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Why do nerds who get bullied in school usually end up rich, even millionaires, as adults? While popular kids and bullies usually end up as single mothers on welfare (if female) or in prison (if male)?
Neither are even remotely true
This. Totally false, probably the opposite.
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Very clever. I am not your dancing monkey. I choose, it is all about choice after all isn't it?
When you don't peak in highschool, life just keeps getting better.
>working out, cumulative gains
>long term planning is the only option
All the nerds and bullies became rich in my case
>t did ok for myself
Guess which camp I belonged to
All the bullies I knew in high school make $300k+ as contractors or salesmen.
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In my experience, bullying victims usually become policemen. I actually bullied this guy even after he became a cop.
My bully is my boss now and my wife's bull, despite him having his own wife.
>Why do nerds who get bullied in school usually end up rich, even millionaires, as adults? While popular kids and bullies usually end up as single mothers on welfare (if female) or in prison (if male)?
prove it and SAGE IN ALL FIELDS
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life is not picrel, retard
i know guys who were complete assholes in school and they are doing better than our peers
The most popular kid in my highschool was picked 10th overall in the NFL draft. So... He made like... 40 million dollars at 21.
>live in a society that hands out money to smart autists who hyper focus on things
>why do nerds become rich
Let me guess, you're not rich.

Everybody has been bullied and everybody has been the bully.
Because it’s male nature to bully the less fortunate. Just like how animals pick on the runt and you better not be one of those robowaifu trannies.

It’s because you’re weak bro!
Guys who own businesses I've worked for:

- Poor understanding of women
- Bad fathers
- No distinction between good workers and terrible ones who killed morale. Astoundingly bad judges of character.

Being rich (from business) is a hollow victory. It means you have no soul and only care about money that you don't have free time to spend.

>Nobody lays on their deathbed and says "I wish I'd worked longer hours and spent less time with my family and put myself under more stress."
Rich adults were "bullied" (we're called nerd and had an occasional paper ball thrown at them)

Actually bullied boys suicided, became trannys and at best became programmers only to be laid off and replaced by pajeets.
Not at all the case with my class, the opposite is true. Bullies are now in powers of position and the bullied are dead or in some sort of trouble. I even have an Oldboy type of situation with one of my bullies who became powerful.
That is just a lie to pacify nerds so there aren't more school shootings.
Why do you think that is anywhere close to reality? The bullies usually are taught to be that way by their parents who found success in pushing people around. All the wealthy people I’ve ever met teach their children to feel like they are above everyone else and to act like it. Same thing for the Stacy’s. The only time your scenario plays out is in the ghetto schools.
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No. Being attractive and tall is a sign of high intelligence. Being unpopular in high school doesn't mean youll achieve, that's just a cope nerdy kids invented to fell better.
Behold, modern eugenics.
Look up "Psychology today: Beautiful people really are more intelligent". It keeps saying my post is spam when I try to post it.
Bullies end up working for the government.
I got bullied in school and I ended up here. I’m 30, rent an apartment, own a shit box car, have a job, and I’m here.
Not true.
They go on the Internet and tell lies.
Bullies are all low-IQ sex-pests who are just horny and dumb and looking to look good in the moment by being aggressive towards something else... that behave gets grown out of and intelligent people just go and get resources in the normal world where violence is not allowed.
>Why do nerds who get bullied in school usually end up rich, even millionaires, as adults?
You know what's fucked? I'm the sterotypical bullied fat nerd in high school. Got myself a very lucrative IT job and lost almost 65 lbs. Yet after being so viscously ridiculed by women I'm disgusted by their naked want for my money. I'd rather not deal with them.
Most kids whose life is defined by bullying in high school topped out too early

