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What can be done to defeat the ayy menace?
They're demons!
i use aggressive mimicry to subvert jewish talking points and narratives. i pretend to be jewish and say the most outrageous things i think i can get away with that jews will be forced to defend.
cause & effect, action & reaction. they're so easy to manipulate it can become rather mundane.
Forbid blurry potatoe cameras
>aggressive mimicry

Fascinating tactic. I'm assuming you're suggesting it could work on the ayy menace too. Writing this down, thank you.
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read "rules for radicals" and you will see what i mean. jews have had an increasingly heavy workload trying to juggle the kulture of cognitive dissonance they have fostered. i am here merely to make that load heavier by the day.
the name of Jesus Christ
This is one of the few things that makes me spooked
It's simple, bring me their queen for repeated insemination.
Nothing but its fun to know they know we know.
aliens cant stand when retards suck my cock, so we always have that option...
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>We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
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s̸̛̗͗̈́͗̔̈́E̶͕̱̦̣̻͐͊͐̏̍̎ͅn̸̤̜̭̉̾͌̾͋̇D̶͔̳̣͚͚̞͂̀́͐̈́̈͋̚̕͝ ̵̢̠͍̤̣̗͖̭͉̝̽ď̶̡̺̭͖̝͓̒͌͋I̵͚̦͍̟̖̭̰͈̻̤̞͑̽͋̂̽͘͜͝͠͝c̵̢̩̬̳̥̖̪͑͛̋́͊͒͋̃̑͘͝͝ͅK̴̡̨̢̢̢̟͕̙̜͚͖͙̾̈́͌̈́̓́̔͊͝ͅ ̶̡̠̘̜̟̠͂̆ͅp̴̢̞̼̖̞͇̊̈́̍͒̀́͐Ȋ̷̡̹͕̗̟͇͈͙̱̦̼̫̬̌̆̄͆̌̕c̸̛͍̭̞̙̺̉̊̍̓̒͘Ş̴̧̻̹̭̖͋̄̌̂̓̀͒̍͒̑́́͘ ̷̧̘̜̦̻̮͍̠̝̻͕̠̹̀͛͂͒̾͐̈̄̐̆̊͆̚͜͝i̵̝͚͉̞̹̇̀́̆̒̓̈́͛́̌́̈́͘͝M̵̧̢͔͓̱̼̘̜̺̘̒͛̍͂͑̓̈̈́̕m̵̛̹̗̟̺̬̭͍̯̼͓͈̜̾͒̈́̑͗͐͒͜E̶̺̬̟͓͚̊̾̔ḑ̷̡̜̣̮̣̖̰͙̮̝̏̔̂͋I̴̫̥̤̬̮̰͙̘̘̞͇̩̩͕̍̉̔a̵͖͙̎̀͆̈́͗́̿̈́̈́T̸̢̡̟͖̞̟̺̭͖͔̖̻̘̑͠e̸̛̎͐͛̄̈́̀͛̂̎̈́̒͝L̵̨̛͕̘̳̭̖̥̻̮̰̮̀̿͜ͅͅÿ̷̫́̌̔͋̈́̀̏̆̌̚ ̶̹͈̻̦̥̭̳͗̀
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̷̢͉̪̬̭̫̳̜͍͔̬̙͋͛̋͆̑̄K̵̡̠͔̹̻̠͙͇̺̱͖̙̙̗̈́͂̽͊̓̽͐̈́̚Ȩ̶̢̛͈̦͓̯̮̬̂̉̈́̈́̌̈́̇̇̀̕͠Ķ̶̤̫͓͇͎̻̗̞̱̓̓̌͗̕ ̶̨̡̪̹̥̯͑E̵̛̪̻̔͌́͒̓̔̈́̉͝V̶͉̹̔͊̊̊E̷̗͔̺̠͈̩͈̗̹͎̙̟͖̥͊̈́͠N̴͎̠̳͉̓̈͗̒̓̉̓̔͝
Big if true.
stick your dick in an ayyys you find
>anything with a orifice can be fucked
>anything without a orifice can be fucked it you have a knoife
We can all pretend to be Indian. Should make them either want to leave or exterminate us.
Is that Jar Jar?

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