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Christkikes, anglos, niggers or women?

My opinion:

Christkikes and anglos. Niggers and women, even though they did absolutely nothing good, gained advantages in society.
Lol, I'd say brown people like you are the biggest threat to the world. There's no good in you at all.
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jew rat threrad
Another snowbunny colonized by Black dick

They control the inferior.

Anglo and christian will never be nazi.
meh dont feel bad. they get into arguments daily and are generally pissed off all the time. that's why they made this video. happy couples don't do this shit.
imagine spamming these dogshit threads every day for years
what else would she do? she lost

Jew worshiper detected.
Using a memeflag doesn't change your id favela nigger.
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Favela is christian. I'm not a christian. The fact that you want to live in your mexican country makes you a christian.

I can also counter your argument with the image of a white Brazilian Nazi who fought in Nazi Germany. In other words, you don't have an advantage over me, Jewish rat.
The photo is OF a jew, so... yeah sure.
gay generic thread

With a white man: beautiful white couple

With a nigger: she's jewish

Christians cannot stop being ashamed.
A 1 year old isnt going to remember any of that Disney shit, what a waste of money

Yes, everything christian and anglo is gay.
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> mouth is over sized.
> Forehead rounded
Not white. You bastards in Brazil can call yourselfs white all you want but it doesn't make it true.
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I just found out that she is jewish. Or she's just anglo and christian trash.
she is extremely retarded and has no self awareness, smiling like that when she has an ethiopian looking daughter while being blonde
retarded white bitch doesnt even realize what she has done
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Wait, 100% of white women in my Mexican country are actually Jewish. In fact, I don't doubt that.
You are chaotic neutral. That's why I like Brazilians.
Swedes are silly cute. If I was a billionaire, I would breed them and give them their own ethnostate.
>Dressed the same
>All with phone in hand
>All with a Stanley cup
>Dancing the same stupid dance
White women are cancerous sheep
I’d fuck you up for saying this about anglos irl motherfucker
You’re just a pussy with a keyboard
Can't wait to eat popcorn while watching this mudshark get beheaded.
kill her. Id kill her in cold blood
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Oh my goodness you again LMAO. Why does this beautiful family make you soooo mad? Thanks for posting again, I forgot to save it last time and it’s good for a smile :)
Burn the witch.
At least theyre married or have a baby. Hopefully he doesnt leave her lol. Run a facecheck on her.
This gives off hiv aids std sti coalburner vibes tho. Run a face check on this hiv positive aids ridden coalburning bitch.

It's less painful if you accept the truth.

I'm happy to piss off deluded Christians. I just wanted to hasten their extinction, so the degeneration would end.

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