Whether the jock who ended up in manual labor, or the pipsqueek who disappeared from society. Those that let high school define them are usually the ones who fail
You watch too much electric jew
Each democrat that is murdered is one less pederast.
it's as simple as
>what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
bullies are just following their instincts to strengthen the herd. they usually don't like what comes next though.
A lot of bullies are really pussies. Was an in shape nerd who knew how to fight. Still skinny and glasses wearing. But took karate lessons and got in a lot of fights as a kid.
Never looked for fights, but they found me. A broken nose from an elbow or uppercut usually ends a fight right off the bat.
Still got my ass stomped a few times. But if you fight back bullying usually stops.
That happens a lot and the connection is not made on how these sociopaths treat young people this way because they're usually from rich politically connected families who treat everyone that way.
And that's why you're gay?
why does faggot OP make a 1pbtid slide thread and then snack on foreskin? get bullied kike. herbs all over this shit
That's false, a lie propagated by tv, normal both nerds and bullies end up as failetures, while some normies are the ones that prosper
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>Satanic trips.
No I'm not gay, I just don't really want to deal with women anymore. Porn is good enough.
Internet tough guy, imagine wasting your time learning gook shit when one bullet could take you down.
most nerds end up as drug addicts and/or losers working retail. takes a lot more than a low 115 iq to be successful
Gay porn, if I get digits again you'll date your high-school bully and take his cock up the ass.
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And that's fine. Accept the death of your genes. If you couldn't compete in this world then that's what was meant to be. Take not gentlemen, this is what porn is for.
for every one successful nerd who made it there are 20 others who hung themselves in their bedrooms and shithole apartments. the entire idea of suffering making you le stronger is fucking retarded and cope
Note* autocorrect is really pissing me off today.
>if I get digits again you'll date your high-school bully and take his cock up the ass.
Oh pheww
> Accept the death of your genes.
All our grandkids will be brown, there's no point in watching my bloodline drown in the flood of mud.

When Satan himself tells you you're pathetic and gay. You need to take a hard look at the direction of your life. Only the true light of Christ can salvage you at that point.
Couldn't have put it better.
I was a nerd in school, but I never got bullied, at least not in high-school. I actually had friends who were jocks. The other thing is that the popular kids in school were all valedictorians and super preppy, I have no idea where the pretty popular girl or guy is dumb as rocks trope came from.
Once a loser nerd dork, always a loser nerd dork. Money and job don't change that. Alpha fux beta bux.
> imagine wasting your time learning gook shit
Many asians are small people, who kick the shit out of people bigger than them.
Judo, taekwondo, and karate are what a lot of mma fighters train with and no I am not an internet tough guy.
I don't think I have ever started a fight, I just don't run from them. Well maybe once or twice.
Oh shut up no they won't. The spics are getting bred out fast, the latinas prefer BWC. Ever heard of Blanquemiento? It's a colonial practice of whitening the spics and it works.
Both the nerds and the bullies from my high school ended up as abject losers. It was the cool kids who became successful (they didn’t bother bullying the nerds). Most of the bullies were niggers though, so that aspect probably played a part.
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>Oh shut up no they won't.
>The spics are getting bred out fast, the latinas prefer BWC.
I just...I can't deal with the fucking children on this site anymore...
It's actually the middle of the road people who tend to make it.
A bunch of kids and the retards working at the school have no idea who will be successful. If they knew what qualities made someone successful they would not be teachers.
Yeah the whole nerds make money cope only applies if your from a poor background and push up to middle class. If you come from a wealthy background the bullies are likely doing great in life.
Dude, fuck off. I'm getting sick of blackpilling niggers. I'm probably way older than you kek. That's been the plan since the start, it's not about turning White people brown, it's about turning brown people White, this raising the average IQ of the country and the continent and eventually the world brother.
And none of that chinky shit did them any good when faced with mongols who were bigger and focused on horse back archery. (An old time equivalent to using a gun)

