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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Woman 'in pain' before death at slapping workshop

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
Dole queue shuffle ffs
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Some of you are right wronguns.
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1 like = 1 prayer
Dago is an actual CP posting paedophile
Looks like Suella will be the BAME of choice then
>NEW: Kemi Badenoch may not be able to stand in a Tory leadership contest as there is a chance she could lose her seat due to issues with postal votes, with Labour threatening a legal challenge if she wins
How is it the whole world speaks English yet England is a shit hole, sick of it desu.
should have charged royalties for other counties to speak our language would be minted
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good song
Might colonise the Isle of Wight
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This is deep
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Vote Sleep
Vote Snooze
Vote Slumber

Participate in the All Day Nap on 4th of July.
that was ginge
We MUST support our troops
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Look how many likes and shit it got. People are fucking gormless on Facebook
Oh fuck off Gordon.
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salute to our nations heroes
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>Biden blames jet lag for poor debate performance
right, so not the dementia then.
>Isle of Wight
Doesn't exist lad. Now it's the Isle of Woghs
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wholesome fun I think it's in germany, no blacks or browns either just wholesome fun

so you have to wear that same t-shirt everyday even if it doesn't suit the occasion, instead of just spending 2 seconds to put on a seatbelt? sounds dumb
You're fucking dumb doing what you're told all the time like a schoolboy
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Remember to VOTE
and what happens if you get into an accident? It doesn't even need to be your fault.
that monkey could flip out and start tearing her face off, I would not let it that close to myself.
Quickly clip it in after
That was the same excuse for when he fell asleep at a memorial service for the victims of the fire in Hawaii
he's having a nice munch
Supposed to be cleaning out my grans attic in her 200 year old terraced house
Gran and mum telling me there will be no ghosts.
Like fuck there are no ghosts.
Fuck off
Place will be full of the cunts I reckon.

If I get nonced by a ghost I'll be fucking seething.
You have to be on the short bus to

1. Let them get power after they lied about Brexit

2. Refuse to acknowledge that Brexit was a disaster for the common man - emphasis on common because reader you’re not in that group
Get a ouija board plastic sex arse and get intimate with em
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Reposted to here from the GCHQ themed thread:

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I've tried to get a job in GCHQ before. Is baglad a recent character? I've worked shitty minimum wage jobs for a decade and wanted to find some way of getting ahead but the applications are so hard. Shove the STAR system up your arse.
GCHQ and 77th nonces ITT
Remember kids to never send emails while intoxicated.
Nah my gran ain't even fit
Am I wrong in thinking that politics were a lot more sane in the past? 30s-60s for example
expert here
spiders form into a big dick and use cobwebs as lube

>200 year old house

You're gonna get bummed by the spirits of chimney sweeps that are gonna absolutely pummel you with those brushes.

"Chim-chimeney chim-chimeney, chim chim cheree,
You're getting bumfun from vagrant ghosties"
AI certainly has come a long way.
I like how the dog has five legs.
lets do predictions for our new lefty labour government. I'll start
>All whites will be forced to pay for bleks by means of a wog tax imposed on white working families.
of course they won't call it that. it will be a wealth tax or something stupid like that. Who pays the wealth tax? whitey.
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ghosts dont exist anon
ooOooO blow me a kiss, and my cocky too
Why are you like this? What drove you to these beliefs? Not trying to come across as hostile, genuinely curious.
Wealthy whites like Lord Sugar?
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im old enough to have lived through tonibler. who do you think started le mass immigration? hint: wasn't the tories. Labour is the party of tax. Starmer is proud of the fact he fought for boatwogs to get bennies. They will tax the shit out of people who work (whites) and give it to those that don't (bleks)
>Lord Sugar
nah see the ultra wealthy will find ways around it, or lobby against it, so they'll just apply it to what they consider to be regular wealthy folk, ie. whites that earn more than about £30k.
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Fuck you I'm a ghost wooOOOooOOOooOOo
you lot are gonna get ghost cunt seething again
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another prediction: men will be hounded to death. no jobs. you will have to apply to some 200kg jigaboo and state why your education and experience should get you a job when uneducated ngubu dindunuffins also needs a job.
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WOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOO you called my son a nonce once too many times WOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOooooooo
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they already spend your tax money to subsidies immigration, they won't be so obvious as to introduce a whole new tax for it
Glownigger thread

