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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How would the world look going forward if he wins?

Sometimes I think Americans really realize don't understand the extent that it matters. There’s apparently been a fair amount of protesting in Japan over Biden monetary policy, which they perceive as crashing the Yen, which it certainly did.

How do you think he’ll deal with Ukraine or really, a much more aggressive and violent world at large?
Ukraine's going to have to fork over Donbas to Russia. There's no other way.
Democrats ruined America. All these dems should be imprisoned.
Well, hopefully he fucks with the people who have fucked with him, but harder, faster, stronger.
and then Zelensky says
what will wittle trumpy boy do?
will he pull funding from Ukraine?
but he wants to fund Israel bigly. fight Hamas and all that. how is he going to explain pulling funding from Ukraine and fundingI net&yahoo bigly?

>he won't pull funding from Ukraine
>you russo-chinese losers are so over xD on all fronts. MUH MULTIPOLUR WARULD xDDD
he accomplishes nothing for the next 4 years, rules through executive order because democrats control congress and random judges slap his shit. its his foreign policy which will be most interesting to look at
Time to slurp some Jewish semen!
They should be executed
>pushes bullshit anti immigration measures that are immediately blocked by the courts, nothing changes
>right and left wingers go on the rampage, the mainstream of both sides start speaking openly about armed conflict
>ukraine gives up territory to Russia, zelensky assassinated, puppet government installed
>Europe but immediately strangled by Russian influence
>US sends unlimited weapons to Israel, Israel attacks hezbollah, third intifada in West Bank, Iran attacks Israel, US boots on ground in Israel to fight back hezbollah and Iranian proxies, likely nuclear war if not
>if no nuclear war, China invades Taiwan
>Trump will “provide support” to Taiwanese military but won’t commit troops as barely enough to defend Israel
>Taiwan falls and China controls the majority of superconductor and chip manufacturing on earth
>China, Russia, and to a lesser extent Iran are new global leaders, other countries cozy up to them and away from US
>US is essentially nonfunctional oligarchy in a state of cold civil war

If Biden/Dems win, the same thing will probably happen except a lot slower (over 50 years or so) and with less risk of nuclear war
Republicans and their jew overlords already executed your foreskin
>democrats control Congress
They'd have to really fuck things up between now and November to not end up with supermajorities. The right hasn't even started to hammer Dems on the conspiracy aspect.
mods are fags for not keeping all the trump ads in /ptg/ where they belong
You don’t tell the Americans no bud
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I am concerned about America's China policy.
China will soon try to take over Taiwan. Taiwan is a major region for making important electric products, especially semiconductors for the world.
Prices magically will revert to 2020...
>How do you think he’ll deal with Ukraine or really, a much more aggressive and violent world at large?
I mean Ukraine is fucked anyway, hopefully Trump just gets them to surrender. What's the alternative? They keep fighting until they all die?
>will he pull funding from Ukraine?
Yes. He doesn't need to embezzle money into defense contractors to fill his pockets. He's already stupid rich.
>They'd have to really fuck things up between now and November
They're already losing their minds. Just wait until the jaws start to close.
>Well, hopefully he fucks with the people who have fucked with him, but harder, faster, stronger.

I don't need him to fuck with them - that's OUR job. All he has to do is give us space to do the needful at the grassroots, while he focuses on fixing the nation.
Anal from Putin
>Trump wins 2024, then what?
He destroys his body bending over backwards for Israel.
Half of America will continue to hate him day 1, cant kill half of America.
>will he pull funding from Ukraine?
Well yeah
It's America paying the bills. What's Zelensky going to fight WITH, if Trump cuts funding? The EU is scrabbling to find change that fell between the cushions.
How long can they last without US funding?
We finish Terrys temple of god

Watch The Chekist on rumble.

Do unto leftists as they would do unto you.

edit: handy-dandy link to video on rumble.

I said if Biden/dems win, it’ll happen more slowly, but there’s a slim (20% chance) of:
>biden and dems keep funding Ukraine to drag out war, a wild card event happens such as Putin dies or there is a coup and is replaced with a moderate, or economic crisis in Russia, or massive protests that lead to a withdrawal. Or hurt Russia so bad that if they do win, they’re too crippled to have much influence
>biden continues to restrain the kikes and somehow talks them out of attacking hezbollah, they withdraw from Gaza, and the Middle East goes back to being a bullshit powder keg Cold War
with the best case scenario being a possible spontaneous regime change in Iran
>the US continues to focus its military build up on countering Chinese aggression, China does not attack Taiwan as the time is not right and American forces are available to defend if needed
All of this is unlikely but the best case scenario for the US. None of it will happen under Trump. The best option for Americans is Trump loses, the wars somehow wind down as above, and a strong GOP comes to power in 2028 if the country doesn’t dissolve under 4 more years of immigration and social Marxism.

Train the Whole Militia.
>The body of males trained to be efficient in killing and arrests, being Necessary to the security of a free State,... shall not be infringed.
Seek Jesus, Get Trained, Or Cry.
Then we do project 2025 where we form Christian death squads to round up degenerates of a sorts to murder. Will be awesome.
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Nothing changes, the plan continues uninterrupted. You don't actually believe that some real estate scion who
>has been a tabloid and tv personality for 50 years
>has rubbed shoulders with the ruling class since youth
>has been relentlessly advertised to you by your enemies as being the enemy of your enemy
is actually an outsider, do you?

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