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how do you stay sober in this hell world we live in? why arent you drinking booze?
Just don't go to the liquor store or the bar.

Good question. Maybe if I had some male friends to go drink with. But, alas, I do not.
Who says I'm not drinking booze?
what are you a faggot
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Can't afford it.
you can buy handles of liquor for $10
I used to get drunk all the time. Now whenever I drink I feel deathly I'll, even just a single beer can fuck me up by giving me a nasty headache. So I don't drink anymore because it ain't worth it. But it used to be.
Drink, drink in the badlands...
Liquid bread for the poor
Another member of the crowd goes down
Drowned at the liquor store
Choose your escape in the heartland
Of product and demand
When you're feeling like a wasp in the swarm
Gotta get away anyway that you can
Not drinking =saving money.

Drinking alone is kind of sad.
I e water is a better choice for me right now.
im drinking a lone right now. sure im sad but im also happy
Its a wonderful world and i only drink to celebrate and enjoy life.
Are you retarded or something?
I quit drinking and smoke weed instead fuck niggers
Lost my drinking buddy, I just get depressed when drunk now
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But I don't drink alone
*I do not endorse drinking, btw.
Drugs and alcohol are strictly self-destructive, but I can't fault anyone for doing what they need to do to stay sane.
sorry to hear that brother, this next glass is for your buddy
God bless
I have to be at event or something otherwise it turns into an attempt at drinking until I die.
Drinking just doesn't take me where I want to go. Weed is superior.
Thanks man
Your liver is gone.
Also one piece of advise for /pol/osers, by an oldfag giving something back after 19 years here.
Addictive substances can only be used in joy, never, ever in sadness.
Brain craves booze, you feed it when sad, it will associate sadness with reward, it will make you depressed so that you give it alcohol.
Drink only to celebrate, it will make itself happy to get booze, but only reward when worth it, parties, celebrations, achievements.
You are welcome. Post this shit in a few years when you find truth in this, to give back to someone knew, as your life was changed.
Buy pure ethanol, food grade. Its about 10x cheaper. Mix with water, 3 parts water 2 parts ethanol, and you have vodka.
Vape shops sell it.
i have nobody to celebrate with. the past 5 years ive been drinking by myself and only by myself. i wish i had something worth celebrating.
Face your own struggle and work your way through it instead of trying to numb yourself from it.
Improve yourself and the world around you, and seek wisdom.
Drink occasionally in order to celebrate life. Don't make it your center.
I started meditating.
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That is correct.
$20 for a handle of that stuff around here. I learned that it needs to be vigorously shaken and allowed to air out for a few days before you drink it or you will wake up with vomit in your mouth at least 5 times per night.
Spoken like a true skinnyfat with a receding hairline mid-30s pale white man who can bench 115 lbs.
It's sad that all these old alcoholics with destroyed livers never found out that taking NAC and milk thistle extract before drinking prevent liver damage + can heal the liver.
NAC has also been found to prevent alcoholism in the first place.
And probably why.
Stop drinking, sort your shit out, find out what you want out of life, for real, not what society, or church or pol tells you, and go for it.

>drinking and smoking with a horse

Not everyone can live in New Zealand
Why you gotta be an insufferable cunt in every second of your waking life?
Spoken as a loser who is seething at legitimatetly good advise.
Yea i take 1800mg a day, cycle it time to time with choline.
I don't think it's that. I drank a bunch but never enough to destroy a liver. That's not possible. I just turned into an alcohol-pussy around 28.
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Calories and Heartburn. Now I sprinkle it on food I'm cooking. I can't really taste it, but I can remember.
You're so wrong, Mr. Projector.
Cheers faggots
im still in my mid 20s which i believe your 20s is discovering how much alcohol sucks so in your 30s you wont drink it.
ive tried to give this shit up at least a hundred times the past few years, AA and everything, never been able to
does food grade really make that much of a difference? FDA used to scare people about using non-food grade co2 in whipped cream dispensers.
I'm not alone I have you guys
It's expensive as fuck dude. The price of beer has gone up somewhere between 30-40 percent in the last couple years. I only drink now at social events or if its free and on special occasions and holidays, that's it now. Saves a shit ton of money, I feel better, no hangovers, liver is pink and fluffy. It's great, you should try it.
i know, a 12 pack of beer is $10 more than a bottle of liquor. why drink beer over liquor? i like beer more, its a more fun experience, but fuck me its too expensive
I keep alcohol in check by treating it like a mistress. Our love is passionate and heart pounding, but only on Saturday nights. The rest of the week I don’t drink as much as a beer
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Oh great, another Jew propaganda post.
it's getting kind of retarded honestly, a 6 pack a few years ago (non-craft) used to be affordable, now it's like 12-13 dollars for a 6 pack.
God invented ethanol

they want you to drink liquor instead. the human in me says dont, but hte alcohlic in me says its cheaper and fuck it. why not?
That doesnt just happen, indicates potential liver damage or lack of efficiency.
Check for jaundice in eyes, do a liver health scan. Many things can fuck your liver, from fructose that causes cyhrossis, to bad luck with a flu that decided to attack the liver, hepatitis, or some random shit
Its not normal to suddenly get like that, it indicates a pathology
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get a disulfiram script (brand name antabuse). been an alcoholic piece of shit for years but this finally works.

