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WTF, are police just giving up?
Cops: "Not my fucking problem."
>faggot calls 911 on crazy tweaker
>faggot starts recording cops to post online if they so much as touch the poor little tweaker
>cops literally say fuck it and leave
>faggot cried online that they left
You voted for it
Also that's a call for ems, fucking retard
We are witnessing the disintegration of man made complex systems before our very eyes. Soon airports, public transport, hospitals, education, water, electricity, police and fire departments will be a thing of the past.
Could've been they had a more important call to respond to after assessing there was 0 emergency and I'm saying this as someone who hates cops
911 dispatchers contact all relevant agencies.
Yeah? Why are white people so fucking retarded? I live in Louisiana and there are parts of this state cops just do not go to. You can hear gunshots all night long.
>muh crime statistics
You have no idea what the actual crime rates are because most crimes go unreported.
Go try to help her yourself. Community is supposed to be there for it's members.
I mean do you idiots honestly believe cops are super heroes? Cops are spread thin and this country is only becoming more low trust and high crime. It's not manageable. With time, certain crimes will just not even get taken seriously. Hell, that's already happening.
>"We can't magdump this one"
It really is a timesaver
Okay, this is based.
"grown ass men"
"I was recording them in case they assaulted her"

lmao, I love how pinko retards resist trad gender roles their whole lives...until the second things go sideways
>believing airforce fiction
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>person who calls cops and asks for help pulls out their camera phone and tries to get the cops in trouble for helping them when they asked for help
>cops say fuck this noise and leave
good cops
Someone spat on a rainbow crosswalk.
this is the same faggot who would be uploading the video and protesting the police if they threw her into the squad car. there is no way to win with these faggots. the correct answer is that the psycho bitch should just be catapulted into the ocean. she will cause nothing but stress and property damage and terror the rest of her miserable life until she ODs. she's pure cancer. but these retarded faggots think that "the rich" should pay for some team of psychologists to come out and soothe her and then put her in an inpatient facility that costs $150k per year and that then she'll become a productive member of society. reagan closed the asylums because they were extremely expensive and they didn't work. you can't fix the criminally insane. they either die or murder someone. that's the only way they get off the street. listen to this pathetic faggot talk about how it's so heartbreaking and no one was helping. as if there's anything to be done. he's the moron who votes for every tax increase, and will just whine on reddit when 80% of his income is being taken to fund the homeless–industrial complex. the homeless are an absolute blackhole of resources. catapult. ocean. that's the solution.
The government isn't your baby sitter
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And that plebbitor fag marched for it and voted for it
how are cops supposed to help them? They shut down the asylums. Only thing they can do is arrest them to let them detox at best
Very related, op. And read the comments.
not for nothing but i was driving home one day and some lovely negro chillin was darting through a street and trying to get cars to slow down, and on either side of the street they were playing with broken bikes (wtf) and throwing around play money like rappers (wtf). i tried to call the non-emergency line and describe the road and their activity (they were playing on a blind corner, miles from any houses lol) and the cops just hung up on me. fuck me and fuck them kids, i guess.
I had a dream where the cops became raiders one day, and the gangs were the ones protecting the public from them
10/10 kino sleep
>"I was recording them in case they do their job with her, because she is a whaman and police are all pigs. If they did I would ruin their lives"
>" why did they not give me the opportunity to screw them over completely. they are men do you job as men"
It's all so tiresome.
yeah they kinda are, I have a cousin in LAPD and they dont even do shit anymore unless someones already dead or somthing cus if someone's doing crime its 99 percent gonna be blacks and when they do somthing their upper management/mayor never has their backs so plenty of officers quit and leave and the ones left are there because they get payed more cus they're understaffed and just accumulating a bit more years to increase their pension.
Oinkers gonna oink
Good post dude.
we never should have closed mental asylums
>I'm recording in case they try to get aggressive
You realize that people can disappear for free. Come down here sometime I'll show you how. It makes no sense to house feed and treat useless eaters
kek, the thread is a goldmine. Even the redditors are calling the OP unhinged wondering what they wanted the cops to even do.

>Skinny girl looked like 19 or 20
I can fix her. She is my new wife
>waahhhh why don't cops in Portland, the anti-cop capital of the country, do anything?
because if they lay a finger on her you will demand they be jailed. If she attacks them and they defend themselves, you will ruin their lives.
>zero weapons
do you know that for a fact? Did you frisk her? When she pulls out a hidden knife and charges the officers, you will demand they go to prison if they defend themselves. So why should cops bother doing anything in Portland?
>I wanted actual mental health and emt!
gee maybe your woke progressive city is just incompetent as fuck
the only cure for extreme mental illness is death until ayys fix them
>Calling mental health team for a druggie

Man, these liberals must always live with their heads inside their asses.
Thank Reagan for that. I bet the Gen Xers who voted for that crap feel good about it now.
>This happened, like omg
>Like, I can't believe this happened, omg
>So this happened, right, omg like unbelievable
>And then they just let this happen, like, wtf?
this also happens. I actually got out of an underage drinking charge once because there was a shooting close by so cops had to go kek
Some drugs make you act schizophrenic.
She must have told the cops she was a Socvereign Citizen and the cops knew they couldn't arrest her.
>do your jobs!!
no, i ain't workin for no white supremacist das rite
it's better than having them roam free in society. realistically "disappearing" them isn't viable in a first world country. I'd gladly pay taxes to put them in a asylum
The most these police can do is ask if she wants assistance. If the girl says no then there's not much they can do. Forcing someone to an insane asylum has a ton of legal risks.

