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They are planning on leaving and buying guns
>it's time we stop running and start fighting
except for flee
………./¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/………/`..\..(O).| ¯``”\……………
>ruin country
A tale as old as time
I hope they go to Mexico, lmao.
You had ONE job
K, keep me posted on which direction them jews head
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>It's time we stop running and start fighting
Yes, do this
Canadian wilderness chud here. Good fucking luck. A bunch of skinny fat satanic degenerate urbanites won’t survive a month during ideal summer conditions. Do they know anything about winter survival in the Rocky Mountains?
>physical direction
I thought jews went to college and stuff
It's clear to everyone now that there are new battle lines drawn in the political theater.

On one side, you have the warriors of freedom and Capitalism and the free market. We are under the enlightened guidance of Jews, Capitalism's chosen people, like Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, David Horowitz, and Ben Shapiro. Through them we can discern the will of Capitalism, that is why Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk and other figures have recognized that to love the Jew is to love Capitalism.

On the other side, you have the Socialists. The people who hate the Jews, comprised mostly of white incels who blame the Jews for all of their problems. Hitler, Marx, Stalin, they are all the same. Whites continually try to implement brutal communism in order to rob the Jews, simply because the Jews are favored by Capitalism.

Let me make one thing clear. There's one to remember as this war rages, and that is that to hate the Jews is to hate Capitalism. Commies will never win. Glory to the Jews, glory to Capitalism, and I'll see my Capitalist brothers on the battlefield. Move with the speed of the market and let the dollar protect you.

God, what a gaaay post.
>a free market is jewish
kek jews don't have a word for free
A militant violent-extremist faction is growing huh? Better start making concerned calls to the police about any schizophrenic “white” people you may know about before they load up guns and delete all their cp. Good hunting!
>get criticized
Fuck off kike we're full.
Kikes are so horrible they always have to have an exit plan for when the goyim wake up. Once the boomers/christcucks die out they’re fucked. The funniest part is these kikes are so stupid they don’t realize there’s nowhere to run to. The white man hates them. They’ve finally done it. Everyone on the planet despises them. My only hope is that I live long enough to see them completely exterminated.
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>it's time we stop running and start fighting
>just like the movierinos
lel, they drank the Kool-Aid
Why are Jews afraid of a Zion "I'll donate $100 trillion to Israel and gas antisemites" Don?
>north to Canada
Lol, they've consumed too much of their own propaganda. We have a substantial Muslim population in most cities at this point, and everywhere else they'll find "rural areas filled with religious fundamentalists" which they see to hate so much. Not to mention I'm sure they'll lack the self-preservation instinct to stay off chug land (seriously, stay off the fucking reserves as a white man, it's not worth it).
That’s the problem with the whole global Zog domination strategy. It’s all gravy until things start to unravel and there is nowhere to run to.

109… 110… 111…
i've said it a million times but jews have a genetically based paranoia of rural people. all american media tropes about rural americans come from jews which is why we hear about how they are all racists.
aren't left wingers supposed to be tolerant of religions? how do americans accept jewish leftist moralizing and open hatred of whites and christians?
it was never about tolerance or inclusion.
If your only allegiance is to the (((dollar))), it means all of your allies are for sale. How many ounces of gold do you think it would take for your fellow capitalists to bring me your skull? I'm betting less than three.
That kike better not come to new england
>murders 60,000 women and children after a long weekend of bombing journalists
>oy vey how will i survive the cornfields of the mid-west
OP is some massive faggot and this is some fake troll account he posted? Why would any kike write some shit like this unless they are trying to solicit hatred to themselves?
And get arrested? Solid plan.
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They won't do shit
Yeah they thought they could just replace people with immigrants and stay on top forever.
Too bad I speak french, spanish and portuguese and have been telling people in their target countries who is really oppressing them.
I've lost count of the number of mexicans I've told that carlos slim is a lebanese jew pretending to be mexican, I usually compare it to how george w bush pretends to be from texas.
>random isolated jews discussing their plans publicly on reddit
Meh, at least post the leaked recordings of Jews talking in their synagogues or something.
They're always planning on leaving at the first sign of perceived trouble. It's how these parasites survive and get even worse every time
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lolllllllll :D
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The Caribbean is good this time of year
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well then let's make some goddamn trouble
Are we just gonna ignore the whole Marx being a jew and bolshevik revolution thing
Marx was not and despised judaism.
My theory is America is mirroring Weimar Germany and like 100 years ago the banks will finance a literally Hitler to drive the midwit jew cattle to Israel for their end times kikery. All the tares must be gathered and burned. In effect, a GIGAcaust.
he lives in denver or colorado springs so will probably move to calgary or edmonton.
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>the horror of New England
Isn't New England filled with rich or middle class milque-toast liberals and jews?
Good thing they have right of return. They should go back to Israel.

t. former Biden voter now redpilled
You seriously have the audacity to post that image? America killed the samurai.
>jews have a genetically based paranoia of rural people
not only people, but wildlife and nature
entirely agreed
Marx was a jew. Esau Gambit means the ones who do big things pretend to be atheist. Lurk moar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx
kek..not this time kikes..the whole world's been redpilled now, there's nowhere to run this time fuckers
Marx, lenin, trotsky etc are JEWS
There really is.
It’s like some kind of PTSD from the kid that picked on them in highschool.
Lenin you’ve gotta follow the one drop rule (his great grandfather was jewish) and even then, he was never raised under judaism. The other two are far more clean cut
They should move to Europe for no particular reason. A place like France for example, you know, for no reason at all. In fact, any European country will do right now. Not like there's a certain demographic there that their efforts have been misplacing for decades now.
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Damn, how fuckin' lame can you GET, kike? This drips of gefilte fish juice. Unit 8200 really isn't sending their best. Maybe you're like this because the first string got sent to Gaza since you've lost so many officers there, so now you're bringing in the reserves(?). Better do a good job or they'll send you where the first string got whacked.

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