>drink while taking disulfiram (inhibits liver enzymes)
>instant panic, tachycardia, vertigo, nausea, hives, fever, flush, etc.
>never drink again
I've been drinking pretty regularly for about 25 years now and am starting to feel the effects it's had on my body. Sometimes you just need to take a break every now and then. If you continue down this path, you'll see.
probably because it kills us faster, drinking a standard beer is somewhere between what 4.5% to 6% .. like any 'real' liquor is at least 80 proof (40%) so it fucks you a lot harder, which sucks because I also like highland scotch.
Im 37, i regularly drink a whole bottle of honey cascabel at parties, events, which is about 4x a month.
Your experience is unique, alcohol doesnt suck at all, you just misused it.
As this.
Yes, it means it wont be denatured.
Kessler is pretty good quality considering the amount you get for the price.
>how do you stay sober in this hell world we live in?
I don't
because the jews want me to
ive always, when given the choice chosen kentucky gentleman but the past 2 years been drinking jorvik vodka cause its dirt cheap and not bad
The NOS food grade can be actually worse, it contains pure nos and no oxygen, so higher chance of hypoxia in the brain. The recomendation is probably so you avoid uncertified shit that had something other than normal air in the mix.
If taking nos, dont empty yout lungs fully, breath a bit of air, respirate balloon, cap with another breath, hold, this ensures oxygen in the mix and less risk of brain damage
Dont drink beer, shits vile. Drink only spirits, mixed. You wont be as fucked up after, or have any digestive issues
ily bro
Jus started taking NAC, but only 1200mg per day, seems to help with hangovers and mood the next day, also better sleep
>why arent you drinking booze?
Booze is a gains goblin.
I said co2. learn to read you fucking paki.
Booze makes me not give a shit and I say and do retarded things. The worst part about it is I feel guilty and shame in the moment of retardation because booze makes me more self conscious. I HATE DRINKING BOOZE. Unless I'm alone with a female because usually that means lots of great sex but any other time no sir, I don't like it.
Drinking doesn't make me feel better.
I've been taking NAC and an herbal liver cleanse for months. It definitely helps.
Based nitrous enjoyer
Only if you dont mix it, and dont pace it. I only drink spirits, 37, healthier and more fit than most 20 year olds.
Dont blame the thing, but how its used.
That’s actually terrible advice because if you only drink when you’ve accomplished something and are happy then you’re training your brain to NOT “have to” make you naturally feel good, but rather rely on the expected celebratory drink that artificially replaces natural rewards that would otherwise be produced. This is bad because if you work really hard to achieve something that would make you happy, if you don’t have alcohol then you won’t feel the satisfaction of a job well done, which in turn can result in diminished attempts to pursue happiness because the few times you don’t drink when you should be happy sort of sends a message your reasoning that there’s no point in having ambitions because there’s no reward. Also if you do only drink when you’ve accomplished something then you’re creating an environment where your reasoning will subtly tell you to go ahead and “skip” the hard work and just jump straight to desert (alcohol).

Drinking alcohol or any form of self medication is just simply bad. Your brain is the most precious part of you and is something that should never be tampered with.
>why arent you drinking booze?
I ran out.
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Still at the point where basic obligations take precedence. I start work at 0600 tomorrow.

The six pack of pounders waiting in the fridge as we speak are, of course, mocking me.
Adding to this: Drinking a ton of purified water throughout the day will help with organ function and repair. And plenty of sleep too. If you're going to be an alcoholic, you have to at least give your body the support it needs or else you aren't going to live very long.
I swore off hard liquor when I was 17. I was too good at it. Was crushing a 40 Oz every day starting at 8 am, vodka in the coffee instead of milk. Am 29 now and still drink on and off but just beer. The hard shit will fuck you up.
Liver is the most important organ aside from heart, if its healthy, everything else is better.
>Not everyone can live in New Zealand
idk, have you seen our immigration figures?
Anyway it'd be FAR easier to have a little bit of land somewhere like Kentucky than own anything here. Also smoking is prohibitively expensive, a cigar costs over $80 here (about 50 USD) with all tax, and those are literally just $5 bundle stick cigars. I get my cigars and cigarettes sent from the US, it's less than a quarter of the price even paying exorbitant shipping and losing the odd box to customs
Rage issues much ya faggor? And fair, whipped cream used nos here, never co2, which is used as drug too, assumed you had mistyped.
Two aspirin and half a caffeine tablet should do the same thing - I mean, that's what those OTC hangover treatments are.

