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Gee I wonder who is doing all the raping in the west. Is it the Muslim aryan chads who spread order and civilization everywhere, or is it these subhuman filthy Hindu shitskin rape rats who are known for raping and pedophilia everywhere they go? This is normal every day news for the Hindu shitskin rape rat.
>more hated then niggers, sand people and leftoids

How do poos do it?
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Deport them all then no need to figure anything out.
How do you get money by uploading porn on YouTube? I thought you just get banned.
total pajeet death. the earth has to be purged of these rats.
>Upload it to YouTube
>it gets blocked
Will these pajeets gangrape YouTube?
It's both.
Canadiens are just as bad as poojeets
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So where is the video?
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YouTube has been taken over by a poo CEO. That's why you see their bollywood shit being pushed in trending now. Filthy subhuman Hindu rape rats.


Found the rapejeet.

Here's another gem. Hindu shitskin rape rat loses at poker, lets his friends gang rape his wife as payment. Look how subhuman and rapey these rats are. And kikes are filling every square inch of our countries with them. Kike media isn't going to show you this, you have to read their own media to see how utterly subhuman and deserving of extermination these filthy Hindu rape rats are.

It doesnt really matter in India because people dont marry for love. Its like putting 2 slaves together to breed. Only White people marry each other love, other races have arraignments. I wish they would stop trying pretend other races share white culture emotional traits. Its not fair to them and its just plain silly for us to pretend that they are the same.
Christ and goddamn Trudeau is importing hundreds of thousands of these subhuman every year.
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Maybe you didn't notice that we are getting exclusively fighting age single Hindu male rape rat invaders, and that they are grooming white women at every chance they get, not to mention raping.
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"muslims don't rape" lol, LMAO
wtf is wrong with hindus

dont forget they also eat cow shit, which muslims dont do that nasty shit

i want to hate muslims but theyre kind of based desu im here for it. their redemption arc is incoming
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Cope and seethe, Hindu shitskin rape rat.


Muslims are literally the only people on earth who are fighting and killing the two eternal parasites who are destroying the west: kikeroach pedophiles and Hindu shitskin rape rats.
Mohammed is getting fucked by pigs in hell, Achmed.

Poojeets are the worst rapists on earth. Ay-Rabs are in the top 5 as well. Don't be retarded.
you must be jewish
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Not even close, Hindu shitskin rape rat. Muslims kill Hindus who are the cause of rape, that's why all Muslim countries have lower rape than western countries. It's time for us white men to learn from our Muslim aryan superiors
>no webm
Op is a faggot
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Is this really what you want to see?
That is the level of thinking that Silicone Valley and call centers require. Geniuses.
another thing about hindus, even their women are nasty. at least arab and persian women are well spoken and gorgeous.

fuck man indians are more annoying than niggers by now, and i think hinduism is the cause. fucking unbelieving faggot shit eating freaks, basically spiritual jews but washed in even more feces
>persian women are well spoken and gorgeous
That’s what you think Dan, they’re miserable cunts. Take my sister please, I beg you, if only so my father can know peace.
see, this is tremendous, much better than indians. i love you guys
Okay, now this is epic
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Speaking of epic
holy shit I wish I was his wife
>I will cuck myself for money
What a fucking flex.
We are the ARYANS
if only HP Lovecraft could have met Hitler, we would have won guys
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Just imagine that every zombie horror ever produced was about the coming 2 billion Indian Hindu rape rats invading white countries, only they'll be moaning for WHITE POOSIE instead of BRAINS
Canadian Hero
yeah all those Muslim grooming gangs in the Yuro shitholes are fighting rape, retard. Hindoo poopmunchers are the worst, Ay-Rabs are also terrible, and your only reaction is to call me a pajeet even though I agree they rape more than they breathe.
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Two things Indians are obsessed with: raping and pooping. Sometimes they combo the two
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>ackshally saar its da Muslims who do the thing that Hindus are known for all over the world, just read this kike rag that says so
>there is just like a magic reversal when Muslims who build clean and safe countries like Dubai, become Hindus when they come to the west, and Hindus magically stop raping
>trust me saar

Nice try Hindu shitskin rape rat, we all know that kikes and Hindus do all the raping in the west.
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Gang raping two girls trying to poo in the loo is probably the tamest rape in Indian Hindu history. You don't need 10 year old articles when every day this is so normal that Indian media doesn't even print it as a headline story

Let's be frank; it's obviously both.
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Yeah nah, if I go by what is reported in kike controlled media then kikes and Hindu rape rats never rape even though everyone around the world knows it's the opposite.
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Fixed this

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