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Thoughts /pol/? Is it her turn?
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Holy shit if they do it, this will be one of the biggest comedy gold moments in politics I've witnessed.
what's the point of democracy when the same families remain in power no matter what?
lol nah.
Imagine if a tranny was president before a woman and claimed the first woman president title. Kino.
>Thoughts /pol/?
Democrat party cannot force him to step down
He wont step down
To lay a thin veneer of legitimacy over technocratic managerialism obv
how much is that in inches?
What exactly is mike Obama's political pedigree? He has never even had a job in this life except Barack's ramrod
lol! tranny nigger with no actual experience in gov't! why not Bidet's wife Jill, at least she is a doctor and had to handle Bidet for the past 4 years. I am writing in Hillary this election cycle., try and stop me, it's literally her turn!!!
I have yet to hear a single plausible reason as to how Michelle Obama, Whitmer, Newsom, etc. would win any blue collar rust belt voters
Push for these polls. Keep reposting them. Biden is toast and now they are saying "Hey, so and so can beat Trump!!" how bad is that for the democrats all the infighting.
>Mutts will elect someone because they are spouse/faggot lover of the leader they like
Lol I unironcally hope for nothing but the destruction of America clown nation
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replace either trump or biden with almost anyone else and the replacement would win. nobody is going to vote "for" biden - only "for" or "against" trump.
everyone except you seems to know, retard. it would be his husband calling the shots
Right up until someone gets a peek
Why don't they just run Jill Biden? She's at least not senile.
Obama's economy was stagnant leaving in 2015, which is a big reason why Trump was able to go in and win in the midwest
It's his turn.
Biden will win by massive fraud.
As always.
Media will initially be baffled by the results, but then will fall into line.
As always.
I'd be more worried about her beating him with her 11 inches.
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Imagine thinking a negress will amount to anything
that shit doesn't matter. the obama cult is too strong and obama's term was up anyway. it was against hilldawg, not obongo
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Kek, ummmmmmm actually Biden is way more popular among black voters than Obama was... I mean you do believe 2020 was legit right? :^)
they should get the dog that bit all them glowniggers to be POTUS, he seems to know what's up.
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Well, when your guy is, "It was a cold, <five days later> "no wait, jet lag. Trump lied. Alleycat," you've gotta be touching bottom on morale. They'll believe anything at this point. Last night Trump was going to murder everyone so Biden should murder Trump first.

November is going to be fun and all but seriously, anons, look out. That "he/she isn't that type" liberal you know may very well become "that type." These are the people committing economic suicide because they can't afford a house, bear in mind.
the winner doesn't need rustbelter or rural retard votes.
Thats fucked up guys, who shooped the gorilla photo in?
Waste of digits
The twist is she hated the Oval Office and Barrack in it at the time, so no.
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jeoing737 would win
it's just joe biden being a fucking jet that's freaking epic

Online of "adults". Not registered voters or likely voters. Just " adults on the internet ".

Obama wasn't even that popular and Mitt took a dive and lost on purpose
You cant win an election campaigning on. >vote for me because i fuck a former president's ass hole every night!
First of all, it's not "her". Big mike is an obvious tranny.
Love how they wait until the very end to mention the poll is 100% worthless
if only dems didnt vote for Biden 90 days ago
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Is Michelle the savior?

Is the man lying about his gender the savior /pol/?
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Heil Hitler
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>Poll suggest Big Mike would beat Trump silly with his massive cock
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Do it.
First trans president
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Hunter Biden 2024
The Biden we need, but don't even deserve.
Digits Confirm, and it would be a rematch between Obama and Trump. I think if sissy Barack lost, Michele that is the macho could win
They tried that with Hillary
>former First Lady of a popular president
>no one's been running attack ads on her, so she polls well
and once people actually start campaigning the poll numbers plummet. Obomba, Citibank cabinet, Great Recession, there's a lot to attack her husband on, and it's hard to do a "I'm my own person" thing when (unlike Hillary) Michelle has no political career of her own to point to.
I love whenever these polls come up they never ask Michelle if she ever actually wants to run. She clearly doesn't.

It's the biggest waste of time liberal circlejerk "what-if" because Barack was loved.
her penis would be front and center. we've already seen Hunter's penis.
Hunter Biden 24
Make Natalie Naked Again
Is that before or after the dick pics come out?

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