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Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
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If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
they already do this as well it's called DEI
Make Immigrants Ghosts Again.
>The more safe and legal routes to join family members in the UK, the fewer dangerous journeys people will make.
This rhetoric infuriates me.
It really is give an inch, they take a mile.
I wish retards weren't so soft headed they think having family is the same as persecution, and that neither could be lies, and that the entire system isn't about cramming literally everyone into the UK.
Exit poll tomorrow
Damn, real white supremacist Nazi party there.
they'll tax you more. and more will be spent on wogs. working families will be left with less money in their pocket after pay day.
yes and labour will turbocharge it.
they won't fix the trains etc.
i don't believe they will do anything about illegal migration. not a thing. I don't say tories did much either, but labour will open the floodgates and hand them everything
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>New border security command
that'll fix it.
>Great british energy
lol what
>no antisocial behaviour
only applies to whites
>more teachers
to teach about wog history month
Where’s vishpoo?
I need to gloat about crypto
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Never gotten this to work on my desktop before, it's fun.
not vishpu but what shitcoin did you make money on?
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I've decided I'm leaving the missus lads. Have put a deposit down on a house, she can have the council flat. Just waiting on the mortgage confirmation to come through. 14 years (half my life) of dealing with her constantly lying about shit, accumulating debt, getting fired from jobs, etc. I tried to have a heart to heart with her last month and she just outright rejected my viewpoint and feels I should support every decision she makes regardless of how poor it is and regardless of how often she repeats mistakes and doesn't learn from them. So utterly done bros. At this point we're at best, maybe friends.

Problem? 6 year old son. Do I push for custody or settle in to a joint arrangement? Priority is minimising damage to him.

Also who the fuck do I vote for on Thursday? All choices are a bit fucked.
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>ID: gym slag
Private shit
Just know that my strategy worked and I’m a millionaire lol
unfortunate ID.
good on you for wanting to keep your son away from it all, eventually if not already, she will try to use him against you. I would try to push for custody assuming you're good and can support yourself and him and give him the care he needs. good luck.
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eh sex
you absolute fucking PILLOCKS
captcha: icvag
sounds like a larp why else would you keep it secret
Don't you dare call me a pillock Gordon you grotty little war criminal.
Supermajority tomorrow
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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt
What's the minimum turnout required for an election to be legitimate? I'm tossing up whether a non vote would unironically be a better choice
corrr show us your arse luv
He's throwing rejected memes at me like he isn't a rejected meme himself.
tuition fees are £10k a year, average degree is 3 or 4 years , let's say 3 that's £30k, then they need money to live on as well, over 3 years, another £20k isn't much.
also wogs take out student loans and never pay them back because they work illegal jobs / cash jobs and never pay it back. When I finished university in 2010 i was £30k in debt and i've just finished paying it off (it's taken from your salary automatically if you earn over something like £16k)
For me, it was finishing college then half assing my 20s before getting a decent job. I paid it all off last year, but the first 7 years the interest was just compounding. It's a fucking retarded system and if I knew my field offered vocational training at the time I'd have waited. I got a degree, entered the field as an engineer, and had to work 4 years before earning enough to pay the thing back. Honestly absolutely fucked
I'm really starting to worry about rNige, reformbros. I live in a rural part of England that voted heavily for brexit, but now the consensus seems to be that it was all a huge mistake and Nigel is an utter gubbins. Many of them now have Labour signs on their properties. They are even starting to say "Clacton Kier" because they think Starmer represents the working poor of the countryside. Honestly it's starting to seem like we are making a big mistake by voting Reform, because that will guarantee a Labour victory. Let's all just vote conservative and forget this whole thing ever happened.
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What i mean is that it’s a private token that’s not available on any exchanges yet and I’m not gonna disclose it
it’s going to take me some time to sell it, but we’ll be good next year.

Doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, what matters is that my strategy was superior to Vishpoo’s, and I have reestablished Italian supremacy over the Hindu-Saxons on birtpol
Kys paedophile
Josh, before you kill yourself, vote Labour, kill Alicia Kearns, by the balllot of course.
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
>it’s going to take me some time to sell it,
>doesn't have the money from it
rookie mistake dingo
Congrats tho.
hope you get your cash money but don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

ps I was a multi-millionaire at 31 ;)
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I live in a ~150 year old terraced house and it's silent, peaceful, not creepy at all. Less creepy than my parent's house which is like 40 years old. Ghosts aren't real
>fall asleep in 10 minutes
>video is over an hour long
Not confident in their own advertising then?
should have made it 9 mins
>Hindu saxon
Cauldron mate, how does one recover from embarrassing drunk texting?
haven't slept since the election was announced anyway
too excited to vote
Mentally imagine you raped someone and then forgive yourself for the rape and be 100% on your side
then the texting seems minor

Looks like an Ikea catalogue
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1 in 5 brits are disabled
what does labour plan to do to accommodate them?
how about the tories? how about reform? the lib dems?
so you've bought a coin that you can't sell yet because it's not publically available, hope you didn't put all your eggs in one basket because it could easily go south
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Low turnout means people are happy with the status quo.
I actually have private shares like this, pre-ipo investments and they're a fucking ballache to deal with.
doing the simplest things is a pain in the arse. To make it worse they're US investments so all the rules and terms are different too.

one particular private offering has been sitting there for like 3 years with the company saying they're going IPO 'soon'. I consider those lost until I actually sell the basterds
Terence howard is going to restore mathematics and bring the sciences back in line with reality by upending newtons laws of motion and smashing the peer review monopoly
I'm going to live forever
he doesn't need to imagine
he's a nonce
>the texting seems minor
nice choice of words
very applicable
he reminds me of a young John Wayne
Okay fine, prick. The execution isn't terrible except you didn't make any mistakes. It looks too professional. All the PM pics in the tory category are too uniform in size. All the dividing lines are well placed, all the text is centred. There's even a sort of spiral pattern to the 4 skater game images. The selection of the PM images is okay if you're trying to make people remember Brown fondly, but since nobody remembers him anyway you've got no base to play with so it's pointless. The one single mistake you made by missing the space in text row 2 is a recognisable glowniggererror. You need to get sloppy with the canvas, just let your heart go wild on it. (Also now I look at it again divider bar 1 is off slightly so well done for that)

As for the idea, like yeah I get it, was this a practice thing or was it intended to go live at some point? Some people will share it as absurdist, some people will be in to it as skaters or gamers. It's just that the whole thing is so obviously trying to be a meme it fades in to the background, not in a good way, in a this-was-very-clearly-concocted-by-a-focus-group kinda way. It has no longevity because it doesn't feel organic, it doesn't make your brain come up with a false sense of human connection because it gets tricked in to thinking it's looking at real and natural wit from a fellow human being. It's corporate, Gordon. It's banal. You can't just juxtapose two unrelated things and call it wacky. It doesn't work. You can try going topical, which is exhausting but it works. You'll figure out how to come up with ideas as you gain experience. Don't let yourself get bummed out if you're not very good at it, just blame your team. They'll certainly be blaming you come Nuremberg 2.

