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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No one here or on the far right probably have any faith in anything improving. Given that, it's hard to believe many on the right think anything in the project 2025 has any chance whatsoever of ever being implemented. Yet liberals talk about this as if it Trump is giving hidden nazi turbo hitler 2.0 speeches in beerhalls. What gives? Are we retarded? Are they retarded? Are we all retarded? How do the jews make us all feel retarded, bros I'm sick of this

We're going to deport you leaf ass back to Mexico.
Isn't that christfag cringe with no solution to the race and jewish question?
they attempted to hard counter agenda 21 and made up this insane bullshit, however i love reading the screeching retards in the comment sections claiming that agenda 2025 is going to end women's right allow the mass murder of illegals and everyone needs to vote straight ticket blue no matter who.
how about a quick QRD what it is.
Christians / catholic culture within the US had the Bavarian beer hall feel... I still remember like 15 years ago on YouTube arguing with some christcuck about dinosaurs and Jesus and them subtly hinting at some wierd cultural revolution going on... well here it is. In full swing.
It's a plan to deport 1pbtid's to the gas chamber.
Its already happened.
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Tl;dr a conservative think tank manifesto similar to but not limited to picrel
I fart
Jewish conspiracy lore. Someone always has to be after them at all times or they lose the sense of urgency that drives people to lower their guard and "help" them.

Same with the left. They're after us, someone save us from having to contribute anything to society
now that's something i can get behind. hell, why wait until 2025?
>ban pornography.
well Trump just lost the /gif/ vote
Why does only leftists like the faggots queers and communists know about project 2025 and no one on the rightwing knows about it?
Case and point reddit post is the evidence of "project 2025". Now personally I am all for rounding these faggots up to go to the kill camps but I feel like this is something Jews made up because the only people that talk about it I have met are literal cock in the ass faggots or open communists. I have never met a Republican that has ever heard of it.
you mean zyphr
>no one on the rightwing knows about it?
Cuckservatives are uniformed tards?
no one wants to make america chrisrian again. we just want to send leftists to camps for labor or reducation
That's unironically my point - no one but the retard left seems to even mention this. It gets brought up briefly in MSM but so insignificantly you'd miss if it you weren't consooming 24/7. I also have zero faith in any right wing group doing 5% of what reddit tier liberals think is going to happen. If it was a huge issue, you'd think liberal politicians or pundits would bring it up, or if Trump were basing his administration off of this, you'd think he'd mention it.
You mean ZION
> reddit head fantasy
go back.
A democrat from 1990 would literally be accused of being a Nazi today. The Overton window really sucks.
I pray every day that Project 2025 commences.

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