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What do pagans believe besides being anti-christianity?
can you guys formulate your philosophy without mentioning "christcuck" or some other buzzword?

Seems like it's just fake faith, cynical belief just so they are not labeled as atheists, the kings of midwittery.

What social activities pagans do? Religion is nothing without rites, rituals, getting together, meeting people...Might as well live in the VR world if you're not doing that
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non organized paganism is just a CODA religion
lmao, the dude who made this lives in lalaland
delusional stuff
Paganism have like 10-15 different paths. You have to be more specific as they all work completely different from one and another
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what do you believe in and how does it help
>Omri/Khomri (king of Israel) dynasty lasts until 722BC when the assyrians conquered and dispersed the people
>Assyrian documents refer to them as Khumry
>Khimmirai/Gimmirai/Cimmerians appear in Assyrian records during the reign of Sargon II (722-705BC)
>Cimmerians are known from Herodotus to be driven westward out of their lands around the Black Sea (modern Crimea takes its name from them) by the Scythians
>Cimmerians disappear from historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts exit historical records (or, more accurately, are dispersed into various subgroupings) around 5th century CE
>Welsh (Cymraegs) appear in historical records around 6th century CE from Celtic origins
Are these related?
Ok then show me one pagan practice which has survived into modern time that was carried out independently from Christianity.

Let’s see how positive you are of your claim that independant pagan sects continued past their Christianization period in Europe.

I’ll keel it simole for you too. Name a single one. That’s all.
I don't remember pagan people looking that way, see pic related.
This thread: started by a jew
Remember anons, the last thing they want is you in an ethnoreligion
>Countries that welcome our Lord
>Rich and powerful
>Atheist savages
>Playthings of the Christian countries
Begone Juden
there are no continuous pagan europeans. show me one group of people. it's all larp.
do you even believe in God
>favela monkey thread
The gods aren't one singular being. That's literally it. Even if they are all emanations from the same source, they may as well be different entities entirely as far as the limited scope of human perception and interaction with the acausal.
>the jews who worked as priests
Pure mental illness and delusion
The Reason Christianity is Gay Is
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No. The Caucasians Amorites and Kurds, would likely not let Jews pass through the Caucuses. They would have had to have passed through hostile territory. They were likely dead before they hit the Armenian Highlands or the Syrian Gates. The Anabasis of Xenophon is really illuminating when it comes to migrations and how native populations treat migrants. Of the 7ish tribes the Greeks met along the way only 3 were non hostile and only 1 willingly gave aid while another was forced into it by Xenophon who basically had to kidnap the villiage leader’s kid for food. To put this into a geographical context as well we’re talking about an area not much bigger than the size of Texas. Only to have them initially be turned aways by the Athenians whk had just undergone a regime change. This is why it’s such a noteworthy feat. It does not happen like that usually. Usually you did not comfortably travel from region to region and everyone was friendly.
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You're saying "pagan" but describing atheists. Not the same thing, especially when talking about imaginary personifications to begin with.

SOL is the star that gives freely. The God of order, light and life in THIS plane of existence. Our sun itself, under a common name. The provider of our environment and enabler of our lives and existence continued.

Instinctu Divinitatis
Restitutor Orbis
And SOL Invictus.
anabasis is an awesome book, just recently read it
from iran to greece by foot
but you know half of them were visibly heavily armored hoplite mercenaries, not civlians
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Is your idea of religion based on "faith" in an alternate dimension or godhood that only exists as far as you, the mortal, can spread it? Is it based on blackmail for a heaven you have no assurance of, based on the written word of other men?