Also there are children on no-fly lists because their parents might use them to carry bombs, or because they might be at risk of abduction by one parent or another family member.
Im gonna level with you. im not gordon brown. im nick clegg
Yes josh, you're a paedophile
2nd man in an increasingly irrelevant and powerless body with no real goals or drive or desire or sense of purpose or any reason to be there at all?
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yep that's me lol
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Australia has it right.
I wonder what would happen in the US if voting became compulsory there? Oh yes, that's right: the Repubicans would never get in again.
I'll be getting up at 6AM tomorrow so I can be first at the polling station to vote Labour and do my part in Starmergeddon.
>another (Un)Reform(ed) candidate - Georgie David - defects to Tories
Another reason why voting should also be compulsory: retards such as faRAGE would have no chance. There's always tactical voting to deny that subhuman of the right to any political power whatsoever.
ya wont get savilled, lad


Reformed liberal rabbi said at cross faith conferences the liberal religious leaders and the othodox religious leaders sit separately
quite funny it isn't separated on religious lines
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>vote for subhuman retard faRAGE
I'm ensuring Starmergeddon will happen
Cry more
If the 77th can make 0 SEATS a reality I'll stop bullying them.
scran just arrived lads while I'm taking a massive shit so me mum answered the door
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Daily reminder deliveroo jeets have the same vote power as you
Kys polish josh
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Optimally timed nap like an astronaut
back to canvassing for farage
Kikes have that smell about them like they don't dry their clothes properly.
Fucking stinks.
Moronic takes.
Germans too. They dry their clothes on radiators and they all smell. That smell when a towel has been used too many times and not washed. It's fucking rank.
vikings must have seemed invincible back in the day
no way to counterattack in their lands
seemingly small expeditionary forces causing mayhem
30s were the last time we had a decent politician leading a party. Such a threat that the government had to slap d-notices on BUF marches and rallies and get the media to create lies such as Cable Street.
>the irreligious Starmer is married to a practicing Jew
>there's going to be a menorah in the window of No. 10 this December: and many more to come
>wouldn't surprise me if Sir Keir has Chief Rabbi of Britain Ephraim Mirvis officiate in No. 10, just as Trump has celebrated Hanukkah in the White House with a rabbi
Seethe more, subhumans.
SPAD minion reveals itself.
No minimum turn out. Spoilt ballots would have to be ridiculously high to be noted by the media. However, every spoilt ballot has to be examined by the candidates or their representative, so they will see your message.
It’s a moronic take.
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...and that retard Mosley & his Browntrousers didn't get anywhere. Good
1. Among the many singularities related of Radcliffe, it has been noticed that, when he was in a convivial party, he was unwilling to leave it, even though sent for by persons of the highest distinction. Whilst he was thus deeply engaged at a tavern, he was called on by a grenadier, who desired his immediate attendance on his colonel; but no entreaties could prevail on the physician to postpone his revelry.

"Sir," the soldier was quoted as saying, "my orders are to bring you to the boss." And being a very powerful man, he took him up in his arms, and carried him off per force. He had betrayed his loyal friend. After traversing some dirty lanes, the doctor and his escort arrived at a narrow alley.
"What the Devil is all this," said Radcliffe, "your colonel doesn't live here?"
"No," said his military friend, "my colonel does not live here – but my comrade does, and he's worth two of the colonel, so by God, doctor, if you don't do your best for him, it will be the worst for you!"[8]
2. To confer medical authority upon themselves, doctors of the day often published their theories, clinical findings, and pharmacopoeia (collections of "receipts" or prescriptions). Radcliffe, however, not only wrote little but also took a certain iconoclastic pride in having read little, remarking once of some vials of herbs and a skeleton in his study: “This is Radcliffe’s library.” However, he bequeathed a substantial sum of money to Oxford for the founding of the Radcliffe Library, an endowment which, Samuel Garth quipped, was "about as logical as if a eunuch should found a seraglio."
>retard doesn’t know that the art of good bait is subtlety
take it back.
you're not supposed to tell people how bait works. thats the whole point of bait
I'm going to redpill Gordon's mum.
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>I'll never take it back
That subhuman retard Mosley was nothing, as befitting subhuman Nazis.

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