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You have heard of the "eating ice cream at the store" trend.

That's fucking vile.
Imagine being the 10th nigger in line to gum up and slobber all over those panties.
Imagine the taste.
Imagine the smell.
OP is a kike
>nigger herpies undies now available at a Walmart near you!
IIRC like 50-60% of niggers have herpes so this trend is going to fuck a bunch of people up
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Where there are niggers, there are STDs.
These hoe's out here buying Walmart niggerherpes panties
And beaners. Don't forget how diseased they are.
They are eating the crotches out of childrens underwear?
Niggers are disgusting holy shit
better to just buy your shit online. niggers will still deliver it but it will be sealed from the manufacturer / amazon facility
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>package gets delivered
>nigger materializes and steals it
>teleports right back to wakanda
>message amazon indians
>"ok sar package delivered confirmation cannot do help"
>leave to go to work the next day
>forgot keys
>wtf I can't get back in
>nigger also stole the doorknob
Niggers are huge pedos. They just dont get the crime stats because niggers won't report crime on each other.

sheeboons are out fucking at 12-13 and they are not fucking shorties
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I got aids in my butt from taking too many bbc raw
shut the fuck up nigger
Also chugs. Holy shit chugs have a ton of STDs.
niggers r disgusting they should be slaves again
niggers should all go back to africa

too expensive .. we have machinery and robots now.
Wash your clothes before you wear them. They might have chemicals on them, besides rat shit or whatever else.
we dont have robots yet
Giving mexican kids herpes?
We eatin good, senpai
If a nip try this he will be labelled as a creep degenerate sex deviant, but the dude is black, therefore is based.

ever been to a car factory or a semiconductor manufactory? There are robotics everywhere. CNC is a robot, hell even a 3d printer is a robot if you think about it.
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Socio-economic conditions did this
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we should just close stores and you can only buy goods online if you have a high enough credit score
When did niggers start eating pussy?
Also, civilized Man was not meant to live among these beasts.
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This makes the nip used panty machines look absolutely tame.
Holy fuck.
That's why you always wash clothes right after you buy them. Same with all your food, packages should be wiped down and produce washed
This, you should already know your child’s clothing size and assume any clothes purchased have been contaminated by niggers
they mature at a different rate. chimpanzees are mature at about 5. humans are mature at about 15. niggers are somewhere in between. just one of those things like the gestation time and amount of teeth.
Conceptualize the scent
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licking ice cream at the store and then putting it back in the freezer again was a big thing in jan 2020
niggers are terrible.
they never were human beings.
they can't be, either.
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>haha my tongue touched the underwear that your pussy also touched after you put it in the washing machine
Nig-cels are pathetic. I thought all Women wanted niggers, but I guess what niggers and jews say isn't actually true. Who would have thought?
That is child’s underwear.
>stop being racist
>im not racist
>how about now?
Reminder that behind blm, nigger twitter, nigger reddit, nigger youtube, etc. theres always a top down control structure and nothing is genuine in the "trends".
Niggers are apes.. hopefully, his DNA turns up at a crime scene and he get wrongfully convicted of murder rape
>wrongfully convicted
I'm Nate Higgers
Blacks are hiv positive aids ridden std sti ridden faggots
Hopefully they all get monkeypox and die.
Niggers are quite insane aren't they
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Just when I think I can't hate niggers anymore than I already do
It's going to happen naturally.
Costo and Amazon are stupidly far ahead of other retailers.
niggers need to go back to africa
most intelligent nigger
Have you seen the brain dead subhuman scum Amazon hires as independent delivery contractors? Your underwear is going to be defiled
How do americans let these people hold their to country to ransom God only knows

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