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I will not be voting for Trump unless Benjamin Solomon Carson is his VP.
I'm not voting at all no matter what cause I'm not a fuckin gullible white retard who believes elections are real
eepy bros, we don't want to get hanged
Isn't he almost as sleepy as Biden though? He's my not got the medical mental decline condition like Biden, but he's pretty low energy isn't he?
I like Carson and Trump likes Carson but its almost 100% going to be Youngkin because Youngkin's campaign successfully thwarted a major vote fraud operation.
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No. He is the mellow yang to Trump’s chaotic ying.
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I had dinner with him once. He's incredible.

Don't mistake his quiet nature as weakness. The man is a sigma, autistic savage. Clarence Thomas power levels.

He's also a Michigan man and his only secret agenda is to genocide Ohio.
We don't need anymore nigger big shots.
Agreed. 100%.
The quiet nature does hinder him in the political sphere. People should better know his qualities. He's the most intelligent man in any room. As a young man he was the head of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins. Only man to separate conjoined twins, only man with the balls to try.
I actually think his quiet, mellow nature is the perfect counterbalance for Trump. People will view him as the calm side of the coin. Good cop/bad cop.
Yeah but when debating Kamala this fall and possibly in 2028, he isn't entertaining enough.

I would rather have Carson as VP, but I want to see Vivek debate Kamala.
>His additional accomplishments include performing the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, developing new methods to treat brain-stem tumors, and revitalizing hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures.[8][9][6][10] He has written over 100 neurosurgical publications.

He is a genius. No doubt.
Carson for President!
I think he works against Kamala. He comes across as the calm, levelheaded, stoic black uncle. Kamala comes across as shrill, hysterical and obnoxious.

I actually think quiet and mellow is exactly what you need debating Kamala.

Vivek will be too loud. Too whiny. Too abrasive. And it will rub most the wrong way, just like he did in the Primaries.
>1) Carson
>2) Gabbard
>3) Vance
>4) Anyone but Vivek
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If Biden doesnt drop out my vote is for trump
his vp doesnt matter that much, its only a smart move if he picks one from a state he wants to flip or if he wants extra points with a minority group
I was being selfish just cause I wanted to see a harangue of a VP event.

Carson by far would be the best candidate. That man can be trusted to hold the line.
I think I could come around to a Carson VP the more I think about it. Let's say something does happen to Trump, the Carson steps in as President. Imagine a full black (not "African American"), full Christian man with the temperament Carson has running America. My ONLY concern would be how he'd handle foreign affairs. How do you think he'd do?
I actually liked carson and would be fine with this. I prefered him over pence no offense
I dont vote, but i agree.
Ben Carson needs to be VP
I think Carson would be just fine on foreign affairs. Not great, not terrible. He’s a smart and studied guy. Calculating, almost sniper-like.

I think he would have some surprising foreign policy wins. If he didn’t get too 4D chess longgame, which he probably would, lol.
Carson is an acceptable choice to me. My preferred list would be:

1. Carlson
2. Vivek
3. Carson
4. Vance

I'd hate to see Trump pick some AIPAC approved retard like Stefanik.

Carson is calm, cool, intelligent, humble and above all else, Trustworthy as can be.
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based in a way, but dumb
WTF makes you think Tucked is qualified to be VP???
>one of the world's most skilled neurosurgeons

nigga what?
Trump doesn't need your vote he has the greatest seethe machine in American history, no one's ever seen people so mad at democrats before
He's insanely knowledgable on the issues- especially issues that affect working age voters instead of boomers. And he is also insanely passionate about families, something most of our politicians dont give a shit about.

Plus he clearly is not afraid to tell the truth, even about AIPAC.
Carson = based
OP = dumb
I think he would be excellent with foreign affairs, if not isolationist as I personally prefer. I know from talking with him that he's savage beyond measure about putting America first. He's seen the ups and downs of Detroit due to bad trade deals.

He really wood be like having a Clarence Thomas. I got those vibes from him.
>I know from talking with him that he's savage beyond measure about putting America first.

This is why Trump needs to pick Carlson, Carson or Vivek. They're the only ones in the running that will put America ahead of Israeli interests.

Rubio, Stefanik, Pompeo, etc are all GOP establishment shitbags that will sell everyone out for jews.
He’s not a retard, so he wouldn’t be isolationist. But he would be clinical and prudent. Like a chessmaster. He’d have some big wins by not buckling to mass media and public opinion and doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

The media would absolutely hate him and shit on him with all they have before all being made to eat humble pie when his chessmoves pay off big time towards the end of his term.

Trump only has to win one swing state in the rust belt. If he brings Carson, he's going to bring a sizable amount of the Detroit Black and UAW vote. Keep in mind how close Michigan was, even with the cheating.
Cry more kike
I agree with this assessment.

Also having Carson on the ticket would basically kill the dem's "trump is a racist" bullshit.
I’m scream laughing
You have no idea how seismic the black male vote shift to Trump will be if Carson is his VP. Carson is EXACTLY what the average black male voter wants and needs. A traditional, stoic, black conservative in the White House. No nonsense bullshit. No LGBTranny agenda.

