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Does your town have a rainbow crossing?
It had one until everyone kept slamming on their breaks on it to leave skid marks
its probably a publicized, international agenda. various jewish non-governmental organizations are coming together to make every city have gay stuff. i think its all about conditioning. bury everyone kneck-deep in degeneracy and immigration and watch people lose the will to live or fight back
My town has a bunch of shitskins
Nope and it wouldn't last a day.
You all know most of them a very slippery when wet. Just get in a accident when its wet and sue the city.
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Human Rights Campaign has a "Municipal Equality Index" that ties to all kinds of funding from other NGOs and financiers. Painting fag flags on the streets is one of the requirements not listed on the public scorecards.
no, we ban faggots
i'd step into dog shit before crossing it
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LoL. No.

They painted a bench rainbow then people repainted it multiple times. Then the goverment removed the bench.

Nah we got too many muslims for that to fly here. All there is are a bunch of fagflags very far up
Funny thing is in a lot of the world walking on/trampling something is a serious sign of disrespect.
No but if it did i'd get 5 gallons of white paint and have an 'accident' while yelling WHITE POWER
How do muslims manage to live in germany when its so gay there
Yeah it is
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it is a humiliation ritual
No, we have two seasons, winter and construction..potholes are everywhere.
>stomping on the fag flag
based. which city has this open fag bashing?
We had one in our park but I kept vandalising it
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Fucking based. OP’s photo is unfortunately from my hometown, Philadelphia.
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Hai guise I would liek to demontrate new mural I made today.
Here is old version
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This is my new version
I'm waiting for someone to "accidentally" get hit by a car and sue the city for failing to have properly marked crosswalks.
I loved you in Back to the Future
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No. They don’t play with that shit in Florida. They would get killed
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NO we burned the faggots out20 years ago.
Based i drive by a country house that had the palestinian flag up and it keeps getting ripped down, they went through 3 before they gave up and half the flag is left tattered beside the county flag they put up
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>Town has a 13/100 MEI score
You tell me.
who cares
No. I don't live in globohomo shit hole like you. We have normal crossings for humans, where actual humans walk.
I spit on it every time I walk by
no but a city near me does and just for good measure when the walk now sign lights up its a tranny walking
Literal humiliation ritual

like walking under the yoke
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my states capital has a transexaul mayor.
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Yes, and people, mostly men, stopped crossing there. Someone painted “fag crossing” over it. Men stopped crossing there, nobody wants to be mistaken for a a fag
This place is in imminent danger though
If you touch it it's defacing a monument. they'll say and in the area jury will agree.
But I wonder what would happen if an RC Truck equipped with a bucket of paint and a program to print a word drove along the street next to it. It would be writing on the previously bare street tar and not defacing anything would it not? I don't recommend this. If it were done in colored chalk slurry rather than permanent paint wouldn't it be street art?
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They surround you with it. They don’t want you to be able to escape from it. They want you to believe if you feel uncomfortable with it, there is something wrong with you and that you are a bad person for feeling that way
Sodomy Street
Martin Luther King Jr. drive (no change needed)
Genital mutilation boulevard
Much improved!
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It isn't an official road marking so it is illegal. A small section of pedestrian space was rainbowed, but the street was resurfaced and there has been no rainbow since 2019!
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We’ve replaced your old Christian God with this new God. Worship this new God or you will pay a heavy price
Seattle, not only do we have fag and tranny crossings but watermelon nigger crossings too.

End my suffering.
I thought fags loved skid marks.
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As the other anon said. Faggots and skid marks go hand in hand don't they?
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We need picrel that sprays thinner
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I'd EAT dog shit before crossing it. I really hate faggots.
Every single town in Ontario has them everywhere, little flags on every lamp post, banners over downtown. I went into Scotiabank recently, there was not a direction I could look where I did not see rainbow flags. A place near my parents has like 40 flags in their front lawn and then big cameras pointed at them. This is every single town that had more than 300 people, I swear some prick in the government has a deal with some chinese flag manufacturers and they have a deal with all big businesses and township councils to get shipped infinite flags everywhere on some exorbitant price to the taxpayer.
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Based. Godspeed kibbeling bro. Has Geert kicked all the camel jockeys out yet? Den Hague was getting BAD last time I was there for the jazz fest
That’s so fucked the west is destroyed by satanic jews. According to God you are about to be destroyed and other people will replace you. This is what happens to people that normalize homosexuality.
That would be transphobic
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That doesn't do anything.
Yes and the woman a good 50% support it. The same woman "why am I single, where are the good men".

