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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You can tell /pol/cels are fucking scum since they'll defend or deny this
hell yeah.
wasn't all of Katie Johnsons' testimony withdrawn with her never being proven to even exist with a live court appearance and having by all means the appearance of a legal fiction invented for dual slander-lawfare
this got me so fucking hard right now, where can i read more?
Sounds fake as fuck.
Didn't Biden literally rape his own daughter, by her own admission, and everyone just ignored it?

Like what's even the fucking standard anymore? I'm supposed to hate Trump because he's a pedophile, but not Joe Biden? By that logic shouldn't we hate all politicians?

Why don't you people just kill each other already? Jesus Christ
slava chileini!
glory to Augusto Pinochet!
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>Fake jewish news
This ain't reddit Shlomo, fuck off
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imagine believing this lmao even the piss dossier was more believable kill yourself chilie fag
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>hurr but what about the other side
Absolutely retarded LMAO
It was withdrawn because MIGApedos were threatening her
Pretty based. I hope Trump runs on lolis for everyone. I know he's got the docs vote
If he does, he definitely has bidens vote and hunters too
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>Joe Biden lives next door to Ghislaine Maxwell
That is why this fake news is alive today
>The filthy jews tried to take over USA
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Where are the actual American politicians?
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>Murricans paying for such ridiculous crap lawsuits

Biden is literally retarded LMAO

>BBBBBBBBut look Drumph had sex with minors 100 years ago according to Mrs nobody.
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Don't care still voting Trump.
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>Katie Johnson
You're eight years behind, you dumb nigger.
>"You're not going to eat that poison are you?? What about this alternative??"
>They're both poison.
kill yourself
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Cope, shitskin.
Let me know when you have some proof
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So it was a civil complaint and not a criminal charge? Interesting. Why didn't she go to the police?
I don't fucking care, if you don't have any factual evidence that I can verify then I don't fucking care. I heard so much retarded shit about trump that I don't believe fucking anything if I can't verify it. Hell, even the stupid rape allegations make so little sense that I feel like I'm going insane. The ones where he was found not guilty for rape, but guilty for sexual abuse and then when he said that he didn't rape the woman some random ass judge found him guilty of defamation because "sexual abuse is colloquially referred to as rape". I never heard of this shit, it says that it was filed in 2016, but apparently nothing ever came out of it. Why would I fucking believe the testimony of some random woman?
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I would force them to brush my daughters' hair and pinch their nipples >:( Damn kikes and their faggot fucking donkey dicks >:((((
stockton rush is the only real og ug submarine goy with his now-imploded carbon fibre submarine titan (used to visit titanic, now permanently, no pun intended)
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>4D chess, nothing more
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Ok Shlomos
Wtf i love trump now
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>sources say that before the Defendant Donald J Trump left the room, he looked back at the young whores and said
>you're fired
I never mentioned Biden in the OP you absolutely stupid imbecile
He's just like me
Augusto Pinochet is the most based and redpilled chiluvian who has ever lived.
Big if true, this means that Trump will gain the support of millions of liberals and capture a majority of the LGBT community.
You sound upset, copper nigger.
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Well yes, /pol/cels are the lowest of the low since they defend a pedo rapist with no remorse at all
אנחנו מפרסמים עכשיו פרו טראמפ. היית צריך לקבל הזמנות חדשות היום.
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This is pre-2016 and it went nowhere. Progtards really scraping the bottom of the barrel for copium with the string of losses recently.
Ugh, that nigger makes me cope and seethe so hard
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>be multibillionaire
>be a high target for golddiggers wanting child support
>doesn't have a single illegitimate child with some random ho because he's smart enough to not get them pregnant
>but he totally did this though
Woke Bluechecks are gullible idiots who don't have a bullshit detector. That seems important.
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Pic related is nearly 90 years - I think from 1935, no older 1938. How did they get it, but you niggers still don't?
lol they described lesbian sex as unnatural
Trump is NEVER attacked in the media in ways that implicate jews and Israel. That's an objective fact.

We've heard all about the - sadly baseless - Russia allegations, but never his very real collusion with Israel. The same goes for Epstein.

By all accounts, Maria Farmer is credible. She was the first person to report Epstein to the feds in the '90s, and has appeared in every big documentary about Epstein, and has been interviewed by all the major media outlets - including those that constantly bash Trump. She told all of them about Trump's relationship with Epstein, but not a single one of them ran it.
Trumps personal shill team is on duty. Thanks for confirming this is credible, jew.
based and redpilled
I'm 100% sure the Augusto Pinochet appreciator chiluini in this thread agrees.
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Yids rape kids.
Its jewish propaganda. They are pushing propaganda on both sides. They are scapegoating both Trump and Biden for the shit that the jews are doing.
False. This was debunked years ago when the girls admitted that they had been forced to lie by progressives that were abusing them. It’s always the progressive perverts. Another libtard hoax.
Joe Biden forced his 12 year old daughter to shower with him. But let’s post a long ago. debunked libtard hoax .
Here's some facts for you. Trump was mentored for 20 years by a man named Roy Cohn. Roy, a homosexual while dying of aids, admitted on his death bed that he was a sexual blackmailer and provided little boys to American and Israeli Congress, the media, and intelligence agencies. He was involved in the same circles as Craig Spence and Larry King who were also sexual blackmailers. Not even CNN will dare to mention this and that's because the world is run by a secret cabal that uses technology that demodulates frequencies and those frequencies act as a remote EEG that can not only read minds, but plant thoughts as well as altering physical and emotional states. You won't believe the last bit. You'll assume every newsworthy mass shooter of the last two decades, Ted Kaczynski, Terry Davis, and I could go on forever are all "crazy" for "hearing voices" and that it's definitely not voice to skull technology that's existed since the 70's. Everything on the global political scale is fake. The people utilizing this classified technology are running the show.
>when the girls admitted that they had been forced to lie by progressives that were abusing them
proof or GTFO
>filed in 2016, nothing ever came of it
Pretty safe bet that this was a frivolous shakedown
This is a total lie, and it's hardly "just prpgressives". The biggest "elite" pedophile ring ever discovered was the Franklin Scandal, and while there were kikes like Barnie Frank implicated on the peripheral, this was an operation that existed primarily to compromise Republicans. One of the ringleaders, Lawrence King even sang the national anthem at the RNC in a nigger-worship ritual.


