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>In the months that followed his return to Earth from his historic voyage on Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin struggled to answer the question asked everywhere he went: “What was it like to be on the moon?”
>In his first impression, the astronaut had famously described it as “magnificent desolation.” Now, as he later recalled in his memoir of the same title, he realized he had no profound follow-up to offer the people, no way to put into words the scope of this life-altering experience.

After such an amazing feat, how can anyone suddenly feel depressed?? If YOU had been among the first in humanity to land and return from the Moon, wouldn't you be happy and have an immense feeling of achievement instead of being down and depressed after all the fame, honor, and publicity?
he got home and realized he had to live among niggers and spics again
gee whiz you would think being a 33rd degree mason would make someone happy.
You get to see the entirety of humanity and history condensed into a far away insignificant blue marble.
If you are not shaken to the core by this mere thought, let alone the experience itself, then you are the one who's weird
He explains why right in the article retard
>“I wanted to resume my duties, but there were no duties to resume,” he wrote in Magnificent Desolation. “There was no goal, no sense of calling, no project worth pouring myself into.”
It's a mystery. The Earth is a toroid, Agartha is real, and flat earth is a cia psyop
>far away insignificant blue marble.
the earth should look massive from the moon.
Depression is fake
Just like how Canada as a country isn’t real
If you had to lie the entire world, you'd probably feel depressed, too. Unless you're a complete sociopath.
he couldn't live with the lie
in reality, he didn't want to say "it's just a barren rock, bro"

the sadness of spacefags is unbounded and largely ignored
>Moon Landing
Directed by Stanley Kubrick.
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>Oi saw a coke baw'ul git kikt in the scrayn I did! Oi guvna! Oi!!!
He was the furthest any living human has ever been from shitskins and then the NASA jews made him come home.
>Hey Buzz what was it like being on the moon? Haha crazy...
Motherfucker had to relive the lie every time someone said something like this to him.
He should have taken up a white hobby like hiking, camping and photography.
It was 1969. America wasn't a shithole yet. The spic menace had yet to arrive in large numbers.
Realize youre a fraud and avoid people because you believed uncle scam
Oh wao, such as lot of Hollywood celebrities
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Imagine finally getting away from the retards and having to come back.
Cause the moon landing never happened
Well it's entirely a possible thing to do though. Even China recently retrieved lunar samples for the second time, this time from the Moon's far side.
obviously the moon is an ancient space station observatory operated by nazi ayylmaos and they harvest human souls
He was depressed because he found an advanced Indian civilization on the moon but was forbidden to talk about it. It’s common knowledge here.
> instead of being down and depressed after all the fame, honor, and publicity?
Imagine at the ripe old age of 39 you complete the objective of all known intelligent life. The entire world looking to you for having been the first to do something man has dreamed of since the very beginning. At the age of 39, no matter what you do, for the rest of your life you’ll live in the shadow of this achievement. No matter how much you put into it, nothing you do will garner a fraction of the respect or admiration of that action you did in your 30’s.

It’s the same mentality behind washed up movie stars getting doped up and depressed, but 10x worse because he’s the first truly worldwide star.
Entirely possible for robots to go there, sure. Robots don't die from radiation poisoning.
This. Anyone who actually landed on the moon would be teaching classes about it and flexing with all the photos he took
You reach a point where you know you've reached your peak, that you've achieved something significant in your life and nothincloser. will compare. Reaching this peak young fucks a lot of people up and they spend the resf of their lives rotting away.
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Because he knew the real reason we went. There weren't talking about "walking on glass" and collecting the rock heated to black glass for nothing. Not to mention the glass beads. Enjoy every day as if it were your last.
Brain damage from microgravity
>After such an amazing feat, how can anyone suddenly feel depressed??
This is a question asked by someone who has never accomplished anything notable.
>wouldn't you be happy and have an immense feeling of achievement
Personally, I probably would. I've never achieved anything like that, and without a miracle, I never will. But I guess I could see a scenario play out in which I'd feel like there's absolutely nothing left to accomplish and that my entire life would be defined by a handful of days in space.
But in the real world, he probably knew whatever the truth about the moon landing was and didn't want to lie about it anymore.
>Now, as he later recalled in his memoir of the same title, he realized he had no profound follow-up to offer the people, no way to put into words the scope of this life-altering experience.
It's hard to describe something that you never experienced but you told others you did.
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>how can anyone suddenly feel depressed?
I'd imagine it being something like picrel, but far more extreme because on the moon there isn't even plants or animals. The sheer desolation of it likely hits you like a ton of bricks.