Its really just because of Inflation. This is how it erodes society. If people cannot work towards minimal goals to achieve in society then work becomes meaningless.

My grandfather grew up in hungrlary during inflation and used to say...when they pretend to pay us we pretend to work and if the mechanic is unwilling to make the extra effort and last psuh to tighten up the lugs on a wheel, that effort to wheel then the wheels of society will come off
Who needs those when we have pensioners to give entitlements to!
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Perfect summation
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>I live in Louisiana and there are parts of this state cops just do not go to. You can hear gunshots all night long.
NOLA anon here.
Gunshots from same street corner weekly for last decade at least.
Had a State Police guy help with a VIN inspection for rego and he said they don't go to the ghetto few blocks away.
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Preacher telling the truth.... and it hurts
That and demographics. You need white people to maintain society. Low IQ minorities could never keep a first world country running. With boomers retiring the work force will be less and less white, more and more incompetent. Add to that the fact that the white men that could maintain it feel no connection to society at large because they've been actively discriminated against for a while now. The future is bleak and everybody knows it, but we just stick our heads in the sand because facing reality would be racist.
>I wanted to record the event on my cellphone like a fag just in case I could make some $$$ on another police brutality video.
Fucking retard.
They basically said he was racist for calling the cops too.
Your "solution" does absolutely nothing to address the root causes of the problem, thus will never actual solve anything. You'll be catapaulting your young into the ocean until the whole species has gone mad and commits mass suicide with the way things are headed. Meanwhile those who set in motion this madness will have accomplished their goal which is absolute genocide of humanity.
It's mostly because of demographic doomsday. Everything else is just a consequence. All modern states relied on huge demographic resources to maintain the system. And they're running out. There simply won't be people to do this job, aggressive migration is just a patch that will also end and not the best quality from the very beginning. Especially today, when the cadres that were trained by the Communists, who held the bar of education high, have run out.

And when you get a job, you see how many problems there are in it and that you will never solve them no matter how hard you try, then this causes demoralization, and if they still pay poorly for it, then there is not even a need to create the appearance of a good job.

The young and healthy population has become much smaller. The demographic pit is much bigger than many people think
These are the same people who wanted to defund the police and cried ACAB.
why bother helping these people. cucks like this act like they can be turned around into shining examples of brilliance.
Disband the police, send in the militia and slaughter the niggers.
Bring an AR-15 and make the streets clean.
in canada when the call is to help someone and the person tells first responders to fuck off the first responders leave.
Being high is not a medical emergency. If an ambulance showed up the emts/medics would likely do the same thing the cops did.
Police exist to keep normal people from killing niggers and faggots.
This guy gets it.

How is Russia? Are you guys being invaded by central Asians?
people don't understand this but management these days is full of kikes pretending to be black and actual hood blacks. i went to a "training" meeting that started with "i grew up on no muthafuckin snitching and i aint a snitch". it was a course i had to do for work
I'll take Shit That Never Happened for $100, Alex. That silly bitch would have posted the video immediately for more updoots.
Oh I know.
These are the same people trying to cover up a naked crack whore from police on a livestream.
Lets focus more on a hallucinating half naked 19 year old. Vid?
in canada we lots a whole generation to drugs. You have boomers that understood the civilization, then cultural subversion, their kids overdosed on fentanyl, and now complex systems are controlled by people that have never seen a firetruck before.
you voted for brazil
you get brazil
Cops do nothing anymore. I live in upstate ny and the homeless and drug problem is out of control. I deliver food, and I’m seeing literal zombies everywhere in the city of Rochester it’s insane. Cops never monitor traffic anymore and I almost never see them, but when I do you could be going 90 in 30 past them and they don’t do shit. It’s literally like GTA here now. Cops are easily out run by Kia boys that are 14 years old, because they’re not allowed to go on a full police chase anymore.

My theory is they’re really doing this so some hedgefund, Amazon or Chinese or foreign buyer can buy up property here.
Schizos, I tell ya.
ever since bolshivik times jews have allowed criminals to overrun law abiding people as a part of their war against civilization.

in venezuela they call it the terror -- which is the street thugs that are allowed to completely bulldoze the entire civilization.
That caller sounds like a fucking faggot
>I filmed just in case they got AgGrEsSiVe
ooooooh oh nooooo not that!
I'm just imaging in my head they actually tried to get this girl in restraints and then place her in the car, take her to the hospital. She'd be losing her fucking shit, fighting them and then it'd be "those cops are soooo aggressive omgggg if they just spoke to the poor woman, who was out of her fucking mind on drugs, none of this would happen! how could this happen!"

I wish I could reach through the screen and smack the shit out of this faggot. And OP for posting a plebbit screenshot.
Fuck you, OP. Fucking faggot
You all voted for this shit
>call cops
>record cops trying to fuck them over for dealing with schizo
Yea thats your schizo problem now sweetie.
Why didn't anyone try to fuck the half naked 19 year old with her tits out?
>The Chinese will save us!
The chinks will take everything apart for scrap metal and fuck off back to china

You think chinks want to babysit niggers all day?
100 percent the addict told the cops to fuck off so the cops fucked off. i've seen similar situations in canada. First responders dont care and wont try to talk sense into you. They DGAF
>she was only 19 or 20
sick fucks
They aren't really enforcing any driving rules around me. It's a shit show of motorcycles and quads.
They obviously felt she was a risk to their jobs. Blame cancel culture in this case.
This. Why the fuck do police need to deal with crazies now?
People don't want them dealing with
- women
- niggers
- spics
- traffic stops
- tense situations
- shootings
People gave those cops in Uvalde some shit but fuck that. Why even do anything at this point other than clock in and gold brick at this point when any thing you can possible do is going to be scrutinized at any capacity?
which city? i heard nobody has insurance in lots of areas and in oakland all the cars people drive are stolen and unregistered.

