Back around 800 AD, Ghengis Khan (or someone like that) took over Khazaria. The people there were not Jews, not from the middle east, etc. Just locals. They were told to pick a new religion. They chose Jew. The people there were not part of some lost tribe of Israel or Jews, they were just locals. Roughly Ukraine geography wise.
that's a man
her pussy is gorgeous
Lmao a mutt telling me to get mad while his country is a degenerate shit hole full of Arabs destroying and converting it to USA Islam edition

Chad Israel is thriving with white Jewish women and men while you sit on your basement posting like a faggot about how Jews are degenerate while living in mutt land lmao cope hard
>There are no hot girl metal bands anymore.

false. Kittie is back. Try also Plush. There are plenty others but I dunno their names.

There are dead bodies getting mass buried in Gaza, and this kike is kvetching about a billboard that is not even in "his" country?
>hating Jews is no longer cool

false, it's now necessary. Hey let me go ask my AIPAC guy about that.
Sounds like a shitload of projection to me, poor guy. Maybe touch grass or someting <3
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So mid I can't stand to look.
Kittie is old shit. Don't know about Plush.
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coal burner, pretty much only AF cucks support her, wanting that nigger's sloppy seconds. there are way better kike namers.
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people dont actually donate to onlyfans, its just a jewish money laundering site. jews give money to the people they want to see more of, which is why all the top earners are niggers and negresses

make sense?
thats literally a jew lmao
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i used to think this way then i understood one simple fact: if its in the news, its jews.
so why are jews promoting x whose naming the jew? the answer 9 times out of 10 is christcuckery. its to corral you back onto the jewish reservation and ensure you follow kosher anti-semitism
Lmao, What is up with all these angry militant cucks? Here’s proof of her being a coalburner >>472903117
>>472897507. She’s a grifter and you peolle are so desperate for female validation that you spam support for mudsharks YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN SPOKEN TO in the hopes that they’ll wave to you. You Fucking despicable worthless trash prople.
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repugnant anglokike
she copied nick fuentes

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