Unless hard cider, IPA, tequila or shots of any kind are involved. Then throw in a couple Tylenol and top off with an NAC.
Lol it was a funny comment.
Wrong, but not worth the time explaining it. You misunderstand the basic principles, and mix asusmptions.
Doesn't alcohol and tylenol fuck up your liver even harder?
I'd rather just play video games instead when I need escapism. Has the same effect but I don't wake up the following morning feeling like shit.
i microdose
No, it wont, different mechanisms of action. Read into it before talking out of your ass
The NAC is supposed to help with that.

The bigger picture here is that life is about tradeoffs. That's kind of like objecting to tipping, where the real question is what are you doing in a restaurant.
It gives me a headache and makes my body ache
Aspirin isnt tylenol, but what he is talking about has shit to do with nac. Its not comparable
i drink once a week, thats good enough for me
I realize that, he also mentioned taking tylenol in his post
>A Brit talking to anyone about healthy living

Try drinking something other than paint thinner before commenting on "mechanisms of action," snaggletooth.
>I don't wake up the following morning feeling like shit.
how much are you guys drinking?
If you get a hangover, you drank too much alcohol.
Are you guys just not capable of drinking responsibly?
I feel the same way and am astonished that so many people find it benefits them. I do not feel any benefits from drinking. Plus any drug that gives you a hangover is trash. I tried day drinking one time and it was fucking terrible. I tried drinking booze in response to a booze hangover and it was fucking ultra terrible. How do people do that?
If you haven’t become cirrhotic, the liver regenerates in around 6 months with healthy living.
NAC will make your pp smaller. I mean this metaphorically and literally.
>how do you stay sober
just say no
i got hobbies instead. working on exosuits, computer shit, a little bit of music, lifting. I just have other stuff to do.
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Stoicism. This dystopia we live in require us to be 100% stoic.
That will deffo fuck you up, even aspirin isnt fully safe.
He says as hangover, so not before or after drinking, but a full rest in between, again he has no idea what NAC is and just talking crap missing context, dont listen to it.
NSAIDs will lower inflammation and caffeine reduce headache but its a bad idea, nsaids prevent repair and can lead to chronic issues.
A lot of chronic pain is caused by abuse of nsaids because of any pain, instead of actual critical issues.
Most people can't control themselves or their emotions. It's sad really. Just say no is true and correct. You just choose to not do something and then you commit and then you don't drink or whatever.
So clever anon
Picrel were 5.25 when I started drinking.
feels bad the next day :(
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This is better than booze. Lasts longer better feelz.
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Fucked that up
for me it's the opposite.
My boners are huge since I started taking NAC, especially when I combine it with zinc.
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Sorry guys, won’t happen again.
THC doesn't work for me. It just makes me feel uncomfortable and autistic.
It's a garbage tier drug. If I want to get high I'd much rather take LSD or 2cb. THC is trash.
Personally hate it.
If doing shit other than alcohol id go for mdma and nos
Daly was a raging alcoholic. There’s video of him shaking when he tried to play when sobering up.
Thc is low tier, never got why people like it.
I did say metaphorically too. Yu will be a better man without NAC
Also zinc makes your pp smaller
Yes, don’t take Tylenol, take aspirin.
I liked it when I was 18-24, but around age 25 it stopped getting me high and started making me feel low.
I heard from a hippie that once you reach a certain level of spiritual development, drugs like weed can't get you high anymore. On the contrary you're at a higher frequency as your default state, so the effects of weed actually lower your frequency.
Probably mumbo jumbo but it makes sense
Continuation: Here is some German music to boost your spirit and remoralize you

The 2C's were very interesting for me. That was over ten years ago but I still remember my limited experience very positively. I had one of the most fun times of my life with either 2cc or 2cb, I don't know which it was, I can't remember
Baste. Once a week or bi-weekly isn't bad, as long as you're not getting blackout drunk but keeping active during the weekdays. Balance is key.
Agreed. LSD is god-tier and actually expands consciousness whereas Marijuana just makes couch potatoes.
Ibuprofen is the best over the counter NSAID/FEVER REDUCER/PAIN KILLER IMO
havent drank in 2.5 months, almost budged in the store today though. what can i say, an ice cold beer sounds really nice but its nothing more then a urge of the flesh.
I have enough issues as is, thank you.
Not gonna pay to inflict even more on myself.

