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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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BACKFIRES HORRIBLY , these 20 fuckfaces did a rap song about being against the alt right , got ratioed on youtube , adding god knows how much votes for the alt right , this is clown world prime time guys , at this rythme the 6th republic will be the return of the reich , these sand niggers shot themselves in the foot , sunday is the "coup de grace " for these fuckfaces

It's time to send all these fuckers home
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i would not send them home , we have some field to fertilize, they came here , now we re going to make them STAY.
Can't believe how American cultural imperialism has infected every European nation with wannabe gangster shitskins
>we have some field to fertilize
That works for me .
It was the jews , not American culture
the alt right doesn't exist
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they came first for the european election , they came first for the legislative 1 turn , sunday is the second and final turn , it does exist .
Just because we were the first to get cucked by the jews doesn't make us the perpetrators of their shenanigans everywhere else.
What an awful noise.
>oh wee wee i don’t even belong here but i confirm
>to TV manipulation
>join in the new sub-norm
>it isn’t even new it’s all been done before
>the legacy of boomers
>cucking to a satanic whore
>I’m fucking retarded and i know I must be wrong
>But I wanna have some money so click my awful shitty song
Their mothers are hampsters and their fathers smell of elderberries. I fart in their general direction.
They are misery given form, a form twisted and ruined by their disastrous genetic heritage from an incestuous and corrupt heretically false religion. Le poop with feet. Any hoard of12 year old downsies could do a better imitation of nog noise than that, it just suggests yet again that such types are foul and grotty in whatever they try to turn their hairy hands to because they are damned by the creator who DOES punish for the sins of the fathers, as is repeatedly underlined by the real scriptures, the ones thar their rubbish “prophet” tried to plagiarise so catastrophically.
The billionaires should have molten precious metals poured down their throats and those of their whole families live as the very last ever hypno-screen broadcast, just before we shoot everyone involved in that palantir of deceit industry. Then somehow these worthless people have to pay for what they have cost our people before we allow them to leave. They are going to be tired when their swim home begins.
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fun fact , america was the only country in the world to save both the jews and the nazi at the same time LMAO
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/mu/ on 4+4chan.top is under new ownership, and the perfect stage for an anonymous clique, if any anons wanted to do this, but in reverse.
I guess niggers havent found out that a jew named Paul Gottfried started the alt-right in his own words to prevent fascism and Richard Spencer, his protege is a self admitted bolshevik making the aut-kike really just the aut-left.
I have always held a special hatred for French rappers. I'm not especially keen on the US niggers either, but I suppose it keeps them busy. The French variety seem to think of it as some sort of intellectual activity, and it's more explicitly political. US niggers just want to rape and rob and kill whitey, which is sort of based. Your frog rapper think's he's Sartre. He's not. He's a dirty clueless muslim who supports terrorism. Fuck that guy.
Pendez Les Blancs [hang the white people]
Lyrics of the song include (in original and then translated):[5]

Je rentre dans des crèches, je tue des bébés blancs, attrapez-les vite et pendez leurs parents, écartelez-les pour passer le temps divertir les enfants noirs de tout âge petits et grands. Fouettez-les fort faites-le franchement, que ça pue la mort que ça pisse le sang

I go into nurseries, I kill white babies, grab them quickly and hang their parents, pull them apart to pass the time to entertain black children of all ages, big and small. Whip them hard, whip them well, so they stink of death and piss blood
In March 2019, Conrad went on trial, was convicted and fined €5,000 and made to pay €1,000 damages to the anti-racist group LICRA (jewish group against anti-semitism) and the Catholic group AGRIF. He announced an appeal and defended his work as art that was made to shock.[5]
>In September 2021, his sentence was quashed on appeal

"Doux pays"
In May 2019, after his initial conviction, Conrad released another song and video "Doux pays" (Sweet Country). The lyrics include "Je baise la France jusqu'à l'agonie" ("I fuck France to the point of agony"), while the video portrays him strangling a white woman to death. The minister of the interior, Christophe Castaner, called for prosecution and for the removal of the video.[2] According to Conrad, the video is a work of fiction about "strangling the French mentality".[3]

AGRIF called for Conrad to be prosecuted for this second video.
>He was acquitted in June 2021
>french rappers

make it stop
oh i wish man i wiiiiiish
these mother fuckers are mimicking us niggers rappers , it s just embarassing lol
>first to ne cucked by jews
You have some history to learn, the world doesn't stop at America's borders

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