in canada the cops do some traffic stops but lots is ignored. there are a lot of unlicensed drivers and unregistered cars.
>I'm calling for a specific response team to come help this woman
"Yeah we don't really take requests, what are you reporting?"
>There's a vulnerable girl-bodied person hallucinating in the street and she needs intervention
Okay, we'll send the police, what is your location?
>No! Send a de-escalation response therapy team
We're sending police ma'am
>I didn't identify my gender as female!
Okay miss, we're dispatching police

>Yes officers, I'm recording for her safety, she needs assistance and if she lashes out, you better not hurt her!
That woman over there? Yeah she looks pretty messed up
>We don't know she's a woman, you didn't ask her
Okay, uh. Hey bro she looks pretty jacked up
>What did you say??! Are you going to rape her?
Oh shit dude, fuck this, let's go
>You can't just leave!
>Why even do anything at this point other than clock in and gold brick at this point when any thing you can possible do is going to be scrutinized at any capacity?

I'd say yes if NY went shall issue/stand your grouind.
Central Asia is not Africa or Latin America. These are a couple of small countries. Few of them want to move here permanently. Russia is not as convenient for this as Italy or France. Not the land of dreams and resorts. Therefore, although migration is underway, but for the most part they are just migrant workers, and there are simply not so many of them for the invasion and they are not so interested in it, rather after a while the government will begin to import Indians too
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they voted for it.
Denver. I mean, unless you cause a DUI wreck I don't think they give a shit about anything at this point.
why is nobody interested in russia? Its a big cold sparse country like canada so i figure people should love it as much as they love canada.
Always remember: Too weak to protect you, too weak to stop you.
why not just drive a stolen car like everyone else? my coworkers are always saying if cartheft is high and we're all going to have our cars stolen we may as well just buy and drive a stolen car ourselves
I could have saved her.
Go to a little suburb like Broomfield and fuck around
I heard a woman screaming, it was a meth head and I didn't know, so I ran out with my dog and the same fucking thing happened. I saw her standing on the corner screaming and the cops showed up and just drove away. Seems like a policy or something.
This. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, the illusion must remain in place as long as possible.
You know, we used to have institutions where orderlies would cart these loonies off the streets. They all got defunded and now people expect the police to pick up the slack. A padded room is more humane and comfortable than a jail cell.
they call it a wellness check. but the person probably doesnt even have id so you cant take them to the hospital
come to moon lake pasco county. we got designated nigger pits round here prefilled with decades of animal bones
>cops: do you want to hurt yourself or someone else?
>tweaker lady: no
>cops: just don't stand in the middle of the street
>tweaker: okay
it would've been exactly the same with mental health professionals. you can't involuntary commit someone who isn't a danger to self/others. and she'll be back out doing the same shit in 72 hours or less anyway. that's why the cops left.
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>riot for years to defund the police
>shocked police don't give a fuck

People really can't put two and two together can they?
That’s what I’m saying. In the south we got swamps and gators. Shitty people vanish all the time. Because they are shitty no one looks that hard for them. Cops don’t care till they have a body and gators and hogs will make sure there never is one.
Okay reddit, let’s see the 3 second video then. You claim you recorded it after all. You wouldn’t be lying for internet goodboy points now would you?
Russia is a good country for those who were born in it, but there are few reasons to move here from other countries, especially when you can choose other countries for permanent relocation. The number of Uzbeks, for example, is now growing at a tremendous pace in the EU.
I think cops are just demoralized and bitter over the George Floyd riots and how they are villainized so they just don't give a fuck anymore and are just there to collect their paycheck and avoid doing anything that may further cause people to hate them.
Parasites move to Canada in spite of those things, not because of them.
Because Russia is not a gay "rich" western country with open borders. Russians dont want them, and they don't want Russia.
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Probably because Russia is full of Russians.
no one wants to deal with that shit.
on the other hand, Canada is.... well...
Just go out there and see if she needs fucked or not. Don't make life harder than it is.
i'm just saying i dont understand what it is in russia that turns people off since its so similar fundamentally to canada. I'm surprised koreans and latinos are not interested in russia.
This argument is shit. The stupid bitch called them and then recorded their response. They probably looked at the situation, thought about the risk, thought about what has this psycho actually done? They tell her to get off the road and she does and they leave. Anything more is a liability

There are some advantages to anarcho tyranny. One being you get to clean up the streets yourself.
Because I love my Tacoma I've had forever.

>little suburb like Broomfield
people dont understand that there is zero consequence for letting criminals do what they want and whatever lawlessness happen -- but they can have days of grief if they get involved in a major incident.
why would Koreans move when South Korea is wealthier than Russia. Latinos can just go to the US where there is a large hispanic population already.
Cops don't do shit in demographically challenged areas. If you call them here in California they don't even show up. I called a noise complaint on my crazy meth user neighbor for screaming help and slamming around, they were clearing out the calls saying they came and heard nothing. I called dispatch back because I was standing outside the whole time and didn't see any cops, they said someone already responded and didn't hear anything. I asked for another response twice and same thing. Called in a complaint to a supervisor and none showed up. 100% they're not doing a damn thing anymore. I'm not sure how it's allowed, how is the city paying them to do nothing for us?
Get what you fucking deserve. That place should have been cordoned off after 2020.
koreans love canada for some reason and russia is very similar. Korea has very little pull for people to live there.
>catapult into the ocean
wtf just put them in work camps like a normal society

