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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do women realize what they've done? That they've created a society where nobody is willing to protect them from danger anymore? The headlines I read about what happens to women in public in broad daylight on a daily basis were unthinkable even 10 years ago.
Not my problem
She voted for it
She was asking for it
I would expect a line to form actually. Someone will bring her flowers.
They have no idea. At least as far as I can tell.
What do I care
As men get divorce raped, legislators failed to intervene, noticers say
>Save her from being raped
>She calls you a racist bigot and gets you fired
>Save her from being raped
>Police arrest you instead for heckin racism
>In both scenarios there is a high chance she keeps voting for more third worlders and social justice and gun control
Kind of her fault
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>failed to
succeeded not to
rape was a property crime when women were owned by father or husband. Outside of that model, it is just natural sex. Women LOVE being taken by powerful male(s) in a sex act
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I would have intervened but the rapist was black & I don't want to get called a racist.
I just hope I get in line before the German Shepherd.
Based. I certainly won't be risking my life/freedom to save some dumb bitch who more than likely demanded that it be illegal for men to defend ourselves or anybody else.

It really does seem that way. I remember just a few years ago how common it would be for guys to talk about what they'd do if they saw a guy doing XYZ to a woman in front of them. Of course it was all puffed up tough talk, but I don't even hear that anymore. Now it's more common for a guy to pull up a video of a woman getting clocked in the jaw by a man and laughing about how the dumb bitch deserved it than it is to hear a guy talk about how he'd beat the shit out of another man for hitting a woman in front of him. How many public rapes will it take before they realize how exposed to danger they really are when they step out of the house now? I tried to find the article about the illegal who strangled and raped a 12 year old in central park a few weeks ago, but that's old news now and has been completely replaced on google with a new story of a guy who tried to rape a different woman in Central Park.
she voted for it status?
This. I have no responsibility to get involved.
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>state reprimands men for taking law into their own hands, state reprimands men for not taking law into their own hands.

this seems schizophrenic.
no bears around
100% fact. Women were at their safest and happiest when they were legally considered a man's property. No man wants to risk his life to protect what isn't even his.
I’d join him in raping her
What's in it for me?
>Hey google, tell me about the recent rape of some chick in central park
You'll have to be more specific.
Clown world gettin' funnier.
You're equal, right? Defend yourself.
>most crime decreases
kek it is because they stop bothering to count crime as crime anymore
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Let the arrogant cunts take their own garbage out.
They're 'equal' now...
This is basically it. Most women, even purportedly conservative women, support feminism. At its core, feminism is misandrist and hostile to masculinity. One of the core fundamentals of traditional masculinity is to protect women (i.e. chivalry), but this has been largely eradicated thanks to feminist education and propaganda. Leftism and its consequences are the result of women. Period.
Who is more likely to take public transit: Chad or a soi slurping bug man? This is just another case of women getting the male feminists they deserve.
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>A movement founded by a bunch of lesbians resulted in women not being protected from physical harm
Lesbians are obsessed with beating the shit out of other women.
based, I hope they all took turns
Not surprising. Feminism has brainwashed and poisoned modern women and has turned them into misandrists, it's gotten so bad that according to PEW 63% of men have checked out of dating and the workforce because of how badly women and society as a whole treats men, especially white men. Women are constantly falsely accusing men of abuse and rape and even staring at women is considered sexual assault in places like the UK. Why the fuck should men help modern women these days?
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Women never chose this. Democracy is just “manufactured consent”. You think this will change anything? No. Stop caring about the sheep’s behavior and worry about becoming the leader they follow.
women are qual to men. why didnt she defend herself?
Hell, this was probably the last time an incident like this ever happened. This guy's public humiliation was probably was woke everyone up and made men in general realize it's better to just let these dumb bitches get what's coming to them than to bother stepping in and getting nearly killed for nothing.
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He stopped tweeting four days after the incident. I wonder if he got mocked off the internet or if the abusive chad came back to finish the job.
I wonder how he feels now that he's had some time to reflect
*taps sign* No refunds.
Women might as well be a different race who also behave like niggers. I don't care about their self-induced struggles.
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>each hit I took was one taken from her
That's not how that works. If you're a wife beater and some basedjak tried to stop you from publicly beating your wife and you had to beat him up, it would piss you off. The fucker intervening probably made the woman get an even worse beating when they got home.
What's in it for me?
What have women done for me recently?
I don't owe you anything.
You turned society into a series of transactions, live by it.
my initiative has always been for a while now to reinstate the rule of thumb its a start
it's a lose lose. women are vain and attention seeking creatures. if you don't help she will whine you did nothing. if you do she will whine she is traumatized because you attacked her attacker. at least not helping you are a blank face in a crowd and won't be singled out by national media.
>so who was that guy that intervened? ARE YOU FUCKING HIM YOU WHORE?
Triple vaxxed
>Noooo mister refugee don't rape me
You voted for this, young women overwhelmingly vote for mass immigration and being raped but I repeat myself.
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Whilst it may appear that female political leanings align with them raped, that is not actually true, it’s actually the other way around, many women correctly identify Abrahamic-conservatism and petty nationalism to -be- rape, to be a ghetto, so they are unitive, in favour of the human race, or ‘society,’ or the Aryan race, or a larger and freer area that is less of a trad-ghetto, they are more unitive, racial, superstitious, connecting outwardly, the opposite of rape, Abrahamic-Conservative White people are alligned with Brown men — you know this, White women know this, stop pretending this isn't the case
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This shit only happens in places that have liberal/Soros district attorneys, which are ALREADY nigger infested shit holes. Also, I bet 100% the rapist was black AND the rape victim was black.
There are still plenty of places where a man can protect a woman, even with deadly force, and, at worst, only have to fill out some extra paperwork. Just look at your local district attorney. Do they prosecute criminals who commit real crimes (even small ones) or do they spend all their time chasing "hate crimes" against inanimate objects?
He needs to defend women more often until he get suicided.
Ok, retard.
Am I the only one who would beat the rapist half to death?
police, who have no duty to intervene, sure do have a lot of gall to criticizing citizens for not intervening. perhaps if they didn't arrest and imprison people for intervening, more might try it.
I fucking hate you simps so much.
All the protections straight white men gave femoids were labeled oppressive by jews.
And foids fell for it in their quest for freedom and power minus responsibility and accountability.
Now we sit back and eat popcorn whites these worthless cunts are attacked, robbed, raped and murdered in broad daylight by the shitskins they allowed in with open arms.
>You voted for this you cunt, enjoy your stupid life choices.
If you are a "strong independent woman," why would you need any help? And if you decide to help a woman, you will only get shit and humiliation in return. There is absolutely nothing to gain from helping a sperm bucket. Also, this is what they wanted.
Women actively vote for their own demise.
>Save her from being raped
>Get shanked
>She gets raped anyway and you get a nice pine box, as no-one else dares to rise against nogs
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Your argument makes a lot of sense but white women didnt invent feminism. Jews did. White women would largely be normal today without Jews creating the dysfunctional ideology.

