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America peaked in this moment, can't prove otherwise
America peaked in 1776, faggot
Fuck jewish elvis
dion is better
America had no peak. It was always shit
Fuck the founding fathers
Elvis was weaponized by the jew to help transform whites into niggers.
I'm surprised a /pol/ guy would think that. When Elvis first hit the scene, he was considered to be the height of degeneracy.
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>America peaked in this moment
A jew that acted black to shred away white culture and values. get a clue moran
tell me more of this...
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thanks for your assessment mexico
if I actually go deeper Elvis was into the occult and almost became a Rosae Crucis or sum like that but most probably he got brainwashed by jews and used as a puppet.
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That's cool as fuck
Elvis was based because he was white supremacy in action. It's too bad he fell for the degenerate star lifestyle though.
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Ask Fonzie...
>jew spreading nigger culture to whites
>Peak America
Sounds about right
if u*
that star looks a lil different
Research the very concept of "teenager" and why the term was popularized during the 50s and onward.
yeah he ended the night with this I'm pretty sure.


yeah I cried when I found out he was jew. he claimed both though. he was a Christian and jew.
>but most probably he got brainwashed by jews and used as a puppet.
my son he was tricked into doing those vegas shows. just look at bruno mars now. he's fucked too. britt was stuck in there for a while too. same for wayne newton. you get offed if you leave man.
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Agreed. Also, if you didn’t have something similar to picrel in your house when you grew up, your life has been meaningless.
my dead dad liked this movie. i need to give this degen shit a watch again. I don't think I've watched it since I was a teenager.
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Still a cool concert. I wonder how many "Elvis fans" have never dug into his gospel catalog. That's where he won all his awards.

My great grandma's house had one
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anons may be right, maybe he was a jew or mixed jew but imagine looking like this at 34 (no diddy)
if he was 100% jew then the almost fact of jews being horrid creatures of hell weakens soooo
Any tips for finding the truth about things?
One bit of advice I heard was to go to libraries and read encyclopedias from before the 40s since after that they started changing stuff.
Same. All the adults in my family had a console. Either tube radio, stereo, phono, or my uncle Ted had an 8 track. You had to be dedicated to music to have a 8 track, because you couldn’t skip to the exact song you wanted to hear. There was 4 programs per tape, and you could only start each of the four programs at the start. Analog is fuckin king when it comes to the warm sound. I still stream shit, but analog is a totally different vibe. I don’t feel the emotions I feel listening to analog when I stream.
interesting. what happened to Bruno mars btw? the casino debt or the recent boycott cuz he supports Israel
what's the deal with the Vegas shows anyways
I'm so conflicted, I like those actors, and hate elvis
90s were peak wealth and prosperity while still maintaining freedom. Absolutely unmatched and respected across the world for your USD while you could be jet setting around the world working a normal job.
Good start.
>America's peak was an overweight drug addict impersonating a nigger
Checks out. Honestly this country deserves to be nuked, always has.
devils advocate here but some retards into the occult like he was use that star because it means "insert what esoteric/new age bullshit" not necessarily jew/israel but yeah very suspicious
Jews features always start to come out as they age. It's why jews get the most plastic surgery
>rehashed nigger music with nonsensical lyrics
Fuck boomers
Some white guy playing nigger music doing pornographic dancing?
Grow up anon.
who was a white artist that did the opposite? or does. Classic music ones? who. who's peak "white culture and values"
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Here's some nice info to start your journey.
He was the one who made it okay for whites to act like niggers. Before him there was a clear divide between youth cultures such as at dances but he made nigger culture look “cool” to the youth. His talent manager to spearheaded all of this was a Jew.
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I thought Elvis was peak American culture (good one) but it seems like you all view it/him as degeneracy wtf. Welp I like how he danced signed and looked. anyways I wasn't even born so Idgaf
if the 60's were already so degenerate like you all say, what the fuck do we have now lol
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You can still like and enjoy. But you can see how things have gone form his time and how he was used/pushed. He was a good useful idiot for (((them)))
>Pornographic Dancing
Anon.. you need to be taken out to the back of the barn and shot in the back of the head. Twice.
>Elvis was weaponized by the jew to help transform whites into niggers.
he was literally jewish
I can't say really. most musicians(kek, magicians) are all compromised in someway starting back then. it honestly sucks ;(
Elvis's great-great grandmother might have been Jewish, so even in Nazi Germany he would have still been considered Aryan. But it's probably as bullshit the claims that had a Cherokee great-great grandfather since no actual records exist. Even Jewish genealogists dispute the claim that he had Jewish blood, which is strong evidence against since they try to claim anyone of prominence they can. However, it is true he was literally a shabbos goy to his neighbors as a kid.
So now rock and roll and dancing while you sing is n**** culture...

So what is not n**** culture for you? only classical music is allowed?
Buddy Holly? Beach Boys?
So Elvis was n**** culturre because he danced?
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Chai or Hai (Hebrew: חַי "living" ḥay) is a symbol that figures prominently in modern Jewish culture; the Hebrew letters of the word are often used as a visual symbol.

Hayyyyy LMAO
He thrust his hips sexually you dumbass payaso contrarian
The top 3 is basically in historical order for the greatest black face performers of all time: Sir Al Jolson, Elvis, Eminem. Al dog walks them all.
So whites are not allowed to dance?
You're nothing but a dog, anon, barking all the time.
>So whites are not allowed to dance?
This will demonstrate his point:
Nigger music ruins everything
Last rock band.
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Elvis the pelvis
So white music has to be slow.

But Jazz is slow, right?
yeah he became very degenerate at the end at the same time kinda based that he met his wife when she was 14 ngl
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can it be related to the tetragrammaton? looks like the first letter but idk maybe it's another letter/symbol
He was into kabbalah as well
>The First Wigger
not necessarily jew but occultism esoteric bullshit

wtf why are there so many fogeys on this website
I think he was into it all or at least desperately hoped one was right. People around him said that he was terrified of death. So he didn’t really believe in any of it deep down I think.
its an H and a Y it just means life in Hebrew
Kill yourself YouTube addict
lmao what kind of retarded insult is this
rope nigger
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>America peaked in this moment, can't prove otherwise
Sorry, posted wrong picture
go to bed Anglin
For me it was a Prince concert. Prince was actually Amazing.

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