Being a cop seems like a cushy job nowadays as long as you’re not in a Blue Ghetto area

Get uniform, get a car to chill in and get paid /shrug

I mean if you’re White you can’t even arrest Black people, so there goes 90% of the work right there
The same as in Japan. There's nothing for you to do with English here, Russian is mandatory. And although there are many people who want to move to Japan in terms of dreams, but language and cultural problems are much more difficult for this than going to the United States, where you may not even know English
yeah, noise complaint not gonna happen but they'll respond probably for serious incidents. in canada also they ignore noise complaints but i've seen home invasions in progress stopped because of witnesses calling the cops.
>I'm recording in case they put hands on this poor woman
>they don't
Ive never seen new Koreans here other than ones that moved here when SK was still poor.
i mean, every country speaks different languages. i'm just saying i dont believe canada and russia are that different. i mean what do canadians and koreans really have in common but they still love to live here. I'm just surprised they dont like russia. they learn french to move to france and even watching street style videos on youtube half the people in paris are chinese.

>The number of Uzbeks, for example, is now growing at a tremendous pace in the EU.
LOL i literally know an Uzbek guy. Very, very conservative.
They did come when she was running around the apartment complex naked screaming for help. I usually don't call unless she's saying the magic word help, but she was also causing a disturbance that time banging on shit and I thought there might be someone else beating her up. I noped the fuck out of thay city, it was a nightmare because of all the beaners.
i'm in BC and we get a LOT of koreans.
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who could have foreseen that abandoning the people who actually pay your taxes would cause this entire mess to happen in the first place
TOPKEK. I work as an armed security guard. Thanks Portland pigs. I don’t care either, pays pretty good. I HATE crackers.
T. Black armed security
That’s not the issue, it’s not enough public defenders (low pay, overworked), lack of corrections (same as PD), wanna be cops from security guards/entitled criminal justice majors failing to get past psychological/drug/backgrounds (FILTERED), and general liberal attitude to crime. Judges sometimes too.
why do you hate whites? Its your own nigger kin selling them drugs.
>too many old/fat/female/sóyboys

She said she's the schizophrenic niece of the police commissioner and her Dad's a freemason judge. Police are just a gang and like any other gang, they will not attack their own regardless of the circumstances. This is why America is collapsing. Extreme Cronyism and micro-tribalism.
>its your own nigger kin selling them drugs.
Thats the spics now, get with the times chink/cracker/dalit
part and parcel
Also, I hate my fellow niggers to. I just need easy money for comfy retirement. Does weight lifting while increase my strength/agility during old age
not like it's much better in south korea, what with your hyperfeminist death cults and five megacorps running 70% of your entire economy
>I just need easy money for comfy retirement.
does armed security in portland really pay that well? f
Europe pays to move in, North America speaks English, which is a much smaller problem, especially for India. The USA already has a large population of Hispanics, which greatly simplifies their relocation. And the more people migrate, the easier it is to migrate new ones, because their relatives and various connections will be waiting for them on the spot.
I'm fairly old as gen xers go and I was too young to vote for Reagan. Blame the boomers for Ronnie.
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Why don't these states just reopen them then?
OP is a faggot for not raping that 19-20 year old high on drugs asking for it
The cops hands are tied by liberal legislation, they left because legally that was the only thing they could do.
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>I insisted they send a mental health response team
holy fuck its liberal elmo IRL
Where's the footage?
>Meh, drugs are legal
>Cops leave
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Deport her to Yemen. Deport all crazies to Yemen.
They’re not going after humanity in general. Just one particular race.
Cops... more like Copes.
Based. But for me, it’s the trebuchet.
i wouldn't risk my life for a cracked out sheboon either
Probably in a state of disrepair that isn’t salvageable. Ghost Adventures has done a hundred episodes about shutdown asylums, and they’re all shitholes
A lot of these homeless people are there because of the Sachler (j3w) created opioid epidemic. Some also due to the wars for lsraeI. So blame the cause, not the symptom.
Democrats want to let raging niggers rage and liberals to lib. This shit is why you shouldn't live in a Dem run city and if you have no choice, buy guns and learn how to use them and the laws surround self defense.
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In the recent Oakland shooting where a homeowner shot and killed a home invader, not only was the car the home invaders arrived in stolen, it didn't have a license plate.
These retards voted for this shit. Let them reap the whirlwind.
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>why don't you act like my bizarre interpretation of christianity
cops show up in baltimore sometimes but usually to pick up dead bodies or talk to the callers and suggest they consider moving if they called over something that wasn't murder
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Yeah, Megacorps comprised of Koreans who speak Korean, have Korean grandkids, live in Korea, and can only be invested in by Koreans.

Who owns America's megacorps? A bunch of transnational Israeli child-dissecting kikes who live in the Cook Islands somewhere. And they locally managed your country with sub 70 IQ subsaharan niggers, trannies, and a rainbow brigade of dog-faced women.

>Reeee death cults
America is in bed with self-acclaimed satanists. Both satanist-jews, satanic goyim, and other well-meaning luciferians like the Freemasons that think they're the good guys while they march their country to unfixable ruin.

Korea's cultists are fragmented pagans who use cults to scratch the same itch as western psychopaths, but they're a lot less organized as evidenced by them constantly getting caught and imprisoning each other.