IT certainly appears that feminism was created to drive a wedge between white males and females
And white women needed basically no convincing at all to take that wedge and jam it as far as they could between themselves and white men.
Yes. If I ever have to get involved I am beating both of them sensless.
What if the woman was wearing a trump shirt and a maga hat?
I would have died to protect a woman that was actually mine or even protected one just to do the right thing in the hopes I get the former one day, but now since these whores made it clear what they're about I would rather die than protect a woman. I'd rather die to protect a piece of inanimate garbage on the street from getting stepped on again. Fuck a bitch.
You can't kill someone just for making verbal threats.
You're an evil fuck. Imagine if it were your sister getting raped and you discovered a train full of cowards looked the other way instead of helping.
Can I get a QRD?
Keep blaming women for what kikes have done, retard.
Not my problem
She voted for it
She was asking for it
Well that's not his sister. It's not his friends. It's some dumb privileged bitches who couldn't care less if he died. They might even fuck the guy that killed him since they love criminals and evil men so much. Let them enjoy the destruction they asked for instead of pretending random men they don't care about or openly hate are responsible for them. Fight the fucking patriarchy gurl. You show them what your queef can do.
Any guy that would've defended her would've ended up in jail, and she would be on the news saying he didn't have to intervene so violently and to forgive the family for the rapist or some lib bullshit like that.. I have no care for these unthinking animals.
There’s a difference between bravery and stupidity bong boy. You should know that by now. What you are proposing is the definition of stupidity (risk my life to protect some random bitch that’s gonna help her “attacker” attack me). Mind your own business
I don't expect strangers to protect other strangers in public.
That is a rich man. What's his fund up to now? 3, 4 or 5 million?
And the DA keeps asking for continuances as his lawyer goes on talk shows talking shit about them.
All for making a nigger gud
There's truth to that yes, but feminist white females seem to overwhelmingly be college-educated, which to me lays the fault with the faculty members. People are not too hard to mold.

But yeah, fault needs to be assigned to these feminist white women too. Nobody forced them to accept the toxic ideology. And if theyre too fucking stupid to think their way out of it then screw them.
Nigger...... What the fuck are you talking about? That didn't make a lick of gottdang sense
he forgot he wasn't the guy in his twitter avatar.
>that’s gonna help her “attacker"
What a load of shit. You think she wouldn't be grateful for preventing her from being fucking raped?
Not that it matters, the point is to stop the rape from happening, not fulfill some hero fantasy you have in your mind. Stopping the rape is the be all and end all of the entire situation.
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The truth is, conservative women are bad women, and it’s not an insult, and it’s not even based on pattern recognition, it’s just conceptual. You look at National Socialism: it’s not rape and it’s not a ghetto, although maybe some people will disagree, centrism: it’s not rape and it’s not a ghetto, leftism: the same thing, conservatism: it
-is- rape and it -is- a ghetto. The Third Reich was eugenicist, Aryanist, Nordicist, they promoted athleticism, whereas with Abrahamic-conservatives, you’re going into racial areas, then you don’t even realise, you’re going into genetic areas, and you don’t even realise their importance. It would be better if women were right-wing than left-wing or perhaps even centrist, if we’re talking about a non-conservative right-wing, which is a very natural concept, but perhaps it has been unusual, maybe that’s the problem. It’s not even about women, like "you need women to be powerful," I’m not a democrat, it’s actually about the men who have sex with women (because they’re heterosexual and they’re not incels,) it’s really about them.
Daniel Penny
Girls are always catered to, and they become entitled to it. So they fall for sex-based class struggle easily.
>100% fact. Women were at their safest and happiest when they were legally considered a man's property
Is that why a lot of them murdered their husbands? Was the overwhelming feelings of safety and happiness just too overwhelming?
isnt there a saying, something like,. "if getting away with murder aint the way to be, than getting bitches all rapey is O.K with me"
someshit. basically, if i cant kill a mf'r than what business is it of mine to stop a rape
>Also, I bet 100% the rapist was black AND the rape victim was black.
This is the case, although Iirc the woman was a Dominican, so lighter skinned higher and mixture. All the by standers were also nigs. One even recorded it.
They were also in the bombed out part of Philly that was once nice working class Huwhite areas till the kikes managed to lawfare the end of segregation and then forced section 8 and busing on the humans of the city
I hate kikes and nigs so much it's unreal
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Opening paragraph
>sexually assaulted
What actually happened
>Unwanted Male Gaze
I mean, it's certainly a great excuse to bash a niggers head in. But make sure you cover your face in case the DA is a nigger or kike
You can absolutely restrain someone attempting a strong armed robbery you daffy cunt. Which is exactly what he was doing. All while making explicit threats, ie imminent calls to lawless action.
You are wrong in all regards
>Is that why a lot of them murdered their husbands
Define a lot. Regardless of these tiny amount of what can only be exceptions women were better off back then than now as wage slave trannies in denial who can't keep a relationship or act right in general anyway despite all the freedom.
We live under a feminist regime. We are surrounded by the evil, deluded, ignorant scum that enable it.
Lads, whatever is bad about women, if you don't Will to Protect Yourselves and what you find valuable, you're going to die, and dead people don't complain.

