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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yeah I'm thinking it's finished.
Over, even.
Who’s really in charge? Obama? They’ve all known for years he’s senile and not doing shit. Is this all just another sham performance and they planned this all along?
They knew he was a dumb senile fuck back in 2020 but they gaslit the public and lied to everyone saying he was fine and that any concern over his health was political propaganda from the other side -- they're trying too save face now because if they rig it for him again it's going to obviously look super rigged.
obviously. kike theater for the goyim voters
>muh red va blue
>muh left wing vs right wing
anyone who can’t see through this shit believes in gas chambers with wooden doors
Biden didn't win the election anyway.
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Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer
they can't rig it now, it's over
this debate exposed democrats completely.
if they take out biden they will cause some democrats to stop supporting them
if they take out biden they won't have enough time to campaign their new puppet to get him liked enough on national stage
if they take out biden it proves they were lying for the last 4 years about biden and show he was never in charge
You think these faggots really sat around saying the phrase "donkey in the room"?
70% of his "cabinet" are jews who's parents were expelled from the soviet union for doing kike shit.
All good points, it feels like they're fucked and need to just take the loss and let Trump win too, which is going to cause them to meltdown for four years again.
We're gonna need more zyklon...
They didnt pull a fake pandemic and steal the election to just let him win this time
Anthony Blinkin is almost always in the background somewhere whenever Biden is doing an event.
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You are ready.
Yes. It's only become an issue because now he's useless as a puppet. If he can't repeat the rehearsed script as its fed to him live then what use is he?
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not on my watch.
Jews win if it’s trump or biden.
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There’s a reason for this. Plus you can’t have Joe spill the beans about Ukraine in public.
Todd Howard for President 2024
A Democrat worst enemy is another Democrat.
That might be their next strategy, claim that trump cant run again because he already won twice
Anita Dunn not seen that ogre fucking hell.
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I almost threw out my copy and canceled my subscription when this was delivered. Now I’m thinking it might be worth something after the trials l
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I know it's all staged, but this is funny as hell.
I believe you're right
Democrat mascot is donkey.
One might have said elephant in the room and another said, more like donkey in the room, amiright. Then everyone clapped
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They all knew that Biden was brain damaged, and they knew BEFORE 2020.
Hell, back when he was VP he was a fuck up. Obama said so.
They INSTALLED him so that they could do exactly this. Whomever replaces him will be a disaster e.g. Governor Nusance of California.
jews you never heard of. this whole thing is enlightening insifar it shows a bit of the hierarchy of the deep state aka the jews running yhe western world. Rather than the lying press underneath the public regime, it seems to be connected directly to them, so two lines from the deep state, the public regime and the lying press, both on the same level. Another observation is that the jews probably were deciding to 'gracefully' end Biden by tricking him i to the debate and then dumping the entire lying press on him, expecting it would be enough. Biden's family's resistance shows they did not count on this and are now forced to either instructing the lying press to walk it back, which seems near impossible (how do you walk back accusations of dementia without looking like a 'Trumper'), or to force Biden out. In his sleep or threatening his wife with a fall and an overdose for Hunter.
Finally it also shows they didn't even have a follow up in place. The kerfuffle of Harris bitching in public shows this. I conclude this was a panic move. If you would be a nationalist revolutionary, now is the time to strike.
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If you have to ask this question you haven't been lurking long enough.
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"Yeah we've been covering for a shadow government that's been subverting the founding principles of our democracy and rubber stamping executive orders written by God only knows for, at best, the purposes of unfair personal and collective political gain and we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids"
Something like that was what you expected?
It's because politics and war under the one world globalist shadow government, is totally fake and gay.
It is all arranged on their terms, the instiutions and clubs of people that hold too much money/power.
He isn't dropping out. Should he actually win these people are going to get fucked by him and Hunter, careers absolutely ruined. And they said Trump was coming for them and it was really just themselves.
Beneath the race war and culture war, those are just symptoms of the ultimate class war between psychotic iconoclasts and suicidal zealots against common people that just want to live and let live without sufferance or subversion.
The damage has already been done, Trump 2024 will be a different, much less dangerous beast than he would have been with an uninterrupted second term. He’s now much older, has spent 4 years constantly in court, and the country is irrevocably fucked in the ass. They will start being honest about the state of the economy, the state of the border, the state of our diplomacy, and blame it all on him. They spent 4 years making as big a mess as they could, nothing got done, nothing they wanted especially. Just 4 unmitigated years of disaster after disaster that *any* president would be unable to fix, let alone one so shunned by the establishment. It’s become clear to me that just disrupting the flow was all they needed. The first two years of the next term will be the same as the first two of his first term. Congress won’t approve his picks, his cabinet will barely hold together, and no policy will be perused because of the political shit show it will devolve into. Let’s also not pretend like at least one wing of the democrats won’t be outright denying the election if he wins. I think it’s important he gets in this time, just because it would “right the record”, and show that they can’t fully subvert the will of the people, but ultimately it will be too little too late.
I'n ridin'
They will rig the election
Biden wins
Gives victory speach
Disapears til second term
Resigns first day
harris becomes pres
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Biden is done. The shit show is going to be when they pass over Kamala.
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Hunter Biden 2024
Patriots are in charge.
It's true, the economy will tank to levels not seen since the great depression of 1930. At least according to people such as "Game of Trades" and the like. Inflation is still high and oil is trending up. The crash we will witness before or shortly after the election in November will be generational and will cause unexpected changes. The hardest thing Trump would have to accomplish is to deport millions that will be hiding in sanctuary states and cities.
Democrats stole an election to elect Biden. Now they face the consequences.
Nobody's in charge
the final pill, any color you like
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>Nobody's in charge
and everything is fine.
Hunter 24
Axios was created by obamas bitch valerie jarret
Democrats act like if Biden were gone they'd suddenly be an attractive option to the public. As if they haven't ruined every state they take over and haven't completely DESTROYED every metropolitan area they're in charge of.
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Good kek. Trump 2024!
yikes... bidensissies, our response?
>"donkey in the room"
Clearly they've seen this gem lmao!
100%. Here's how you know. For 3 1/2 years the media knew about his condition and covered for him. After one 90-minute appearance, the entirety of MSM, in unison, completely reversed their narrative. Like it was a big surprise. Lying scumbag subversive puppets.
>donkey in the room