This is something that COULD be mitigated though, just by people actually going there and laying down infrastructure and developing the damn place. Then there would be shit there and people could tolerate being there better.
If you feel overly emotional about anything as a man. Youre weird. But youre italian so its a given that you act like your mother. Vendetta this vendetta that spaghetti.

Because he was 2nd and most people forget he exists
>he got home and realized he had to live among niggers and spics again
This was back in the 1960s, so diversity and shit wasn't so bad back then.
>He was depressed because he found an advanced Indian civilization on the moon but was forbidden to talk about it. It’s common knowledge here.

Wouldn't the moon be poo brown if that's the case?
How cool is this song, the French truly are masters of everything.
>his return to Earth

the astronauts didn't know they were a part of an outrageous lie until a couple of days before `lift-off', the threat of retaliation on family members for speaking up would be enough for 99% of humanity to keep quiet.

the 33rd degree of masonry is knowledge of the 138 year phoenix cycle. freemasonry was hollowed out by subversive kikes a long time ago, the parsimony of Scots and jews should be ringing alarm bells, how jewish is Scotland?

we know the Irish were bedevilled by the `English' for hundreds of years because England was already under the malign influence of jews and their control of the financial markets, the original bongs were brother Celts, the only problem the Irish had with them was their inability to maintain an upright posture after a couple of pints. we always had to tuck them into bed early.
No, they have a designated shitting crater.
Suspicious0bservers is a cult leader bro. There isn't going to be a micronova. Even if we get a big CME it might not knock out power or anything. Daily reminder we had that big one a month or so ago with Aurora all the way down to the tropic zone and literally nothing happened.
The press conference they gave was sketchy. They all looked extremely upset and they couldn't answer basic questions.
They couldn't remember if they passed the Van Allen belt or not.
They Obviously never walked on the moon
these dudes talked more about their space equipment more than anything.
it was probably a huge pain in the ass to live in a space suit or a tiny ass capsule for a day, then the cramped ass ride back home.
like imagine a work trip where youre stuck living in a van with a few other dudes.
My grandpa was a 33° and he blew his fucking brains out. My dad (3°) got to clean it up! Then my brother blew HIS fucking brains out! Aaahhhhh!!!! Maybe I'm next!
I'd be depressed I had to leave the moon. I love cheese.
soon china will expose the american moon landing lie
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I don't follow Ben Doverson, I follow the journals. There are large solar outbursts on a regular scale. You don't know a thing man, and your hurting everyone by denying it Cognative Dissonace at its finest.
And also, how big were the CMEs that brought the aurora down there?
God I wish it happened to me
Shit turns white after a long time under the sun. And the moon has been blasted by the sun's rays with no atmosphere to protect it for countless aeons.

It checks out
It never happened and these brave young men were mere pawns. Trapped in a lie that never ends.
Any halfway intelligent human knows that in 1969 that was impossible, still is. Gus Grissom said fuck this bullshit….got jfk’d
>138 year phoenix cycle
what’s that
real men need a mission
Exactly that. You know that feeling you get when you finish the best game you know you'll ever play or the best series you've ever seen, and you just sit there staring into the void feeling the most empty horrible sadness? He had that but the pinnacle of human achievement. What the fuck do you even do after that? I'd have probably blown my fucking brains out after the first sixth months back doing absolutely nothing compared to that trip knowing I had the rest of my life like that.
>go on 3 week vacation from work
>go back to work
>wtf why am I not happier at work than I was before vacation???
Do leafs really?
>It was 1969. America wasn't a shithole yet.

digits but I recently saw a graphic that included info on a white man being overlooked for a job in favour of a non-white in the year 1969, in America.

we've been standing in the rising floodwaters of jewish subversion for a long time, they began busting a move 1890-1903, walking backwards away from ovens in the 1940s, moonwalking and shamoaning in the 1960s up to current year where the kikes are openly spinning on their backs and mogging our unfashionable pants while perched on their elbows, persecution-style.
I guess that's why they called him Buzz
I don't believe that a civilization advanced enough to get to the moon would be doing the things we do today.
True story btw
Was it with the same pistol? The old family suicide gun blasted down from generation to generation?
Because they saw a ton of aliens and they will kill him if he says anything.
>NASA lost the high quality color moon tapes and the only evidence is the low quality TV broadcast
>Shit turns white after a long time under the sun

white shite also signifys a lack of nutrients in the passer of the poo. you should be able to make an albino look like he was from the Congo with a nutrient-rich sandwich or two.
Reminder that he was a freemason and established a freemason lodge on the moon during the first moon landing.

Its all fake
>He had that but the pinnacle of human achievement. What the fuck do you even do after that?

Coke and trannies.
Thinking about space is eternal depression.

Space engine was literally the most depressing "game" I ever touched.