Train the whole militia. Start with you. Seek Jesus, Get trained. Or Cry, which is most of this thread if we're honest.
Dude stop taking drugs.
>I don't know it was just some small dick loser trying to fuck me, I only want to be with you baby
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If the police has no duty to interfere, I sure as hell ain't going to.
Hi train the whole militia guy. I do enjoy your exhortation to readiness
It reminds me to go to the range and then clean my rifle
>She still ended up going with him
What did he expect her to do ? Fight and get her ass kicked like the onions too? If he wanted her to not go with him he shouldn't have lost.
>police b like
>"they wouldn't do the job we're not obligated to do"

what are the actual things i pay taxes for, like what does it REALLY go to?
Narcissistic shitlib womb-men and journos wrecked society. I hope they all get raped.
I'm a semi-functional, anxiety-ridden, autistic cis-male retard.
I only have the capacity to sympathize with my wife and 4 children.
I can not begin to assume what strangers participate in public is not consensual performance art.
Leave it to the courts.
Funding government employee's vacations and salaries. If you pay taxes you're bluepilled
Thank you anon. I pray you never have to use it in anger.
I've taken to making a pushup count instead of the entire reminder. Mostly to remind myself that I can't wait on you guys either.
10 pushups instead of a sarcastic quip
20 pushups instead of a paragraph to a dishonest leftist.
Alternate with sit-ups/crunches, or a call to practice trigger squeeze, or groupings, depending on the seriousness of the event and OP's take.
Hopefully I'll drop enough weight in the next few weeks to get into distances ran. My knees are still too weak for much of that with this weight.
These women are just demons in slutty suits. Like skinwalkers. They talk about how men are so disgusting for having a sex drive and just looking at them is sexual assault but they literally fantasize about rape. Men are so abusive and in the past all men beat their stupid ass wives but post feminism these whores hit men more than women hit them in relationships on top of them hitting their kids. Men should fix their nasty rude personalities and treat women better but these whores lust after and pay ridiculous amounts of money to actual criminals who killed, raped and assaulted whoever whenever and couldn't care less about the bitches. Guys usually younger might assume the best of women based on all the lies of how nice they are (told by women) only to be humiliated because these hellspawn see goodness as weakness and a turnoff.
>Men are so abusive and in the past all men beat their stupid ass wives but post feminism these whores hit men more than women *get hit by men in relationships on top of them hitting their kids
>muh heckin' voterinos did this!
Retard. Jews don't care about "votes."
Beyond the fact that she voted for such a society and that you'd probably land yourself in trouble if you did try to help, there's the fact that there's no meaningful benefit for men to intervene. In a society where every man has a wife, you'd be willing to intervene to help a woman with the hope that other men would do the same for your wife if she were out somewhere unaccompanied by you. Once having a woman is no longer a universal part of the social contract, there's really no reason for a man to believe that he has any sort of moral imperative to help. In such a society, it would be no different for a woman to be raped right in front of a man, or on the other side of the world.
it's all about confidence
The only women I'd even consider defending are the ones that let me stick my dick in them (which is none). In conclusion: TWD
My buddies on a text group would always check in with the push up count, but all of us had kids recently so the count has dropped precipitously.
And man, take care of those knees! You do not want to do long runs and especially weighted runs if you have any kind of knee issue and extra weight
Also I heard those copper wrap things are really great for support and protection so might want to look into that
I saw a bong in this thread say it's evil not to help these whores. But what's really evil is feminists thinking men owe them their very lives when they made it very clear they have no obligation to men under any circumstances.
> My shit is anally sourced.

imagine that. oh well, thanks for inventing a reality and sharing it on the internet.
Men’s greatest weapon going forward is indifference. It’s the best revenge on a society that expects us to care or act. No traditional society, no obligation to help. Women voted for this by endorsing feminism actively or passively. Not men’s problem anymore.
If you don't let niggers rape, then you're racist
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fuck, they can see the profane kikery all the way over in alashiya

yeah, kikes are hell bent on negrifying everything like they did to themselves thousands of years ago
>Strong and independent!
>Don't need a man!
>Smash the patriarchy!
Rando psycho grabs them on the subway
>"Help! help! I need some fuckin' patriarchy, right fuckin' now!"

