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It's basically 60-40 Trump, because all the Biden points are with Democrats like Harris and Newsom who won't be the nominee unless Biden dies during the campaign.
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A meeting happened today and people in the know have cashed in
Good, guess I don't need to vote in November after all, and that goes for you too MAGA bros
I can 100% tell you they are trying to replace Biden. Everyone minus Biden and family are on board.
Russian liberals (all on grants from the US establishment to push a liberal agenda in Russia) started talking about Biden fucking up like a chorus, all on the same day.
Combined with the entire media apparatus suddenly admitting their own failures, this clearly means Biden is getting replaced
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The Storm

Dark Horse
then what are they waiting for?
They dont want to use force.
who gets the other 12.6%, RFK Jr?
Biden has the final say. His family want to cling to extra power and prestige and are basically begging him to run.
While the entire democrat apparatus are pressuring him to step down. Even Obama is on board with replacing him and is also trying to pressure the Biden family
They can't. The question of whether or not the incumbent runs again is entire in the jurisdiction of the incumbent. Nobody has legal leverage over him atm
they had the debate so early because they knew they couldn't hide his dementia any longer.
now they have time to replace him.
Yeah, they wanted him to fail a debate before replacing him - this gives the swap a lot more legitimacy in the public eye.

Point is, all of this is very desperate. These aren't normal moves a campaign has to take
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They can't make Jill and Hunter give up.
Jill Biden thinks she's the queen of planet earth and doesn't wanna be white trash again.
Hunter knows that once daddy leaves office, he's legally fucked.
Killing Joe now would look so obvious that everyone would know the game.
None of the people in their party are likeable either. Every single person has the suave and charisma of a stump made for Home Depot as a lawn ornament.

They dug a hole in their greed and lust for power and control. Basically like a crackhead doing crack as he disintegrates but doesn't know he's disintegrating even with every sane sober person around telling him to stop smoking crack.
Karma is an ancient known phenomenon for a good reason.
Things is evwry one of their potential replacements are just as badly perceived, if not moreso, than he is.
Kumswala is an absolute dolt and everyone sees it.
Newscum is laughable and would need to hide for a full cycle because of how bad his record in California is.
Whitmer would get everything she did during lockdowns in Michigan tossed in her face.
Pritzker, Polis, and Shapiro are all jews and would infuriate the left base.
MOHAP doesn't have the political will to run, even if "her" husband begged "her".
So where's the fucking bench?
Good jobs Dems, ya dun goofed trying to out crazy each other.
I know, as I said - these are desperation moves. They simply understand that any of those candidates have a better shot at winning than a poorly reanimated corpse incumbent.

They could still hype up Newsom or Kamala in the 130 days left, and most of the dem voters would swallow it and vote for either of them.
The chances would still be slim, but no longer zero.

Plus, they want to build up a new democratic figurehead for the next election - currently there is no "big well known guys" to run for 2028
My money is still on Jeb Bush to be honest.
none of them are viable. don't kid yourself.
jews going all in on Trumpstien
This means nothing. It'll all be undone at 4 AM.
I wonder if they'll be crawling towards RFK Jr at this rate.
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>Plus, they want to build up a new democratic figurehead for the next election - currently there is no "big well known guys" to run for 2028

You're an idiot and you're full of shit.
Absolutely NOBODY wants to jump into this shit show and take the L.
You do not "build up" a candidate by losing a presidential election, because losing one's first attempt at running for president is a 99% death sentence to even becoming a candidate again.
Romney, Kerry, McCain, Mondale, Dukakis, McGovern, etc. etc etc.
No first-timer has ever lost an election and made a comeback since Nixon lost in 1960 and came back in 1968.
Joe is all alone and nobody is coming to save him. Stop pretending like you have insider info, because you are nothing but a larping, clueless, retarded eurofaggot.
Massive cope
It's her turn
>$1.29/gal gas
Damn, 2019 was pretty sweet in hindsight
And it doesn't matter if any are viable, because none of them want to jump in and take this L, thereby destroying future chances.
Trump running as a previous incumbent is one thing, but people who run and lose their first time trying almost NEVER get another shot.
>currently there is no "big well known guys" to run for 2028
Andrew Cuomo

Dems & republicans should use the 25th amendment to declare Joe incapacitated and replace him with Kamala.

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