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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We're going to use our second amendment-protected gun rights to violently do something. And as soon as we figure out just what that something is then my ideology will rise from the ashes and a new age of prosperity will begin!
step 1, kill jews and niggers
step 2, who cares
step 3, no more jews or niggers

idk sounds pretty good too me
Killing all the jews is tricky because they're harder to distinguish from a White at a glance, but killing all the niggers is more plausible. Although to kill all the blacks it'd be best to first target majority black countries with high birth rates.
Honestly anything would be an improvement. But it is impossible to organize people. They are kept busy, distracted, afraid, and given enough conflicting information to avoid aligning around ideologies. But just in case that wasn't enough communication and organization is also monitored because they fear collective action.
i guess you need more training cause i could pick a jew out of a group of whites from a 100 yards.
>Honestly anything would be an improvement.
I doubt that. Unless some kind of tactically sound blow is dealt to the establishment it won't do much and they'll simply use it as a way to encroach further on our freedoms. You'll throw your life away and there'll just be more TSA scanner bullshit if you don't critically damage the system.

>communication and organization is also monitored because they fear collective action.
And knowing you're being monitored seems to do 90% of the job, which is why even here I can rarely get anyone to even discuss what would even actually impact the government without being called a fed.

Israel needs DNA testing to determine if someone's a jew because even they're not that good at identifying themselves.
also idgaf about the rest of the world, let em fester, were gonna cleanse America and shut it off from the rest of the world. shoot on sight boarder and use the navy to protect the coast. blow mexicans out of the water with destroyer autocannons. mabye annex canada too and clear it of pajeets. believe me we have enough bullets.
isreal only does that for surveillance and social control, its a good excuse though. sneaky fuckers.
>also idgaf about the rest of the world, let em fester, were gonna cleanse America and shut it off from the rest of the world
If you look at where all the mass migration is coming from, it's all nigger-filled countries with high birth rates and low IQs. They pour in endlessly from their shithole countries and the best solution to cut off mass migration is to cut it off at the tap by wiping-out those countries from the inside. It wouldn't take a very large group to kill enough of their women and children to drive the birth rate to zero.

>shoot on sight boarder and use the navy to protect the coast
That requires actually fixing the country first.

Even they sterilized the blacks that identified as Jews.
Don’t ask these idiots to provide a chronology of events. The idea of all the country’s random, disconnected gun owners riding up and gelling into a fighting force is like a bunch of actors who’ve never met each other all waking up one morning and meeting at a theatre to put on a production of Les Miserables with no director, no costumes, no scenery, no lights, no rehearsals, etc.

Complete nonsense. If these people were EVER serious about their talk, they would have been conducting themselves in a completely different way for decades to prepare for it.
You go through the process which includes alot of disagreement afterwards and shortly another war from within and then shit gets settled for a few generations.
nah just cut off there aid and theyll all dye off be back to shit huts and not having the wheel in no time. and killing the jews would come first as thats how to fix the country. (governmentally speaking)
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>Don’t ask these idiots to provide a chronology of events.
I'm not even asking for that much. I just want to know what the people who say "there is no political solution" actually expect people to do. I'm just going to quit my job, load my car up with ammo and drive all the way to DC, then shoot anyone that looks brown or jewish and hope enough other people do the same? Even January 6th was peaceful and it still ended with Ashly Babbot getting killed. If there was an actual attempt at doing something it would have just resulted in a ton of dead White people and nothing good would have been accomplished.

>theyll all dye off
without the help of whites and asians the world black population would be in the few millions, they cannot support themselves when cut off.
That is true, but my point wasn't specifically about blacks. I'm not suggesting we need to wipe-out the entire population of Africa. Simply finding the countries where the most invasion is coming from and cleansing the area completely would stop the influx of shitskins into the US. And it's something that can be done violently. Getting the asians and jews to stop supporting them is actually a lot harder than it is to just violently wipe them all out, at least on paper.
I'll risk the ban.
you know full well step two is kill Niggers and Jews; also the lgbt spectrum.
in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.

in fact, let's just call phase 2 "the night of long knives."
I've made this thread several times today and I'm still not banned. Because it's an actual conversation about politics, not just calling for total nigger death.

>in fact if there's anyone that needs advice about who's on the list, just look up the night of long knives.
What do they all have in common? I'm guessing they're all jewish.
look i agree it would work just fine, but i think thats the same thinking and trap old uncle Adolph feel into, we have to secure the homeland first. then we can move outwards. the hardest part about this whole thing is convincing the zog bots to join or die. but if they do we will be unstoppable.

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