During the Middle Ages, the Black Plague didn't stop killing until it killed its last host then it died, itself.

Women infected with the plague of feminism must be allowed to die out, the same way. No nookie, no helpee.
Women are not entitled to my protection.
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>Give women the vote
>Women vote for massive daddy government to replace their husbands so they can be 'independent'
>Big daddy government, due to continous female voting habits based purely off of emotion and 'but it FEELS good' steadily strips away all your rights of self defense because guns scary, and women want the GOVERNMENT to be their protectors because it requires nothing of them.
>Government increasingly creates an anarcho-tyranny environment where the only people getting arrested and punished are those that engage in self defense because it undermines such a massive government's authority.
>Criminals get let off because of female policies and because the government doesn't give a shit about crimes as they usually only happen to peasants. Big daddy government members all have private security anyway.
I hope it keeps happening, this is literally what they voted for. If you risk your life or freedom to help them you're a certified retard.
As always, FPBP
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>Women are not entitled to my protection.
u lousy misogynist
>Do women realize what they've done? That they've created a society where nobody is willing to protect them from danger anymore? The headlines I read about what happens to women in public in broad daylight on a daily basis were unthinkable even 10 years ago.
because leftism is solely about hating White people and nothing else. Leftists will vote against their own ideology if they think it hurts Whites.
once women get out in the streets and start protesting the existence of non-whites in their countries then I might consider them back on the team again

until then, they're on their own
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Oh so ponoos in va-
>sexually assaulted
Oh, so I'm guessing in the actual article a man was just leering at a woman and maybe calling her a whore or a slut? Shitty screencap, fuck the jew york times
women have a long way to go, i doubt theyll ever be truly based.
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Look, I'm just not gonna do it (protect the wammins)
It's just... I'm going to let them be strong independent women is all.
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Leftists would not even be a blip on the radar if it weren't for jewish control over mainstream media, social media, and academia. They would barely merit a footnote in history. Modern leftism is prominent because it has always been a jewish assault against the White race, since the days of the jew, Karl Marx.

Leftists are the golems of jews.
I guess no one ever told him women only want to fuck the winners.
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The Message is practically baked in these new models. Not as fun as it used to be.
>nooo boyim we didn't vote for it
>we just voted for it and cheered for it and supported it while treat8ng you all like fucking dirt
lol eat shit and get raped cunt.
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>the world is a business
this mentality is how they assign monetary value to human lives

and they've had thousands of years to perfect this "exchange rate"
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If I see a woman getting culturally enriched I'll cross the street or walk the other way because it's not my problem and they deserve it for demonising men for decades and voting for niggers.

Plus if you step in and the nigger gets hurt, you are going to prison. Not them. Besides the woman wouldn't even thank you.
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Fip to the bip
nah I'm good, she'll testify against me for doing too much
>One of the core fundamentals of traditional masculinity is to protect women (i.e. chivalry)
Stop propagating this. Chivalry has very little to do with protecting women. It's practically a footnote in the practice historically.
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>were unthinkable even 10 years ago.
Dishonesty or little imagination.
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Jews have effectively destroyed the social contract between Men & Women.
Hitler was right.

there's no fixing this
only way forward is by making robowaifus with artificial wombs that are antisemitic by default.
This is a big part of it for me, in my entire 32 years I can count on one hand how many women have treated me decently, none of whom were even relatives or my own mother.
Sorry, I only defend women in my family who are worth defending
Women want sex robots made illegal because it removes their pussy power
>Now it's more common for a guy to pull up a video of a woman getting clocked in the jaw by a man and laughing about how the dumb bitch deserved it
My coworkers were passing a video around of this german(?) girl talking to some guys and one of them slaps her so hard she lands on her ass an stops talking. Mind you, these are average søyboy types not the alpha sigma tate larpers
i support niggers and other assorted brown people assaulting and raping white women
id cheer them on at this stage
niggers and so on have a small chance to harm me personally, women have harmed civilization which is a far far greater evil
giving women the right to vote si the biggest mistake a society can ever make
A video on a bar and she gets argumentative? I think she was russian
>I saw a bong in this thread say it's evil not to help these whores
bongs are very susceptible to propaganda. They are basically a nation of Don Quixotes.
White women should be free-use nglngl. They literally don’t have masters. Other ethnicities at least have control over their women. White women are ‘masterless’ and should be treated as public property.
Women don't owe me sex. I don't owe women security. I would only fight for women who are relatives.
>call 911
>let brave public servants be the heroes
don't thank me, just doing my civic duty.
I actually had to save a woman being groped on the train by two somalian rapefugees. I had to do overtime until midnight and it was a good way to vent off my frustration.
it's men's fault for giving them voting rights fr ong nocap
>train riders
odd way to say "strong independent females", what has this world come to when strong women dont stand up for their own.
don't be retarded, that's the whole point. Feminism needs women to be miserable, it's the only way it can justify its continued existence after achieving legal equality.
shut the fuck up cunt
not just women. I'd say most modern men have internalized feminism by now via over-socialization.
You're a retard.
That's the one, I don't know german but it didn't sound russian either
Fippy bippy
Elect democrat DAs, get democrat crime numbers. Enjoy your prolasped anus.
Women voted for, supported, and cheered for what the jews were doing 100% of the way, they jumped on the chance to rob and screw their own men with glee, a smile on their face, and a skip in their step.

