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"Good afternoon, sir. Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Yeah i was driving 130mph smoking meth and writing a post on 4chan officer
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Memeing in a school zone
Why do they even ask you? Is it a shit test?
To measure whether you know laws or not ("how much shit will I get into for powertripping on this guy?")
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this, if every American did this shit cops would stop fucking around. Kill all cops.
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>smacks lips
These anons just told on themselves. They're more polite than most people at traffic stops.
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Its called self incrimination
Many reasons, it's a psychological attack to get you to incriminate yourself even for things they weren't aware of it.
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"I'm sorry officer: that's not a LAWS rocket concealed in my pants, that's just my cock (it's really huge)".

fuck off
its pretty crazy theres a group of people that want the body cameras removed now because they keep getting caught lying about the cops calling them niggers
the correct answer is to not answer. just give them your drivers license, registration and proof of insurance. sign the ticket and leave. you don't have to talk to them, so don't talk to them. nothing good ever happens from talking to a pig.
Shitlibs are only against the police when it comes to busting niggers for rioting, or busting faggots for molesting kids.
Shitlibs wholeheartedly support the police, prisons, and courts for arresting people for misgendering them, defacing pride murals on roads, or saying men can't be pregnant.
I figured you were the one supposed to be giving me an actionable reason based upon probable cause, not playing 20 questions, fag. So what is it? No, you may not search this vehicle and no you don't need my license, registration or proof of insurance without probable cause of a crime having been committed. If you cannot articulate one, name and badge number.
They support the police, because they control the police
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Pic related has a point.
"you believe had probable cause, officer"
and then i shut the fuck up
Excuse me ociffer but I ain't drunk... I'm a respombsaple uman bean.. I can blow you to proofs... *hiccup* you know blowjob thingy? Chop chop gimme the stick!
There should be, they’re just as bad. Firefighters are notorious for taking an axe to all of your shit, and destroying your house and your walls. (Gotta chop open all the walls, there might be fire inside!) They get immunity when they do this, and most think it’s fine because “your insurance will just pay for it”.

You’re quite literally better off waiting until it’s obvious your house is on fire and you can’t put it out yourself before you call those niggers.
Because of the junk in my trunk?
I'm glad I looked at this thread. top tier memes in here
"Probably because I'm so fucking good."
"Don't you?
Am I free to go?
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was that Officer Acorn?
80% chance the cop was fucking around on his phone while you drove by, he has no idea why he pulled you over, and he’s just looking for a hint
Firefighters are more likely to commit arson than any other individual combined.
To get you to make an admission, and the bait to get you to admit to a traffic violation is they may possibly just give you a warning, and if you don't admit they are going to ticket you.
The faggiest "job" or all
>You're free to go, Mr Biden
100% this.

Some reading for the blue lives matter bootlickers.

>Castle Rock v. Gonzales

>Warren v. District of Columbia

>DeShaney v. Winnebago County

>Lozito v. New York City

These are landmark SC cases that have set and upheld the precedent that police have zero duty to protect you, and are free to watch you get stabbed to death without intervening (literally one of the cases here).
It's pretty crazy how often the groups weary body cameras will either mute the mic or even deactivate their camera altogether in the middle of an interaction.
Here's a story of cops getting their shit pushed in for pulling that stunt in Toronto. They even had the guy dead to rights before they fucked up:
it's illegal in some states for them to ask that question and more joining every day

you're being detained and they're questioning you without mirandizing you
>no, but my shotgun sure knows
Last time I got a traffic stop from the cops they basically asked me what I was doing leaving the house post lockdown. Undercovers too.
has tucker rallied your country or did it not even move the needle?
>These are landmark SC cases that have set and upheld the precedent that police have zero duty to protect you, and are free to watch you get stabbed to death without intervening (literally one of the cases here).

And it's not just that the law has been interpreted that way. It's that the literal police union lawyers took it all the way to the SCOTUS to ensure that police have absolutely no obligation to the populace.
They actually fought for that to happen.
Is it because I'm really handsome?
I've been pulled for lights and registration violations and I don't speak. If they really want me to speak, I only address them as public servant.
If they ask you questions, you just sit there silently?
And only crack the window 1 inch to talk to them. If they say they can't hear you get a supervisor with better hearing.
Yes, public servant. No, public servant.
Last time i burned a red light and got pulled. Early 20 girl cop nervously asks me if i know why, i dont answer and look at her straight in the eyes with both hands on my wheel. Give her the papers and she lets me off with a warning lol
>live in a society
>have to follow it's rules or face the expected and known penalties
I'm really starting to believe that thing about America originally being Britain's dumping ground for retards that can't handle rules.
haha why yes sir, but, as you can obviously now see, I'm on my way to perform in the minstrel show and hadn't the time to dress up at the theater. What's that? You'll escort me there? Why that's terribly kind of you officer.
Rules are for faggots. You should know - you're a leaf.
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Minstrel? Is that like menstruation?
why did you pull me over?
Oh look it's yet another episode of weak sissy faggot doesn't understand might makes right.
well you see officer the lawmakers who make the laws that you and your gang of thugs enforce are owned by the insurance companies
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Why no "officer" I have no idea why you pulled me.over today
no, you haven’t told me yet but I’m sure you will! :^)
Am I being detained?
you think my union made brakes and suspension are shitty because you're a fascist pig?
They think it’s like working at Costco
I have been told that I don't have to answer this gay question.
I cant read your godamn mind you fucking nigger
>smokes crack pipe
>yehud creates a force of golems and offset costs on goy
Don’t talk to Zogbots guy has a follow up vid and wrote a book due to demand for more knowledge
The og vid
Because the only ones being protected or served are jews. The boys in blue serve the jew. Diversity was forced upon whites at gunpoint.
Yes officer, because you weren't intelligent enough to get a real job.
It's always lefty cops though. So fuck you commie nigger. It's almost like it's an institution like education and it's success depends on whose within the institution. I'm sure glad you're hiring illegals and dumb niggers anon.
>No I'm too drunk to think
coworker actually said this once.
scream I have the high ground and shove him into a river of flame

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