Go too far, too fast and realize the tiny lights aren't planets or even stars. Instead its hundreds of thousands of galaxies with some having enough liveable planets for each family or even person to have their own world.
If you think NASA could actually land people on the moon in 1969 you must not have seen A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xciCJfbTvE4&t=1s
He was an adrenaline junky in a time you didn't have any outlets for it except doing crazy shit like going into space. He tapped it out, there was nothing. He was a test pilot before.
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He found the truth.
>Buzz Aldrin Battled DEPRESSION and Alcohol Addiction After the Moon Landing
lol! amazing how one can be depressed after achieving god like achievement... unless none of that happened and being told to lie would cause anyone with even lowest amount of moral fiber to spiral out of control with guilt
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Because it’s all a lie
lying once wouldn't matter, but lying everyday for the rest of your life would take a toll since every kid, grandma, normie pleb you encounter always ask the same questions
>Leaf OP irrelevant topic

what the FUCK is this thread doing on /pol/
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism that attempts to hide behind Saturnic astrology. The temple of Solomon, which represents freemasonry/judaism as organizes sect,was a child sacrificing cult of BAAL— you see the Freemason architects have taken the scary parts like the bull devil statues and the fire pits of human sacrifice; removed them from public eye; but continue to worship. They kept the boaz and jachin columns on all their Federal govt buildings all around the world ; and then continue to worship their canaanite child sacrifice diety BAAL in the shadows;
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international ‘organized’ jewry. The "Star of David" -- which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds -- is actually a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch , Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
it's not that -- he's written himself into history as an immortal with his feat, if it happened. I think that he feels very lonely with this very extraordinary experience, and no one can relate to his altered perspective. now, he feels alien
Fishing is cool
>>138 year phoenix cycle
>what’s that

hang onto your hat (even if its a small one)

we are spiritual beings living inside avatars that belong to the simulacrum, you are not the hideous meatsack you see in the mirror, you are much more than that.

the God of this realm is Shaddai, the jealous God, the one with whom the evil fuckers hiding behind the propagandised jewish diaspora have a contract that enables them to run the show. they have tried their best to hide the 138 year cycle of the phoenix, last one was 1902, next one 2040 (they tried to convince everyone it was 2012), when all those in the know and their underlings disappear underground to avoid the destruction coming for them. not all of them survive but enough do to continue shenanigans until 2178 when the simulacrum reboots and Genesis to Revelations begins all over again. those of us who wake up to the ruse of organised religiosity and have lived within the bounds of `do unto others as you would have them do unto you' get to exodus out of the simulation, those who don't keep reincarnating back here until they do. the kikes controlling things know this and prefer the lives they get to lead here over the potential futures they reject.

you would be better served watching Archaix, especially one of his latest ones: being immortal in a fallen world, but I've watched just about everything on his youtube channel and he is consistent, I'm onboard with the information he releases, as headspinning as some of it can be but if you give yourself time to digest the info and ruminate on it things begin falling into place.

good luck trying to inform truth-resistant family members or friends with his information, I usually start laughing as I try to figure out how to let them down gently with it.

Keked and checked Mr. Patel
>the malady of Alexander, looking out over his domain with the understanding that there were no more worlds left to conquer
It was post-partum depression after using the monolith to create the space-baby. I don't really believe that he and Armstrong were the first though. I think that when they got to the moon they found a bunch of viking weapons and Russian skeletons.
Masons cause many people to kill themselves. God is watching us all and judging us for allowing them to work their evil.
alexander wept n shiet
you fuckin zoomers
Gnosticism is a false refuge. Archaix does interesting research but his conclusions are echos of the nihilism inherent to his generation and life phase. The leaders are not omnipotent, there is always opportunity for change. Read arnold toynbee. I dont hate jason by any means but the gnostic stuff is really just another form of judaic supremacism.
He never went to the moon. He is coping with the lie he must stay silent about until he dies
magnetic reversal news
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>After such an amazing feat, how can anyone suddenly feel depressed??
Maybe if your mother suddenly offs herself immediately beforehand.
God I miss that show
Which African nation landed on the moon? Or was is just mexicans?
Neither do humans as long as the dose isn't too high which is isn't even through your spooky VARB
Same reason he went punchout when someone told him that. That's not an action you take unless you know the other person is right. If he had gone he would've just been able to go yeah well you'll never know so you don't matter. Instead he took great personal offense. Cause they were right.
He told her something she wasn't supposed to know so they killed her.
Everything in to it life is down hill from there.
Nobody else has walked on it. We probably didn’t either
Apparently you have literal shit for brains.
No, kek. My bro shot himself with my dad's gun. Never found out if shotgun or pistol
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