Yep. Carson may change Republican fortunes with black male voters for elections to come.
This might be a Mandela Effect thing, but I was pretty sure he died of covid or something.
>Also having Carson on the ticket would basically kill the dem's "trump is a racist" bullshit.
Hard disagree. Rather Carson will be viewed as the house nigger to Trump. Black people seem to have a horribly negative view of ANYONE who is black and Republican. Although I'll say the black Republicans other than the one the one who gave that speech not long ago have all felt like they just want to be "Obama, but for Republicans".
That was Herman Cain.

The black female demographic will FOREVER be democratic because they thrive entirely on gibs. Black male voters though are increasingly a swing vote as they become dispossessed by the democrats over sodomy and immigration issues. Trump only needs to pull like 8% of the black vote for the election to be unwinnable for Biden and it seems like he could already do that WITHOUT Carson.

You're thinking of Herman Cain, who was also based af.

Disagree. Black men do not like Biden.
No, they’ll try and push the housenigger narrative but that will backfire big time. Blacks will rise up in rage and switch allegiances at the ballot. Especially black males.
Joe will probably let slip some Uncle Tom remark or some dementia slip about how Carson wants to be Trump’s slave.

None of that shit will work for them. Carson is Teflon.
The problem is Biden who is old, white, rich and voted in favor if segregation multiple times is in no position to call anyone a house nigger. And Kamala also is not viewed as black by black male voters.

>Carson is Teflon.

He's one of the few people that never backstabbed Trump and was with him from campaign to the day he left office.
Also black women love abortion. It’s a holy ritual for them by this point. But black men know blacks are disproportionately affected by abortion with the majority of abortions being black babies despite them only being 13% of the population.

Also black males hate LGBTranny more than any other demographic. They’re more anti-immigrant than any other demographic. And they’re actually pretty conservative in most ways.
I was leaning toward voting carson in '15 for the primary until I read Trump's economic policy, and was on the Trump train. I like Carson for VP. That might be a waste of his talents, though.
People like Sneako, Kanye, Charleston White, Ice Cube, JLP, have all been redpilling black men.
I unironically voted for Carson in 15.

Carson was also unironically a target of Crossfire Hurricaine, but nobody really knows that because afaik it's still classified.
Carson is literally from the streets of Detroit during the rough years. Chambers brothers, White Boy Rick, Young Boys Inc, etc. You guys will have to excuse me but I'm a bit of a buff on Detroit's crime history and the colorful characters it produced. Some of the guys, even former gang members and crooks were unusually highspeed. Those streets were as tough as it gets and the ones who rose to the top were as good as Nigerian warlords. Ben Carson is of that class/era of Detroit individuals. Complete opposite of how Trump grew up.

That Judge Mathis guy is another one of the class/era of Motown characters. He was a founding member of the Errol Flynns street gang and a notorious heroin dealer. The guy was highspeed enough to turn his shit around and became a Judge.

That group of guys gets respect/votes in Detroit.
>Benjamin Solomon
The ultimate goy
I will not be voting for Trump unless Candace Owens is his VP.
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We better get a heckin based nigger on this GOP ticket, niggers are great I fucking love niggers and I'm happy to pay my share of reparations, kiss their ass 24/7 and pretend they're human just like us! TRUMP 2024 baby
as my surgeon, absolutely
i like carson, but he isnt presidential material
his biggest leadership role was his hhs stint, but he was never a governor, senator, ceo, etc
watch any recent Ben Carson speech. he's slowing down a lot relative to 2015 when he gained the sleepy nickname
not dementia, but I probably wouldn't trust him to do brain surgery on me anymore
>but he was never a governor, senator,

That's a good thing retard. Everyone who was is a corrupt piece of shit paid by AIPAC.
Were talking about VP. All the guy has to do is chill at the Naval Observatory and have Trump's back.
He just needs to be a good counterbalance to Trump’s energy, which he is. And he has a buddy cop energy with Trump, which really neuters the racist Trump narrative.
Only thing I’m worried about is Trump fucking him over or leaving him out to dry like he did Pence. Since Carson is similarly principled, he won’t cowtow and do and say things for Trump he doesn’t agree with.

Having said that, Trump seems to respect Carson a lot more than he ever did Pence.

I should also point out that Carson isn't from the John James (AIPAC) faction in Detroit. He runs with an older, way more based crowd. The older, black, career UAW workers that he will bring isn't insignificant.
based vitaly
The only reason i'd favor Carlson over Carson is Carlson as VP would set him up for the Presidency in 2028.

I dont think Carson has the youthfulness to run for President in 4 more years.

Alternatively, Tucker would be an INSANELY good choice for Whitehouse press secretary.
I agree with all of this but Trump hasn't won yet. Do you think Tucker would bring to the table, right now, what voters want....in the areas that votes are needed?

Trump is surging mainly due to minorities. He's got to court that if he wants any chance of winning. What does Tucker bring to them?
Tucker brings absolutely nothing. It’s like trying to include Alex Jones in your cabinet by this point.
Trump bowed to the BLM movement at the end of his last term to court the black vote, he is definitely picking a black VP.
It's got to be Carson
> I will not be voting for Trump unless...

You weren't going to vote for Trump anyway.

If you had 0.1% of a clue into Trump supporters minds, you would know that our position is:
> "I will vote Trump anyway"
and not
> "I will not vote for Trump unless..."

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