Try kicking me before the bullet leaves the chamber.
no one just ends up rich, you were born into a wealthy family.
>uhh muh 2 dollar story from the guy who grew up in a mansion and ate 2 chicken every day
>bought my house for 15k you fucking lazy slob
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> it's not about turning White people brown, it's about turning brown people White, this raising the average IQ of the country and the continent and eventually the world brother.
You're literally promoting race mixing you fucking kike. Fuck. You.
I've never seen an Asian win a fight, actually I've never even seen one that wasn't timid let alone fight back. You guys are genetically doomed with traitorous women.
At least make the lies believable.
Blanquemiento. Look it up. White people have more attractive features, so mixed offspring will be more favored (think how mulattos were treated versus actual niggers) and they'll eventually just breed the shitskins out. This was done heavily in colonial Latin America with the spics, it's nothing new and it's the whole reason White Hispanics even exist. You have to think long term and eugenically man.
What lie? Seriously, go outside man. I live where alot of spics are and our people are breeding the shit out of latinas. The offspring after 2 generations (of which I am one with only a quarter left in me, one more gen and it'll be basically gone) are tall, White, and look nothing like spics.
You are LITERALLY advocating race mixing you dumbfuck. A shitskin breeding a white will ALWAYS be a shitskin. Fuck off. Here's your last (you) you goddamn kike.
>You have to think long term and eugenically man.
How about this? Total Nigger Death, Total Shitskin Death. We have the army, tech, and firepower to do this.
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>The offspring after 2 generations (of which I am one with only a quarter left in me, one more gen and it'll be basically gone) are tall, White, and look nothing like spics.
This is the true redpill. Delusion that everything will be ok is the answer. Its the only real way to cope.
You aren't white hombre.
>This was done heavily in colonial Latin America with the spics,
this is also because being white was a status symbol, and if there's one thing women love it's status symbols, so of course all the brown women were flocking to the euro men, even if they were less physically attractive than the local chads. Also, white usually meant "rich" by the local standards.
Because nerds end up with high-paying job if they do the right things and that’s how men are valued in society by women. Whereas when you’re young as a guy all you have are looks.
I'm advocating breeding the spics out because some big ass genocide isn't going to happen. This is the way to ensure the average global I.Q. truly increases, it's fine just stay away from niggers and consider those Whites dead to the gene pool, true mulattos usually end up with niggers and become king nigger despite them having high status in the old world, so we're just losing bad genes dude. A high status mixed race of the modern world would be a castizo, and castizos are our breeding cows for more of ones like me. I look nothing like a spic.
Honestly the perceived money thing was a huge advantage till all the ugly passport bro bums fucked it up.
Have to go back to mexico Paco
Look at me dude, I know 1000 of us like this. Welcome to California kek
I'm telling you the actual truth and exactly what's actually going on.
I probably have a better phenotype and am of higher intelligence than you, "hombre".
Yeah and it still is to them so take advantage hahaha
Don't bullies tend to be successful?
>all you have are looks.
Which is the only thing women care about
>Poor understanding of women

If you can't figure it out, it's pretty easy to figure out which side of the equation you were on.
>If I fuck latinas then my kids won't be brown

How do you think they got there you retard?
Can go either way. I had a lot of nerd friends. Two went to Ivy League schools, one is now a principal software engineer for Microsoft. Another got kicked out of the navy for stealing a car.
Exactly, look at me dude. This is what only 2 gens of Blanquemiento looks like because they're already halfway there.

I'd lick every square inch of her mirror.
My mom was only half, my dad is full White, for context.
Meant for >>472906272
The only people I went to high school with that ended up successful or interesting were the people on the outer orbit of the cool kids’ table.
The world is run by popularity contests, not popular? Get fucked
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FPBP. This is mostly a cliche purported by movies.
I’ve never seen either of these happen
Ive been nerdy minding my shit still got bullied so much that I had to have multiple surgeries up my face, moved between 5 fuckin different barns to avoid getting assfucked but to no avail, spent 2 years forcibly hospitalized with one being misdiagnosed with schizoshit and the other one being bpd. Now I lagged behind my peers by 4solid years, tmj, scarface, chronic InJury down my left knee, flaky bipolar faggot
Meanwhile nearly every body else is having a good time. Idk why God did this to me. I could e been born German or kenyan kid who promplty dies from ebola

Iive with yourself dude
You shall find it impossible to live without true hope.

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