To me, comparing America and Korea is like comparing a decrepit faggot with full-blown AIDS and no immune system to a kid with chicken-pox. Yeah the kid's clearly sick but the wounds are exposed to the light and healing in realtime. The faggot is rotting alive with no sign of recovery.
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Good. That's actual progress. Get back to societies roots. Everyone better start learning to grow their own food.
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This board has gone to such SHIT that it falls on us leafs to remind YOU that the problems of modern society were engineered by filthy KIKES. picrel.
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i was jacked on acid in jew jersey like 25 years ago and i wigged the cops out with acid eyes and autopilot
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based inhabitants of irl fallout are giving up on trying to fix the bullshit.
>quick let me post another hate comment about stoners being chill and stoned in their basement AHHHH i hATE THESE STONER DEGENERATES
>Yeah, Megacorps comprised of Koreans who speak Korean, have Korean grandkids, live in Korea, and can only be invested in by Koreans.

all women with men completely cut out of the equation at every level**

your nation has failed
Taxes for an asylum you couldn't afford. Look how much it coats for elderly care and they really can't even fight back. Like 10k per month per person
The stupid bitch asked for it. Notice how she started the sentence with saying she was recording in case the COPS got aggressive? What a dumb bitch.
100% accurate.
Hopefully this trend continues
No shit. the complete and total lack of awareness that she contributed to their response. amazing.
Dont worry nigger we all hate you filthy pavement apes and all the communist whites in Portland and as well.

You faggots deserve eachother.
just stating the facts, k-pop.
>legalize drugs
>reeee why are there schizo junkies everywhere and the cops don’t care?
It’s hilarious retards actually fell for that libertarian bullshit when we should be executing drug dealers in the streets.
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That's where Davey Crocko was from. He died a year ago from an overdose.
a lot of good has come out of asylums in the past. Practically all of our modern knowledge of the psyche has come from studying them. Some can be helped by the way. Many cannot though
the drugs are never the issue with people like that.
>You have no idea what the actual crime rates are because most crimes go unreported.
You can extrapolate an estimation of what the unreported statistics are based on the reported ones, you fucking retard. Guess what the reported ones say?
Naw, they can’t do anything. That retard lives in New York where they pass all kinds of bullshit criminal reform laws that make it where these junkies don’t go to jail anymore and can’t be charged with anything substantial. Same shit happening in Portland and every other blue state.
She was probably a nasty, unkept sh3boon. No one wants to touch that.
Literally no one would have a problem if they didn't take a whole bottle of pills as soon as they got filled at the pharmacy. Cigarettes and alcohol have higher addiction rates from the first time they are used
Stfu junkie retard, who cares what the issue is with that person her drug dealer should still hang. Go suck a dick outside a needle exchange Ronda Paul.
Yeah they didn’t want to be the Derek Chauvin for Faggot Floyd
so the cop leaves and the redditor didn’t think to call one of the million nonprofits in portland embezzling funds for these “people” kek?
This. America would be beautiful without police.
Imagine all of the niggers, jews and politicians that'd be dealt with.

Live in stand your ground states, vote for pro gun rights, dont vote for gun control. Simple as.
>I don't trust the police
>I feel bad for this woman
>so I'll call the cops but I'll record them so if they try anything they'll get in trouble (but the lady will still be dead/whatever)
Why not try and help her yourself you fucking pussy?
Yeah the new world Bible the dsm5 ask me how I know you are a Jew. No one wants to fix the problems that create broken people so why should we have to pay for their entire lives in care facilities
It's why rightoids were fools for not getting out and rioting alongside nigs and fags. I 100% support the dissolution of all law enforcement for this reason alone
I thought they wanted to ban cops anyway?
Dumb faghot doesnt realize is that the mental health resource team is literally an ambulance to the ER, where she wastes further resources tying up a room for 12 hours until she is sober, or getring put in a psych fa ility for 3-14 days where she will continue to have access ro drugs and be in a position to be sexually abused, aside from the physical abuse of niggers employed by mental health facilities. In the end she will go back to drugs and whoring.
this is common all over but most common in coontowns like oakland.
Opioids are WAY more addictive. These people used to be stable family members back when this country made things, the culture was sane, and j3ws didn’t push opioids. You’re blaming the wrong people.
I'm not one of these all cops are bastards people but lazy bacon bits made me kek hard.
Based. It's high time cops realize that if they accidentally gack a special class citizen they get to room with chauvin. So they should let the niggers murder each other and destroy their neighborhoods. And let the crazies ramble about shitting in the streets.

The liberals deserve to have do nothing police.
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here's an insane statistic for you not many people know: around 1950, state asylums accounted for over 25% of the annual budget for New York state. and this was in an era where the population was 90%+ white and far healthier both mentally and physically than it is now. if we reopened the asylums nowadays and every person who truly needed it was admitted, it would easily be over 100% of the budget. our society has rotted to the point we simply don't have the resources to help even a small portion of the population.

source is Oliver Sack's introduction to a book called "Asylum"
That'd be an awesome movie. That is if society doesn't collapse before it can be made. Anyways fuck cops and all the unconstitutional bull shit they enforce while at the same time protecting niggers and criminals as over 50 percent of murders go unsolved. Glad all those fags probably took the vaccines to save their pensions and other gibs.
It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.
Sapp v. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2Nd 363,
Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262,
Lynch v. N.C. Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247 (N.C. App. 1989).
See also:
Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. 1981)
DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services,
Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005)
Riss v. New York, 22 N.E. 2nd 579,293 N.Y.S. 2nd 897, 240 N.E. 2nd 806 (1958)
you would rather live in ignorance I see. Good luck spic
>DeFuNd ThE pOliCe
In Reddit culture, having somebody read over your entire post history looking for something to attack you with is the closest they will ever get to admitting they are wrong
pretty sure the average city cop hides in the yuppy parts all day handing out traffic tickets to them.
opiates are highly addictive and you know that from looking at american cities. the other anon is right that jewish pharma execs intentionally got americans hooked on opiates.
Post hand
>i was recording in-case they got aggressive.

