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Imagine you just order 72 fiery buffalo nuggets from BK and they increase your price because "you are white and can afford it". What you gonna do?
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it's called surge pricing and it's never going away
looks like the jeets who worked on the site are skimming every transaction.
>jewish owners introduce dynamic pricing
>it's da jeets!!
I wonder what it would show if you canceled the order and then put it right back in.
lmfao just stop giving them money.
Fatties deserve to pay more
Why are people still buying that slop? Think how many ribeye steaks you could get for $34.
sure it will. just stop buying it, these companies will go out of business. then show up at the owners house with a gas can.
at my local mcdonalds I get breakfast meals for the same price as the sandwich alone if I open the app in the parking lot
been that way for a few months
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>Imagine you just order 72 fiery buffalo nuggets from BK and they increase your price because "you are white and can afford it". What you gonna do?
Laugh and then turn 360 degrees and walk away
>it's called surge pricing and it's never going away
I can think of a good way to get rid of it
I refuse to eat goy slop and support this kikery.
I bought almost 2kg of beef sausages, half a kg of cottage cheese and 5l of milk for less than this.
Why do people even bother with goyslop at this point? It's neither cheap, nor fast, nor convenient, nor tasty anymore.
>go out of business
Kek, you must be chinese
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>mfw burger prices will fluctuate like pump and dump shitcoins.
>tfw people buy early and undercut the surge with a heat lamp in the parking lot
Good morning saar!
there are levels of retardation in the USA surrounding food you will never understand. think of it more like an attraction such as a theme park, or an activity.
> What you gonna do?

If only one could stop buying goy slop and take responsibility for preparing their own food. Nah, that’s too much of an ask. They’ll have to cough up the extra cash.
Imagine buying goyslop in 2024.
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Last time they were given a free all expenses paid vacation they cried bloody murder and destroyed Germany, they'll never be satisfied, no matter how good they have it. We need to try something different, extreme quarantine or maybe even eradication.
I stopped buying anything non-essential simply because absolutely everything has turned into a fucking scam. I went to buy miniatures at RAFM.com and they asked for a tip. Fuck you, lick my tip.
>buy bunch of burgers.
>Wait for price to go up
>sell slightly cheaper then new price
Based Three Kingdoms enjoyers
Microsoft stopped paying for reciepts as I was scanning some a few days ago.
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Walk away, and be a petty bitch and knock over a display in the process. It's the only way they'll learn.
Either eat healthier food or choose literally any other of the infinite burger joints in America.
yes. it is possible to put mcdicks out of business in the USA. convince white people to stop eating there and deport blacks/beaners. done.
>imagine eating goyslop
No thanks, chud
The goyslop futures market is gonna fucking wild.
Imagine the kvetching.
>Either eat healthier food or choose literally any other of the infinite burger joints in America.
Gonna have to be the former. Wendy's had an investors' call earlier this year where they actively talked about implementing Uber-style surge pricing. If a completely different burger chain already implemented then it's only a matter of time before the rest of them join in.
>Wendy's? How do you like it WenDEEZ NUTZ land on your chin?
Rob the burgerking
Dont buy fast food its really that easy
180 degrees, but otherwise yes.
Seems like they should be paying you considering that you're eating at burger king.
Now fuck off.
While you choose to eat gross burgers without even a toasted bun, I eat pupusas like a king for around a dollar here
pfffttt fucking newfag
Imagine thinking polcels are actually retarded. Our way of thinking is beyond your comprehension, newfag
Retard alert.
>beaner hotpocket
Looks tasty, might have a crack at making some.
cancel order, punch screen, walk to bathroom, shit/piss on floor and toilet paper, walk out.
lurk moar and post in two years faggot
>piss on floor and toilet paper
You beat me to it.
bullshit, thats not going to work
I hate summerfags so fucking much
delay canceling the order until it's likely they already made it
I like this meme, can I save it?
Baited hard lmao
One or two. And not on a turnpike service center unless it’s fancy like the one in West Virginia. Your choices are overpriced slop or starve. I would probably starve but I shamefully stopped at an Ohio turnpike service center and got Burger King once. Worst I’ve ever had from there too
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I'm not ordering at restaurants with dynamic pricing. Most of the time I just order two mcdoubles for the price of one on the mcgoyslop app. I never order fast food without a coupon or a mobile app deal, that's the only time it's ever worth it.
I'm sure they'll eventually have this for all items, in all stores.
After a $16 double whopper combo I wont ever be going back to booger king. who do they think they are, mcdonalds?
Applegreen redid a lot of the rest stops on the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and NJ thruway.

The old buildings were fine, with reasonably priced conessions.

The new buildings look nice, but the shops absolutely murder you on prices. Rather than the state run the rest stops properly, they sold the rights.

The end result is that private companies kill people on long road trips to make up for insane rents.

I've just stopped going because even a mild detour off an extra is worth not spending $13 on a fucking Burger king hamburger or Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

For perspective, I spent $9 on a fucking nathans hot dog a few months back on the Turnpike, and that's because I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. I actively avoid these rest stops other than to piss or get gas from now on.
Good. Groceries are still cheap maybe people should stop going to restaurants they're absolutely useless businesses. Sincerely if every business is a restaurant liquidate them all and put people on UBI at that point. People taking up a hobby would be magnitudes more useful than this garbage.
You don't go to a fucking Burger King on the New Jersey Turnpike going "jeez, I'm not feeling like buying groceries and cooking, I guess I'll just pay a toll, enter a rest stop, eat, get back on the Turnpike, and pay a toll to get off."

You go because you're on a road trip and are trying to minimize time stopped/convenience as you return to drive.

Problem is that Jersey and New York did this retarted public/private partnership with Applegreen (an Irish company) where no tax or toll dollars were used to tear down & rebuild (33) rest stops and refurbish (4) others, in exchange for (at least in New York's case) a 33 year lease on all the rest stops AND a percentage of all the goods on all the others.

So they made these flashy looking far smaller rest stops with absolutely insane prices. So rather than getting a $4 hot dog at an older but well cleaned rest stop, you get one with USB chargers and impractical yet varied seating for $9.

It's like how the Chicago government sold off its parking meter rights for for a little over a billion in 2008 to plug a budget gap. By 2023, the investors in the private firm had recovered their investment plus another $500M+ with 60 years left on the deal as they kept hiking prices.

But hey. It worked for the mayor of chicago at the time, so fuck everyone else, right?...
Go ahead, it's all yours.
I wonder if it has a camera and can pick up your race? With just some make up you could get free food.

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