Not ONCE did they stop to think about what they were doing to their own fathers and brothers and sons and husbands. They deserve all the shit they get and more, you fucking clown.
But thats not my sister, faggot.
Family has different rules.
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>women would rather be raped and killed in the streets than take advice from straight while males
Meh, pol is more concise and to the point. That AI writes like a fag.
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>Women don't owe me sex. I don't owe women security. I would only fight for women who are relatives.
You have sex with your relatives? Wtf Kraut.
Mostly this. White Conservatives are just lost sheep that have found themselves on a Jewish farm.
Inventing reality was what the anon I responded to did.
>a lot of them
>These people who we have enslaved for centuries don't know how to be free
>Clearly they were better off when they were forced into horrible circumstances with little way out
No. Most problems you mentioned isn't unique to them and they wouldn't be immune to them regardless of rights and freedoms.
Longer they are free, more they will understand themselves and know how to make better lives for themselves. And no one can force them to be independent either, they are free to submit to any men(which alot already do regularly) point is it should be a choice otherwise your are forcing your will on people and are directly responsible for all the horrible shit that might come from it. Stop trying to solve problems like a cave dwelling rapist.
Moderrn woman is fucking hilarious. She wants to summon demons n shit before Western men punish them for their faggotry but we don't live in a fantasy world so all they can do is die
America is a dead nation, divided and conquered
What a crock of feminist bullshit. Feminists aren't going to get better, they're going to get worse. That's been the historical trajectory the entire time. It just gets worse and worse, wave after wave. Nothing you say matches reality in the slightest.
>masculinity bad, t. modernity
>omg why won't men intervene in hentai train rapes!?
If I said majority/most then you would have a point.
calling you a simp would be a conpliment. You're full on there is no war on ba sing senretsrded
White men create governments with protections against the government, women create governments that protect them against men.
This. I wouldn't want to mansplain on how it's bad or show off my toxic masculinity and fight her assailant. Besides, Marvel movies show us all how much girls can KICK ASS!
This is just like my hentai stories... except the woman is a blown out whore and the train rapist is a disgusting nigger.
> that rapist just cucked an entire train.
but sorry, equal rights and all
also police arresting those that "help".
fuck that, she can enjoy her unplanned nigger penetration.
you wouldn't need to be a protected class if you could compete with white men.
I’d protect my sister because she’s my sister, not because she’s a woman. A random person in public getting assaulted is none of my concern. Doesn’t matter whether they’re a man or woman. Symptoms of a low-trust society, enjoy your niggers.
My sister wants open borders and so I disowned her.
and jews are driven soley by their hatred of White people
Where were her brave girlboss sisters who can beat up men bare handed in her time of need?! How tragic...
She diesn't even want that. She is just momocing the elite. Larping, if you will. No one acctually thinks open borders is a good idea
lmao you just know she gets wet at the thought of wild untamed brown dick
>No. Most problems you mentioned isn't unique to them
Yes what I described is unique to them. They switched from having men be in control to being in control themselves and made everything (but especially themselves) measurably worse with the freedom while still blaming men for their fuck ups and expecting them to sacrifice themselves as if they still belong to men in relationships. You are just full of shit and in denial.
When have women created governments? They are just one of many groups in a literal Jewish alliance because white men failed to give them any alternatives, other than going back to the heckin kitchen.
So when I argue why they're bad and they argue that they're actually a good thing, they're what, running on zombie mode? Are women too dumb to be held accountable? Either way, she and my mom are the same and I'd kill them first in a civil war scenario. Zero fucks given.
They murdered their husbands because they were committing adultery and were stupid enough to believe their adultery would marry them after the husband was killed. Protip even if she got away with it her adulterer faggot never married her and she became a permanent widow.
She married a mexican man and they live in a 2 bedroom house with 10 other people. They all hate my sister and call her a stupid gringo, fat pig, etc etc. She made her spic bed.
>Failed to Intervene
SCOTUS already ruled that cops don't have a legal obligation to help you. Why would strangers be obligated if police aren't?
>serving your men and children evil slavery
>serving jews, corporations and man whores that don't care about you is true freedom and the better option chud rapist
Rot in piss
You forgot
>Where was her husband
I'm not a woman.
They'll never be able to compete if you keep enslaving them and they don't even have to compete, They simply should have a choice.
damn that sucks. you did the right thing writing her off. dont get upset tho women are known whores regardless of race religion age sentience.
I would love to cave your head in with an aluminum bat.
>they're what, running on zombie mode?
I wuld say so. If somone is full on mimicing the elite then they're prob just sex bots.
tell her to at least lose some weight.
no excuse for being fat.
Of course they don't lmao.

I wonder how many witnesses secretly hoped he'd kill her as well so there would be one less democrat voter?
based paki bro
Doesn't mean they should get a pass for it. I'll never stop pointing out how retarded liberal NPCs are.

