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>white people... feeling pride? oy vey!
I hate WBS as a concept because it's built off of a racial slur turned sexual kink for sheboons and incorporated into a wigger song by a multimillionaires mentally ill son, but even I can see that this journo is a kike
Myers you say
didn't know this came from Tom Hanksteins son lmfao
I used to bristle at being called a white supremacist but now I think "hell yeah they are really afraid of me" It feels good. No joke.

But then I remember im a mutoid of half jew, catholic and random dark meat and easily one of the worst qualified white supremacists in the world.

I have really gotten myself into a jam here.

How can one retarded man be so based?
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Fuck you nigger
Been having annual white boy summer for 3 years now
it's like a still kinda derogatory version of 'blacked'
Doesn't post the song you are a Nigger
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Is there anything that isn't considered racist by these people?
Anything white is le bad for kikes and their slaves, get with the program, anon.
This is a sign. If theyre mad at him it really is White Boy Summer. Not a false WBS like in years past, but the real deal.
Astroturfed CIA goyslop
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White people are now colonising the climate and its time we discuss it.

In my latest article I tackle the growing problem of Trumps newest crime against humanity and what can be done to stop it.
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See you bros at the country club
these kvetching paranoid insane kikes need to go
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Every summer henceforth shall be White Boy Summer
Bart's Fart and Shart doesn't even make any sense.
Uuuuh, BASED?
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>I have really gotten myself into a jam here.
It's ok fren. Just say you are italian.
This guy does it all: propaganda about Whites, Covid, Russia, and more. One-stop-shop. Scary that people like this exist and that even smart people believe thm.

>What I Cover

>I cover the origins and effects of false or misleading information (MISinformation), including lies that are spread deliberately to deceive (DISinformation). This includes errors, rumors, fraud, state propaganda and influence operations, both domestic and foreign.

>My Background

>I joined The Times in 1989 and have worked in New York, Washington, Moscow (twice), Baghdad, Beijing and Seoul, including four stints as bureau chief. I contributed to the Times coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic that won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2021. I am the author of a biography of Russia’s president, “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin,” published in 2015.
"White Boy Summer" is a race mix meme
of course, White boys should not be posting here because you have to be 18, and should have a wonderful summer season, but not at strip clubs plying unfortunates, and being loose with the coloreds.
I told u, nigger
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Why is it only okay when it's Black Man Winter? How isn't that racist?
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Why is it only okay to say
>white women love black men
>It's BBC spring

How is that fair?
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We live in a retarded society. The key to success is to be retarded. Shrimple as dat.
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Why does he look like Gosling?
White Boy Summer
I'm so glad Chet exists as a warning to everyone of what happens to men when theyre raised by namby-pampy goofball liberals. He is the best case scenario. An oil drilling white nigger.
fuck jews and their niggers and fuck their angloid serfs and the protestant wasps that drop their knee to them
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I have consulted with the heavens, felt a westward breeze, and walked outside of a strip club and saw my shadow… this will be a #WBS #iHaveSpoken
You're a dumb fuck.
WBS was shadow banned by YouTube within two weeks of release.
It was the first media to display white men as sexually attractive which the woke COPRO-RAT-ions can't have ofc.
He never used it ironically.
What kind of name is Chet? Lol
I've been doing this all wrong.
Chet is the rarest form of Chad. You have to be 2x as neuro typical as Chad and be mentally unable to display negative emotion.
You don't have to be White to be a White supremacists. Because as Joe says; you don't have to be a Jew to be a zionist.
written by Kike Shoahstein
Catchy tune. Cool dance steps. Almost like white boy armies marching
....ooooooh shit nigger. It was a PSYOP from the get go
Gayest goggles EVER
What an absolute loser lmao. His dad rapes kids and probably raped him when he was a boy.
lol dont care
this but unironically
Rob Dyrdek
is a sub 100 iq manlet and is a multi millionare
That’s a two year old meme.
Blacks and Arabs own summer since decades ago cuz its prime chimping weather

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