Not categorically opposed to drinking, just opposed to drinking much and wasting monry on shit that usually doesn't even taste good.
if i had to choose i would choose solely nicotine, i like nicontine.
The problem with alcohol is that it actually makes your life worse. It's a huge waste of money, but it also makes you feel like shit when you're NOT drinking. After a while, you need to drink just to feel normal.
It's basically like any addiction. You no longer get pleasure from it, you need it simply to function. And being on a chemical leash is really no way to live your life.
Being lucid and clear-headed may suck, but I can promise you it sucks a lot less than being an alcoholic.
I'm being completely serious: Drinking is basically a form of slow suicide. It's like smoking, you have absolutely no reason to ever do it.
drinking is based.
being a drunk is degenerate .
2ci was the best, 2cb is good also
smoking cigarettes is more valuable than marijuana
As with most people I simply become a shittier version of myself when I drink. I also send embarrassing texts. Alcohol craps out the body too.
I want to fit in
oi stop drinking with my horse u cunt
Comedy is somewhat subjective, but it seemed like a failed attempt to drag me down because my words struck a nerve.
I just comes off as petty rage.
It’s a solid practice.
>100% Stoic
is this a type of vodka? it should be
I just stopped doing it one day after going hard everyday for like 10 years.
Do not take nsaids, only if you are legitimatly crippled by them and have to work and cant rest.

Tldr: stops repair, makes whatever pain you have chronic because it never repairs the problem and makes it worse long term.
Been doing 8-15 a night for the past decade working in the trades. AMA
If i go to the gas station i’m going to buy dip. So i go to the cash only gas station that doesn’t sell dip. Simple as
Young, stupid me:
>Alcohol and nicotine suck! Weed and psychedelics are way better
Me now, slightly less stupid
>Alcohol and nicotine are S tier, avoid weed and psychedelics like the plague.
Fuck that. I can work extremely hard doing manual labor outdoors getting high on weed all day. It can give you stamina. Give me LSD or shoots I'm going to be playing with leaves in the grass like a troll not doing shit but tripping out making mostakes.
I am very involved with AA and focus on gratitude to God and service to others. Otherwise my life is total hell - drunk or not.
Do you have the shakes? Any notable physical issues? Daily sounds brutal
8 beers a night is literally nothing.
15 is a lot though.
If I drink beer I usually have about nine or ten max.
the synagogue of satan needs to be destroyed.
the golems and shitskins need to go back to the tird world countries of origin.
women must be banned from voting.
the liquid jew is a trick
Says the ideologically possessed moron.
Whites have been using alcohol before jews were a dream or their shitty caanite god forced into europa
>Dont drink
>Dont smoke
>Dont do any drugs

Not sure why you'd ever put that stuff into your body when you know damn well what it does to people.
No shakes, In the morning I have to down a half liter of Gatorade to get my salts and elecrolytes to even etc. or else can have heart palps. Also ensure you go to bed early if you start at 6am like I do.
Because drinking booze makes life harder not easier
I decided to get off weed and alcohol a month ago, we have important work to do to protect ourselves, our family and our people and you need a clear mind to achieve good things. Looking forward to getting fucked up when the time is right though 100%
2ci was the best. 2ce fucked me up with a psychotic break where i had delusions of reference, the water fear (worst thing ever) and i ended up cutting myself because i thought the blood would allow jesus to live longer while being crucified. Looking back on it im suprised ive never been committed lol
I have God.
I’m almost 10 months sober but I’ve been wanting to drink so bad ever since my dog passed away. It’s been very painful and all I want to do is get shitfaced
>Whites have been using alcohol before jews were a dream or their shitty caanite god forced into europa
not an answer drunk fucking faggot jew lover.
the jews need to go.
the shitskins need to go back.
and women must be banned from voting.
and you are concerned about fucking being drunk, pigfucker?
I stopped drinking because it was interfering with my musicianship.
t. pianist
i got a 30 rack of busch light for 20$ recently
losing your dog sucks, anon. I lost my 14 year old dog last year and my 17 year old cat in 2022. Both were with me since they were babies.
Sorry for your loss.
>2ce fucked me up
Yeah, i only did small doses and I really didn't like it, feels gross and nothing like 2ci.
i stoppe ddrinking rn and am microdosing nicotine while drunk
what yall think about htat?
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>I heard from a hippie that once you reach a certain level of spiritual development, drugs like weed can't get you high anymore.
Thats bullshit, you just get a ridiculously high tolerance when you smoke all the time.
>8 beers a night is literally nothing.
That's how it started for a few people I knew, 2 are dead, 1 has to drink minimum of 6 litres industrial strength cider to keep the shakes away daily, and another just drinks whatever they can get a hold of. All four of them were lively as fuck too, its messed up shit
Unicorn, unicorn
It’s been 11 days since it happened and I’m still a wreck it sucks. I’m sorry for you loss too. The only reason I’m not gonna drink is my girlfriend just moved in with me the end of last month and I figure it’s probably a bad idea to start up my degenerate boozing this soon. Eventually I’m gonna crack and do it tho I can’t stand being sober
If you're gonna drink, take NAC and milk thistle extract one hour before drinking to prevent liver damage and addiction. (do not take NAC during drinking. Take it one hour before.)
Also stick with beer or wine. Liquor is dangerous if you're going to be drinking throughout the evening. It gets you drunk too fast.
Because I got drunk yesterday and did things I really regret
what did you do anon? Confess
I drunk texted like a retard and the smashed the shit out of my walls with a hammer
>Drinking alone is kind of sad.

