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95% of women dont even know any cocktails.
you would invite her over and she would want a BEER, like a fucking imbecile.

at this point if a woman cant make a manhattan or an aviation i just splash acid on her and chop her head off
First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.
Turks aren't White
whiter than you americano.
what do you order?
johnny walker on rocks?
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>expecting a woman to have a bottle of Creme de Violette in her cupboard
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Bet you no woman ever invented a single fucking cocktail ever.
im obsessed with obtaning creme de violette and making a proper aviation.
any frenchmen here give advice
i will chop some roasties head
women are NPC retards
they have barely heard of a margarita or a cosmopolitan.

any roasite that cant make a roy rodgers with grenadine should be acided
First pasta best pasta
>finds the most retarded things to hate women over
can you faggots just admit you're gay already
A roy rogers is non-alchoholic.
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if i have to watch some bitch gulp down beer or starbucks YUMMERS...i might as well be gay.
at least the faggot knows how to make something nice
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What drink has you gender invented? You have invented nothing so far but you are supposedly equal, go on lets hear it
I think i've seen OP before
I'm not a woman and when I do drink I just have beer or straight liquor
Caring this much about specialty drinks instead is a stereotypically feminine trait
im op https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0MrAyuSoPo&t=829s

if a roastie cant even name 1 cocktail she should be dating niggers
post tits
nigger you gay
>at this point if a woman cant make a manhattan or an aviation i just splash acid on her and chop her head off
holy based, we need to start demanding more from women
>I'm not a woman
"hello fellow men, being an NPC that just drinks a beer is cool, you shouldnt try to have something nice and custom, dont be like a woman heehee"

ill spray you with acid you bitch whore
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>be woman
>invited to my place
>have all kinds of cool shit
>bitch whore wants "a beer"

how about a cup of drain cleaner in your face and i carve out your heart you stupid dumb fucking bitch

Probably never. At least nothing iconic. I've known female bartenders but I'm assuming there weren't any back in the day.
This. We make it too easy on them. No, you whore, you're going to work for it.
>they actually love you for it, but apparently you're a misogynist if you do that
Try it
I carry a gun and you don't
if you ask a female bartender to make you a strawberry daiqiry she will be huffing and puffing and wont even use crushed ice


fucking imbeciles with a vagina
favorite cocktail?
inb4 last word
did you even practice shooting with it you stupid roastie?
i will mace you right in the face
i will empty a mace canister in your face

make a margarita or ill chop your head
>ex turkish rape colony
>retarded overly aggressive opinion
Checks out.
Cocktails are great, and the domain of man. You want a mommy?
its hard but ill name a few (some i havent tried)
- mojito
- apple martini
- aviation
- strawberry daiqiri
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You understand how insane that is right? Not even having invented a fucking drink. It’s an activity that requires good taste not a Phd. This is bizarrely pathetic.
and who was on the ottoman side during WW1?
you gin drinking piece of shit
you supported radical muslims exterminating europeans.

you just drink gin all day and eat shepherds pie
you imbecile
positively plebeian
keep in mind no WOMAN in this thread has told us her favorite cocktail
their reaction was "its gay!"
>It’s an activity that requires good taste not a Phd
Good taste is more valuable and rarer than a PhD.
>This is bizarrely pathetic.
How many iconic drinks have been invented in the last few decades, period?
Most iconic drinks were around before there were was any kind of significant female presence in bartending.
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well i think they are nice
what are yours, americano
>Bulgarian Alcoholic at it again.

I bet this dude is drunk by 10am.
if you say "cuba libre" i will splash you with acid
cuba libre
no on the contrary i rarely put a spoon of tequila or rum in some soda and call it a cocktail. its just for the taste, i really dont care for drinking.
i have bottles of alcohol standing for years because i want to "try" and never really drink
>my dear, when I said "bring me one too" I wanted you to bring us 3 of them.
But of course someone made a new drink in the last 60 years lmfao just none of them were female apparently

Ill fall asleep before anyone can tell me a woman that invented a new drink
name an iconic drink invented in the last 60 years
sex on the beach?
mai tai?
imagine some zoomer sitting next to le chiffre and ordering a diet pepsi
If that's true then why did all of the virgins I've fucked leave me?
incel thread? I take offense as a fellow alcoholic you are making me look bad.
When you are 80 years old and the only pussy you have touched was 5 seconds of your mom's slip and slide, remember that you fucked up your entire existance by not even fucking a woman once, the sole purpose and all hormones telling you to do it, you failed.
Shut up femcel we just found out women havent even invented a drink or cocktail

This is just like how all the best chefs are men and not some silly femoid hack martha stew-wart.
The best everything is men, I'm not a femcel, just sick of losers blaming anyone but themselves for not kicking their own ass and unfucking themselves.
sir im a 36y senior IT guy married.
what are you...talking about?
holy based i kneel
listen you stupid whore.
if i was some "unemployed sexless loser" i wouldnt be joking about cocktails and "creme de violette".

so you are allowed to be retarded and just drink beer, but if we require you to have a taste and try a cocktail...suddenly we are all virgins who have "never had sex"

we need atheist sharia law.
if you are a basic dumb bitch that cant even name a cocktail you deserve to date only niggers
like imagine going to some michelin chef's house and going "Yea i want mac and cheese from the KRAFT box"
Well…. Whats your favorite drink then? BTW Most americans dont even have 500$ liquid in savings in their bank accounts thats super loser and fucked right there as a country
you made this stupid thread, "suddenly anon is an incel" you were always an incel. People can smell it, the stink of losers.
>be me
>went to a woman's pool party
>she's recently divorced
>she kept the house
>lots of 30-ish cougar frens
>she asks me if I like peaches
>who doesn't, right?
>hands me a Margarita glass
>pink slushie Bellini
>Damn that's delicious!
>speed and crushed x in it, mollied my ass off
>fuck her and 3 of her friends
Still get rock hard and thirsty for peaches when I think about it.
bitch whore, look at my youtube videos
i wave gold bars around and i have a day job and a paid off SUV.
you cant even name a favorite cocktail
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You can't beat a classic, rum and cherry coke with sailor jerry's rum.
>pink slushie Bellini
sounds like a made up flex story but....that sounds like an awesome cocktail, exactly what a cougar roastie would like.

if theres one type of woman that knows cocktails its gonna be the 50y cougar
thats called a cuba libre, a basic bitch cocktail but i will speak no evil since you actually own a shaker?
The first white super hero on TV by jewmedia.And he just don't look right, man.There's something creepy about his face. His skin is fake looking or something
instagram marketing runs their lives
>man.There's something creepy about his face. His skin is fake looking or something
Because he is a fake super hero. That's the point
Kill yourself my man.
Yeah it's grenadine and coke, the dark version of a Shirley temple
You're missing the point nigger
>being a man who drinks cocktails
OP confirmed gay. You're supposed to just pour mix and vodka/rum/whateverthefuck into the same glass, until it's enough alcohol. Anything less is faggotry
What the hell does that mean?

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