they saw her recording, decided it wasn't worth the risk, and left. not rocket science.
yeah, but there was a much lower bar for being a nut back in the day since everyone was generally more sane. watch videos about schizophrenia from decades ago on youtube and the case studies are very mild compared to our drug addled lunatics
why aint you doing it yourself lazy bastard called self policing niggerdly ways let someone else do it right negro
She didn't want the cops, so she didn't get them. She was filming them so she could press charges against them, so they said fuck it. If you want the cops to help you, don't fuck with them. Now you get what you wanted, No Law.
*me rubs hands.
>WTF, are police just giving up?
No crime being committed, sounds like they did what they were supposed to do. Not a big fan of cops, but the reddit leftoid just has a skull full of air. I think, sometimes, that it's not that they care about the so-called victim, but like with this one, they just want to be in charge and to tell the government how to respond to a scenario like this. The "this is why I asked for X" horseshit.
I saw this shit yesterday. There was a drugged up nigger high out of his mind and making a scene at the train station. A cop shows up and instead of arresting/detaining, he just shoves him onto the train car and waits for it to leave. Textbook anarchotyranny. You just know if I did the train car a favor and knocked that nigger out that I'd catch assault charges and be branded as "raycis" .
>what it is in russia that turns people
Border controls, probably. An alien technology for Canadians, I know.
The oldest Gen-Xers in 1980 were 15. In 1984, a few of the oldest could vote. Try to sound less retarded when you do your mindless generational rage.
i mean, people migrate regardless of what people in the host country want. i actually want to visit russia because maybe i'm wrong but i always assumed russia was similar to canada
fuck cops
What should the cops have done?
It's fucking Portland, being on drugs is just a lifestyle choice there
>people migrate regardless of what people in the host country want
No they don't. We have laws n shieet against exactly that.
pampered her gave her water hold her arm and escort her like the movies
Yeah they were already counting all there updoots, and mad they won't get them
Glad you're happy to pay taxes for lard arses to drive around and not protect anyone all day
It's actually not that hard to cure people from drug addiction, just expensive and/or time consuming. But since we are in a snafu rn with the geopolitical situation, it's not worth
What do you want them to do? There are thousands of drugged up whackos all over every city now because they're allowed to do whatever they want. There are no asylums to stick the crazy/useless people in. The prisons and jails are all full. It's the public's problem.
yup, so "heartbreaking" and "devastating", but instead just watches from their own window because they don't actually care and they are a worthless piece of shit themselves -- recording on their phone waiting for the people she called for 'help' to do something slightly wrong so that they can try to destroy their lives.
Oversocialized shitlib redditors are the scum of the earth.
>Someone else other than me do something
>I hope I catch the help in the wrong so I can hurt them too
Where do you even go from here? You don't, that's where.
They might be dangerous we need police to secure the scene first
No one seemed to think that some people supported defunding the police because they get in the way and take money and property for the state.
I didn't care if cops were bastards.
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Redditor from Long Island gets hit by a black youth playing the knockout game, no 1 believes him then mods eventually delete it.
I don't know what they expect patrol officers to do, Tuscon is a fucking shithole -- beat cops have a lot of work to do all day long. They're not your GrubHub delivery service, if the guy was completely compliant in accepting wrongdoing and responsibility they should have just driven him straight to the station, walked in, give the evidence and have him confess. What do you want some patrol officer to do over stupid shit like this, for some fucking youtuber's content?
Living sucks the pharma drugs aren't more addictive than making a shit life better2xhww
You can say "the jews" here.
I do think cops should be legally obligated to handle any problems they are called in to assess. Like this scenario they should literally not be allowed to leave until either they take her away or call in some other group in order to do it.
its because they have 0 incentive to do so. Cops are often egotistical little tyrants but their job is important, they are the garbageman of human trash. If they know confronting a tweaker will get them stabbed and then persecuted by some cunt judge who will also let said tweaker walk free why bother?
Scream at the druggie bums. They act tough but the schizophrenics are all talk only thing to fear is a black nigg in pcp. Do not approach
Ok so everytime someones yelling the cops have to come. Thanks Karen now go fick off.
>I don't need anyone telling me to man up, protect myself, be aware of my surroundings, or any of that fake tough guy shit
deserved lmao, hope he actually gets KO'd next time
>calls cops in to do their job
>takes her phone out so she can catch them in doing their job to get them fired
>they see this and leave
>wtf why aren't they doing their jobs
Neurotic cunts
Classify drug addiction as a medical and mental illness rather than a criminal one. Then just lock them up till they wash out, most "natural" mental illnesses are easily curable these days through medication. Nearly all the dysfunctional ones are that way due to heavy drug use.

They're so fried you could just fill them with anti-psychotics and let them roam some remote area surrounded by a nature reserve full of large native predators till the end of their days happily. If they're junkies and completely without a hope of sobriety then use the Swedish model and give them high quality drugs in return for work around the place. Even having it as a 5-star resort with chefs and whatever you could end the issue of these people and save tax payer money.
Cops were smart.
>be insanely hallucinating girl
>cops walk away
>be civilised gentleman with a single rogue thought
>swat team up the ass and 15 years in jail
>"The girl needs help!"
>"OMG someone arrest this man"
you are fucking retarded. Please kys bootlicker
Should have called for a BBC. Those can tame any crazy white woman.
i actually noticed the other day that i haven't seen a cop so far for the entirety of 2024.
Kek got eem
>no not like that!
Fucking pigs. Hope they're snuffed in the streets
Jesus was clear on this. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor. The last will be first and the first will be last.
Do you really believe Jesus to be god made man? And you just ignore what he said?
nigger you're literally in a country where boomers are illiterate, thats only applicable to northern europe and eastern europe
It's not worth helping a community that hates you
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See, the way the faggot/female in that post disrespects and undermines policemen is precisely why they don't fuck with this nonsense.