At least you can't make a fool of yourself. (stay off facebook and don't phone anybody)
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>smashed the shit out of my walls with a hammer
Eh I don’t care much about my liver I’ll probably end up drinking this weekend I think idk yet

Drinking a highball glass of bourbon in a chilled glass with extra ice and tonic water is a good summer drink.
I can buy your mom for $10 but that doesn't make my problems go away, either
>how do you stay sober in this hell world we live in?
I'm literally autistic
Ok anon, take your meds
I don't drink anymore
everyone's been there, anon. don't do it again.
you're forgiven
For me being sad or not isn't the problem. Being alone I don't know when to stop drinking if I don't throw up or black out. I don't care about my social life or reputation enough not to blow it up. Then it's just headaches.
I keep reminding myself that being depressed is better than being depressed and addicted to the liquid jew.
I cant be a drunk without being a smoker and ive used up my years with the cigs
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I don't drink anymore. Sometimes I get cravings but they go away after a day or so. I'd rather just lift the misery away
It gave me brain damage, plus it's too expensive and taxed where I live
It makes me uncomfortable.
You sound borderline retarded, weed is not a major psychedelic. Avoid it all
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Because I'm an alcoholic. I quit drinking toward the end of my 20's after realizing the damage I was doing to myself.

I eventually fell off the bandwagon and when that happened I became an opiate addict and I lost 8 years of my life chasing down pharmacies and doctors who I could manipulate giving me pain killers or narcotic cough syrup. This last one was a real doozy and I had to go on a two year Suboxone program to clean myself up. I am sober again and it scares me thinking about how low I could fall if I start drinking again.
I'm on Zoloft.
I didn't say it was.
Weed is mildly psychedelic, but it more so overstimulates the amygdala and spikes dopamine levels.
Recent studies are finding that weed has a similar effect on the brain that edging to porn does. That's not a good thing.
I jack my fat ass cock to free porn and try to focus on other things mane

I can't drink anymore really. It's fucked up my body too much over the years. If I drink, the next day I feel horrible. This isn't just a hangover either. I get insanely bloated to the point where I feel like I'm pregnant and it puts massive pressure on my diaphragm making it feel like I can't breathe. This lasts all day and is extremely anxiety inducing, literally feel like you could die any moment.
What do you know about hardship you american toddler
It just makes everything worse and it makes me sad.

At a certain point, you realize that alcohol just isn't fun anymore. So what's the point in doing something that's self-destructive and not even fun?
Drinking and remembering better times.

That too. I've done too many stupid things while hammered, even just being home by myself. One time even injured my foot and had to miss several weeks of work.
I'm always sober. so stressed, it's hard to sleep.
If you're going to drink leave your shoes on.
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smoking strong weed helps me sleep and gets rid of stress, but it kills my dreams.
I just turned 24 and have drank like an absolute fish for the past 3-4 years. I’m gonna quit for at least a year to rejuvenate my liver. Also gonna focus way more on lifting and diet. I love drinking but the shit is really deceptive poison.
Try AA
weed reducing the ability to dream is one of the main reasons I stopped using it.
Dreams can be visions from God. by nerfing your ability to receive dreams when you sleep, you're basically cutting yourself off from receiving messages from God.
Saint Patrick spoke of the importance of dreams and how they can reveal secrets and messages from above you won't receive anywhere else. We should be dreammaxing. That's why I take fermented skate liver oil and avoid weed.
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I prefer drinking alone. I literally hate everyone and everything though. To each their own I guess?

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