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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Just saw a roastie in a Mitsubishi almost plow over two young scholars who decided to just waltz across the street in the middle of traffic.

What's the political explanation for spades jaywalking whenever they want? Refusal to obey laws? Lack of empathy? Inability to process potential consequences? Or straight up mental retardation?
They know it annoys/inconveniences whites that's literally it, it's the whole reason they do a lot of stupid shit.
we get it here too amongst a very specific demographic. some cultures admire petty maliciousnes
is this post from 1960's Brooklyn NY?
These days I see everybody jaywalk even if the crosswalk is 20 feet away.
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See it all the time. They feel like they can take on anything and can do whatever they want until they get the their shit kicked in. Pretty infantile like kids with fire for the first time.
Americans are funny
Sometimes it’s fun to say a different word for the coons besides nigger. Nigger is easily the best but lots of them are plenty fun.
Hey buddy, have you got a permit to cross the boulevard there?!
Petty maliciousness towards whites should be an executionable offense
Yes, and? You fucking coolie.
Its illegal to cross the road in america lmao. Remember america is not a free country and americans are slaves with no freedoms.
Sadly that gif ends about five seconds too soon. Glorious to see him breathe once, take stock, then nod his head like, "okay okay" and take a stutter step backwards...before getting taken down like a mannequin. Lol
>A wild nigger defender appears, gnashing his rotting teeth with a ferocity that could only be achieved by circumcision and fervent zionism
The White legal system is dumb, slow, and cumbersome. It is easier to not enforce it. Literally it is too lofty and nerdfuck to do anything practical like prevent blacks from jaywalking and causing a wreck.
Im not defending your vile nigger population. Its just silly that you're not allowed to cross the road in your tyrannical shit hole of a country. You are not part of the free world.
bro you can't even carry a butter knife or point out your daughts rapist was an ay-rab, shut the whole fuck up
what kind of mudslime are you btw? cuz if you were a limey you'd know you can't jaywalk in your pisshole "country"

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op doesn't mean crossing the street as a shortcut. He means the way they intentionally challenge cars by walking through traffic as a manlet is going to fight them rather than just run them over.
Americans live in fear of their nigger community. You are PETRIFIED of blacks. They rape over 50,000 of your women a year, they beat you in the streets(knock out game) they burn every one of your cities to the ground, they deal drugs to your misfit disease ridden white communities, they pimp your daughters out. And what do you do in return?

You take the fucking knee for them and kiss their hebrew israelite boots on film for the world to see.

America is not a serious country. You cant even cross the road without having your door kicked down and being sent to prison lmao
You're allowed to cross the road. You're not allowed to stand in it doing some retarded niggerdance or slowly amble along the middle of the road because 'your're a kang' or something.
Crossing the road is not illegal in the uk retard. There is a 5% chance being from my free, superior country i am muslim. There is an over 50% chance you are a nigger or spic being from your 'country'[corporation run by kikes]
aren't you niggers bending over backwards for jeets and sandniggers?
You are not allowed to cross the road in america without going to prison
Thanks for the run down, Sanjeep.
Not even comparable to the pandering you do to the black community in your country. And guess what? You run the fucking world, so its YOUR FAULT my country has any non whites in it in the first place. You are the gayest, most nigger friendly, transsexual superpower to ever exist. You're a fucking joke. And to top it off you cant even cross the road?
You have more indians than us faggot. And we colonized them, whats your excuse?
theyre 15% of the population. your nigger and streetshitter disease is like 1% and you're just letting them take over.
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>undress me
>i'm ready
>i'm still-

what did he mean by this?
You literally voted in a nigger to lead your country not once, but twice. Thats how much you both fear and love them. And before you mention our prime minister, nobody voted him in and he will lose miserably in the general election due to being a paki, because unlike you we don't vote in non whites to rule our country.
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alright im going to work at my nigger infested job and don't have the time or energy for this anymore.
That doesnt make any sense: then Americans would be totally trapped on their 'blocks'! They couldn't even go to the stoah to buy their sugar-substitute-food.

And does that include highways? Because then how is the entire Latin America plus half of Africa and a quarter of Asia walking in?
there's a 100% chance you're a poojeet because you've burst in here angry just to shit everywhere and make absolutely zero sense lol.
Guy got a 75k settlement for this. Cops should have known better, laws are for whites and asians.
the jaywalking i can accept as part of the culture or whatever but a few months back i had a dude ride his bike straight at my car, in the wrong lane of the road, at midnight, on a street with no streetlights

trying to die or get an insurance payout? idk man but it shook me up, i was about 7 feet and a split second from seriously fucking both his and my lives up
in all seriousness, buy a dashcam. they're like 100 bucks for a decent Garmin or the like, and they literally save your ass from scumbag lawyers.
Hi mossad. You are one to talk London. Do you have your environment license to drive your hybrid only cars in London? Faggot
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>Jaywalkin' Jamals
>reving intensifies
I'mm gonna, I'mm gonna VRROOOOOM
goddamn bluegummers
Because when they started crossing there was no car in the road
You cant even cross the street without being arrested shut the fuck up. Third world shit hole country.

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