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>Joe Biden touched me and must pull out
Uh oh looks like Harry Sissy might have a bussy baby.
I hope he wins and fucks this country up even more. More war. More inflation. More chaos.
>Just get rid of the guy tens of millions of people voted for bros.
To save democracy we must ignore democracy.
you know there is an election in a few months right?

why you lying
>He touched me and pulled out, gave me a happy ending
>Harry Sissy
You know Biden is the most popular president ever and to just remove him by committee and replace him by committee isn't going to go well right?
So this is intentionally written in the gayest way possible as a joke, right?
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magaturds getting desperate!
>how hard I've been
>I've taken blows
>He touched me
>Joe has to pull out
>He deserves a happy ending
The primaries are already over

Nikki Haley thought she had a chance to unseat Trump?
Twitter janitor ARG
Some top tier double entendres in there.

I really hope they're double entendres.
This. Even his writing screams super faggot. It's either intentional or Freud.
he's boypregnant with Biden's illegitimate buttchild?!?
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>posts a gay and fake tweet
>gets called out
>"HAHA, y-your desperate chud."
Why are you like this?
This little dicksucker must be aiming for a career in politics in the democratic party. Nothing else explains his slavish bootlicking for the democrats.
>happy ending
Stockholm syndrome from being diddled by a biden
the sexual inuendo here is something
The Democratic Party will select its presidential nominee during a virtual roll call held before the in-person 2024 Democratic National Convention, which will take place from August 19-22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.[1] Joe Biden (D) crossed the majority delegate threshold necessary to win the Democratic nomination on March 12, 2024, making him the presumptive Democratic nominee.
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>happy ending
What did he mean by this?
Hey use your x-men future telling powers to figure out why you're such a faggot.
... So

You think ignoring primaries is ... Democratic?
>To save democracy we must ignore democracy.
>what is expect elephant

when even the fucking twitter shill being paid directly by the DNA to shill for biden throws in the towel
>he has touched me in ways no other politician in my lifetime
No way bro... this can't be real. It's too fucking funny.
do you not know how your political system works?
Joe touched this young boy's hole
Why you guys conversing with a poojeet?
... You don't know what a primary is do you?

Because this shouldn't be this confusing to you.
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Harry Bussy
The Great Sheep Collective is coming to a consensus. Dissenters will be canceled as always.
>new marching orders just dropped
Did you really need to check?
>how hard I have been behind President Biden
>I've taken blows for him
>he has touched me
>Joe has to pull out
>he deserves a happy ending
I’ve been on social media advocating for joe to stay in the race. Also saying it’s racist if anyone other than Kamala is on the top of the ticket. Just trying to sew division and chaos into the dems
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i wonder where creepy joe touched him
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This is the most hilariously disgusting thing I've read in a week. You earned a (You).
presumptive is what it means. google big word.
1. he can drop out
2. they can have an open convention
3. he could just die kek
4. he could grope some more niggers in public
why does this read as some Freudian fag fantasy slip
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Biden's pull out game is weak.
It takes a special kind of retarded to troll yourself.
Good job globohomos.
So why the fuck did millions of Americans bother to spend 2 hours of their lives to vote in a primary, if this is the result?

DNC is sus af.
>Pull out
>Happy ending
This guy wants joes old ball juice on him.
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Yeah, I wonder if he can point to where he was touched on the gender neutral doll.
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>What did he mean by this?
he meant that Biden and his kids be granted judicial immunity, and that the Biden family be granted a kosher life away from the rat race we're in.
happy dying for Israel miss Burger, it's coming in the next months and you know it
That's a fake tweet, but it would be funny if he actually said it.
it’s Joever
This post is hilarious
Well we know he has given him blows, so we know where he touched Joe with his mouth, several times.
>Harry Sissy
His childhood mustve been fun...
An open convention is anti democratic you fucking moron. It's only supposed to happen if the primaries are too close to call. Not in the case where you have a clear cut winner. Especially not a fucking incumbent

That's why they are never done. Jesus Christ learn how to think
>happy ending

Overplayed yer hand, anon.
I'll always love this lil nigga. Baby Sneed Trump Esq.
>An open convention is anti democratic you fucking moron.
Not if the winner drops out before hand on his own accord
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because democrats are retarded, the dems that aren't completely retarded hedged their bets and hoped that they could weekend at bernie's biden enough to secure 4 more years. there was a reason this presidential debate was so early, it was a litmus test and he failed.
the guy is a fucking vegetable lmao, the best spin the msm was able to come up with was
>he incoherently tells the truth while trump coherently lies.
lmao that Biden fluffer would never.
... He says that after the clip of him on CNN being called out by all the other leftists.
53m in if timestamp doesn't work.
i think there would be more chaos under Trump.
that's why i'm voting for him.
Nah the Republicans want everyone to get along. They already achieved their dreams and robbed the system blind. They want people to accept change.
this shit sounds like it was written by Tobias Fünke
So, his dick has been hard while he stands behind Biden. He receives virtual and irl blowjobs from the President. The president has touched him inappropriately better than the other politicians have. It is time, Joe needs to remove his cock from his anus now. The president has sexually assaulted many and fucked his country royally. Mr. President deserves to cum.
The Biden of 2020 and the one of now are very different people. Most people no longer believe he has the mental faculties to be president.
this makes it blatantly obvious that people only get to vote for who they are allowed to vote for, really breaks the illusion that the people are in control of their leadership.

they are going just gong to nullify the vote of all the primary voters by appointing someone different?
I would hope that bernie broke that illusion but democrats are particularly retarded.
Got hard behind Biden
Biden touched him in new ways
Joe had to pull out
Biden deserves a happy ending.

Is this Kid a Gigolo?
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Hol up, Biden touched Him?
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it's so fucking Joever
What way did he touch you Harry?
wasn't this faggot jerking him off all throughout the debate and afterwards?
guess the reprogramming order came in from the hive mind.
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its fake but accurate
This entire reality is scripted
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bros.....it's over
>joined December 2011
so he's been shilling since he was 8?
only thing I know about this twink is he has a very punchable face
I knew it was bullshit because Harry Sissy would never speak ill of Biden
Hey Harry can you stop fucking shilling your shitty fucking Twitter on here? You fucking self-righteous cocksucking fucking faggot
I want trump to win and then also get dementia.
>ChatGPT >write a farewell including as much sexual innuendo as possible
Ate you fucking retards really this autistic that you dont get it? Its a fucking pisstake you absolutely autistic faggots. Its a meme. Somebody made it as a joke. Amost every line is a gay joke.
Why should anybody have to explain this? Wtf happened to this place? Total fucking retards holy shit. What an embarrassment you morons are.
Wtf its real?
It's all a sick joke to them.

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