I'm gonna' safely presume the "something" she said to them what made them walk away was likely along the lines of, "No! Don't rape me! They're raping me!"

Fuck ALL you motherfuckers. Cops should just start shooting people at will, when they're called to respond. I've interacted with police probably twice in the past 30 years.
They are like niggers, they only respond in groups. Cops are the biggest pussies ever, they wont do shit on their own. I always see the whole fleet show up for shit like removing homeless from public areas, but won't do shit solo. Fuck pigs
That’s clearly wrong. Like she’s society’s sex doll. Beat her, fuck her, kill her. The ultimate sacrifice to a dead god.
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Get fucked, you ignorant shitbag. Reagan is innocent. Look up the history of the Lanterman–Petris–Short Act. You wanted him to veto? You know you can call emergency mental health services, right? Metro State and Patton State are still right there, waiting for you to dig in and help out.
A lot of targets could have been hit with plausible deniability, especially media. We are just too lazy
I bet you think it’s a crime beg for money on the street.
good, ted's will be done, rest in peace king
This. even after Rome "fell" its public infrastructure lasted another generation or two but eventually the guys who knew how to maintain everthing got old, fucked off or retired
Try living in a country where even if they do arrest you, you get a slap on the wrist sentence
>T. Average murder sentence here is 7 years, out in half on parole
They only ever enforced the law against Whites. That's the only reason they exist in America or any other White nation at the point.

Lookup your lokal jail roster especially in cuckservative areas where they glorify badge niggers and are big into sports/politics. Despite most crime being perpetrated by spics/niggers, most inmates will be White.
Those are some BIG windows.
Defund the police
Implying she wasn’t possessed by evil spirits
Cops aren't psychiatrists.
people like the shreddit op will never realize that they are the problem and the sole reason that things are the way that they are. self reflection is an incredible thing.
exercise daily. don’t live an idle life and you can pay it forward to old age. also eat good. don’t eat slop.
They are going after humanity. The particular race you're referring too is just what they consider to be the biggest obstacle.
cop you some vit. c and zinc as well. good for health and your libido.
See how fucking useless they are? In my neck of the woods, they sit around in upper class White neighborhoods waiting to arrest a compliant white man for some bullshit his wife, mom or gf calls for.

When gunshots ring out in coon town, they drive by the main road and that's it. Takes them awhile to get there. The White parts of town have been shrinking for decades, and all former nice White neighborhoods are mexican and black ghettos now. Fucking pisses me off seing these useless scumbags drag down what my ancestors built into greatness. Dumb spics and niggers can't even maintain what we build, much less build it themselves.
I don't get why this picture is posted so often.

Yes, we should kill all illegal immigrants and deport plenty of low quality ones, but the argument in here is completely valid. If you call yourself a Christian and don't follow the rules, then pointing out the hypocrisy in your behavior makes sense in a debate.
If I was a police I’d just drive around shooting dogs all day. Being a cop must be amazing
Why would they do it? What’s the benefit? They get shit on by leftoids no matter what and probably stabbed with an hiv needle or sent to get raped in prison for being racist. Don’t worry though they won’t hesitate to give you a speeding ticket for going 2 miles over because you’re a white bitch who won’t do shit
>giving up
they have no legal obligation to actually do anything.
Nah, I'd be there to blow your head off with a rifle before you stepped outside chink faggot.
>>faggot starts recording cops to post online if they so much as touch the poor little tweaker
He probably wouldn't have felt the need to record anything if the retardedass 911 dispatcher sent the people he asked for.
Pic related. If it's true that the tweker went in to a restaurant full of customers, then this incident probably occured before 10 PM, though I guess I could be wrong.
If you're gonna laugh at someone being stupid, get it right.
Any decent person left the police ages ago and it's now filled with traitorous mouth breathing dipshits

>I hate Christians and all that they stand for and let me judge you through this distorted lens of mine
>demonize cops for doing their fucking jobs to the point that they're being told not to bother responding unless it's an easy one and done
It's like they use all their brain power just remembering to breathe.
>pointing out the hypocrisy in your behavior makes sense in a debate.
It would, but they don’t use a good-faith interpretation of Christianity to begin with. They’re incredibly contemptuous of it but also expect to be respected as theologians and never challenged about why their exegesis of our religion happens to line up perfectly with their political beliefs.
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Well, they can spend four hours dealing with her and filling out reports, only to have her OR'd and back on the streets in the morning, never doing time and never getting help thanks mostly to the people who call them to complain about such things, or they can just say fuck it and be ready maybe to help a fellow officer or assist someone who's having some difficulty and just needs a push in the right direction.

Fund police. Elect law and order politicians who won't sacrifice public safety because slavery or whatever. Hire cops with the judgment to not fucking shoot people just because they're scared. Hire prosecutors who throw people in jail. Quit with these social experiments using contributing citizens as test animals.
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>Arrest tweaker for disturbing the public, disrupting traffic, public indecency, and public intoxication
>Let go that night because nobody wants to charge him, the jail won't take him, and he has to voluntarily consent to any kind of treatment

It's not even anything else they can point out, it's that treatment is voluntary unless the person is an active danger to themselves / others, as in an ACTIVE one and not a potential threat. They have to actively be trying to stab someone or themselves or it doesn't count. If we wanted to solve this issue we'd just send all addicts to mandatory rehab, drug test people who act like this in public and if they're on something they go to rehab no questions asked along with mental reconditioning.