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What's the euphemism? Train trouble-makers? Rail rascals?
women have sold sex forever.
men get robbed of their value by pickpockets.
women who pretend they are men are similarly robbed of their value.
The kitchen is an offer of safety from the fate of man.
It's your choice to refuse and your choice to be robbed.
No retard. having the option to choose is the freedom. No one can force your wife to work for a corporation if she doesn't want to, she can stay home and raise your kids. But you and other /pol/tards want to force all of them to stay home regardless of their unique and personal circumstances. For example not everyone is going to have a good husband who is deserving of a wife like that.
>They simply should have a choice
Women chose destruction of themselves and those around them despite not only having choice but being privileged. You're just in denial and would rather pretend this is another idealized reality where if you just heckin let them choose and stop being oppressive patriarchal chuds they'll choose right. Not only will they keep choosing wrong but they'll blame the men they turned on and celebrated not having to listen to for them choosing wrong.
nope race traitors can fuck right off a cliff. especially if that's your sister of all people, literally the closest genetic person to you in the world. throwing away her genes and that to to a fucking spic?
Whites bitch when we do the same. India is the global leader, everyone bitches and then end up pajeetmaxxing themselves. Brown man's burden
They have choice, the consequence of choosing to be men is rape.
Men working a 9-5 for a woman is slavery.
A woman cleaning her own home and cooking her own food is not slavery.
Who gives a shit about this imaginary woman you just made up? Feminism is bad for the world. If this imaginary woman has to suffer, so be it.
Schrodinger's gentelman. Is it okay to treat a woman terribly because she wouldnt appreciate you is you were a blue eyed gwntleman even if inreality you're a poo in the loo pajeet??
You might be right, anon. And to suffer the consequences of your own actions is part of being free. If they fail then so be it, just as it is for everyone else.
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Ruining how everything works by bending it based on some exceptions clearly hasn't worked you stupid cunt. You already admitted you think men were so bad in the past women were all killing their husbands somehow. You desperately wouldn't want them to choose to be housewives again because you think it's evil slavery, and you would keep lying to their gullible stupid asses so they stay worse off in the name of some dykes who might actually enjoy putting the hours in one of your mcjobs over having a family.
This is from 2021:


> Police superintendent says victim is an 'unbelievably strong woman'

Did that want these men to violate social distancing protocols or something?
kill yourself and avoid reproducing
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>protect them from danger

I am the danger!
>If they fail then so be it
women are an essential part of the breeding process. if you let them run rampant you are shooting yourself in the foot. everyone knows instinctually what's going to happen because these whores have been at it since the dawn of time and they dont seem to be slowing down at all.
>A woman cleaning her own home and cooking her own food is not slavery.
You mean her husbands home and food. You keep assuming that all men are perfect husbands who will treat their wives fairly.
>train riders

Yeah, if somebody was robbing a store and you intervened, there would be women crying "it wasn't your responsibility to get involved."
>And to suffer the consequences of your own actions is part of being free
That might work if the men and children weren't being forced to suffer so women could larp and fail. The system has been set up this way. If we destroyed everything and made a new system that still let women work if they really wanted but without the perks of patriarchy or using men and children as wallets or shields they would still complain about being enslaved and held back. They wouldn't be honest and say they were being held back from doing more damage, they would call the damage success.
Every problemsolvees itself. Celts raised their children communaly so they eouldn't have to worry about women. Eventually despair consumes us and we can finallly kill and die without feeling like jt's wrong
I dont give a flying fuck
I’m going to assume a lot about your sister right now which I apologize in advance for, but it’s funny seeing white women end up in situations like her’s. Most of the time, the reason white women are so overwhelmingly on board with immigration/dating immigrants is because internally they see immigrants as less than them/someone they can henpeck into a subservient/a pet (they will never say this out loud though); so it’s quite fitting she finds herself in the situation she’s in, where she is no doubt getting scolded day-in day-out by the true matriarch of that house - which is likely an older goblina - the same caste of people she saw herself as better than. Should’ve just gotten with a white guy, but they can’t do that because white men see them as they are and don’t put them on a pedestal, which they can’t stand.
Here is a photo of the rapist. Fiston M. Ngoy. Also the woman was drunk.
>women were all killing their husbands somehow
I never said that, I didn't even say most.
>You desperately wouldn't want them to choose to be housewives again
No one is stopping them from being housewives. As for me personally I don't want or care what they do, unless they are related to me in some way.
men are expected to be strong and support a home and family but a woman can not be expected to convince a man to be nice to her?
it's not the 1950s anymore.
the court awards women nearly everything in a divorce.
so it is the woman's home and food and her husband's paycheck is her money.
if she is not treated fairly all she needs to do is run to a judge.
That's the woman created government.
why wait for it to solve itself when a well placed back hand solves it instantly and forever?
personaly, I think we should just end humanjty
Let them do it to themselves obviously
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Kind of a double pass in your statement there, like the point is self defeating to the one you try to make.
You are esl so I will forgive you this time.
The problem is, women have become too entitled.
Why didnt she run away at first sign of him closing in on her.
Just watch this nigger here in pic related.
Too easy to see where hes going.
If they are heading your way watch out
You said a lot as if it was some significant thing when it clearly wasn't just to exaggerate how bad men might have been. As if bad men existing somehow means bitches acting completely irrational, lying or starting fights because of their period or otherwise is some new thing that never happened back then.
>No one is stopping them from being housewives
Well if you're feeding impressionable emotional retards propaganda about how evil and bad it is to be a housewife you can't then pretend you're not keeping them from doing that. Why the fuck would they do something that's supposedly so bad? They're not smart enough to recognize you're lying and they have other lying feminist creatures saying the same shit.
It was sexual emergency, Chud. They only do it from time to time, while you want to rape women all the time.
all the more reason to really fucking beat her into the hospital, youre losing either way, at least get some training it, plus the next bitch is gonna love that youre involved in a domestic violence case, probably even a hate crime or a murder.

The more you beat a woman, the more women like you.
And all of this has directly resulted in hate towards women being raised. Either they will learn and correct themselves and start being more fair to men or the hate will simply continue until it gets bad enough where they are stripped of the privileges you mentioned.
I wouldn't say that is the government they created, more like what they did with the influence they have. The government is clearly Jewish entirely.
> Ngoy.
> NiggerGoy.