Maybe a decent leftist meme for once
>Who’s really in charge?

Glowniggers. Does anyone think they’d coup Kennedy only to hand power back to the legitimate government?
His own crooked family whose entire livelihood depends on this charade.
Non-bot post best post
Saving democracy is their mantra
kek that's actually pretty good. For the ESLs, "Elephant in the room" is a phrase used to refer to an important but uncomfortable topic that people are avoiding talking about when they really need to. EG, "we need to address the elephant in the room" means "there's this really important topic that everybody is avoiding, but we need to address it." Coincidentally, an elephant is used to represent the Republican party, while a donkey is used to represent Democrats, so these clever individuals turned the phrase into "the donkey in the room" meaning that everybody knew they needed to talk about Biden, but nobody wanted to because it was an uncomfortable topic.
not Obama, he's done and doesn't want this shit anymore. My guess is cabinet members and Harris have most of the power. Maybe even Jill?
Could be. Actually thought he'd get Hillary to VP and then go. Looks like he won't and it's Harris. If this was Bed Bath & Beyond it would still be shit decisions but this is allegedly the strongest nation on earth. Do believe that can be dispelled after Nov.
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>the elephant in the room
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This. Khazar mafia cabinet, plus BlackRock and CFR.
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This is proof that these people are actually stupid.
Anyone with an IQ over 120 should know this and it's blatantly obvious we're being "led" by a bunch of spoiled rotten retards who get where they are not on their ability to plan and scheme, but purely on nepotism and greed.
This is why the NWO and WEF and jews don't scare me in the slightest. They're morons. These retards are never going to be able to enslave us beyond their old tricks. And their old tricks are easy as fuck to avoid if you don't care about being "middle class" or rich.
They use money and reputation as their cudgels, not anything that actually works on poor but enlightened fuckers like us.

I GOT POPCORM! Do you like popcorm /pol/?
Mayorkas, Blinken, and Garfinkel ("Garland").
it begs teh quesation, who do they think they're fooling? When you watch and listen and pay attention, like really pay attention to them, it becomes clear, in their speech and their action, they simply regard their faithful voters as imbeciles, too stupid to be involved with any complexities or equations but are celebrated like a pet monkey whose been trained to fetch cold beers. You can surmise in less than 5 minutes of listening to these people they communicate with their voters in the way you would communicate tricks to a monkey and they just outright threaten their opposition. their comfort zone is the actual belief that they are smarter then their supporters so their corrupt and lie with impunity and they use straight up threats and intimidation to deal with their opponents. how the fuck do they get away with it? The question isnt simply, "how the fuck is everyone so dumb" the question becomes, "how the fuck is everyone so dumb and where in the fuck do these political leaders get the balls to exploit it as fact"
In Summer 1992, Bill Clinton was polling at 24% behind Bush and Ross Perot. Democrats were worried he was going to be the next McGovern/Mondale and called on Clinton to step down. Guess who won the 1992 election?

In October 2016, Trump was already trailing behind Hillary when the Access Hollywood tape dropped. Republicans withdrew their endorsements and called on Trump to step down.
Guess who won the 2016 election?

In Summer 2024...
Biden will drop out and be replaced in September using a legal scheme that will delay the next US federal election until 2028.
Kodak Moment this
Not to mention the DNC can't pull out Biden without their whole
>we have to protect democracy
Argument coming apart. They can't argue that they believe in democracy while also removing their democratically elected nominee and replacing him with someone that the people didn't vote for.
You guys ready for the donkey show?
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Over? Kek. We haven't even started yet.
Uh, sweaty, we're a republic, not a democracy.
Well now they are in a dilemma. If he is not fit to run again then he definitely isn’t fit to hold office now so they would have to 25th him and then it’s president Kamala and they are stuck with her, can’t replace the black woman president with a white dude.
>Anyone with an IQ over 120 should know this and it's blatantly obvious we're being "led" by a bunch of spoiled rotten retards who get where they are not on their ability to plan and scheme, but purely on nepotism and greed.
This is obvious to everyone with an IQ over 76
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They clearly planned this to make white men in America look bad so they could give power to niggers
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>an 80 year old man with dementia had the most votes in history without campaigning
>In Summer 2024...
Biden will poop his diapey on camera and it will be loud enough for the microphones to pick up and he will make a funny face that lets everyone know that he has indeed splattered his depends. It will be very funny.
do i think a bunch of out of touch reddit types make cringe jokes that they think are clever/funny? yea boi
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So it seems. So it seems.
>Who’s really in charge?
Did you ever consider the possibility that there is no one at the wheel?
>Is this all just another sham performance and they planned this all along?
Of course. Duh.

They have to act surprised by Biden's mental incontinence or else the marks might figure out it's all a scam.

"News is for people who know professional wrestling is fake but still believe politics is real."

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