This is the only solution. There is no other solution. Sending them to jail isn't a solution because it's just a place to sleep and we couldn't possibly have enough cells. Mandatory correction is needed, until this happens there will be no solution and no "solution" will work.
Cool it with the antisemitism.
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And this is what the picture fails to explain, and what 99% of Christians fail to explain, and most Christians don't even understand the difference, they just live with the hypocrisy out of convenience.

Yes, violence is justifiable in the Bible, but people often don't want to use that as argument because being labelled bad is bad.

In some areas cops won’t respond unless there is a ‘life threatening’ situation.
>cops don't do anything but cause trouble
>but they left after 3 seconds!!!
women are so retarded
no but a lot are being recruited without discretion (ie. forced service) with and without uniform. The younger and smaller they are on the move generally the worse this systemic problem can become.
>Whole house can go on lockdown and just look like an inconspicuous cube
Only modern house design I've ever found appealing.
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>I call cops on my neighbor for not paying taxes
>Police show up at neighbors house
>Police shoot their dog
>Woman draws what she thinks is a tazer
>Woman hits male neighbor in the thigh with her glock
>Man doesnt fire back, instead decides to sue the tax payer
>The state now controls the mans paycheck who cant work
>The state then delivers my large bag of gold tax coins to my mansion in tel aviv
Such is life in America

Christianity made no agreement to live up to your redditor distortion of it. Your presumption that they do shows that you are either low IQ or an unbelievable narcissist.
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>Making a logical argument with a Brazilian

Canada has lots of gimmies. Russia isn’t giving people shit. Also, nobody speaks Russian, whereas lots of people speak English. It’s hard to learn a new language to a level where you can get a decent job.
Not even that, you're thinking way too much into it when the answer is simpler.
>Arrest tweaker
>Tweaker let out the same night
That simple. It's like picking up a piece of garbage and sticking it in an open bag on a windy day, it does nothing. Most that happens is they get piss / shit in their cop car and expend resources. Maybe in the back of their mind they have a "risk to my job" running but what they actually have running is
>I could be giving someone a parking / speeding ticket right now
>I could be sitting in my car on the side of the road or pretending to do paperwork right now
>Why do I have to deal with this shit that does nothing that I don't enjoy?

Any encounter with a tweaker is a chance encounter to get some permanent and uncurbable disease, get some infected body fluids on you, and of course there's the small chance of you getting your reputation destroyed or whatever but that's not as bad as having to deal with tweakers all day, which is the job of a medical professional being paid appropriately for it who signed up for it.

Russia is absolutely nothing like Canada in any way, other than climate and large landmass. The societies are polar opposites.
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>and I'm recording in case they try to get aggressive
Yeah, I'm sure they felt great about trying to negotiate some tricky situation with a fent zombie with a social media robot pointing her black mirror at them waiting to make them viral for any slight mistake.
Imagine defending pigs. Ever. kys
Already true in Chicago. They don't respond to murder calls sometimes.
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I was raised in a Catholic school and am surrounded by religious people, I know how bluepilled and retarded christcucks can be.

Your election tourist identity around it is not the mainstream.
>I wanted clout and they didn’t give it to me WAAAAAAH
>Hire cops with the judgment to not fucking shoot people just because they're scared.
Not the hiring, but also the training. They are taught how to be cowards, and the only tools they have fornthe job are brutal reatraonts and potentially lethal weapons. It's not fucking wonder there's such a terrible relationship between law enforcement and significant portions of the general public.
If there isn't an active crime being committed, and especially if the faggot who called them is recording, they leave.
Seems like a trap to me.
dont worry rafik, you can still rape with impunity
Are there really "social workers" that can show up and peacefully restrain mental cases and take them to a mental facility? Does this actually exist? And if so, in enough numbers to address all of the druggies in the city?
>I don't get why this picture is posted so often.
It sorta seems like a slam-dunk argument even if it doesn't make any sense, as you pointed out. People think it makes sense because it tells them
>People from an outgroup can't use your ingroup rules against you
and people don't like outgroups so they tell themselves that's true. But like you said, not logically consistent. E.G., you don't have to be a communist to point out inconsistencies in communism. I can absolutely use a communist's rules against him, same with a Christian.

It's essentially just an ad hom,
>Well you're wrong because you're not Christian
Without the police there could be no Jew world order. Without the police forcing it through the barrel of a gun, their could be no "multiculturalism". The police are the most low down evil scum on this planet.
Once upon a time that would've just been a point of honor. They're only doing it this way because they can't do it the proper way.
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you're lucky cops even bother moving their fat and lazy asses
here, they generally don't even bother
and the rare times they do, they befriend those breaking the law, and mocking victims
hence why I call them:
- usurpers (they don't defend the people, or even the law: they just defend the state)
- deserters (you'll at least have to spend 10min trying to motivate them to move their lazy asses, and it generally doesn't even work)
- traitors (they're just a tool for anarcho-tyranny, and will thus always treat normal people like shit, and criminals like their fellows, which they are)

truly, I hate all criminals
and that's precisely why I hate cops
simple as, really
sounds like they recognized an obvious setup for some hysterical Reddit faggot to farm karma points. now he's salty that they denied him that an opportunity for updoots. I hate reddit trannies
I'm sure they really give af about that pos

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