Kek are they arresting bystanders for nigger crimes now? Sounds about white.
Lmfao very good way of formatting antokike posts. Im going to do this from now on
stop acting like they can't defend themselves faggot, the best way to help a woman in any situation is leave her alone and believe she can handle it.
anon stop spooking your fellows on 4chan dot org with this spooky spoopy .gif image upload please, it’s bedtime not scaretime
Raped, or "raped"? And I'll bet she wasn't making any particular fuss, so any nearby riders at most thought the couple was just being callously explicit in public and didn't want to say shit out of disgust.
This is what feminism demands anyway. The best way to fight the patriarchy is to never do a damned thing to help them, ever.
I personally don't think being a housewife is bad for them, I don't know why you retardedly assume shit like this.
All I'm saying is they shouldnt be stripped of their freedom. You allowing Jews to tell them they are better off working 9-5 is your own fault.
>men are expected to be strong and support a home and family but a woman can not be expected to convince a man to be nice to her
No one can stop you from putting expectations on people. People who hate you will seethe but can't do shit about it.
You might as well be one of those jews lying too Mr "women killed their husbands a lot because they enslaved them so hard". If you can't stop me from speaking what makes you think any random can get every jew or retard like yourself to shut up indefinitely? What the fuck is wrong with you? It's not my fault you or women are retarded or have and use your freedom to make things worse. Anything I could do to effectively stop it would include force and be illegal along with ineffective without any backing. At this point you're just saying "let women have freedom so me and the non goys can manipulate/control them for the worst anyway while I rub in your face because you can't do anything". Enjoy hell bitch it's going to get pretty bad even without me doing anything.
women in the male workplace is the same as blacks in white history.
it is some great achievement by them based on sex/race but white men are not supposed to demonize it as being sexist/racist.
neither could create their own so they stole what was not theirs.
kikes are a cope.
if I am to believe it is kikes than the woman and the nigger are sub IQ to their puppet masters.
either way they are acting in opposition and deserve what they create for themselves without the protections of the previous status quo.
they manipulate social securities against males.
they only draft men.
while women still receive benefits from both.
equality in law is a lie.
women are protected by the government they created.
nah, the wife would get wet and it would validate your violent nature in her eyes, she'd enthusiastically milk you dry to show her appreciation for your superior warrior genes
I know it sounds like incelposting, but it's how women actually think
the guy helped the bully cum
Lol OK tough guy then what? The woman sucks you off as a reward? No the police, especially in London, would arrest you for racism and then she'd publicly announce what you did was wrong. The rapist would probably get a million on gofundme while you rot in prison. Not worth it bro
I'd die protecting my cat from a nigbull I think
again they voted for this
Anon I wasn't saying you should shut people up. what I meant was if you can't convince your woman what is good for her and a Jew is capable then you have failed. A Jews words shouldn't have more influence to women in your life than yours.
this. women are equal now. they can defend themselves against the niggers and migrants they set free upon the world
>A Jews words shouldn't have more influence to women in your life than yours
It shouldn't but it can and has. If life was based on how it should have been that would be great but that's not what you get here. Rational talk only maybe temporarily works on irrational emotional fickle creatures.
Why the fuck is the bear they chose nor defending them?
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KEK that meme
yes youre the only one dumb enough to want to spend the rest of his life in prison
I wont help them, it will be a shitskin openly raping them, and if you help the woman will be on the BBC next day and goving evidence in court on how raisst you are. The juice anit worth the squeeze.
why do you keep capitalizing "jew" and pedestalizing them as superior?
women are capable of autonomous thought and make their own choice.
mating the ones who are resistant to brainwashing is the next natural selection.
influence through shame is against your insistence on kikish influence.
and you are here to subvert that shame for some reason.
spurting themes of "slavery"
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you of all people should wake up and see what your shithole has become before playing hero
>Stop trying to solve problems like a cave dwelling rapist.
>Cave-dwelling rapists start to rape you
It's pottery, pure 100% maldovian earth pottery.
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Is it this ?
>they only draft men
That is because women are the only ones who can bare kids. Having hundreds of thousands of women die in trenches would literally collapse any nation.
>kikes are a cope.
They offered what no one else did which the nigs, women and all other "minorities"
Accepted. Which white men completely failed to counter because instead of offering alternatives they screeched about muh good old days just like /pol/ does today.
>either way they are acting in opposition and deserve what they create for themselves without the protections of the previous status quo.
No shit. The previous status quo is already eroding regardless of what anyone says.
>they manipulate social securities against males
Yes and that will continue to contribute towards hatred against them which will eventually have consequences in one form or another. They should stop being assholes but it's up to them to do so.
>Having hundreds of thousands of women die in trenches would literally collapse any nation.
This is why we need to do it. Besides, feminism says they're as good or better than any man at fighting. GRRRRRRRRLLLLL power!
picrel is Adolf Hitler on "the role of women" sounding pretty based
I'm phone fagging and the autocorrect did it on its own, I didn't pay any attention to that.
>women are capable of autonomous thought and make their own choice.
Yes. But we are all suseptible from outside influences I was simply responding to the arguments of other Anons. They kept implying that feminism and feminist rhetoric which is heavily influenced by jews and are allies with jews was somehow the natural conclusion of womens freedom and desires.
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Women are the only one who can abort kids too. Gee I wonder how many 100s of millions. Btw if need be "test tubes" can bear children. It's time to end female privilege
Checked, and based. Take your time training, and don’t forget adequate rest and nutrition.
Lastly, I don’t know where you are or how hot it is, but if you’re going to be doing any distance training in this heat, i recommend investing in some “runner’s glide”, which helps prevent chafing of the inner thigh.
Hear my scream.
>Having hundreds of thousands of women die in trenches would literally collapse any nation.
compared to birthrates below replacement?
if you do not breed you should be fodder.
white men offer the old way. a clean and modern home to be a housewife and we will continue to do so and our ranks will grow from them.
the counter psyop is shame which kikes offer reprieve until age catches them and they are doomed to suffer alone.
the previous status quo will remain for those who choose it.
we will and have adapted and chosen the mothers of our children.
kikes claim everything they think is positive or largely accepted at the time.
that's pretty much the only thing kikes do.
Checked. Women are stronk and independent, they can take care of themselves now.
>created a society
kek you dumb nigger
wtf this is super reasonable and logical and rational and makes complete sense i thought hitler was a crazy maniac?????/
WITNESSED. Nice full house
>Do women realize what they've done?
No. Women are completely delusional, and always believe themselves superior to everyone - so naturally, their hugbox view of the world must be the correct one, and everything that differs from it is just weirdos.
My sister for example strongly believes that no one below the age of 60 would ever judge you for having a tattoo. She doesn't have one yet, but thinks about it, and I have told her multiple times that people will very much judge her for it. I work in banking and there is not a single person in this whole huge building that has any visible tattoos whatsoever. She'll just roll her eyes and pretend I'm some weird outlier who'd prefer to live in a cave again.