It doesn't have to be. That's the difference. I see and feel SOL every dau if my life, as do you. Do you not appreciate life, light and order? Provided freely, without tithes or taxes or temples?
so you worship the sun
Have you felt any supernatural touch while doing so?
minus the aurelian larp
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Go fuck yourself. Pagans never need your approval. The Catholics sainted men for attacks on pagans.
Yeas. That proves my point. Migrating civilians could not have dealt with the problems they had. At least three times in the book they had to take to the field in ordered formations. You could not do that with civilians. It might have been easier for the hoplites but they still had big problems
you won't see it until after the collapse when the cops won't be there to save you.
The ethnoreligion of the other 3 goth kids you sit with at your lunch table, kiddo? Do you ever tell them that have the power to sense dark forces?
It’s all a groupnof LGBT post-goth kids who play dressup for instagram shoots.
they invent their own gods. often praying to sacred poles, gold figurines, and marking their bodies with scars.
no they can't. no two pagans can agree on core beliefs and everyone differs in what they do. With Christianity, there have been several schisms and splintering off (some with good reasons, others just because lol, and others because of demons), it's obvious Satan would want the true faith divided. But with pagans, it's because the whole thing is retarded and just simply "believe and do what you want :) worship that tree"
Isn't most of Africa Christian? All of Latin America is. It hasn't done much good for them. Face it, Pagan Europeans built the Roman Empire. Europe converted and white people continued to excel. Christianity isn't responsible for the success of European civilization, white people are just built different.
>What do pagans believe besides being anti-christianity?
From what I gathered from this thread, nothing. It's just hating Christianity and reposting the same memes and insults.
Read Evola for the philosophy. Nobody has started right wing pagan cults yet so I just do stuff I read about in books.
Hermeticism survived into modern times.
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Nope. Because SOL is a "living" but more aptly described "existing" god, of this dimension or plane of existence whatever you want to label it. It does not have a face or mind or will to manipulate specific human beings, yet it is entirely responsible for our existence on all basic level, every single day of our existence. That's ALL human beings, or every race and creed, biological or religious denomination.

But if we're being honest, the everyday realization that we can all commune with the star that gives freely while relying entirely on its gifts for existence WOULD be a pretty heavy and deeply life changing thing, if you think about it. It's not something we're taught, usually.
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...as opposed to "your" god, that comes entirely from the written word of other mortal men? Don't by hypocritical, you're all playing with imaginary personifications.

That's because don't understand what the term "pagan" means, and how it's a general term for non Abrahamic faith, traditionally. Of course random pagans wouldn't agree on specifics. That's like saying "gosh, idk why Islamics and Catholics can't agree, they're all Abrahamic!" Kek.

Is the sun real? Is it important? How important? Be honest. Those who glow do so because they can't SHINE.
>it's a general term for non Abrahamic faith
Not exactly true. Prior to the modern era most Christians would've considered Islam "pagan."
Nowadays it's mostly a catch-all term for "non-monotheistic."

Abrahamic is a stupid term too mostly because it implies that Judaism is in any way related to the religion practiced in the old testament and not a kabbalistic shitshow that is largely medieval. Islam is even further because it's basically a syncretism of local Arab legend with a heretical sect of Christianity. It would be like calling Manichaeism or any flavor of christian-influenced gnosticism an Abrahamic religion.
Is rooted on Abraham, just like Judaism and Islam. Hence the three are referred to as Abrahamics
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>jews aren't really jews y'know.
I always get a chuckle when you christfags pull that card out of your ass.
They’re just Jews, anon. All /pol/ pagans are just Jews.
the pagans on here are a psyop
nothing makes jews more angry than christians
if you dont believe me just go tell one Christ is king and watch how they react. its like flinging water on a cat
also i've come to the conclusion that for much of the old testament the jews were misled into worshiping something other than the one true God, and they still serve that thing to this very day
>nobody has started right wing pagan cults yet
You sure about that?
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Fair enough, walk warmly either way anon.

Praise SOL
AANNDD Christcucksianity didn't invent their Triune Omni-God"? Of course, they did! Remember the parable about the Turtle and the Scorpion? At the river the Scorpion asked the Turtle for a ride across it The Turtle said he would if he wasn't stung. Halfway across the river, the Scorpion stung the Turtle. Asked why? It said that it is in his nature. No. "We' will not tell you much of anything about Paganism because you'll use what you learn to turn and rend us. "We" won't let our pearls be trampled by pigs either.
You worship jews lol

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