I have no words left for how stupid these people are.
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Remember kids... EVERY month is Pride Month!!!
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Anyone who tells their child he or she is transgender and puts them on hormones/signs off on surgeries needs to be put into an insane asylum.
careful your car may get monkey pox doing this
The kike virus hasn't reached my town yet.
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You spelled grave wrong…
>spend some time in the South and hopefully you can clean your mind of indoctrination
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A shopkeeper hung up a BLM sign and people would walk in, rip it down, and walk out with it. She left at the end of her lease. So no, theres no rainbow in my town.
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This nigger
Auckland new zealand, I can only conclude the majority of councillers are closeted homosexuals and should just admit their sexuality.

According to the faggots they're worse than a Maori gang with a reputation of rape, murder and meth manufacturing.

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They installed cctv cameras here aimed at the crossing because people were doing burn outs on it and they said it's a hate crime
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That shit is gay.
The narcos would not allow it

This virtue signalling taxpayer pissing away of money by closet homosexual council members has to stop.
techincally speaking by law do these even consider as crosswalks since crosswalks are suppose to be white blocked
The UK found a solution to those cameras.
every day i shit and piss on it
oddly enough, people from the lgbt community are there to cheer me on
Yeah ulez blade runners. Now they are sending security guards with the camera installers and operator scum in the portable ones. Got an old car? Cost you 12.50 quid a day to drive
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there were rainbow stairs, but some based boomer repainted the whole thing white two days after it was painted.
That's now a felony hate crime in Washington state.
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What do?
No. Vegas is gay, but not THAT gay
I went into the city (Sydney) yesterday and they had a bunch of fag flags and fag crossings in one particular part of the city. Guess it must’ve been some kind of fag central.
Holy cringe
painting rainbows everywhere is how city hall employees pay for their yachts. Why don't you want the money launderers to have nice things?
I've never seen a faggot rainbow in my life.
Holly shit is that Coogee? I remember studying abroad at UNSW, look at how they massacred my boi
It now has the blacked tranny stripes on each side
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Florida puts the boot to your neck if you don't accept the gay sidewalk.
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my wife does this
Are they trying to get less people to walk?
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>on the floor
Paint and Super magnets theoretically speaking.

Collin Woodard- going to say thats a boomer and marxist jew.

Nope. If there is it would've been erased instantly before or after that month
Of course, but we don't have the black, brown and tranny stripes.
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NUPOL is pathetic
Palestinian flags are based. I keep one up to piss off my jewish neighbour,
Got anymore motocycle waifus doing this? /dbt/ calls upon you
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Looks like somebody accidently dropped some weird colored lines on the road. Fortunately there's a cheap and effective product to fix that.
That’s not a legal road marking though, am I legally allowed to drive through the people walking on it? Glass for Trump!
no but it does have a tractor supply and they are my new favorite store.
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Show me the follow up. 8/5 Desantis would have pardoned him. Arrested =/= convicted of a crime. If niggers this they their grand mommas and mommas would be much poorer
We seriously need a heterosexual flag at this point.
Submit your entry anons and we will choose the winner
Not a rainbow. A rainbow has seven colors. ROY G. BIV. A pride flag always has six colors...usually violet or green get the axe. "Enhanced" pride flags have the additional colors but they still keep the rainbow portion at six colors. Why is that so important to them?
Yes and someone did a burnout on it.
Ours has barriers around and is patrolled by police every hour. Small town in Maine.
No, thank fuck. If it did it’d have burnouts done on it, or someone would come out with a gurney and get rid of it.
Haha, no.
Ah. Now THAT'S a designated shitting street.
/pol/ is fucking dead
not my town, but close enough. niagara falls, the rainbow bridge.
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Yes, and some people painted over them "in a shameful act" within the first night.
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They've been cleaned since, though.
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Horses don't want to catch the gay.
I lived in Philly for six months back in 2017. You couldn’t pay me to live there now. What an absolute horseshit degenerate gross city. Literally one of the worst.
>winter and construction..potholes are everywhere
Winter is when the ice fills the potholes and the road isn't visible at all. Construction is when all roads are reduced to one road for several months but no road work is ever achieved.

No. They're gay.

Thay'd cause accidents.
based. the world is healing.
There's a shit stain on that rainbow.
1. Make aperture in floorboard of car.
2. Carry acidic liquid and funnel in car.
3. At red light, uncover aperture and place funnel.
4. When light changes, politely accelerate while pouring acid down funnel unto faggot crossing.
5. Carry on.
>Rather than leave bench alone, government has bench removed.
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Maybe don't put murals road.
>Sad little burnouts.
There is that "journalistic integrity.'
Based. It's a symbol meant to enrage people with morals anyway. They want you to do this and persecute you for it.
>13/100 MEI score
Explanation, please?
No. Even our gay district does not
where do you live? i dont think you could run a business without a pride flag in my city. they spam you with bad reviews.
My town doesn't have traffic lights.
Place nozzle on underside of car and you've got a perfect setup.
A mass grave is better.

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