Same for when you tell them that plenty of men are fed up and will no longer extend their aid and protection to women. They'll just roll their eyes and pretend that anyone who said this belongs to a tiny amount of men who simply can't get laid and that's the only reason they'd ever think badly of women. But it also doesn't matter because 99% of men love them anyway!
Always quite liked this one, because it shows how quickly things could be fixed.
if a female leaves the house without a men, she was indeed asking for it
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dealing with women in is always an exhausting experience.
Women in general are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I say just let them have their stupid Life experiences.
Which sister?
My two older sisters are bitter man-hating feminists and can die in a ditch for all I care.

My younger sister on the other hand is pretty decent and I'd want to track down the fucker and kill him slow, but then she probably wouldn't even be on a train without her husband so it's not exactly a realistic scenario.
was this really rape? and what the point of the guy all on the bottom? some secret type of gay sex im not familiar with?
Cause she's right. Nobody cares if you can't se eit.
> They'll just roll their eyes and pretend that anyone who said this belongs to a tiny amount of men who simply can't get laid and that's the only reason they'd ever think badly of women.
Also true.
>But it also doesn't matter because 99% of men love them anyway!
>do women realize
Women are simply too irresponsible to handle freedom. Rights are a masculine concept anyway. Men sprent thousands of years working out the concept of rights, and then at the end of a multi-millenia conversation women butted in and said "Me too!" as if everything men crafted and worked for could easily be superimposed onto them. But it couldn't, and we are living with the consequences.
>Women never chose this.

Who did?
They all believe themselves to be temporarily inconvenienced members of the social elite, who just haven't had their true position in the hierarchy recognized by people yet.
>Am I the only one who would beat the rapist half to death?


1. You wouldn't do shit because you're a scrawny pussy.

2. Your mother is a whore.
Obligatory "FPBP"
civilisation is men making society safe for women and children, civilisation will continue to devolve until it becomes dangerous enough for women to allow men to reassert the patriarchy
i don't owe the world a thing
i don't care about your world
let it crash
women wanted it and voted it
not my problem
We, white males, are in a self defence situation. Therefore, since my opressors are foids, I will use violence against them.
t. Faggot who won't do shit
Lmfao yes. It works with men on men, women on women... and the best one, men on women.
This is what happens when you bring bitter incels to White Nationalist circles. Soon race will be of no import and all that will matter is their judaic morality and ideology.
Actually most eligible women have declined to vote, voting doesn't decide policy, the elected official do not represent the voters/people but jewish oligarchs and there is no proof that any one female voted any which way. This is Jewish diversion onto women so they may avoid consequences and attention.

Race is family, faggot. She is my sister if she was White. The only reason not to intervene is if she was voluntarily sexually involved with the nonWhite, then I would still intervene as it would be an opportunity to kill an enemy legally.
Based and accurate.
>imagine if
But it is not.
This kind of reasoning is exactly why the West is in such a shitty state. Because both sides are just engaging in endless
>But imagine if [...]!
shit instead of simply looking at what actually happened, evaluating it and then taking steps against it.
I would care if it was my own sister. But if it was my own sister, I would have also warned her against traveling alone on public transport, unless she's seated in the first class. I would have dropped her off at the train station, bringing her all the way to her cabin.
Instead, this is the sister of some rando who's probably a libshit and thinks there's nothing wrong with importing the third world to our nations. It is his problem, not mine.
>Justification yo be a coward.

Just carry a knife and stick these niggers in the necks when they get uppity.
The most insane part is when I see instagram reels pointing out that women aren't being protected anymore, the response from women is "Yeah well from whom am i being protected from?" Like they're in the middle of being raped and calling for help and still blaming men with the same breath.
No nigger, the best revenge is killing our enemies and getting actual revenge. This 'voted for it' rhetoric openly promotes indifference, which consolidates inaction like voting, talking and praying. As long as you're confined to these things, the Jews are getting what they want - you're genocide while you sit in your holes grinning thinking you're getting 'revenge' on a society you should be making White again.
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