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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What exactly is the appeal in it? I’m asking as a born Muslim

I barely see the same zeal or vigor for converts of Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism for example

They want to find peace and a sense of community
Why do they say revert instead of convert?
Pretty sure that blonde girl wasnt born into a muslim family so she couldnt have possibly been "reverted."
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Bitch looks exactly like my attention seeking BPD ex. This chick definitely didn't turn to Islam, she's just taking pics looking for attention.
A lot of white people are autistic and incredibly easy to manipulate. That's why blacks have such an easy time getting white women. They've just not autistic.
Why do white women do it? They want to fuck Muslims.
Because the thought process is that everyone is born a Muslim
A bit presumptive I know
Pretty much this, i imagine. Being a muslim means you get a community and you're allowed free pass to actually fight for the things you believe. If you say, "I will not allow you to teach my child X because of my christian beliefs", you will be arrested as an terrorist chud extremist and your children will be sold to the state. If you do it as a muslim, they will instantly bend the knee out of fear mohammed will decapitate them while the media calls them racist.
I should add that muslims are still violent pagans, but it's a fact that they have more of a community than white christians.
It's mostly just retards who do it because Islam is the nigger of religions, so they can show how virtuous they are to be niggers. There's no zeal, they don't follow the religion correctly. Christian converts are unironically more zealous. See Iranian Christians for example. The problem is that people who are "born" Christian (see: whiteoids) don't have the zeal because it's not something they chose, just an identity they inherented that's dilluted by their gay government. It's the same sort of people who "convert" to Islam and Buddhism.
They are sold a wholesome chungus version of Islam, where it has WAHMENS RIGHTS and its THE FIRST RELIGION TO GIVE WAHMEN BLAH BLAH first university etc etc and other stupid bullshit.

But about your pic, jewtubers do it for views. Check how their revert story always has lots of views vs their regular content. Also a blonde woman praising Islam will always get popular, cause it makes Pakis hard
>What exactly is the appeal in it?

Either money or low IQ, there's no metaphysical satisfaction in islam, is a religion for shitskins
Why do people retvrn 2 monke? It's the same reason.
It's the mascuinity. Women get sexual satisfaction and to be with real men.
They want to belong to a community.
The reason they don't have one is because they are retarded (hence the choice for the most backward religion feasible)
Because Allah is a goat fucking child rapist sand nigger. Well technically he isn't a sand nigger because he is fake as fuck. Just so we're clear I shit on the koran then burn it like the fifth it is. Fuck your fake ass religion and fake as profit you goat fucking idiots.
They don’t. Islam has the highest rates of apostasy of any major religion.
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>"He/She CONVERTED to Islam."
You can't "revert" to a religion that you never believed in before.

Stupid sandniggers.
They believe that all babies are Muslim
Most people you see supposedly 'reverting' to Islam, especially in the west, don't last for more than a few year, or sometimes not even that before Apostating (leaving) from the religion once they find out what Islam really teaches and that they where lied to about the 'nice' version of Islam they believed.
Violence is a man's birth right, and the vehicle of change. Only fools surrender it. It's like a woman that can't offer sex, completely worthless. Women will never love or respect men incapable of inflicting violence.
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The Islamic faith is a highly intuitive one that revolves entirely around might. What they call God is a cosmic singularity of the most gargantuan imaginable scale that dwarfs everything like a black hole and crushes all who resist it like an impending comet. God is experienced as the scariest entity in existence and the relief of being spared for surrendering your soul to it is extremely cathartic. That is what they mean by "God is Greatest" and Divine Submission is what "Islam" truly means.
Psyop to assert that Islam is the primordial logos
Muslims are Even Less pagan than Christians
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How the fuq do these Mudslimes not speak English by now?
Meaning the mudslimes would murder them if they didn't convert.
Why do muslims spread islam like the zerg hive cluster?
>poor understanding of the English language
They convert ... they don't "revert"
Once people realize feminism is literally everything wrong with the world, people passionately shift towards patriarchal systems.
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I would be pro Islam if Islam were zionist but as it stands, as a zionist I will have to wage war against zergling muslims. The Jews are righteous warriors against muslim shitskin zerglings
I mean sure, maybe "reverting" makes you feel better...but if we walked warmly in the morning light instead? Stoked the inner fire and honed our instinctu divinitatis? Paved the path into the stars and under SOL's light?

"Reverting" isn't the only option.

I also LOVE Sun coded movies and shows. To be on topic.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.
they fall for tiktok/Instagram/social media dawah where dishonest individuals (many of whom live in western countries) paint this rosy picture of Islam where they say it brings you peace and all this malarkey. for the people converting, who were already coping with various drugs) they think and sometimes delude themselves into thinking that following the practices of a 7th century schizophrenic pedophile will bring the joy the pills no longer will. then they realize the intricacies beyond the funny praying and realize it's a superficial system focused on buying your way into "heaven" (just a place where you can be as hedonistic as you want) and that the Islamic "God" (satan) doesnt want to have a relationship with you.
I prefer the God that's known as the Befriender of man, the Lord Jesus Christ
>Why do they say revert instead of convert?
It's a passive-aggressive way to constantly imply they have the one true religion.
because they're retarded
islam is a religion for retards
it's an illogical muhammedans cope where they try and say that everyone is born muslim....yea, everyone is born shouting random arabic words and wanting to read quran....sure

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