Trump's mentor, the GRIDS jew Roy Cohn is also named as a boy-trafficker in John DeCamp's 'The Franklin Cover-Up', but I don't know if he's tied directly to that particular ring. I'd assume he was whatever the gay pedo version of "Eskimo brothers" is with a lot of them though.
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W-what happened next?
bixnood ong
Trump was only doing 4D pedo. Trust the plan.
lmao interesting fanfic. Dems are sick. Sounds like How I talk to AI
This is literally the reason why you fuckers project it onto us first: so that the "no u" looks laughable, as you just proved
yeah I'm so heckin mad right now, i hope he didn't pull anyone's hair or cum in their eye socket >:( that would be so fucked up
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That was actually me doing 4d trafficking chess satan. See the florida keys childrens shelter and their coming demise
This thread is literally a whatabout caused by Biden molesting his daughter.
nibba u ong u nibba u no dey keep yo id dumb mayo bitch
20 pushups.

You Will to Jurisdiction, or those who do take the lead.
Train the Whole Militia. Seek Jesus. OR CRY.
Augusto Pinochet really was the pinnacle of Chilean Empire. It has been a severe downhill from there. Bring back the mighty helicopter rides!
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lmao we can tell you faggots are panicking
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LMAO, fake news. Next.
both of you are doing the same thing
Where is this lmao
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Yeah they do like Freemason trump who is under hebraic oath meaning he is a jew in spirit
This is just like my japanese comic books!
It’s bath time they save $ this way
I believe anon. I dont have to dodge bullets anymore...
Fuck off liar. When Megan Kelly asked Julien Assange why he never published any dirt about Trump on Wikileaks, he said,”there is none”.
The sun does give you cancer, sunscreen doesn't recancer, and you're trying to muddy the waters by sprinkling this bullshit in with other statements that people here tend to believe.
Shut your cockholster, you stupid fucking nigger. The real humans are speaking here.
That's not true. He just claimed he didn't have any.
That’s a conspiracy but epistien and his closeness to epstien and the further political conflicts of interest and false stammers made by trump aren’t ? >>472896071
When I was a newborn baby Trump violated me. I was still in the hospital, a few hours after being born when Trump ran into the room, and then at the top of his lungs screamed "SURPRISE CIRCUMCISION" and bit off my foreskin. After that he raped me in the ass while laughing and yelling "BABY FLESHLIGHT HAHA". When I asked him what should I do with my destroyed anus he threw a few dollars at me and told me to buy a colostomy bag.
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>And thats when I heard the secret service telling each other about this one time in band camp where Trump lunged for the steering wheel from the back of the Presidential limo and tried to force the car to go back to the White House...
I was there, I was the foreskin
Stop taboo sex
and done
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I made two Chinese sisters suck my cock at the same time. But they were both in their late 20s, not 12.
No choice but to just go with it. If everyone protecting them is okay with it what hope do people really have?

Pedozog will gun them down for wrongthink while their digital apparatus RF beam people to a slow hands off death.
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Trump was extremely competitive, and in 2017 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Barak Obama was in attendance with his wife Mike Obama. Trump approached Obama and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Trump shouting and Obama walking away. Later that evening Trump stood on a table and challenged Obama to an egg eating contest, like the one Obama was rumored to have had during the white house correspondents dinner, however Obama ignored the challenge.

Trump, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Obama. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the eggs saying things like "21 Obama! 21 eggs already! I'm better than you Obama!", while mocking and insulting Obama the whole time, and calling him a "phony".

Eventually, Trump consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Obama ate at the white house correspondents dinner. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 eggs Obama! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 eggs because you're a phony, Obama. I'm better than you, and always will be Obama! Don't ever forget that!"
I was there. I was the foreskin.
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Literally looks like Xi Jinping in a wig.
and the chicken before the egg ala kgb/chabadry out of russia gets a pass from assange... how interesting
yeah have you people never seen a chinese fascist babyface nutjob bitch before? you can do wayyy better. please step on me mommies
Yes you are, and nothing you say can convince me or others here that you aren't :3c
Both sides do.
holy fuck it's spiderman i love spiderman can i have your autograph please show cock and balse sir
How do you force 2 people to fuck? Physically?
What, you don't have a forked cock? That's pretty cringe
Honestly, sounds like some woman's rape fantasy posted online.

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